コード例 #1
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     //$token = Input::post('token');
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::compareToken($token);
         if ($compare) {
             $fullname = Request::input('f');
             $username = Request::input('u');
             $phone = Request::input('pn');
             $email = Request::input('e');
             $password = Request::input('pwd');
             $roles = Request::input('r');
             $field_users = array('name' => $username, 'email' => $email, 'password' => bcrypt($password));
             $count_users = User::where('email', '=', $email)->count();
             if ($count_users <= 0) {
                 $user = User::create($field_users);
                 $user_login = User::where('email', '=', $email)->first();
                 foreach ($user_login as $key => $value) {
                     $id = $user_login->id;
                 $field_user_detail = array('users_id' => $id, 'users_name' => $username, 'users_fullname' => $fullname, 'users_group_id' => $roles, 'users_email' => $email, 'users_status_id' => '1');
                 $user = table_users_detail::create($field_user_detail);
                 return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Register successfully'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
             } else {
                 return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Email already registered'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed 2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed 1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
コード例 #2
ファイル: controller_login.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token', '');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::compareToken($token);
         if ($compare) {
             $this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']);
             $email = Request::input('u', '');
             $password = Request::input('pwd', '');
             if (Auth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password))) {
                 $users_detail = table_users_detail::where('users_email', '=', $email)->first();
                 $users_default = User::where('email', '=', $email)->first();
                 $status = $users_detail->users_status_id;
                 if ($status == "2") {
                     //return (new Response(array('status' => true,'msg' => 'You are Logged in'),200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
                     $field_users = array();
                     $field_users['id'] = $users_default->id;
                     $field_users['ids'] = $users_detail->users_detail_id;
                     $field_users['users_name'] = $users_detail->users_name;
                     $field_users['users_email'] = $email;
                     $field_users['users_group_id'] = $users_detail->users_group_id;
                     $field_users['users_fullname'] = $users_detail->users_fullname;
                     $field_users = (object) $field_users;
                     $token = GlobalLibrary::tokenGenerator($field_users);
                     $js = array();
                     $js = (object) $js;
                     $js->i = $users_detail->users_detail_id;
                     $js->n = $users_detail->users_name;
                     $js->fu = $users_detail->users_fullname;
                     $js->d = $users_detail->users_description;
                     $js->ugid = $users_detail->users_group_id;
                     $js->token = $token;
                     return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'You are Logged in', 'data' => $js), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
                 } else {
                     return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'You are still pending verification'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
             } else {
                 return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed '), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
コード例 #3
ファイル: GlobalLibrary.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
 public static function CheckUsersToken($data)
     $uname = $data[4];
     $uid = $data[6];
     $email = $data[3] . '@' . $data[2] . '.' . $data[0];
     $users_detail = table_users_detail::where('users_email', '=', $email)->where('users_name', '=', $uname)->where('users_detail_id', '=', $uid)->first();
     $values = array();
     if (count($users_detail) > 0) {
         $values[0] = true;
         $values[1] = $uname;
         $values[2] = $uid;
         $values[3] = $email;
         return $values;
     } else {
         $values[0] = false;
         return $values;
コード例 #4
ファイル: HomeController.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
  * Show the application dashboard to the user.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     if (!isset($is_public)) {
         $user_id = Auth::id();
         $cek = DB::table('table_users_detail')->where('users_id', '=', $user_id)->first();
         $user = table_users_detail::where('users_id', '=', $user_id)->first();
         $group = table_users_group::where('users_group_id', '=', $user->users_group_id)->first();
         $is_public = $group->users_group_is_public;
     if ($is_public == "0") {
         session(['is_public' => 'yes']);
         return redirect('admin/dashboard');
     } else {
         echo "<center><h1>HOME</h1>You are not an ADMIN, <br/>\n\t\t\t\tYou redirected to HOME page that corresponds to your authentication.<br/> This page is under construction</center>";
     // if($cek->users_group_id == 1 ){
     // 	return redirect('admin/dashboard');
     // }
     // else if($cek->users_group_id == 2 ){
     // 	return redirect('admin/dashboard');
     // }
     // else if($cek->users_group_id == 3 ){
     // 	echo "You are logged in as Content Writer. Your page is under construction";
     // 	die();
     // }
     // else if($cek->users_group_id == 4 ){
     // 	echo "You are logged in as Jamaah. Your page is under construction";
     // 	die();
     // }
     // else if($cek->users_group_id == 5 ){
     // 	echo "You are logged in as Ustadz. Your page is under construction";
     // 	die();
     // }
     // else if($cek->users_group_id == 6 ){
     // 	echo "You are logged in as Masjid. Your page is under construction";
     // 	die();
     // }
コード例 #5
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $detail = table_users_detail::where('users_id', '=', $id)->first();
     if (isset($detail->users_detail_id)) {
         $idusersdetail = $detail->users_detail_id;
     return redirect('admin/users-detail')->with('warning', 'Data have been removed!');
コード例 #6
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $app = app();
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token', '');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::tokenExtractor($token);
         $users_checker = GlobalLibrary::CheckUsersToken($compare);
         //echo '<pre>'.print_r($compare).'</pre>';
         if ($users_checker[0]) {
             $uname = $users_checker[1];
             $uid = $users_checker[2];
             $email = $users_checker[3];
             //get query
             $result = DB::select('Select ts.*, tud.users_name as users_name_creator, st.schedule_type_name, tud.users_name as users_name_source
                             from table_schedule ts, table_schedule_type st, table_users_detail tud
                             WHERE ts.schedule_type_id = st.content_category_id
                             AND tud.users_id = ts.schedule_users_creator
                             AND ts.schedule_users_creator = ' . $uid . '
                             ORDER BY schedule_id DESC
             //this foreach for get media manager name and source
             foreach ($result as $res => $value) {
                 $idsplit = explode(',', $value->schedule_media_id);
                 //get user source
                 $cekuser = table_users_detail::where('users_id', '=', $value->schedule_users_source)->first();
                 if ($cekuser != null) {
                     $value->users_name_source = $cekuser->users_name;
                 $length = count($idsplit);
                 $name = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                     $cek = table_media_manager::where('media_manager_id', '=', $idsplit[$i])->first();
                     if ($cek != null) {
                         $name = $name . $cek->media_manager_title . ', ';
                 $value->schedule_media_id = $name;
             //this code for convert
             $dataConverted = array();
             $app = app();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $dataConverted[$i] = $app->make('stdClass');
                 $dataConverted[$i]->id = $row->schedule_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->ttl = $row->cschedule_title;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->typ = $row->schedule_type_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->suc = $row->schedule_users_creator;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->usc = $row->schedule_users_source;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->dst = $row->schedule_date_start;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->dnd = $row->schedule_date_end;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->des = $row->schedule_description;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->hed = $row->schedule_headline;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->med = $row->schedule_media_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->pub = $row->schedule_publish;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->rpt = $row->schedule_repeat;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->uns = $row->users_name_source;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->utn = $row->schedule_type_name;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->unc = $row->users_name_creator;
             return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'success', 'data' => $dataConverted), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
コード例 #7
ファイル: get_follower.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
 public function accept_request_follower()
     $app = app();
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token', '');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::tokenExtractor($token);
         $users_checker = GlobalLibrary::CheckUsersToken($compare);
         if ($users_checker[0]) {
             $uname = $users_checker[1];
             $uid = $users_checker[2];
             $email = $users_checker[3];
             $followingid = Request::input('fol', '');
             $users = table_users_detail::where('users_id', '=', $followingid)->first();
             $jsonfollow = $users->users_json_following;
             //insert my id to his/her detail
             $datausersdetail = array('users_json_following' => $jsonfollow . ',' . $uid);
             $data = table_users_detail::find($followingid);
             //delete his/her request because it has accepted
             $follow_requesting = table_request_follow::where('users_id', '=', $followingid)->first();
             $request_following = $follow_requesting->json_request_follow;
             $arrayfollow = explode(',', $request_following);
             if (($key = array_search($uid, $arrayfollow)) !== false) {
             $new_json_request_follow = implode(',', $arrayfollow);
             //update his/her request
             $new_json = array('json_request_follow' => $new_json_request_follow);
             $data2 = table_request_follow::find($followingid);
             return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'success'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
コード例 #8
ファイル: get_profile.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
 public function upload()
     if (Request::hasFile('file')) {
         $rules = array('file' => 'mimes:png,jpeg,jpg,bmp');
         $validator = Validator::make(Request::all(), $rules);
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Please choose a picture'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             $str = "";
             try {
                 $param_picture = Request::input('param_picture');
                 $id = Request::input('param');
                 $token = Request::input('token');
                 $file = Request::file('file');
                 $filename = "";
                 $field_update = array();
                 if ($param_picture == "ava") {
                     $filename = md5('Avatar -' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '-') . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                     $field_update = array('users_avatar' => $filename);
                 } else {
                     $filename = md5('Cover -' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '-') . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                     $field_update = array('users_cover' => $filename);
                 $destinationPath = 'UPLOADED';
                 $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);
                 $data_find = table_users_detail::find($id);
                 $str = "success ";
                 return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => $str, 'f' => $filename), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $str = $e->getMessage();
                 return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => $str), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
コード例 #9
ファイル: get_content.php プロジェクト: ekobudiarto/msjd
 public function search_content()
     $app = app();
     if (Request::has('token')) {
         $token = Request::input('token', '');
         $compare = GlobalLibrary::tokenExtractor($token);
         $users_checker = GlobalLibrary::CheckUsersToken($compare);
         //echo '<pre>'.print_r($compare).'</pre>';
         if ($users_checker[0]) {
             $uname = $users_checker[1];
             $uid = $users_checker[2];
             $email = $users_checker[3];
             $users = table_users_detail::where('users_email', '=', $email)->where('users_name', '=', $uname)->where('users_detail_id', '=', $uid)->first();
             $follow = $users->users_json_following;
             //get query
             $keyword = Request::input('qwr');
             $result = DB::select('Select tc.*, tud.users_name, tcc.content_category_title
                             from table_content_category tcc, table_content tc, table_users_detail tud
                             WHERE tc.content_category_id = tcc.content_category_id
                             AND tud.users_id = tc.content_users_uploader
                             AND tc.content_title like ' . $keyword . '
             foreach ($result as $res => $value) {
                 //get media manager
                 $idsplit = explode(',', $value->content_media_id);
                 $length = count($idsplit);
                 $name = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                     $cek = table_media_manager::where('media_manager_id', '=', $idsplit[$i])->first();
                     if ($cek != null) {
                         $name = $name . $cek->media_manager_title . ', ';
                 //get content repost
                 $cekrepost = table_content::where('content_id', '=', $value->content_repost_from)->first();
                 if ($cekrepost != null) {
                     $value->content_repost_from = $cekrepost->content_title;
                 //get hashtag
                 $idsplittag = explode(',', $value->hashtag_id);
                 $lengthtag = count($idsplittag);
                 $hashtag = '';
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $lengthtag; $j++) {
                     $cektag = table_hashtag::where('hashtag_id', '=', $idsplittag[$j])->first();
                     if ($cektag != null) {
                         $hashtag = $hashtag . $cektag->media_manager_title . ', ';
                 $value->hashtag_id = $hashtag;
             //this code for convert
             $dataConverted = array();
             $app = app();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $dataConverted[$i] = $app->make('stdClass');
                 $dataConverted[$i]->id = $row->content_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->ttl = $row->ccontent_title;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->hed = $row->content_headline;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->det = $row->content_detail;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->med = $row->content_media_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->upl = $row->content_users_uploader;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->uun = $row->content_users_uploader_name;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cle = $row->content_last_editor;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cdi = $row->content_date_insert;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cdu = $row->content_date_update;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cde = $row->content_date_expired;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->pub = $row->content_publish;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->cat = $row->content_category_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->ccn = $row->content_category_name;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->chi = $row->content_hashtag_id;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->crf = $row->content_repost_from;
                 $dataConverted[$i]->crn = $row->content_repost;
             return (new Response(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'success', 'data' => $dataConverted), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
         } else {
             return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed2'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");
     } else {
         return (new Response(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Authentication Failed1'), 200))->header('Content-Type', "json");