public function PublishedProject() { $projects = Project::with(['createdBy', 'faculty', 'status'])->whereHas('status', function ($q) { $q->where('key', '=', 'published'); })->get(); return $projects; }
/** * Get the homepage content and metadata. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function index(Request $request) { //Get the projects, eager load the project images and skills $projects = Project::with('images', 'skills')->get(); //Check if the contact submission cookie has been set $contacted = $request->cookie('cconf') ? $request->cookie('cconf') : false; return view('public.home')->withContacted($contacted)->withProjects($projects); }
/** * Show a specific project * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function show($id) { // $project = Project::with('timers')->findOrFail($id); // This return the first project in the database, not the project with the $id. // Query methods (with, first, find, where, etc.) should be called from the facade (Project::) // not on the object ($project) // return $project->with('timers')->first(); return Project::with('timers')->findOrFail($id); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * GET /projects * * @return Response */ public function index($society) { if (Helpers::perm('admin', $society) or Helpers::perm('edit', $society)) { $data['society'] = $society; $data['projects'] = Project::with('individual')->where('society_id', '=', $society)->orderBy('project')->get(); return View::make('projects.index', $data); } else { return view('shared.unauthorised'); } }
public function contract_gta($id) { $conType = "General Terms Agreement"; $topics = Contracttopic::where('contract_type_id', 1)->orderBy('sort_order')->get(); $project = Project::with('company.addresses')->where('id', $id)->first(); $company = $project->company; $adc = ConsortiumGlobal::where('id', '1')->first(); //dd($project); return view('contracts.contract', compact('conType', 'topics', 'project', 'company', 'adc')); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $indivs = Task::with('individual')->select('individual_id')->groupBy('individual_id')->get(); foreach ($indivs as $ind) { if ($ind->individual->slack != "") { $society = $ind->individual->household->society->society . " Methodist Church"; $otasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '<', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $itasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '=', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $projects = Project::with('task')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->get(); if (count($itasks) or count($otasks)) { $msg = "Good morning, " . $ind->individual->firstname . "\n\nHere is a list of your overdue/upcoming project tasks:\n\n"; if (count($otasks)) { $msg .= "*Overdue tasks*\n\n"; } foreach ($otasks as $ot) { $msg .= "_" . $ot->project->project . ":_ " . $ot->description . " (Due: *" . $ot->duedate . "*)\n"; } $msg .= "\n"; if (count($itasks)) { $msg .= "*Tasks due today*\n\n"; } foreach ($itasks as $it) { $msg .= $it->project->project . ": " . $it->description . "\n"; } if (count($projects)) { $msg .= "*Summary of your projects*\n\n"; foreach ($projects as $project) { $tot = 0; $ovd = 0; foreach ($project->task as $task) { if ($task->donedate == '') { if ($task->duedate < $today) { $ovd++; } $tot++; } } if ($tot != 0) { $msg .= $project->project . " [Total tasks: " . $tot . "] Overdue: " . round($ovd / $tot * 100) . "%\n"; } else { $msg .= $project->project . " [No tasks set yet]\n"; } } } $msg .= "\nThank you for the part you are playing in making this happen :)\n\n_" . $society . "_"; Helpers::slackmessage($msg, '@' . $ind->individual->slack); } } } }
public function welcome() { if (!Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $data['firsttime'] = "yes"; return view('firsttime', $data)->with('okmessage', 'Please create a user before you can use Connexion'); } $user = Auth::user(); if ($user and $user->individual_id) { $today = date('d-m-Y'); $data['tasks'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '<>', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['personal'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '=', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['individuals'] = Individual::orderBy('surname')->get(); $data['projects'] = Project::with('undonetask')->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('project')->get(); $data['projectselect'] = Project::orderBy('project')->lists('project', 'id'); $data['page_title'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_name') . " Circuit"; $data['page_description'] = "Administrator home page"; $socs = Permission::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->select('society_id')->get(); foreach ($socs as $soc) { $thissoc = Society::where('id', '=', $soc->society_id)->get(); $dum['googleCalendarId'] = $thissoc[0]->society_calendar; $dum['color'] = $thissoc[0]->calendar_colour; $data['cals'][] = $dum; } $dum['googleCalendarId'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_calendar'); $dum['color'] = 'black'; $data['cals'][] = $dum; if (Helpers::is_online() and $user->googlecalendar != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $pcals = $privatecal->getTen($user->googlecalendar); foreach ($pcals as $pcal) { $pcal['color'] = $user->calendar_colour; $data['pcals'][] = $pcal; } } else { $data['pcals'] = array(); } if (!count($socs)) { $soc = strtolower($user->individual->household->society->society); return redirect()->action('SocietiesController@show', $soc); } else { return view('home', $data); } } elseif ($user) { return view('shared.registered'); } else { return view('landingwebpage'); } }
public function get($id) { $project = Project::with(['createdBy', 'faculty', 'status'])->find($id); return $project; }
public function makeProOwner() { $input = Request::all(); // project_id,id //chk login user is whether project owner or not $project = Project::with(['user', 'users'])->find($input['project_id']); if ($project) { $user = Auth::User()->id; $project = $project->toArray(); $owner = false; if ($user == $project['user_id']) { $owner = true; } if (count($project['users']) > 0) { foreach ($project['users'] as &$us) { if ($us['is_owner'] && $user == $us['user_id']) { $owner = true; } } } if ($owner) { $update = ProjectUser::where('id', $input['id'])->update(['is_owner' => 1]); if ($update) { $message = 'Success.'; return Response()->json(ResponseManager::getResult($project, 10, $message)); } else { $message = 'Something went wrong. Please try again.'; return Response()->json(ResponseManager::getError('', 10, $message)); } } else { $message = 'You are not authorize to do it.'; return Response()->json(ResponseManager::getError('', 10, $message)); } } else { $message = 'You are not authorize to do it.'; return Response()->json(ResponseManager::getError('', 10, $message)); } }
public function get($id) { $project = Project::with($this->withArr)->find($id); return $project; }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $proj_types = \App\Models\Project_Type::all(); $projects = \App\Models\Project::with('project_type')->get(); return view('admin.projects.viewAll', ['projects' => $projects, 'types' => $proj_types]); }
Route::get('/logout', function () { \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session::flush(); return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect::to('/'); })->name('logout'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', function () { $projects = \App\Models\Project::with('project_type')->get(); $proj_types = \App\Models\Project_Type::all(); $clients = \App\Models\Client::all(); $quotes = \App\Models\Quote::all(); return view('index', ['projects' => $projects, 'types' => $proj_types, 'quotes' => $quotes, 'clients' => $clients]); }); Route::resource('messages', 'MessagesController'); Route::post('/sendMessage', ['as' => 'sendMessage', 'uses' => 'MessagesController@store']); Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => 'admincheck'], function () { Route::resource('coverletters', 'CoverLettersController'); Route::resource('project_type', 'ProjectTypesController'); Route::resource('projects', 'ProjectsController'); Route::resource('quote', 'QuotesController'); Route::resource('settings', 'SettingsController'); Route::resource('clients', 'ClientsController'); // Route::resource('messages', 'MessagesController');
public function mobileIndex() { return Project::with(['logo', 'faculty'])->get(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $indivs = Task::with('individual')->select('individual_id')->groupBy('individual_id')->get(); foreach ($indivs as $ind) { $society = $ind->individual->household->society->society . " Methodist Church"; $otasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '<', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $itasks = Task::with('project')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->where('donedate', '=', '')->where('duedate', '>', $today)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $projects = Project::with('task')->where('individual_id', '=', $ind->individual->id)->get(); if (count($itasks) or count($otasks)) { $msg = "Good morning, " . $ind->individual->firstname . "<br><br>Here is a list of your overdue/upcoming project tasks:<br><br>"; if (count($otasks)) { $msg .= "Overdue tasks:<br><br>"; } foreach ($otasks as $ot) { $msg .= $ot->project->project . ": " . $ot->description . " (Due: " . $ot->duedate . ")<br>"; } $msg .= "<br>"; if (count($itasks)) { $msg .= "Tasks due in the next week:<br><br>"; } foreach ($itasks as $it) { $todaydt = new DateTime($today); $interval = $todaydt->diff($it->duedate); if ($interval->format('%R%a') < 8) { $msg .= $it->project->project . ": " . $it->description . " (Due: " . $it->duedate . ")<br>"; } } if (count($projects)) { $msg .= "Summary of your projects:<br><br>"; foreach ($projects as $project) { $tot = 0; $ovd = 0; foreach ($project->task as $task) { if ($task->donedate == '') { if ($task->duedate < $today) { $ovd++; } $tot++; } } if ($tot != 0) { $msg .= $project->project . " [Total tasks: " . $tot . "] Overdue: " . round($ovd / $tot * 100) . "%<br>"; } else { $msg .= $project->project . " [No tasks set yet]<br>"; } } } $msg .= "<br>Thank you for the part you are playing in making this happen :)<br><br>" . $society; $semail = $ind->individual->household->society->email; $name = $ind->individual->firstname . " " . $ind->individual->surname; $email = $ind->individual->email; $subject = "Project tasks weekly email from " . $society; Mail::queue('messages.message', array('msg' => $msg), function ($message) use($name, $email, $subject, $society, $semail) { $message->from($semail, $society); $message->to($email, $name); $message->replyTo($semail); $message->subject($subject); }); } } }
public function listByUser($id) { $user = Auth::user(); if ($user->all_companies) { $projects = Project::with($this->related)->get(); } else { $projects = Project::with($this->related)->where('company_id', $user->company_id)->all(); } foreach ($projects as $pro) { $cntParts = ProjectPart::where('project_id', $pro->id)->where('in_project', true)->count(); $cntMarket = ProjectPart::where('project_id', $pro->id)->where('in_project', true)->where('can_sell', true)->count(); $pro->in_market = $cntMarket; $pro->total_parts = $cntParts; if ($cntParts == 0) { $pro->percentage = 0; } else { $pro->percentage = $cntMarket / $cntParts; } } return $projects; }