コード例 #1
ファイル: Frontcontroller.php プロジェクト: GeneralCrime/code
  * Adds an action to the front controller action stack. Please note, that the namespace of
  * the namespace of the action config is added the current context. The name of the
  * config file is concatenated by the current environment and the string
  * <em>*_actionconfig.ini</em>.
  * @param string $namespace Namespace of the action.
  * @param string $name Name of the action (section key of the config file).
  * @param array $params (Input-)params of the action.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the action cannot be found within the appropriate
  * configuration or the action implementation classes are not available.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 05.06.2007<br />
  * Version 0.2, 01.07.2007<br />
  * Version 0.3, 02.09.2007<br />
  * Version 0.4, 08.09.2007 (Bug-fix: input params from config are now evaluated)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 08.11.2007 (Changed action stack construction to hash offsets)<br />
  * Version 0.6, 21.06.2008 (Replaced APPS__ENVIRONMENT constant with a value from the Registry)<br />
  * Version 0.7, 27.09.2010 (Removed synthetic "actions" sub-namespace)<br />
  * Version 0.8, 09.04.2011 (Made input implementation optional, removed separate action and input class file definition)<br />
  * Version 0.9. 20.08.2013 Jan Wiese (Added support for actions generated by thw DIServiceManager)<br />
 public function addAction($namespace, $name, array $params = [])
     // re-map namespace
     $namespace = $this->getActionNamespaceByURLString($namespace);
     // load the action configuration
     $config = $this->getConfiguration($namespace, 'actionconfig.ini');
     // throw exception, in case the action config is not present
     if (!$config->hasSection($name)) {
         $env = Registry::retrieve('APF\\core', 'Environment');
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[Frontcontroller::addAction()] No config ' . 'section for action key "' . $name . '" available in configuration file "' . $env . '_actionconfig.ini" in namespace "' . $namespace . '" and context "' . $this->getContext() . '"!', E_USER_ERROR);
     $actionConfig = $config->getSection($name);
     // evaluate which method to use: simple object or di service
     $actionServiceName = $actionConfig->getValue('ActionServiceName');
     $actionServiceNamespace = $actionConfig->getValue('ActionServiceNamespace');
     if (!(empty($actionServiceName) || empty($actionServiceNamespace))) {
         // use di service
         try {
             $action = DIServiceManager::getServiceObject($actionServiceNamespace, $actionServiceName, $this->getContext(), $this->getLanguage());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('[Frontcontroller::addAction()] Action could not
         be created using DIServiceManager with service name "' . $actionServiceName . '" and service
         namespace "' . $actionServiceNamespace . '". Please check your action and service
         configuration files! Message from DIServiceManager was: ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } else {
         // use simple object
         // include action implementation
         $actionClass = $actionConfig->getValue('ActionClass');
         // check for class being present
         if (!class_exists($actionClass)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('[Frontcontroller::addAction()] Action class with name "' . $actionClass . '" could not be found. Please check your action configuration file!', E_USER_ERROR);
         // init action
         $action = new $actionClass();
         /* @var $action Action */
     // init action
     // check for custom input implementation
     $inputClass = $actionConfig->getValue('InputClass');
     // include input implementation in case a custom implementation is desired
     if (empty($inputClass)) {
         $inputClass = FrontcontrollerInput::class;
     // check for class being present
     if (!class_exists($inputClass)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[Frontcontroller::addAction()] Input class with name "' . $inputClass . '" could not be found. Please check your action configuration file!', E_USER_ERROR);
     // init input
     $input = new $inputClass();
     /* @var $input FrontcontrollerInput */
     // merge input params with the configured params (params included in the URL are kept!)
     $input->setParameters(array_merge($this->generateParamsFromInputConfig($actionConfig->getValue('InputParams')), $params));
     // set the frontcontroller as a parent object to the action
     // add the action as a child
     $this->actionStack[] = $action;
     // ID#83: Sort actions to allow prioritization of actions. This is done using
     // uksort() in order to both respect Action::getPriority()
     // and the order of registration for equivalence groups.
     uksort($this->actionStack, [$this, 'sortActions']);
コード例 #2
ファイル: APFObject.php プロジェクト: GeneralCrime/code
  * Returns a service object, that is initialized by dependency injection.
  * For details see {@link DIServiceManager}.
  * @param string $namespace The namespace of the service object definition.
  * @param string $name The name of the service object.
  * @return APFObject The pre-configured service object.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 18.04.2009<br />
 protected function &getDIServiceObject($namespace, $name)
     return DIServiceManager::getServiceObject($namespace, $name, $this->getContext(), $this->getLanguage());
コード例 #3
 public function testSetterInjectionMultipleParameters()
     /* @var $service DummyServiceThree */
     $service = DIServiceManager::getServiceObject(self::TEST_VENDOR, 'DummyServiceThree', self::CONTEXT, self::LANGUAGE);
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $service->getParamOne());
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $service->getParamTwo());
     $this->assertEquals('baz', $service->getParamThree());