コード例 #1
     * Constructor
     * @param Wiki wiki
    function Wiki2xhtmlRenderer(&$wiki) {

        $this->wiki = & $wiki;

        // set wiki rendering options
        // use wikiwords to link wikipages
        $this->setOpt('active_wikiwords', 0);
        // auto detect images
        $this->setOpt('active_auto_img', 1);
        // set first wiki title level
        $this->setOpt('first_title_level', 2);
        // use setext title syntax ie ===== and ----- instead of !!! and !!
        $this->setOpt('active_setext_title', 1);
        // set acronyms file
        $this->setOpt('acronyms_file', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wiki2xhtml/acronyms.txt');
        // set wiki word pattern
        $this->setOpt('words_pattern', WIKI_WORD_PATTERN);
        // set footnotes patten
        $this->setOpt('note_str', '<div class="footnotes"><a name="footNotes"></a><h2>Notes</h2>%s</div>');
        // use urls to link wikipages
        $this->setOpt('active_wiki_urls', 1);
        // use macros
        $this->setOpt('active_macros', 1);
        // use tables
        $this->setOpt('active_tables', 1);
コード例 #2
  * Constructor
  * @param Wiki wiki
 public function __construct($wiki)
     $this->wiki =& $wiki;
     $this->san = new Claro_Html_Sanitizer();
     // set wiki rendering options
     // use wikiwords to link wikipages
     $this->setOpt('active_wikiwords', 1);
     // auto detect images
     $this->setOpt('active_auto_img', 1);
     // set first wiki title level
     $this->setOpt('first_title_level', 2);
     // use setext title syntax ie ===== and ----- instead of !!! and !!
     $this->setOpt('active_setext_title', 1);
     // set acronyms file
     $this->setOpt('acronyms_file', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wiki2xhtml/acronyms.txt');
     // set wiki word pattern
     $this->setOpt('words_pattern', WIKI_WORD_PATTERN);
     // set footnotes patten
     $this->setOpt('note_str', '<div class="footnotes"><a name="footNotes"></a><h2>Notes</h2>%s</div>');
     // use urls to link wikipages
     $this->setOpt('active_wiki_urls', 1);
     // allow inline HTML in wiki (exp�rimntal)
     $this->setOpt('inline_html_allowed', 0);
     // use macros
     $this->setOpt('active_macros', 1);
     // use tables
     $this->setOpt('active_tables', 1);