コード例 #1
  * Get the NameID value.
  * @return string|NULL  The NameID value.
 protected function getValue(array &$state)
     if (!isset($state['saml:NameIDFormat']) || $state['saml:NameIDFormat'] !== $this->format) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Request did not specify persistent NameID format -  not generating persistent NameID.');
         return NULL;
     if (!isset($state['Destination']['entityid'])) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: No SP entity ID - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return NULL;
     $spEntityId = $state['Destination']['entityid'];
     if (!isset($state['Source']['entityid'])) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: No IdP entity ID - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return NULL;
     $idpEntityId = $state['Source']['entityid'];
     if (!isset($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) || count($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) === 0) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: Missing attribute ' . var_export($this->attribute, TRUE) . ' on user - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return NULL;
     if (count($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) > 1) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: More than one value in attribute ' . var_export($this->attribute, TRUE) . ' on user - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return NULL;
     $uid = array_values($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]);
     /* Just in case the first index is no longer 0. */
     $uid = $uid[0];
     $value = sspmod_saml_IdP_SQLNameID::get($idpEntityId, $spEntityId, $uid);
     if ($value !== NULL) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Found persistent NameID ' . var_export($value, TRUE) . ' for user ' . var_export($uid, TRUE) . '.');
         return $value;
     if (!isset($state['saml:AllowCreate']) || !$state['saml:AllowCreate']) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: Did not find persistent NameID for user, and not allowed to create new NameID.');
         throw new sspmod_saml_Error(SAML2_Const::STATUS_RESPONDER, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy');
     $value = SimpleSAML_Utilities::stringToHex(SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateRandomBytes(20));
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Created persistent NameID ' . var_export($value, TRUE) . ' for user ' . var_export($uid, TRUE) . '.');
     sspmod_saml_IdP_SQLNameID::add($idpEntityId, $spEntityId, $uid, $value);
     return $value;
コード例 #2
  * Get the NameID value.
  * @param array $state The state array.
  * @return string|null The NameID value.
  * @throws sspmod_saml_Error if the NameID creation policy is invalid.
 protected function getValue(array &$state)
     if (!isset($state['saml:NameIDFormat']) && !$this->allowUnspecified) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Request did not specify persistent NameID format, ' . 'not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     $validNameIdFormats = @array_filter(array($state['saml:NameIDFormat'], $state['SPMetadata']['NameIDPolicy'], $state['SPMetadata']['NameIDFormat']));
     if (count($validNameIdFormats) && !in_array($this->format, $validNameIdFormats) && !$this->allowDifferent) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: SP expects different NameID format (' . implode(', ', $validNameIdFormats) . '),  not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     if (!isset($state['Destination']['entityid'])) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: No SP entity ID - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     $spEntityId = $state['Destination']['entityid'];
     if (!isset($state['Source']['entityid'])) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: No IdP entity ID - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     $idpEntityId = $state['Source']['entityid'];
     if (!isset($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) || count($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) === 0) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: Missing attribute ' . var_export($this->attribute, true) . ' on user - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     if (count($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]) > 1) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: More than one value in attribute ' . var_export($this->attribute, true) . ' on user - not generating persistent NameID.');
         return null;
     $uid = array_values($state['Attributes'][$this->attribute]);
     // just in case the first index is no longer 0
     $uid = $uid[0];
     $value = sspmod_saml_IdP_SQLNameID::get($idpEntityId, $spEntityId, $uid);
     if ($value !== null) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Found persistent NameID ' . var_export($value, true) . ' for user ' . var_export($uid, true) . '.');
         return $value;
     if ((!isset($state['saml:AllowCreate']) || !$state['saml:AllowCreate']) && !$this->alwaysCreate) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('SQLPersistentNameID: Did not find persistent NameID for user, and not allowed to create new NameID.');
         throw new sspmod_saml_Error(SAML2_Const::STATUS_RESPONDER, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy');
     $value = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(20));
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('SQLPersistentNameID: Created persistent NameID ' . var_export($value, true) . ' for user ' . var_export($uid, true) . '.');
     sspmod_saml_IdP_SQLNameID::add($idpEntityId, $spEntityId, $uid, $value);
     return $value;