コード例 #1
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: Sajaki/wowroster_dev
function process_step3()
    $tpl = new Template_Wrap();
    $tpl->set_handle('body', 'install_step3.html');
     * Get our posted data
    $db_config['dbtype'] = post_or_db('dbtype');
    $db_config['host'] = post_or_db('dbhost');
    $db_config['database'] = post_or_db('dbname');
    $db_config['username'] = post_or_db('dbuser');
    $db_config['password'] = post_or_db('dbpass');
    $db_config['table_prefix'] = post_or_db('table_prefix', $DEFAULTS);
    $default_locale = post_or_db('default_lang', $DEFAULTS);
    $server_name = post_or_db('server_name');
    $create['username'] = post_or_db('dbuser_c');
    $create['password'] = post_or_db('dbpass_c');
    define('ROSTER_DB_DIR', ROSTER_LIB . 'dbal' . DIR_SEP);
    $dbal_file = ROSTER_DB_DIR . $db_config['dbtype'] . '.php';
    if (!file_exists($dbal_file)) {
        $tpl->message_die('Unable to find the database abstraction layer for <strong>' . $db_config['dbtype'] . '</strong>, check to make sure ' . $dbal_file . ' exists.');
     * Database population
    include_once $dbal_file;
    // Hey, looks like we are making the database, YAY!
    if ($create['username'] != '' && $create['password'] != '') {
        include_once $dbal_file;
        $db = new roster_db($db_config['host'], '', $create['username'], $create['password']);
        $db->query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $db_config['database'] . "`;");
        unset($db, $create);
    // Try to connect
    $db = new roster_db($db_config['host'], $db_config['database'], $db_config['username'], $db_config['password'], $db_config['table_prefix']);
    // Check to make sure a connection was made
    if (!is_resource($db->link_id)) {
        // Attempt to
        $tpl->message_die('Failed to connect to database <strong>' . $db_config['database'] . '</strong> as <strong>' . $db_config['username'] . '@' . $db_config['host'] . '</strong><br />' . $db->connect_error() . '<br /><br />' . '<form method="post" action="index.php" name="post"><input type="hidden" name="install_step" value="2" /><div align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Try Again" /></div></form>');
    $db_structure_file = ROSTER_DB_DIR . 'structure' . DIR_SEP . $db_config['dbtype'] . '_structure.sql';
    $db_data_file = ROSTER_DB_DIR . 'structure' . DIR_SEP . $db_config['dbtype'] . '_data.sql';
    $remove_remarks_function = $DBALS[$db_config['dbtype']]['comments'];
    // I require MySQL version 4.1.0 minimum.
    $server_version = $db->server_info();
    $client_version = $db->client_info();
    if (isset($server_version) && isset($client_version)) {
        $tpl->message_append('MySQL server version ' . $REQUIRE['mysql_version'] . ' or higher is required for WoWRoster.<br /><br />
			<strong>You are running:</strong>
				<li><strong>Your server version: ' . $server_version . '</strong></li>
				<li><strong>Your client version: ' . $client_version . '</strong></li>
			Your server meets the MySQL requirements for WoWRoster.');
        if (version_compare($server_version, $REQUIRE['mysql_version'], '<')) {
            $tpl->message_die('MySQL server version ' . $REQUIRE['mysql_version'] . ' or higher is required for WoWRoster.<br /><br />
				<strong>You are running:</strong>
					<li><strong>Your server version: ' . $server_version . '</strong></li>
					<li><strong>Your client version: ' . $client_version . '</strong></li>
				We are sorry, your MySQL server version is not high enough to install WoWRoster, please upgrade MySQL.');
    } else {
        $tpl->message_die('Failed to get version information for database <strong>' . $db_config['database'] . '</strong> as <strong>' . $db_config['username'] . '@' . $db_config['host'] . '</strong><br />' . $db->connect_error() . '<br /><br />' . '<form method="post" action="index.php" name="post"><input type="hidden" name="install_step" value="2" /><div align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Try Again" /></div></form>');
    // Parse structure file and create database tables
    $sql = @fread(@fopen($db_structure_file, 'r'), @filesize($db_structure_file));
    $sql = preg_replace('#renprefix\\_(\\S+?)([\\s\\.,]|$)#', $db_config['table_prefix'] . '\\1\\2', $sql);
    $sql = $remove_remarks_function($sql);
    $sql = parse_sql($sql, $DBALS[$db_config['dbtype']]['delim']);
    $sql_count = count($sql);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $sql_count) {
        if (isset($sql[$i]) && $sql[$i] != '') {
            if (!$db->query($sql[$i])) {
                $tpl->message_die('Error in SQL query<br />' . $sql[$i] . '<br />' . 'Error: ' . $db->error() . '<br />' . '<a href="index.php">Restart Installation</a>');
    // Parse the data file and populate the database tables
    $sql = @fread(@fopen($db_data_file, 'r'), @filesize($db_data_file));
    $sql = preg_replace('#renprefix\\_(\\S+?)([\\s\\.,]|$)#', $db_config['table_prefix'] . '\\1\\2', $sql);
    $sql = $remove_remarks_function($sql);
    $sql = parse_sql($sql, $DBALS[$db_config['dbtype']]['delim']);
    $sql_count = count($sql);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $sql_count) {
        if (isset($sql[$i]) && $sql[$i] != '') {
            if (!$db->query($sql[$i])) {
                $tpl->message_die('Error in SQL query<br />' . $sql[$i] . '<br />' . 'Error: ' . $db->error() . '<br />' . '<a href="index.php">Restart Installation</a>');
     * Update some config settings
    $db->query("UPDATE `" . $db->table('config') . "` SET `config_value` = '{$default_locale}' WHERE `config_name` = 'locale';");
    $db->query("UPDATE `" . $db->table('config') . "` SET `config_value` = '" . ROSTER_VERSION . "' WHERE `config_name` = 'version';");
    $db->query("UPDATE `" . $db->table('config') . "` SET `config_value` = '{$server_name}' WHERE `config_name` = 'website_address';");
     * Write the config file
    $config_file = "<?php\n";
    $config_file .= "/**\n * AUTO-GENERATED CONF FILE\n * DO NOT EDIT !!!\n */\n\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['host']         = " . var_export($db_config['host'], true) . ";\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['username']     = "******";\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['password']     = "******";\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['database']     = " . var_export($db_config['database'], true) . ";\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['table_prefix'] = " . var_export($db_config['table_prefix'], true) . ";\n";
    $config_file .= "\$db_config['dbtype']       = " . var_export($db_config['dbtype'], true) . ";\n";
    // Set our permissions to execute-only
    if (!($fp = @fopen('conf.php', 'w'))) {
        $error_message = 'The <strong>conf.php</strong> file couldn\'t be opened for writing.  Paste the following in to conf.php and save the file to continue:<br /><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($config_file) . '</pre>';
    } else {
        @fputs($fp, $config_file);
        $tpl->message_append('Your configuration file has been written with the initial values<br />But installation will not be complete until you create an administrator account in this step');
     * Output the page
コード例 #2
ファイル: roster.php プロジェクト: Sajaki/wowroster
  * Get the data for the current scope and assign it to $this->data
 function get_scope_data()
     // --[ Resolve the anchor ]--
     $this->anchor = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : '';
     if (empty($this->anchor)) {
         $this->atype = 'none';
     } elseif (strpos($this->anchor, ':') !== FALSE) {
         list($this->atype, $this->anchor) = explode(':', $this->anchor);
         switch ($this->atype) {
             case 'r':
             case 'realm':
                 $this->atype = 'realm';
             case 'g':
             case 'guild':
                 $this->atype = 'guild';
             case 'u':
             case 'user':
                 $this->atype = 'user';
             case 'c':
             case 'char':
                 $this->atype = 'char';
                 $this->atype = 'none';
     } elseif (strpos($this->anchor, '@') === FALSE) {
         $this->atype = 'realm';
     } else {
         // There is no way to see from the anchor if this is a guild anchor or a char anchor.
         // To keep it simple, we'll just assume it's an anchor for the current scope.
         $this->atype = $this->scope;
     if ($this->atype == 'none' && in_array($this->scope, array('guild', 'realm'))) {
         // No anchor at all, but for realm/guild we have a default
         $defquery = "SELECT `name`, `server`, `region`" . " FROM `" . $this->db->table('upload') . "`" . " WHERE `default` = '1'" . " LIMIT 1;";
         $data = $this->db->fetch();
         if ($data) {
             $name = $this->db->escape($data['name']);
             $realm = $this->db->escape($data['server']);
             $region = $this->db->escape($data['region']);
             $this->atype = 'default';
             $this->anchor = $name . '@' . $region . '-' . $realm;
         } else {
             $this->atype = 'none';
             $this->anchor = '';
             //				roster_die(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodefguild'], makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title']);
             $this->set_message(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodefguild'], makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title'], 'error');
     // --[ Build the query ]--
     switch ($this->atype) {
         case 'char':
             // Parse the attribute
             if (is_numeric($this->anchor)) {
                 $where = ' `players`.`member_id` = "' . $this->anchor . '"';
             } elseif (strpos($this->anchor, '@') !== false) {
                 list($name, $realm) = explode('@', $this->anchor);
                 if (strpos($realm, '-') !== false) {
                     list($region, $realm) = explode('-', $realm, 2);
                     $where = ' `players`.`name` = "' . $name . '" ' . 'AND `players`.`server` = "' . $realm . '" ' . 'AND `players`.`region` = "' . strtoupper($region) . '" ';
                 } else {
                     $where = ' `players`.`name` = "' . $name . '" ' . 'AND `players`.`server` = "' . $realm . '" ';
             } else {
                 $name = $this->anchor;
                 $where = ' `players`.`name` = "' . $name . '"';
             // Get the data
             $query = 'SELECT guild.*, members.*, players.*, ' . 'DATE_FORMAT( DATE_ADD(`players`.`dateupdatedutc`, INTERVAL ' . $this->config['localtimeoffset'] . ' HOUR ), "' . $this->locale->act['timeformat'] . '" ) AS "update_format" ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->table('players') . '` players ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . $this->db->table('members') . '` members ON `players`.`member_id` = `members`.`member_id` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . $this->db->table('guild') . '` guild ON `players`.`guild_id` = `guild`.`guild_id` ' . 'WHERE ' . $where . ";";
             $result = $this->db->query($query);
             if (!$result) {
                 die_quietly($this->db->error(), 'Database error', __FILE__, __LINE__, $query);
             if (!($this->data = $this->db->fetch($result))) {
                 //					roster_die('The member ' . $this->anchor . ' is not in the database', $this->locale->act['roster_error']);
                 $this->set_message(sprintf($roster->locale->act['no_char_in_db'], $this->anchor), $this->locale->act['roster_error'], 'error');
             $this->anchor = $this->data['member_id'];
             // Scope specific functions
             $scope_class = new CharScope();
             // We have a separate atype for default, but it loads a guild anchor from the uploads table.
         // We have a separate atype for default, but it loads a guild anchor from the uploads table.
         case 'guild':
         case 'user':
         case 'default':
             if (in_array($this->scope, array('char'))) {
                 $this->set_message($roster->locale->act['not_valid_anchor'], '', 'error');
                 $this->anchor = 'none';
                 $this->atype = 'none';
             // Parse the attribute
             if (is_numeric($this->anchor)) {
                 $where = ' `guild_id` = "' . $this->anchor . '"';
             } elseif (strpos($this->anchor, '@') !== false) {
                 list($name, $realm) = explode('@', $this->anchor);
                 if (strpos($realm, '-') !== false) {
                     list($region, $realm) = explode('-', $realm, 2);
                     $where = ' `guild_name` = "' . $name . '" ' . 'AND `server` = "' . $realm . '" ' . 'AND `region` = "' . strtoupper($region) . '" ';
                 } else {
                     $where = ' `guild_name` = "' . $name . '" ' . 'AND `server` = "' . $realm . '" ';
             } else {
                 $name = $this->anchor;
                 $where = ' `guild_name` = "' . $name . '"';
             // Get the data
             $query = 'SELECT guild.* ' . "FROM `" . $this->db->table('guild') . "` guild " . "WHERE " . $where . ";";
             $result = $this->db->query($query);
             if (!$result) {
                 die_quietly($this->db->error(), 'Database Error', __FILE__ . '<br />Function: ' . __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $query);
             if (!($this->data = $this->db->fetch($result))) {
                 //					roster_die(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodata'], $name, $realm, makelink('update'), makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title']);
                 $this->set_message(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodata'], $name, $realm, makelink('update'), makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title'], 'error');
             $this->anchor = $this->data['guild_id'];
             // Scope specific functions
             $scope_class = new GuildScope();
         case 'realm':
             if (in_array($this->scope, array('char', 'guild'))) {
                 $this->set_message($roster->locale->act['not_valid_anchor'], '', 'error');
                 $this->anchor = 'none';
                 $this->atype = 'none';
             if (strpos($this->anchor, '-') !== false) {
                 list($region, $realm) = explode('-', $this->anchor, 2);
                 $where = ' `server` = "' . $realm . '" ' . 'AND `region` = "' . strtoupper($region) . '"';
             } else {
                 $realm = $this->anchor;
                 $where = ' `server` = "' . $realm . '" ';
             // Check if there's data for this realm
             $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `server`, `region`" . " FROM `" . $this->db->table('guild') . "`" . " WHERE {$where}" . " UNION SELECT DISTINCT `server`, `region`" . " FROM `" . $this->db->table('players') . "`" . " WHERE {$where}" . " LIMIT 1;";
             $result = $this->db->query($query);
             if (!$result) {
                 die_quietly($this->db->error(), 'Database Error', __FILE__ . '<br />Function: ' . __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $query);
             if (!($this->data = $this->db->fetch($result, SQL_ASSOC))) {
                 //					roster_die(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodata'], '', $realm, makelink('update'), makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title']);
                 $this->set_message(sprintf($this->locale->act['nodata'], '', $realm, makelink('update'), makelink('rostercp-upload')), $this->locale->act['nodata_title'], 'error');
             $this->anchor = $this->data['region'] . '-' . $this->data['server'];
             // Scope specific functions
             $scope_class = new RealmScope();
             if (in_array($this->scope, array('char', 'guild', 'realm'))) {
                 $this->set_message($this->locale->act['not_valid_anchor'], '', 'error');
                 $this->anchor = 'none';
                 $this->atype = 'none';
             // no anchor passed, and we didn't load defaults so we're in util or page scope. No data needed.
             $this->data = array();
             // Scope specific functions
             $scope_class = new UtilScope();
     // Figure out the armory url based on region
     if (isset($this->data['region'])) {
         switch ($this->data['region']) {
             case 'US':
                 $this->data['armoryurl'] = 'http://www.wowarmory.com';
             case 'EU':
                 $this->data['armoryurl'] = 'http://eu.wowarmory.com';
                 $this->data['armoryurl'] = '';
     // Set menu array
     if (isset($this->data['member_id'])) {
         $this->output['show_menu']['char'] = 1;
     $this->output['show_menu'][$this->scope == 'page' ? 'util' : $this->scope] = 1;