コード例 #1
ファイル: migration.php プロジェクト: kimblemj/server
 public static function migrateGame($v2UserId, $v2Key = false, $v1GameId = false, $sift = false)
     /*Huge hack to allow for either v1 style access or v2 access*/
     if (!$v2Key) {
         $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
         $glob = json_decode($data);
         $v2UserId = $glob->auth->user_id;
         $v2Key = $glob->auth->key;
         $v1GameId = $glob->game_id;
         $sift = isset($glob->sift) && $glob->sift;
     /*End huge hack*/
     //check permission by getting available v1 games
     $retGames = migration::v1GamesForV2User($v2UserId, $v2Key);
     if ($retGames->returnCode != 0) {
         return new migration_return_package(1, NULL, $retGames->returnCodeDescription);
     $owned_v1_games = $retGames->data;
     $authorized = false;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($owned_v1_games); $i++) {
         if ($owned_v1_games[$i]->game_id == $v1GameId) {
             $authorized = true;
     if (!$authorized) {
         return new migration_return_package(1, NULL, "Your attached v1 account does not have ownership of that game");
     $Editors = new Editors();
     $Games = new Games();
     $v2Auth = new stdClass();
     $v2Auth->user_id = $v2UserId;
     $v2Auth->key = $v2Key;
     $v2Auth->permission = "read_write";
     $oldGame = $Games->getGame($v1GameId)->data;
     //conform old terminology to new
     $oldGame->published = $oldGame->ready_for_public;
     $oldGame->type = $oldGame->is_locational ? "LOCATION" : "ANYWHERE";
     $oldGame->notebook_allow_comments = $oldGame->allow_note_comments;
     $oldGame->notebook_allow_likes = $oldGame->allow_note_likes;
     $oldGame->notebook_allow_player_tags = $oldGame->allow_player_tags;
     $oldGame->map_show_player = $oldGame->show_player_location;
     $oldGame->map_offsite_mode = $oldGame->full_quick_travel;
     $oldGame->is_siftr = $sift ? 1 : 0;
     $oldGame->auth = $v2Auth;
     $v2GameId = bridgeService("v2", "games", "createGame", "", $oldGame)->data->game_id;
     $maps = new stdClass();
     $maps->media = migration::migrateMedia($v1GameId, $v2GameId);
     //update game media refrences
     $v2Game = migration_dbconnection::queryObject("SELECT * FROM games WHERE game_id = '{$v2GameId}'", "v2");
     migration_dbconnection::query("UPDATE games SET media_id = '{$maps->media[$v2Game->media_id]}', icon_media_id = '{$maps->media[$v2Game->icon_media_id]}' WHERE game_id = '{$v2GameId}'", "v2");
     $v2Game = migration_dbconnection::queryObject("SELECT * FROM games WHERE game_id = '{$v2GameId}'", "v2");
     //get updated game data
     $maps->plaques = migration::migratePlaques($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->items = migration::migrateItems($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->webpages = migration::migrateWebpages($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $characterMaps = migration::migrateDialogs($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->dialogs = $characterMaps->dialogsMap;
     $maps->scripts = $characterMaps->scriptsMap;
     $maps->options = $characterMaps->optionsMap;
     $maps->item_tags = migration::migrateItemTags($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->note_tags = migration::migrateNoteTags($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->webhooks = migration::migrateWebhooks($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->quests = migration::migrateQuests($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->events = migration::migrateEvents($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $maps->factories = migration::migrateFactories($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     if ($sift) {
         $maps->notes = migration::migrateNotes($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     $scene = migration_dbconnection::queryObject("SELECT * FROM scenes WHERE game_id = '{$v2GameId}';", "v2");
     if ($scene) {
         $sceneId = $scene->scene_id;
     } else {
         $sceneId = migration_dbconnection::queryInsert("INSERT INTO scenes (game_id, name, created) VALUES ('{$v2GameId}', 'Main Scene', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", "v2");
     migration_dbconnection::query("UPDATE games SET intro_scene_id = '{$sceneId}' WHERE game_id = '{$v2GameId}';", "v2");
     $triggerMaps = migration::migrateTriggers($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $sceneId, $maps);
     //both of these maps have v1 location_id as key, v2 trigger as value
     $maps->locTriggers = $triggerMaps->locationTriggerMap;
     $maps->qrTriggers = $triggerMaps->qrTriggerMap;
     $maps->tabs = migration::migrateTabs($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     migration::updateDialogOptionLinks($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     //now that tabs/objects (link targets) are updated with ids, we can make sense of them
     //maps generated from migrateRequirementPackage inserted directly.
     $maps->skipped_requirement_atoms = array();
     migration::migrateRequirements($v1GameId, $v2GameId, $maps);
     migration_dbconnection::queryInsert("INSERT INTO game_migrations (v2_game_id, v1_game_id, v2_user_id) VALUES ('{$v2GameId}','{$v1GameId}','{$v2UserId}')");
     $v2Game->migration_maps = $maps;
     return new migration_return_package(0, $v2Game);