コード例 #1
 public static function newJSON($key, $json)
     $inContext = (array) json_decode($json);
     $authContext = self::getContext($inContext);
     $inContext = $authContext['context'];
     if ($authContext['key'] != $key) {
         throw new Exception("JSON token given is invalid");
     require_once l_r('lib/variant.php');
     $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($inContext['variantID']);
     require_once l_r('objects/basic/set.php');
     $OI = $Variant->OrderInterface($inContext['gameID'], $inContext['variantID'], $inContext['userID'], $inContext['memberID'], $inContext['turn'], $inContext['phase'], $inContext['countryID'], new setMemberOrderStatus($inContext['orderStatus']), $inContext['tokenExpireTime'], $inContext['maxOrderID']);
     return $OI;
コード例 #2
 public function unCrashGames(array $params)
     global $DB;
     require_once l_r('gamemaster/game.php');
     $excludeGameIDs = explode(',', $params['excludeGameIDs']);
     foreach ($excludeGameIDs as $index => $gameID) {
         $gameID = (int) $gameID;
         $excludeGameIDs[$index] = $gameID;
     $excludeGameIDs = implode(',', $excludeGameIDs);
     $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT * FROM wD_Games WHERE processStatus = 'Crashed' " . ($excludeGameIDs ? "AND id NOT IN (" . $excludeGameIDs . ")" : "") . " FOR UPDATE");
     $count = 0;
     while ($row = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl)) {
         $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($row['variantID']);
         $Game = $Variant->processGame($row);
         if ($Game->phase == 'Finished') {
             $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_Games SET processStatus = 'Not-processing', pauseTimeRemaining=NULL, processTime = " . time() . " WHERE id = " . $Game->id);
         if ($Game->phaseMinutes < 12 * 60) {
             if ($Game->phase == 'Pre-game') {
                 $newTimeDetails = "";
                 $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_Games SET processStatus = IF(pauseTimeRemaining IS NULL,'Not-processing','Paused') WHERE id = " . $Game->id);
             } else {
                 $newTimeDetails = l_t(", and the game has been paused, since it's a fast game, to give players a chance to regroup");
                 $Game->processStatus = 'Not-processing';
         } else {
             $newTimeDetails = l_t(", and the game's next process time has been reset");
             $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_Games SET processStatus = 'Not-processing', processTime = " . time() . " + 60*phaseMinutes, pauseTimeRemaining=NULL WHERE id = " . $Game->id);
         $Game->Members->send('No', l_t("This game has been uncrashed%s. Thanks for your patience.", $newTimeDetails));
     /* Simpler, but doesn't accomodate live games well
     			"UPDATE wD_Games SET processStatus = 'Not-processing', processTime = ".time()." + 60*phaseMinutes
     			WHERE AND processStatus = 'Crashed' ".( $excludeGameIDs ? "AND id NOT IN (".$excludeGameIDs.")" : "" )
     $details = l_t('All crashed games were un-crashed');
     if ($excludeGameIDs) {
         $details .= l_t(', except: %s', $excludeGameIDs);
     $details .= l_t('. %s games in total.', $count);
     return $details;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gamemaster.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
//- Check last process time, pause processing/save current process time
if (time() - $Misc->LastProcessTime > Config::$downtimeTriggerMinutes * 60) {
    libHTML::notice(l_t('Games not processing'), libHTML::admincp('resetLastProcessTime', null, l_t('Continue processing now')));
$Misc->LastProcessTime = time();
$startTime = time();
// Only do ~30 sec of processing per cycle
$tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT * FROM wD_Games\r\n\tWHERE processStatus='Not-processing' AND processTime <= " . time() . " AND NOT phase='Finished'");
while (time() - $startTime < 30 && ($gameRow = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl))) {
    $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($gameRow['variantID']);
    $Game = $Variant->Game($gameRow);
    print '<a href="board.php?gameID=' . $Game->id . '">gameID=' . $Game->id . ': ' . $Game->name . '</a>: ';
    try {
        if ($Game->processStatus != 'Crashed' && $Game->attempts > count($Game->Members->ByID) * 2) {
            $Game = $Variant->processGame($Game->id);
            print 'Crashed.';
        } elseif ($Game->needsProcess()) {
            $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_Games SET attempts=attempts+1 WHERE id=" . $Game->id);
            print 'Rechecking.. ';
            $Game = $Variant->processGame($Game->id);
            if ($Game->needsProcess()) {
                print l_t('Processing..') . ' ';
コード例 #4
ファイル: search.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
 public function printGamesList($Pager = null)
     global $DB;
     $SQL = $this->sql();
     if ($Pager instanceof Pager) {
         $SQL .= $Pager->SQLLimit();
     $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl($SQL);
     $count = 0;
     print '<div class="gamesList">';
     while ($row = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl)) {
         $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($row['variantID']);
         $G = $Variant->panelGame($row);
         print $G->summary(false);
         print '<div class="hr"></div>';
     print '</div>';
     return $count;
コード例 #5
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
 foreach ($User->getMuteCountries() as $muteGamePair) {
     list($gameID, $muteCountryID) = $muteGamePair;
     if (!isset($MutedGames[$gameID])) {
         $MutedGames[$gameID] = array();
     $MutedGames[$gameID][] = $muteCountryID;
 if (count($MutedGames) > 0) {
     print '<li class="formlisttitle">Muted countries:</li>';
     print '<li class="formlistdesc">The countries which you muted, and are unable to send you messages.</li>';
     print '<li class="formlistfield"><ul>';
     $LoadedVariants = array();
     foreach ($MutedGames as $gameID => $mutedCountries) {
         list($variantID) = $DB->sql_row("SELECT variantID FROM wD_Games WHERE id=" . $gameID);
         if (!isset($LoadedVariants[$variantID])) {
             $LoadedVariants[$variantID] = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($variantID);
         $Game = $LoadedVariants[$variantID]->Game($gameID);
         print '<li>' . $Game->name . '<ul>';
         foreach ($mutedCountries as $mutedCountryID) {
             print '<li>' . $Game->Members->ByCountryID[$mutedCountryID]->country . ' ' . libHTML::muted("board.php?gameID=" . $Game->id . "&msgCountryID=" . $mutedCountryID . "&toggleMute=" . $mutedCountryID . "&rand=" . rand(0, 99999) . '#chatboxanchor') . '</li>';
         print '</ul></li>';
     print '</ul></li>';
 $tablMutedThreads = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT mt.muteThreadID, f.subject, f.replies, fu.username " . "FROM wD_MuteThread mt " . "INNER JOIN wD_ForumMessages f ON f.id = mt.muteThreadID " . "INNER JOIN wD_Users fu ON fu.id = f.fromUserID " . "WHERE mt.userID = " . $User->id);
 $mutedThreads = array();
 while ($mutedThread = $DB->tabl_hash($tablMutedThreads)) {
     $mutedThreads[] = $mutedThread;
コード例 #6
ファイル: interactive.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
 * 		Once adjudication is done the outcomes are tested against the DATC test's required outcomes, differences result
 * 		in exceptions. Then orders and units are archived and the game is set to a phase where it'll be drawn by map.php.
 * 	- Two map.php requests, for large and small maps, are submitted. DATC tests are written to a different folder, and
 * 		will overwrite existing maps by default, but are otherwise handled as regular maps are.
 * 		If DATC testing is in batch mode, and no errors occurred, the page will move onto the next test after a 1 second wait.
 * 		This continues until all tests are complete or an error is found. Once all tests are complete the DATC test
 * 		game is wiped.
 * The code is inefficient, messy, will corrupt games being processed normally at the same time, and may screw up badly if
 * 	run two at a time, but it works and provides an easy way to test changes to orders/adjudication code.
 * Non-Diplomacy phase DATC tests are currently unsupported.
print l_t('Loading test') . ' <strong><a href="http://web.inter.nl.net/users/L.B.Kruijswijk/#' . $testName . '">' . $testName . '</a></strong>: ' . $testDesc . '<br /><br />';
global $Variant;
$Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($variantID);
$testCase = new datcGame($testID);
print l_t('Initialized test');
if (!isset($_REQUEST['DATCResults'])) {
    // We're loading a new test: Set the game up
    print ', ' . l_t('generating orders') . '<br /><br />';
    print l_t('Orders being generated and sumbitted') . '...<br /><br />';
    // submitOrders() has code that will submit the results of all countryID's ajax JSON orders updates once finished.
} else {
    // Since the code above all countryID's orders have been submitted, and the results are now given via a JSON encoded DATCResults parameter.
    // Order updates have been saved to wD_Orders; check the ajax.php results are correct, then adjudicate and check the adjudication results.
    $_REQUEST['DATCResults'] = (array) json_decode($_REQUEST['DATCResults']);
    try {
コード例 #7
ファイル: game.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
  * Create a new game, insert it into the database, return the Game object.
  * @param string $name The name of the game
  * @param string $password The password required to join the game
  * @param int $bet The amount which needs to be bet into the game to join initially
  * @param string $potType 'Winner-takes-all' or 'Points-per-supply-center'
  * @return Game The object corresponding to the new game
 public static function create($variantID, $name, $password, $bet, $potType, $phaseMinutes, $joinPeriod, $anon, $press, $missingPlayerPolicy = 'Normal', $drawType, $rrLimit)
     global $DB;
     if ($name == 'DATC-Adjudicator-Test' and !defined('DATC')) {
         throw new Exception(l_t("The game name 'DATC-Adjudicator-Test' is reserved for the automated DATC tester."));
     // Find a unique game name
     $unique = false;
     $i = 1;
     while (!$unique) {
         list($count) = $DB->sql_row("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wD_Games WHERE name='" . $name . ($i > 1 ? '-' . $i : '') . "'");
         if ($count == 0) {
             $unique = true;
         } else {
      * The password is not salted, because it's given out to several people anyway and it
      * isn't worth changing the existing behaviour.
     $pTime = time() + $joinPeriod * 60;
     $pTime = $pTime - fmod($pTime, 300) + 300;
     // for short game & phase timer
     $DB->sql_put("INSERT INTO wD_Games\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET variantID=" . $variantID . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tname = '" . $name . ($i > 1 ? '-' . $i : '') . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpotType = '" . $potType . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpot = 0, /* This will receive the first player's bet soon */\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tminimumBet = " . $bet . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tanon = '" . $anon . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpressType = '" . $press . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($password ? "password = UNHEX('" . md5($password) . "')," : "") . "processTime = " . $pTime . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tphaseMinutes = " . $phaseMinutes . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmissingPlayerPolicy = '" . $missingPlayerPolicy . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdrawType='{$drawType}', minimumReliabilityRating={$rrLimit}");
     $gameID = $DB->last_inserted();
     $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($variantID);
     return $Variant->processGame($gameID);
コード例 #8
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
    public static function gameNotifyBlock()
        global $User, $DB;
        $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT g.* FROM wD_Games g\r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN wD_Members m ON ( m.userID = " . $User->id . " AND m.gameID = g.id )\r\n\t\t\tWHERE NOT g.phase = 'Finished'\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY g.processStatus ASC, g.processTime ASC");
        $buf = '';
        $count = 0;
        while ($game = $DB->tabl_hash($tabl)) {
            $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($game['variantID']);
            $Game = $Variant->panelGameHome($game);
            $buf .= '<div class="hr"></div>';
            $buf .= $Game->summary();
        if ($count == 0) {
            $buf .= '<div class="hr"></div>';
            $buf .= '<div class="bottomborder"><p class="notice">' . l_t('You\'re not joined to any games!') . '<br />
				' . l_t('Access the <a href="gamelistings.php?tab=">Games</a> ' . 'link above to find games you can join, or start a ' . '<a href="gamecreate.php">New game</a> yourself.</a>') . '</p></div>';
        } elseif ($count == 1 && $User->points > 5) {
            $buf .= '<div class="hr"></div>';
            $buf .= '<div class="bottomborder"><p class="notice">' . l_t('You can join as many games as you ' . 'have the points to join.') . ' </a></p></div>';
        return $buf;
コード例 #9
ファイル: map.php プロジェクト: Yoyoyozo/webDiplomacy
    // Determine the turn number:
    if ($Game->phase == 'Diplomacy') {
        $latestTurn = $Game->turn - 1;
    } else {
        $latestTurn = $Game->turn;
    $turn = $latestTurn;
    $givenTurn = (int) $_REQUEST['turn'];
    if ($givenTurn >= -1 && $givenTurn <= $latestTurn) {
        $turn = $givenTurn;
    $mapType = Game::mapType();
} else {
    $Variant = libVariant::loadFromVariantID($_REQUEST['variantID']);
    $mapType = 'small';
    $turn = -1;
// Load the drawMap object for the given map type
if ($mapType == 'xml') {
    require_once l_r('map/drawMapXML.php');
    $drawMap = $Variant->drawMapXML();
} elseif ($mapType == 'json') {
    require_once l_r('board/orders/jsonBoardData.php');
    $filename = Game::mapFilename($Game->id, $turn, 'json');
    file_put_contents($filename, jsonBoardData::getBoardTurnData($Game->id));
    libHTML::serveImage($filename, 'text/plain');
} else {
    require_once l_r('map/drawMap.php');