コード例 #1
 protected function getAgreementTextByFilenameAsynch()
      * @var $rbacsystem ilRbacSystem
     global $rbacsystem;
     require_once 'Services/TermsOfService/classes/class.ilTermsOfServiceJsonResponse.php';
     $response = new ilTermsOfServiceJsonResponse();
     if (!isset($_GET['agreement_document']) || !strlen($_GET['agreement_document']) || !$rbacsystem->checkAccess('read', $this->object->getRefId())) {
         echo $response;
     $file = realpath(strip_tags(rawurldecode(ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_GET['agreement_document']))));
     if (preg_match('/Customizing[\\/\\\\](global[\\/\\\\]agreement|clients[\\/\\\\]' . CLIENT_ID . '[\\/\\\\]agreement)[\\/\\\\]agreement_([a-z]{2})\\.html$/', $file)) {
     } else {
     echo $response;
コード例 #2
  * Submit the definition form
 function submitFormDefinition()
     global $ilCtrl, $ilTabs, $lng, $tpl;
     $ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, 'type_id');
     $xml = ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_POST['xml']);
     $message = "";
     if (!$this->type->setXML($xml, $message)) {
         ilUtil::sendFailure($this->txt('type_failure_xml') . '<br />' . $message, false);
         $style = "<style>#il_prop_cont_ {display:none;}</style>";
         $tpl->setContent($style . $this->form->getHTML());
     ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->txt('type_updated'), true);
     $ilCtrl->redirect($this, 'editDefinition');
コード例 #3
  * Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object
  * (called frm generic commands in assQuestionGUI)
  * @return integer    0: question can be saved / 1: form is not complete
 public function writePostData($always = false)
     if ($this->form->checkInput()) {
         $error = '';
         // write the basic data
         // get the acccounts definition either by file upload or post
         if (file_exists($_FILES["accounts_file"]["tmp_name"])) {
             $accounts_xml = file_get_contents($_FILES["accounts_file"]["tmp_name"]);
         } else {
             $accounts_xml = ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_POST['accounts_xml']);
         // check the accounts definition but save it anyway
         if (!$this->object->analyzeAccountsXML($accounts_xml, false)) {
             $error .= sprintf($this->plugin->txt('xml_accounts_error'));
         // sort the part positions
         $positions = array();
         foreach ($_POST['parts'] as $part_id) {
             $positions[$part_id] = $_POST['position_' . $part_id];
         asort($positions, SORT_NUMERIC);
         // set the part data
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($positions as $part_id => $pos) {
             if ($part_id == 0 and $pos == '') {
                 // add a new part to the end
                 $pos = count($positions);
             } else {
                 // set the position to the counter
                 $pos = $i++;
             // save the question part
             // a new part object is be created if part_id is 0
             $part_obj = $this->object->getPart($part_id);
             $part_obj->setText($this->form->getInput('text_' . $part_id));
             if ($_FILES["booking_file_" . $part_id]["tmp_name"]) {
                 $booking_xml = file_get_contents($_FILES["booking_file_" . $part_id]["tmp_name"]);
             } else {
                 $booking_xml = ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_POST['booking_xml_' . $part_id]);
             // check the booking definition but save it anyway
             if (!$part_obj->analyzeBookingXML($booking_xml, false)) {
                 $error .= sprintf($this->plugin->txt('xml_booking_error'), $pos);
         if ($error != '') {
             ilUtil::sendFailure($error, true);
         // save taxonomy assignment
         // indicator to save the question
         return 0;
     } else {
         // indicator to show the edit form with errors
         return 1;
コード例 #4
  * Check input, strip slashes etc. set alert, if input is not ok.
  * @return	boolean		Input ok, true/false
 function checkInput()
     global $lng;
     include_once "./Services/AdvancedEditing/classes/class.ilObjAdvancedEditing.php";
     if ($this->usePurifier() && $this->getPurifier()) {
         $_POST[$this->getPostVar()] = ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]);
         $_POST[$this->getPostVar()] = $this->getPurifier()->purify($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]);
     } else {
         $allowed = $this->getRteTagString();
         if ($this->plugins["latex"] == "latex" && !is_int(strpos($allowed, "<span>"))) {
             $allowed .= "<span>";
         $_POST[$this->getPostVar()] = $this->getUseRte() || !$this->getUseTagsForRteOnly() ? ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()], true, $allowed) : ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]);
     if ($this->getRequired() && trim($_POST[$this->getPostVar()]) == "") {
         return false;
     return $this->checkSubItemsInput();
コード例 #5
  * Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object
  * @return integer A positive value, if one of the required fields wasn't set, else 0
 public function writePostData($always = false)
     $hasErrors = !$always ? $this->editQuestion(true) : false;
     $checked = true;
     if (!$hasErrors) {
         include_once "./Services/AdvancedEditing/classes/class.ilObjAdvancedEditing.php";
         $questiontext = ilUtil::stripOnlySlashes($_POST["question"]);
         $this->object->setEstimatedWorkingTime($_POST["Estimated"]["hh"], $_POST["Estimated"]["mm"], $_POST["Estimated"]["ss"]);
         $found_vars = array();
         $found_results = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if (preg_match("/^unit_(\\\$v\\d+)\$/", $key, $matches)) {
                 array_push($found_vars, $matches[1]);
             if (preg_match("/^unit_(\\\$r\\d+)\$/", $key, $matches)) {
                 array_push($found_results, $matches[1]);
         //			if(!$this->object->checkForDuplicateVariables())
         //			{
         //				$this->addErrorMessage($this->lng->txt("err_duplicate_variables"));
         //				$checked = FALSE;
         //			}
         if (!$this->object->checkForDuplicateResults()) {
             $checked = FALSE;
         foreach ($found_vars as $variable) {
             if ($this->object->getVariable($variable) != null) {
                 $varObj = new assFormulaQuestionVariable($variable, $_POST["range_min_{$variable}"], $_POST["range_max_{$variable}"], $this->object->getUnitrepository()->getUnit($_POST["unit_{$variable}"]), $_POST["precision_{$variable}"], $_POST["intprecision_{$variable}"]);
         $tmp_form_vars = array();
         $tmp_quest_vars = array();
         foreach ($found_results as $result) {
             $tmp_res_match = preg_match_all("/([\$][v][0-9]*)/", $_POST["formula_{$result}"], $form_vars);
             $tmp_form_vars = array_merge($tmp_form_vars, $form_vars[0]);
             $tmp_que_match = preg_match_all("/([\$][v][0-9]*)/", $_POST['question'], $quest_vars);
             $tmp_quest_vars = array_merge($tmp_quest_vars, $quest_vars[0]);
         $result_has_undefined_vars = array_diff($tmp_form_vars, $found_vars);
         $question_has_unused_vars = array_diff($tmp_quest_vars, $tmp_form_vars);
         if (count($result_has_undefined_vars) > 0 || count($question_has_unused_vars) > 0) {
             $error_message = '';
             if (count($result_has_undefined_vars) > 0) {
                 $error_message .= $this->lng->txt("res_contains_undef_var") . '<br>';
             if (count($question_has_unused_vars) > 0) {
                 $error_message .= $this->lng->txt("que_contains_unused_var");
             $checked = false;
             if ($this->isSaveCommand()) {
         foreach ($found_results as $result) {
             if (is_object($this->object->getUnitrepository()->getUnit($_POST["unit_{$result}"]))) {
                 $tmp_result_unit = $this->object->getUnitrepository()->getUnit($_POST["unit_{$result}"]);
             } else {
                 $tmp_result_unit = NULL;
             if ($this->object->getResult($result) != null) {
                 $use_simple_rating = $_POST["rating_advanced_{$result}"] == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE;
                 $resObj = new assFormulaQuestionResult($result, $_POST["range_min_{$result}"], $_POST["range_max_{$result}"], $_POST["tolerance_{$result}"], $tmp_result_unit, $_POST["formula_{$result}"], $_POST["points_{$result}"], $_POST["precision_{$result}"], $use_simple_rating, $_POST["rating_advanced_{$result}"] == 1 ? $_POST["rating_sign_{$result}"] : "", $_POST["rating_advanced_{$result}"] == 1 ? $_POST["rating_value_{$result}"] : "", $_POST["rating_advanced_{$result}"] == 1 ? $_POST["rating_unit_{$result}"] : "", $_POST["result_type_{$result}"] != 0 ? $_POST["result_type_{$result}"] : 0);
                 $this->object->addResultUnits($resObj, $_POST["units_{$result}"]);
         if ($checked == false) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             return 0;
     } else {
         return 1;
コード例 #6
 protected function writeQuestionGenericPostData()
     if ($this->object->getSelfAssessmentEditingMode()) {
     // ?
     $this->object->setEstimatedWorkingTime($_POST["Estimated"]["hh"], $_POST["Estimated"]["mm"], $_POST["Estimated"]["ss"]);