public function ys_end_time() { $order_list = db_factory::query(sprintf(" select * from %switkey_order where order_status='ok' and model_id=6 and ys_end_time<%d order by order_id desc ", TABLEPRE, time())); if (is_array($order_list)) { foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) { $obj = new goods_shop_class(); $obj->dispose_order($v['order_id'], 'confirm', 'sys'); } } }
public function notify_user($service_id, $service_status = '2') { global $_K; global $_lang; $service_obj = $this->_service_obj; $model_code = $this->_model_info['model_code']; switch ($model_code) { case "goods": $status_arr = goods_shop_class::get_goods_status(); break; case "service": $status_arr = service_shop_class::get_service_status(); break; } $message_obj = new keke_msg_class(); $url = "<a href=\"" . $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=goods&id=" . $service_id . "\">" . $service_obj->getTitle() . "</a>"; $v = array($_lang['service_type'] => $this->_model_info['model_name'], $_lang['goods_link'] => $url, $_lang['goods_status'] => $status_arr[$service_status], $_lang['pub_time'] => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $service_obj->getOn_time())); $message_obj->send_message($this->_uid, $this->_username, "service_pub", $this->_model_info['model_name'] . $_lang['release_tips'], $v, $this->_user_info['email'], $this->_user_info['mobile']); }
die; } $intFollow = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and fuid = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_free_follow', intval($gUid), intval($arrServiceInfo['uid']))); if ($gUid && $gUid !== $arrServiceInfo['uid']) { $myOrderInfo = db_factory::get_one("select a.order_status from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail b on a.order_id=b.order_id where b.obj_type='service' and b.obj_id={$id} and a.order_uid={$gUid}"); } $page and $intPage = intval($page); intval($intPage) and $p['page'] = intval($intPage) or $p['page'] = '1'; intval($intPagesize) and $p['page_size'] = intval($intPagesize) or $p['page_size'] = 10; $objTime = new goods_time_class(); $objTime->validtaskstatus(); switch ($view) { case "content": break; case "sale": $arrStatus = goods_shop_class::get_order_status(); $p['url'] = $strUrl . "&view=sale&intPagesize=" . $p['page_size'] . "&intPage=" . $p['page']; $p['anchor'] = '#pageT'; $w = array(); $w['a.order_status'] = "confirm"; $t == 'today' and $ext_condit = 'day(date(from_unixtime(a.order_time)))=day(curdate())'; $arrSaleArr = keke_shop_class::get_sale_info($intId, $w, $p, " a.order_time desc", $ext_condit); $arrSaleList = $arrSaleArr['sale_info']; $intCount = count($arrSaleList); $pages = $arrSaleArr['pages']; break; case "comment": $objComment = keke_comment_class::get_instance('service'); $arrCommentDatas = $objComment->get_comment_list($intId, $strUrl, $intPage); $arrCommentLists = $arrCommentDatas['data']; $strPage = $arrCommentDatas['pages'];
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $page = max($page, 1); $limit = max($limit, 5); $url = 'index.php?do=' . $do . '&model_id=' . $model_id . '&view=edit&service_id=' . $service_id . '&op=' . $op; switch ($op) { case 'order': $order_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_order'); $goods_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_service'); $order_status_arr = goods_shop_class::get_order_status(); $order_id_arr = db_factory::query(sprintf('select `order_id` from %switkey_order_detail where `obj_id`=%d and `obj_type`="service"', TABLEPRE, $service_id)); $order_alls = array(); foreach ($order_id_arr as $v) { $order_alls[] = $v['order_id']; } $order_str = implode(',', $order_alls); if ($order_str) { $wh = "model_id = 6 and `order_id` in ({$order_str})"; $w['order_id'] and $wh .= " and order_id like '%{$w['order_id']}%' "; $w['order_username'] and $wh .= " and order_username like '%{$w['order_username']}%' "; $w['order_status'] and $wh .= " and order_status = '{$w['order_status']}' "; $ord['0'] && $ord['1'] and $wh .= ' order by ' . $ord['0'] . ' ' . $ord['1'] or $wh .= " order by order_time desc"; intval($page) or $page = 1; intval($w['page_size']) and $page_size = intval($w['page_size']) or $page_size = '10'; $url_str = "index.php?do=model&model_id=6&view=order&order_id={$w['order_id']}&order_name={$w['order_name']}&page={$page}&w[page_size]={$page_size}&ord[0]={$ord['0']}&ord[1]={$ord['1']}"; $table_arr = $order_obj->get_grid($wh, $url_str, $page, $page_size, null, 1, 'ajax_dom'); $order_arr = $table_arr['data']; $pages = $table_arr['pages']; } else { }
kekezu::show_msg($resText, null, null, null, 'fail'); } break; default: kekezu::show_msg('访问页面不存在', 'index.php', 3, null, 'warning'); break; } } case 'step3': if ($arrServiceInfo['file_path']) { $arrFileLists = db_factory::query('select file_name,save_name from ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_file where save_name ="' . $arrServiceInfo['file_path'] . '"'); } if (isset($action)) { switch ($action) { case 'confirm_file': $objGoods = new goods_shop_class(); $resText = $objGoods->dispose_order($orderId, 'confirm'); unset($objGoods); if (true === $resText) { kekezu::show_msg('确认完成!', $strUrl . "&step=step4&orderId=" . $orderId, 3, null, 'ok'); } else { kekezu::show_msg($resText, null, null, null, 'fail'); } break; default: kekezu::show_msg('访问页面不存在', 'index.php', 3, null, 'warning'); break; } } break; case 'step4':
keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v); } $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2); $action = $_lang['mulit_pass']; break; case $_lang['mulit_nopass']: $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 4); foreach ($key_ids as $v) { PayitemClass::refundPayitem($v, 'goods'); } $action = '批量审核不通过'; break; case $_lang['batch_shelves']: foreach ($key_ids as $v) { $service_info = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_service", "service_id = {$v}"); $service_info = $service_info['0']; $add_time = time() - $service_info['on_time']; keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v); } $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2); $action = $_lang['shelves']; break; case $_lang['batch_off_the_shelf']: $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 3); $action = $_lang['off_the_shelf']; break; } $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], "warning"); } } require keke_tpl_class::template('shop/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/tpl/goods_' . $view);
$service_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf("select * from %switkey_service where service_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $service_id)); if ($service_info['pic']) { $servicePics = explode(',', $service_info['pic']); } if ($service_info['file_path']) { $serviceFiles = explode(',', $service_info['file_path']); } $service_info['ext_fields'] = CustomClass::getExtDataList($service_info['service_id'], $service_info['model_id']); $service_info and extract($service_info) or $service_info = array(); $indus_pid and $indus_arr = kekezu::get_industry($indus_pid, 0) or $indus_arr = array(); if ($sbt_edit) { if ($ext_fds) { CustomClass::editExtData($pk['service_id'], $model_id, $ext_fds); } kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['to_witkey_goods_name_is'] . $service_info['title'] . $_lang['to_edit_operate']); goods_shop_class::set_on_sale_num($pk['service_id'], $fds['service_status']); $service_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_service'); $c = $fds['content']; $fds = kekezu::escape($fds); $fds['content'] = $c; isset($fds['is_top']) or $fds['is_top'] = 0; $res = $service_obj->save($fds, $pk); kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['goods_edit_success'], 'index.php?do=model&model_id=6&view=list', 2, $_lang['goods_edit_success'], 'success'); } if ($file_path) { $start = strripos($file_path, "/"); $file_name = substr($file_path, $start + 1); } } else { require S_ROOT . '/shop/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/shop_misc.php'; }
$ord['0'] && $ord['1'] and $wh .= ' order by ' . $ord['0'] . ' ' . $ord['1'] or $wh .= " order by order_time desc"; intval($page) or $page = 1; intval($w['page_size']) and $page_size = intval($w['page_size']) or $page_size = '10'; $url_str = "index.php?do=model&model_id=6&view=order&w[order_id]={$w['order_id']}&w[order_username]={$w['order_username']}&w[order_status]={$w['order_status']}&page={$page}&w[page_size]={$page_size}&ord[0]={$ord['0']}&ord[1]={$ord['1']}"; $table_arr = $order_obj->get_grid($wh, $url_str, $page, $page_size, null, 1, 'ajax_dom'); $order_arr = $table_arr['data']; $pages = $table_arr['pages']; switch ($ac) { case 'del': $order_obj = new Keke_witkey_order_class(); $order_obj->setWhere("order_id = {$order_id}"); $order_obj->del_keke_witkey_order(); kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['operate_notice'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['delete_success'], 'success'); break; case 'confirm': $obj = new goods_shop_class(); $obj->dispose_order($order_id, 'confirm', 'sys', $url_str, $_SESSION['uid']); break; } if (isset($sbt_action)) { $order_obj = new Keke_witkey_order_class(); sizeof($ckb) or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['choose_operate_item'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); is_array($ckb) and $ids = implode(',', array_filter($ckb)); $order_obj->setWhere("order_id in ({$ids})"); if ($sbt_action) { $res = $order_obj->del_keke_witkey_order(); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['mulit_recovery_articles']); } $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit_operate_success'], $url, 3, '', 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit_operate_fail'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); } function get_submit_method($order_id)