コード例 #1
  * Generate product search output
 public function onRSProductSearch()
     if (count($this->search) > 0) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/product.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/pagination.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/extra_field.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers/text_library.php';
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         $redTemplate = new Redtemplate();
         $Redconfiguration = new Redconfiguration();
         $producthelper = new producthelper();
         $extraField = new extraField();
         $texts = new text_library();
         $stockroomhelper = new rsstockroomhelper();
         $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
         $search_type = JRequest::getCmd('search_type');
         $cid = JRequest::getInt('category_id');
         $manisrch = $this->search;
         $manufacture_id = $manisrch[0]->manufacturer_id;
         $templateid = JRequest::getInt('templateid');
         // Cmd removes space between to words
         $keyword = JRequest::getWord('keyword');
         $layout = JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = 'SELECT category_name' . ' FROM #__redshop_category  ' . 'WHERE category_id=' . JRequest::getInt('cid');
         $cat_name = null;
         if ($catname_array = $db->loadObjectList()) {
             $cat_name = $catname_array[0]->category_name;
         $session = JFactory::getSession();
         $model = $this->getModel('search');
         $limit = $this->limit;
         $limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0);
         $total = $model->_total;
         $url = JURI::base();
         if ($this->params->get('page_title') != "") {
             $pagetitle = $this->params->get('page_title');
         } else {
             $pagetitle = JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SEARCH');
         if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1)) {
             echo '<h1 class="componentheading' . $this->escape($this->params->get('pageclass_sfx')) . '">';
             echo $pagetitle;
             echo '</h1>';
         echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
         $category_tmpl = "";
         if (count($this->templatedata) > 0 && $this->templatedata[0]->template_desc != "") {
             $template_desc = $this->templatedata[0]->template_desc;
         } else {
             $template_desc = "<div class=\"category_print\">{print}</div>\r\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n<div class=\"category_main_description\">{category_main_description}</div>\r\n<p>{if subcats} {category_loop_start}</p>\r\n<div id=\"categories\">\r\n<div style=\"float: left; width: 200px;\">\r\n<div class=\"category_image\">{category_thumb_image}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_description\">\r\n<h2 class=\"category_title\">{category_name}</h2>\r\n{category_description}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>{category_loop_end} {subcats end if}</p>\r\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n<div id=\"category_header\">\r\n<div class=\"category_order_by\">{order_by}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_box_wrapper\">{product_loop_start}\r\n<div class=\"category_box_outside\">\r\n<div class=\"category_box_inside\">\r\n<div class=\"category_product_image\">{product_thumb_image}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_title\">\r\n<h3>{product_name}</h3>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_price\">{product_price}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_readmore\">{read_more}</div>\r\n<div>{product_rating_summary}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_addtocart\">{form_addtocart:add_to_cart1}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n{product_loop_end}\r\n<div class=\"category_product_bottom\" style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_pagination\">{pagination}</div>";
         if (strstr($template_desc, "{product_display_limit}")) {
             $endlimit = $model->getProductPerPage();
             $limit = JRequest::getInt('limit', $endlimit, '', 'int');
         $template_org = $template_desc;
         $template_d1 = explode("{category_loop_start}", $template_org);
         if (count($template_d1) > 1) {
             $template_d2 = explode("{category_loop_end}", $template_d1[1]);
             if (count($template_d2) > 0) {
                 $category_tmpl = $template_d2[0];
         $template_org = str_replace($category_tmpl, "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_loop_start}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_loop_end}", "", $template_org);
         $print = JRequest::getInt('print');
         $p_url = @explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $print_tag = '';
         if ($print) {
             $print_tag = "<a onclick='window.print();' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' ><img src=" . JSYSTEM_IMAGES_PATH . "printButton.png  alt='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' /></a>";
         } else {
             $print_url = $url . "index.php?option=com_redshop&view=search&print=1&tmpl=component";
             $print_tag = "<a href='#' onclick='window.open(\"{$print_url}\",\"mywindow\",\"scrollbars=1\",\"location=1\")' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' ><img src=" . JSYSTEM_IMAGES_PATH . "printButton.png  alt='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' /></a>";
         $template_org = str_replace("{total_product}", count($this->search), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{total_product_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_TOTAL_PRODUCT'), $template_org);
         if (strstr($template_org, "{compare_product_div}")) {
             $compare_product_div = "";
             if (PRODUCT_COMPARISON_TYPE != "") {
                 $comparediv = $producthelper->makeCompareProductDiv();
                 $compareUrl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&layout=compare&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
                 $compare_product_div = "<form name='frmCompare' method='post' action='" . $compareUrl . "' >";
                 $compare_product_div .= "<a href='javascript:compare();' >" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_COMPARE') . "</a>";
                 $compare_product_div .= "<div id='divCompareProduct'>" . $comparediv . "</div>";
                 $compare_product_div .= "</form>";
             $template_org = str_replace("{compare_product_div}", $compare_product_div, $template_org);
         // Skip html if nosubcategory
         if (strstr($template_org, "{if subcats}")) {
             $template_d1 = explode("{if subcats}", $template_org);
             $template_d2 = explode("{subcats end if}", $template_d1[1]);
             $template_org = $template_d1[0] . $template_d2[1];
         // End skip html if nosubcategory
         $template_org = str_replace("{print}", $print_tag, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_price_slider}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{filter_by}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{template_selector_category_lbl}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{template_selector_category}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_description}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_name}", $cat_name, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_description}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_short_desc}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_name}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{if subcats}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{subcats end if}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_3}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_short_desc}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_2}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_1}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_without_vat}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter_formstart}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter:rp_myfilter}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter_formend}", '', $template_org);
         // Replace redproductfilder filter tag
         if (strstr($template_org, "{redproductfinderfilter:")) {
             $redProductFinerHelper = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_redproductfinder/helpers/redproductfinder_helper.php";
             if (file_exists($redProductFinerHelper)) {
                 include_once $redProductFinerHelper;
                 $redproductfinder_helper = new redproductfinder_helper();
                 $hdnFields = array('texpricemin' => '0', 'texpricemax' => '0', 'manufacturer_id' => $filter_by, 'category_template' => $templateid);
                 $hide_filter_flag = false;
                 if ($this->_id) {
                     $prodctofcat = $producthelper->getProductCategory($this->_id);
                     if (empty($prodctofcat)) {
                         $hide_filter_flag = true;
                 $template_org = $redproductfinder_helper->replaceProductfinder_tag($template_org, $hdnFields, $hide_filter_flag);
         // Replace redproductfilder filter tag end here
         $template_d1 = explode("{product_loop_start}", $template_org);
         $template_d2 = explode("{product_loop_end}", $template_d1[1]);
         $template_tmp_desc = $template_d2[0];
         $template_desc = $template_d2[0];
         // Order By
         $order_by = "";
         $orderby_form = "<form name='orderby_form' action='' method='post' >";
         $orderby_form .= $this->lists['order_select'];
         $orderby_form .= "<input type='hidden' name='view' value='search'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='layout' value='{$layout}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='keyword' value='{$keyword}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='{$cid}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='manufacture_id' value='{$manufacture_id}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='templateid' value='{$templateid}'></form>";
         if (strstr($template_desc, '{order_by}')) {
             $order_by = $orderby_form;
         $extraFieldName = $extraField->getSectionFieldNameArray(1, 1, 1);
         $attribute_template = $producthelper->getAttributeTemplate($template_desc);
         $total_product = $model->_total;
         $endlimit = $this->limit;
         $start = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
         if (strstr($template_org, "{pagination}")) {
             if (strstr($template_org, "{product_display_limit}")) {
                 $endlimit = JRequest::getInt('limit', $endlimit, '', 'int');
         } else {
             $endlimit = $model->getData();
         if ($endlimit == 0) {
             $final_endlimit = $total_product;
         } else {
             $final_endlimit = $endlimit;
         $tagarray = $texts->getTextLibraryTagArray();
         $data = "";
         $count_no_user_field = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->search); $i++) {
             $data_add = "";
             $thum_image = "";
             $pname = $Redconfiguration->maxchar($this->search[$i]->product_name, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_TITLE_MAX_CHARS, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_TITLE_END_SUFFIX);
             if ($search_type == 'product_number') {
                 $product_number = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $this->search[$i]->product_number);
                 $pro_s_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_s_desc;
                 $pro_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_desc;
             } else {
                 $product_number = $this->search[$i]->product_number;
                 $pro_s_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_s_desc;
                 $pro_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_desc;
                 if (!in_array($keyword, $tagarray)) {
                     $pname = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pname);
                     $pro_s_desc = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pro_s_desc);
                     $pro_desc = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pro_desc);
             $pro_s_desc = $Redconfiguration->maxchar($pro_s_desc, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_DESC_MAX_CHARS, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_DESC_END_SUFFIX);
             $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $this->search[$i]->product_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
             if (strstr($template_desc, '{product_name}')) {
                 $pname = "<a href='" . $link . "'>" . $pname . "</a>";
                 $data_add = str_replace("{product_name}", $pname, $template_desc);
             if (strstr($template_desc, '{product_name_nolink}')) {
                 $data_add = str_replace("{product_name_nolink}", $pname, $template_desc);
             $readmore = "<a href='" . $link . "'>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_READ_MORE') . "</a>";
             $data_add = str_replace("{read_more}", $readmore, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{read_more_link}", $link, $data_add);
             // RedSHOP Product Plugin
             $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareProduct', array(&$data_add, &$params, $this->search[$i]));
             // End
             if (strstr($data_add, "{product_delivery_time}")) {
                 $product_delivery_time = $producthelper->getProductMinDeliveryTime($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 if ($product_delivery_time != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{delivery_time_lbl}", JText::_('DELIVERY_TIME'), $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_delivery_time}", $product_delivery_time, $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{delivery_time_lbl}", "", $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_delivery_time}", "", $data_add);
             // Product Review/Rating
             // Fetching reviews
             $final_avgreview_data = $producthelper->getProductRating($this->search[$i]->product_id);
             // Attribute ajax chage
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_rating_summary}", $final_avgreview_data, $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getJcommentEditor($this->search[$i], $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getExtraSectionTag($extraFieldName, $this->search[$i]->product_id, "1", $data_add, 1);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_s_desc}", $pro_s_desc, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_desc}", $pro_desc, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_id_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_ID_LBL'), $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_id}", $this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_number_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_NUMBER_LBL'), $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_number}", $product_number, $data_add);
              * related Product List in Lightbox
              * Tag Format = {related_product_lightbox:<related_product_name>[:width][:height]}
             if (strstr($data_add, '{related_product_lightbox:')) {
                 $related_product = $producthelper->getRelatedProduct($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 $rtlnone = explode("{related_product_lightbox:", $data_add);
                 $rtlntwo = explode("}", $rtlnone[1]);
                 $rtlnthree = explode(":", $rtlntwo[0]);
                 $rtln = $rtlnthree[0];
                 $rtlnfwidth = isset($rtlnthree[1]) ? $rtlnthree[1] : "900";
                 $rtlnwidthtag = isset($rtlnthree[1]) ? ":" . $rtlnthree[1] : "";
                 $rtlnfheight = isset($rtlnthree[2]) ? $rtlnthree[2] : "600";
                 $rtlnheighttag = isset($rtlnthree[2]) ? ":" . $rtlnthree[2] : "";
                 $rtlntag = "{related_product_lightbox:{$rtln}{$rtlnwidthtag}{$rtlnheighttag}}";
                 if (count($related_product) > 0) {
                     $linktortln = JUri::root() . "index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "&tmpl=component&template=" . $rtln . "&for=rtln";
                     $rtlna = '<a class="modal" href="' . $linktortln . '" rel="{handler:\'iframe\',size:{x:' . $rtlnfwidth . ',y:' . $rtlnfheight . '}}" >' . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_RELATED_PRODUCT_LIST_IN_LIGHTBOX') . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $rtlna = "";
                 $data_add = str_replace($rtlntag, $rtlna, $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceVatinfo($data_add);
              *  Conditional tag
              *  if product on discount : Yes
              *  {if product_on_sale} This product is on sale {product_on_sale end if} // OUTPUT : This product is on sale
              *  NO : // OUTPUT : Display blank
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductOnSaleComment($this->search[$i], $data_add);
             $data_add = $stockroomhelper->replaceStockroomAmountDetail($data_add, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
             if (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_3}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_3}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT_3;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH_3;
             } elseif (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_2}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_2}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT_2;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH_2;
             } elseif (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_1}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_1}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH;
             } else {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH;
             $hidden_thumb_image = "<input type='hidden' name='prd_main_imgwidth' id='prd_main_imgwidth' value='" . $cw_thumb . "'><input type='hidden' name='prd_main_imgheight' id='prd_main_imgheight' value='" . $ch_thumb . "'>";
             $thum_image = $producthelper->getProductImage($this->search[$i]->product_id, $link, $cw_thumb, $ch_thumb);
             $data_add = str_replace($cimg_tag, $thum_image . $hidden_thumb_image, $data_add);
             // More documents
             if (strstr($data_add, "{more_documents}")) {
                 $media_documents = $producthelper->getAdditionMediaImage($this->search[$i]->product_id, "product", "document");
                 $more_doc = '';
                 for ($m = 0; $m < count($media_documents); $m++) {
                     $alttext = $producthelper->getAltText("product", $media_documents[$m]->section_id, "", $media_documents[$m]->media_id, "document");
                     if (!$alttext) {
                         $alttext = $media_documents[$m]->media_name;
                     if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_DOCUMENT_RELPATH . "product/" . $media_documents[$m]->media_name)) {
                         $downlink = JUri::root() . 'index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $this->search[$i]->product_id . '&task=downloadDocument&fname=' . $media_documents[$m]->media_name . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
                         $more_doc .= "<div><a href='" . $downlink . "' title='" . $alttext . "'>";
                         $more_doc .= $alttext;
                         $more_doc .= "</a></div>";
                 $data_add = str_replace("{more_documents}", "<span id='additional_docs" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>" . $more_doc . "</span>", $data_add);
             // More documents end
             /************************************************ user fields*******************************************************/
             $hidden_userfield = "";
             $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($data_add);
             $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
             $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
             $count_no_user_field = 0;
             if ($template_userfield != "") {
                 $ufield = "";
                 for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                     $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
                     $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
                     if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $data_add);
                 $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "' name='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>";
                 if ($ufield != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "</form>", $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", "", $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "", $data_add);
             } elseif (AJAX_CART_BOX) {
                 $ajax_detail_template_desc = "";
                 $ajax_detail_template = $producthelper->getAjaxDetailboxTemplate($this->search[$i]);
                 if (count($ajax_detail_template) > 0) {
                     $ajax_detail_template_desc = $ajax_detail_template->template_desc;
                 $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($ajax_detail_template_desc);
                 $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
                 $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
                 if ($template_userfield != "") {
                     $ufield = "";
                     for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                         $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
                         $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
                         if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
                         $template_userfield = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $template_userfield);
                         $template_userfield = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $template_userfield);
                     if ($ufield != "") {
                         $hidden_userfield = "<div style='display:none;'><form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "' name='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>" . $template_userfield . "</form></div>";
             $data_add = $data_add . $hidden_userfield;
             /*************** end user fields ***************/
             // ProductFinderDatepicker Extra Field Start
             $fieldArray = $extraField->getSectionFieldList(17, 0, 0);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductFinderDatepickerValue($data_add, $this->search[$i]->product_id, $fieldArray);
             // ProductFinderDatepicker Extra Field End
              * manufacturer data
             $manufacturer_id = $this->search[$i]->manufacturer_id;
             if ($manufacturer_id != 0) {
                 $manufacturer_data = $producthelper->getSection("manufacturer", $manufacturer_id);
                 $manufacturer_link_href = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=manufacturers&layout=detail&mid=' . $manufacturer_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
                 $manufacturer_name = "";
                 if (count($manufacturer_data) > 0) {
                     $manufacturer_name = $manufacturer_data->manufacturer_name;
                 $manufacturer_link = '<a href="' . $manufacturer_link_href . '" title="' . $manufacturer_name . '">' . $manufacturer_name . '</a>';
                 if (strstr($data_add, "{manufacturer_link}")) {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", "", $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", $manufacturer_name, $data_add);
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_link}", $manufacturer_link, $data_add);
             } else {
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_link}", "", $data_add);
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", "", $data_add);
             // End
             // Replace wishlistbutton
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceWishlistButton($this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add);
             // Replace compare product button
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceCompareProductsButton($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, $data_add);
             // Checking for child products
             $childproduct = $producthelper->getChildProduct($this->search[$i]->product_id);
             if (count($childproduct) > 0) {
                 $isChilds = true;
                 $attributes = array();
             } else {
                 $isChilds = false;
                 // Get attributes
                 $attributes_set = array();
                 if ($this->search[$i]->attribute_set_id > 0) {
                     $attributes_set = $producthelper->getProductAttribute(0, $this->search[$i]->attribute_set_id, 0, 1);
                 $attributes = $producthelper->getProductAttribute($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $attributes_set);
             // Product attribute  Start
             $totalatt = count($attributes);
             // Check product for not for sale
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductNotForSaleComment($this->search[$i], $data_add, $attributes);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceProductInStock($this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add, $attributes, $attribute_template);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceAttributeData($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, 0, $attributes, $data_add, $attribute_template, $isChilds);
             // Cart Template
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceCartTemplate($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, 0, 0, $data_add, $isChilds, $userfieldArr, $totalatt, 0, $count_no_user_field, "");
             $data .= $data_add;
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $router = $app->getRouter();
         $getorderby = JRequest::getVar('order_by', DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ORDERING_METHOD);
         $vars = array('option' => 'com_redshop', 'view' => 'search', 'layout' => $layout, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'manufacture_id' => $manufacture_id, 'order_by' => $getorderby, 'category_id' => $cid, 'Itemid' => $Itemid, 'limit' => $limit);
         if (strstr($template_org, "{pagination}")) {
             $pagination = new redPagination($total_product, $start, $endlimit);
             $slidertag = $pagination->getPagesLinks();
             if (strstr($template_org, "{product_display_limit}")) {
                 $slidertag = "<form action='' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='keyword' value='{$keyword}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='{$cid}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='manufacture_id' value='{$manufacture_id}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='templateid' value='{$templateid}'> " . $pagination->getListFooter() . "</form>";
                 $template_org = str_replace("{product_display_limit}", $slidertag, $template_org);
                 $template_org = str_replace("{pagination}", '', $template_org);
             $template_org = str_replace("{pagination}", $slidertag, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_display_limit}", "", $template_org);
         if (strstr($template_org, "perpagelimit:")) {
             $perpage = explode('{perpagelimit:', $template_org);
             $perpage = explode('}', $perpage[1]);
             $template_org = str_replace("{perpagelimit:" . intval($perpage[0]) . "}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{order_by}", $orderby_form, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{order_by_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SELECT_ORDER_BY'), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{filter_by_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SELECT_FILTER_BY'), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_with_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_without_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_loop_start}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_loop_end}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace($template_tmp_desc, $data, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{with_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{without_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = $redTemplate->parseredSHOPplugin($template_org);
         $template_org = $texts->replace_texts($template_org);
         eval("?>" . $template_org . "<?php ");
     } else {
         echo "<br><h3>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MSG_SORRY_NO_RESULT_FOUND') . "</h3>";
コード例 #2
    public function replaceCartTemplate($product_id = 0, $category_id = 0, $accessory_id = 0, $relproduct_id = 0, $data_add = "", $isChilds = false, $userfieldArr = array(), $totalatt = 0, $totalAccessory = 0, $count_no_user_field = 0, $module_id = 0, $giftcard_id = 0)
        $user_id = 0;
        $redconfig = new Redconfiguration();
        $extraField = new extraField();
        $stockroomhelper = new rsstockroomhelper();
        $product_quantity = JRequest::getVar('product_quantity');
        $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
        if ($user_id == 0) {
            $user_id = $user->id;
        $field_section = 12;
        if ($relproduct_id != 0) {
            $product_id = $relproduct_id;
        } elseif ($giftcard_id != 0) {
            $product_id = $giftcard_id;
        if ($giftcard_id != 0) {
            $product = $this->getGiftcardData($giftcard_id);
            $field_section = 13;
        } else {
            $product = $this->getProductById($product_id);
        $taxexempt_addtocart = $this->taxexempt_addtocart($user_id, 1);
        $cart_template = $this->getAddtoCartTemplate($data_add);
        if (count($cart_template) <= 0 && $data_add != "") {
            $cart_template = new stdclass();
            $cart_template->template_name = "";
            $cart_template->template_desc = "";
        if ($data_add == "" && count($cart_template) <= 0) {
            $cart_template = new stdclass();
            $cart_template->template_name = "notemplate";
            $cart_template->template_desc = "<div>{addtocart_image_aslink}</div>";
            $data_add = "{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}";
        $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout');
        $cart = $this->_session->get('cart');
        $isAjax = 0;
        $preprefix = "";
        $preselected_attrib_img = "";
        if ($layout == "viewajaxdetail") {
            $isAjax = 1;
            $preprefix = "ajax_";
        $prefix = $preprefix . "prd_";
        if ($accessory_id != 0) {
            $prefix = $preprefix . "acc_";
        } elseif ($relproduct_id != 0) {
            $prefix = $preprefix . "rel_";
        if (!empty($module_id)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . $module_id . "_";
        $totrequiredatt = "";
        $totrequiredprop = '';
        if ($giftcard_id != 0) {
            $product_price = $product->giftcard_price;
            $product_price_novat = 0;
            $product_old_price = 0;
            $isStockExists = true;
            $max_quantity = 0;
            $min_quantity = 0;
        } else {
            if ($isChilds) {
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", "", $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            } elseif ($this->isProductDateRange($userfieldArr, $product_id)) {
                // New type custome field - Selection based on selected conditions
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_DATE_FIELD_EXPIRED'), $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            } elseif ($product->not_for_sale) {
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", '', $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            } elseif (!$taxexempt_addtocart) {
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", '', $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            } elseif (!SHOW_PRICE) {
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", '', $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            } elseif ($product->expired == 1) {
                $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", PRODUCT_EXPIRE_TEXT, $data_add);
                return $data_add;
            // Get stock for Product
            $isStockExists = $stockroomhelper->isStockExists($product_id);
            $isPreorderStockExists = '';
            if ($totalatt > 0 && !$isStockExists) {
                $property = $this->getAttibuteProperty(0, 0, $product_id);
                for ($att_j = 0; $att_j < count($property); $att_j++) {
                    $isSubpropertyStock = false;
                    $sub_property = $this->getAttibuteSubProperty(0, $property[$att_j]->property_id);
                    for ($sub_j = 0; $sub_j < count($sub_property); $sub_j++) {
                        $isSubpropertyStock = $stockroomhelper->isStockExists($sub_property[$sub_j]->subattribute_color_id, 'subproperty');
                        if ($isSubpropertyStock) {
                            $isStockExists = $isSubpropertyStock;
                    if ($isSubpropertyStock) {
                    } else {
                        $isPropertystock = $stockroomhelper->isStockExists($property[$att_j]->property_id, "property");
                        if ($isPropertystock) {
                            $isStockExists = $isPropertystock;
            $qunselect = $this->GetDefaultQuantity($product_id, $data_add);
            $productArr = $this->getProductNetPrice($product_id, $user_id, $qunselect, $data_add);
            $product_price = $productArr['product_price'] * $qunselect;
            $product_price_novat = $productArr['product_price_novat'] * $qunselect;
            $product_old_price = $productArr['product_old_price'] * $qunselect;
            if ($product->not_for_sale) {
                $product_price = 0;
            $max_quantity = $product->max_order_product_quantity;
            $min_quantity = $product->min_order_product_quantity;
        $stockdisplay = false;
        $preorderdisplay = false;
        $cartdisplay = false;
        $display_text = JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_OUTOFSTOCK_MESSAGE');
        if (!$isStockExists) {
            // Check if preorder is set to yes than add pre order button
            $product_preorder = $product->preorder;
            if ($product_preorder == "global" && ALLOW_PRE_ORDER || $product_preorder == "yes" || $product_preorder == "" && ALLOW_PRE_ORDER) {
                // Get preorder stock for Product
                $isPreorderStockExists = $stockroomhelper->isPreorderStockExists($product_id);
                if ($totalatt > 0 && !$isPreorderStockExists) {
                    $property = $this->getAttibuteProperty(0, 0, $product_id);
                    for ($att_j = 0; $att_j < count($property); $att_j++) {
                        $isSubpropertyStock = false;
                        $sub_property = $this->getAttibuteSubProperty(0, $property[$att_j]->property_id);
                        for ($sub_j = 0; $sub_j < count($sub_property); $sub_j++) {
                            $isSubpropertyStock = $stockroomhelper->isPreorderStockExists($sub_property[$sub_j]->subattribute_color_id, 'subproperty');
                            if ($isSubpropertyStock) {
                                $isPreorderStockExists = $isSubpropertyStock;
                        if ($isSubpropertyStock) {
                        } else {
                            $isPropertystock = $stockroomhelper->isPreorderStockExists($property[$att_j]->property_id, "property");
                            if ($isPropertystock) {
                                $isPreorderStockExists = $isPropertystock;
                // Check preorder stock
                if (!$isPreorderStockExists) {
                    $preorder_stock_flag = true;
                    $stockdisplay = true;
                    $add_cart_flag = true;
                    $display_text = JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PREORDER_PRODUCT_OUTOFSTOCK_MESSAGE');
                } else {
                    //$pre_order_value = 1;
                    $preorderdisplay = true;
                    $add_cart_flag = true;
                    $p_availability_date = "";
                    if ($product->product_availability_date != "") {
                        $p_availability_date = $redconfig->convertDateFormat($product->product_availability_date);
            } else {
                $stockdisplay = true;
                $add_cart_flag = true;
        } else {
            $cartdisplay = true;
            $add_cart_flag = true;
        $p_availability_date = "";
        $ADD_OR_PRE_TOOLTIP = str_replace("{availability_date}", $p_availability_date, ALLOW_PRE_ORDER_MESSAGE);
        $ADD_OR_TOOLTIP = "";
        if ($totalatt > 0) {
            $attributes_set = array();
            if ($product->attribute_set_id > 0) {
                $attributes_set = $this->getProductAttribute(0, $product->attribute_set_id, 0, 1, 1);
            $requiredattribute = $this->getProductAttribute($product_id, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            $requiredattribute = array_merge($requiredattribute, $attributes_set);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($requiredattribute); $i++) {
                $totrequiredatt .= JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_ATTRIBUTE_IS_REQUIRED') . " " . urldecode($requiredattribute[$i]->attribute_name) . "\n";
            $requiredproperty = $this->getAttibuteProperty(0, 0, $product_id, 0, 1);
            for ($y = 0; $y < count($requiredproperty); $y++) {
                $totrequiredprop .= JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SUBATTRIBUTE_IS_REQUIRED') . " " . urldecode($requiredproperty[$y]->property_name) . "\n";
        $stockId = $prefix . $product_id;
        if ($add_cart_flag) {
            if ($giftcard_id == 0 && $category_id == 0) {
                $category_id = $this->getCategoryProduct($product_id);
            $addtocartFormName = 'addtocart_' . $prefix . $product_id;
            $cartform = "<form name='" . $addtocartFormName . "' id='" . $addtocartFormName . "' class='addtocart_formclass' action='" . JRoute::_('index.php') . "' method='post'>";
            $cartform .= $cart_template->template_desc;
            if (count($userfieldArr) > 0) {
                $product_userhiddenfileds = '<table>';
                $idx = 0;
                if (isset($cart['idx'])) {
                    $idx = (int) $cart['idx'];
                $cart_id = '';
                for ($j = 0; $j < $idx; $j++) {
                    if ($giftcard_id != 0) {
                        if ($cart[$j]['giftcard_id'] == $product_id) {
                            $cart_id = $j;
                    } else {
                        if ($cart[$j]['product_id'] == $product_id) {
                            $cart_id = $j;
                for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                    $result_arr = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], $field_section, "hidden", $cart_id, $isAjax, $product_id);
                    $product_userhiddenfileds .= $result_arr[1];
                $product_userhiddenfileds .= '</table>';
                $cartform .= $product_userhiddenfileds;
            //Start Hidden attribute image in cart
            $attributes = $this->getProductAttribute($product_id);
            if (count($attributes) > 0) {
                $selectedpropertyId = 0;
                $selectedsubpropertyId = 0;
                for ($a = 0; $a < count($attributes); $a++) {
                    $selectedId = array();
                    $property = $this->getAttibuteProperty(0, $attributes[$a]->attribute_id);
                    if ($attributes[$a]->text != "" && count($property) > 0) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($property); $i++) {
                            if ($property[$i]->setdefault_selected) {
                                $selectedId[] = $property[$i]->property_id;
                        if (count($selectedId) > 0) {
                            $selectedpropertyId = $selectedId[count($selectedId) - 1];
                            $subproperty = $this->getAttibuteSubProperty(0, $selectedpropertyId);
                            $selectedId = array();
                            for ($sp = 0; $sp < count($subproperty); $sp++) {
                                if ($subproperty[$sp]->setdefault_selected) {
                                    $selectedId[] = $subproperty[$sp]->subattribute_color_id;
                            if (count($selectedId) > 0) {
                                $selectedsubpropertyId = $selectedId[count($selectedId) - 1];
                $preselected_attrib_img = $this->get_hidden_attribute_cartimage($product_id, $selectedpropertyId, $selectedsubpropertyId);
            $cartform .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='preorder_product_stock' id='preorder_product_stock" . $product_id . "' value='" . $isPreorderStockExists . "'>\r\n\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='product_stock' id='product_stock" . $product_id . "' value='" . $isStockExists . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='product_preorder' id='product_preorder" . $product_id . "' value='" . $product->preorder . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='product_id' id='product_id' value='" . $product_id . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='" . $category_id . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='view' value='cart'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='task' value='add'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='option' value='com_redshop'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='Itemid' id='Itemid' value='" . $Itemid . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='sel_wrapper_id' id='sel_wrapper_id' value='0'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='main_price' id='main_price" . $product_id . "' value='" . $product_price . "' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tmp_product_price' id='tmp_product_price' value='0'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='product_old_price' id='product_old_price" . $product_id . "' value='" . $product_old_price . "' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tmp_product_old_price' id='tmp_product_old_price' value='0'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='product_price_no_vat' id='product_price_no_vat" . $product_id . "' value='" . $product_price_novat . "' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='productprice_notvat' id='productprice_notvat' value='0'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='min_quantity' id='min_quantity' value='" . $min_quantity . "' requiredtext='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MINIMUM_QUANTITY_SHOULD_BE') . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='max_quantity' id='max_quantity' value='" . $max_quantity . "' requiredtext='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_SHOULD_BE') . "'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='accessory_data' id='accessory_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='acc_attribute_data' id='acc_attribute_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='acc_quantity_data' id='acc_quantity_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='acc_property_data' id='acc_property_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='acc_subproperty_data' id='acc_subproperty_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='accessory_price' id='accessory_price' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='accessory_price_withoutvat' id='accessory_price_withoutvat' value='0'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='attribute_data' id='attribute_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='property_data' id='property_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='subproperty_data' id='subproperty_data' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='attribute_price' id='attribute_price' value='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='requiedAttribute' id='requiedAttribute' value='' reattribute='" . $totrequiredatt . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='requiedProperty' id='requiedProperty' value='' reproperty='" . $totrequiredprop . "'>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='calcHeight' id='hidden_calc_height' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='calcWidth' id='hidden_calc_width' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='calcDepth' id='hidden_calc_depth' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='calcRadius' id='hidden_calc_radius' value='' >\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='calcUnit' id='hidden_calc_unit' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='pdcextraid' id='hidden_calc_extraid' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='hidden_attribute_cartimage' id='hidden_attribute_cartimage" . $product_id . "' value='" . $preselected_attrib_img . "' />";
            if ($giftcard_id != 0) {
                $cartform .= "<input type='hidden' name='giftcard_id' id= 'giftcard_id' value='" . $giftcard_id . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='reciver_email' id='reciver_email' value='" . @$cart['reciver_email'] . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='reciver_name' id='reciver_name' value='" . @$cart['reciver_name'] . "'>";
                if ($product->customer_amount == 1) {
                    $cartform .= "<input type='hidden' name='customer_amount' id='customer_amount' value='" . @$cart['customer_amount'] . "'>";
            } else {
                if ($product->product_type == "subscription") {
                    $sub_id = JRequest::getInt('subscription_id', 0);
                    $cartform .= "<input type='hidden' name='subscription_id' id='hidden_subscription_id' value='" . $sub_id . "' />";
                    $cartform .= "<input type='hidden' name='subscription_prize' id='hidden_subscription_prize' value='0' />";
                $ajaxdetail_templatedata = $this->getAjaxDetailboxTemplate($product);
                if (count($ajaxdetail_templatedata) > 0) {
                    $ajax_cart_detail_temp_desc = $ajaxdetail_templatedata->template_desc;
                     * attribute, accessory, userfield check for ajax detail template
                    // 	make attribute count 0. if there is no tag in ajax detail template
                    if (!strstr($ajax_cart_detail_temp_desc, "{attribute_template:")) {
                        $totalatt = 0;
                    // 	make accessory count 0. if there is no tag in ajax detail template
                    if (!strstr($ajax_cart_detail_temp_desc, "{accessory_template:")) {
                        $totalAccessory = 0;
                    // make userfields 0.if there is no tag available in ajax detail template
                    if (strstr($ajax_cart_detail_temp_desc, "{if product_userfield}")) {
                        $ajax_extra_field1 = explode("{if product_userfield}", $ajax_cart_detail_temp_desc);
                        $ajax_extra_field2 = explode("{product_userfield end if}", $ajax_extra_field1[1]);
                        $ajax_extra_field_center = $ajax_extra_field2[0];
                        if (!strstr($ajax_extra_field_center, "{")) {
                            $count_no_user_field = 0;
                    } else {
                        $count_no_user_field = 0;
            if ($product_quantity) {
                $quan = $product_quantity;
            } else {
                if ($giftcard_id != 0) {
                    $quan = 1;
                } elseif ($product->min_order_product_quantity > 0) {
                    $quan = $product->min_order_product_quantity;
                } else {
                    $quan = 1;
            $addtocart_quantity = '';
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_quantity}")) {
                $addtocart_quantity = "<span id='stockQuantity" . $stockId . "'><input type='text' name='quantity' id='quantity" . $product_id . "' value='" . $quan . "' maxlength='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "' size='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "' onchange='validateInputNumber(this.id);' onkeypress='return event.keyCode!=13'></span>";
                $cartform = str_replace("{addtocart_quantity}", $addtocart_quantity, $cartform);
                $cartform = str_replace("{quantity_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_QUANTITY_LBL'), $cartform);
            } elseif (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_quantity_increase_decrease}")) {
                $addtocart_quantity .= '<input type="text"  id="quantity' . $product_id . '" name="quantity" size="1"  value="' . $quan . '" onkeypress="return event.keyCode!=13"/>';
                $addtocart_quantity .= '<input type="button" class="myupbutton" onClick="quantity' . $product_id . '.value = (+quantity' . $product_id . '.value+1)">';
                $addtocart_quantity .= '<input type="button" class="mydownbutton" onClick="quantity' . $product_id . '.value = (quantity' . $product_id . '.value); var qty1 = quantity' . $product_id . '.value; if( !isNaN( qty1 ) &amp;&amp; qty1 > 1 ) quantity' . $product_id . '.value--;return false;">';
                $addtocart_quantity .= '<input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="' . $product_id . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="cart_index" value="' . $i . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="' . $Itemid . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="task" value="">';
                $cartform = str_replace("{addtocart_quantity_increase_decrease}", $addtocart_quantity, $cartform);
                $cartform = str_replace("{quantity_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_QUANTITY_LBL'), $cartform);
            } elseif (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_quantity_selectbox}")) {
                $addtocart_quantity = "<input type='hidden' name='quantity' id='quantity" . $product_id . "' value='" . $quan . "' maxlength='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "' size='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "'>";
                if (DEFAULT_QUANTITY_SELECTBOX_VALUE != "" && $product->quantity_selectbox_value == '' || $product->quantity_selectbox_value != '') {
                    $selectbox_value = $product->quantity_selectbox_value ? $product->quantity_selectbox_value : DEFAULT_QUANTITY_SELECTBOX_VALUE;
                    $quaboxarr = explode(",", $selectbox_value);
                    $quaboxarr = array_merge(array(), array_unique($quaboxarr));
                    $qselect = "<select name='quantity' id='quantity" . $product_id . "'  OnChange='calculateTotalPrice(" . $product_id . "," . $relproduct_id . ");'>";
                    for ($q = 0; $q < count($quaboxarr); $q++) {
                        if (intVal($quaboxarr[$q]) && intVal($quaboxarr[$q]) != 0) {
                            $quantityselect = $quan == intval($quaboxarr[$q]) ? "selected" : "";
                            $qselect .= "<option value='" . intVal($quaboxarr[$q]) . "' " . $quantityselect . ">" . intVal($quaboxarr[$q]) . "</option>";
                    $qselect .= "</select>";
                    $addtocart_quantity = "<span id='stockQuantity" . $stockId . "'>" . $qselect . "</span>";
                $cartform = str_replace("{addtocart_quantity_selectbox}", $addtocart_quantity, $cartform);
                $cartform = str_replace("{quantity_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_QUANTITY_LBL'), $cartform);
            } else {
                $cartform .= "<input type='hidden' name='quantity' id='quantity" . $product_id . "' value='" . $quan . "' maxlength='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "' size='" . DEFAULT_QUANTITY . "'>";
            $stockstyle = '';
            $cartstyle = '';
            $preorderstyle = '';
            if ($preorderdisplay) {
                $stockstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                $cartstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                $preorderstyle = '';
                if (USE_AS_CATALOG) {
                    $preorderstyle = 'style="display:none"';
            if ($stockdisplay) {
                $stockstyle = '';
                if (USE_AS_CATALOG) {
                    $stockstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                $cartstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                $preorderstyle = 'style="display:none"';
            if ($cartdisplay) {
                $stockstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                $cartstyle = '';
                $preorderstyle = 'style="display:none"';
                if (USE_AS_CATALOG) {
                    $cartstyle = 'style="display:none"';
            $cartTag = '';
            $cartIcon = '';
            $cartTitle = ' title="' . $ADD_OR_TOOLTIP . '" ';
            // Trigger event which hepls us to add new JS functions to the Add To Cart button onclick
            $addToCartClickJS = $dispatcher->trigger('onAddToCartClickJS', array($product, $cart));
            if (!empty($addToCartClickJS)) {
                $addToCartClickJS = implode('', $addToCartClickJS);
            } else {
                $addToCartClickJS = "";
            if ($giftcard_id) {
                $onclick = ' onclick="' . $addToCartClickJS . 'if(validateEmail()){if(displayAddtocartForm(\'' . $addtocartFormName . '\',\'' . $product_id . '\',\'' . $relproduct_id . '\',\'' . $giftcard_id . '\', \'user_fields_form\')){checkAddtocartValidation(\'' . $addtocartFormName . '\',\'' . $product_id . '\',\'' . $relproduct_id . '\',\'' . $giftcard_id . '\', \'user_fields_form\',\'' . $totalatt . '\',\'' . $totalAccessory . '\',\'' . $count_no_user_field . '\');}}" ';
            } else {
                $onclick = ' onclick="' . $addToCartClickJS . 'if(displayAddtocartForm(\'' . $addtocartFormName . '\',\'' . $product_id . '\',\'' . $relproduct_id . '\',\'' . $giftcard_id . '\', \'user_fields_form\')){checkAddtocartValidation(\'' . $addtocartFormName . '\',\'' . $product_id . '\',\'' . $relproduct_id . '\',\'' . $giftcard_id . '\', \'user_fields_form\',\'' . $totalatt . '\',\'' . $totalAccessory . '\',\'' . $count_no_user_field . '\');}" ';
            $class = '';
            $title = '';
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_tooltip}")) {
                $class = 'class="editlinktip hasTip"';
                $title = ' title="' . $tooltip . '" ';
                $cartform = str_replace("{addtocart_tooltip}", "", $cartform);
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_button}")) {
                $cartTag = "{addtocart_button}";
                if (AJAX_CART_BOX != 1) {
                    $cartIcon = '<span id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . '><input type="button" ' . $onclick . $cartTitle . ' name="addtocart_button" value="' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '" /></span>';
                } else {
                    $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . '><input type="button" ' . $cartTitle . ' name="addtocart_button" value="' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '" /></span></a>';
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_link}")) {
                $cartTag = "{addtocart_link}";
                if (AJAX_CART_BOX != 1) {
                    $cartIcon = '<span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $onclick . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span></a>';
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_image_aslink}")) {
                $cartTag = "{addtocart_image_aslink}";
                if (AJAX_CART_BOX != 1) {
                    if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_RELPATH . $ADD_CART_IMAGE)) {
                        $cartIcon = '<span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '"><img ' . $onclick . $cartTitle . ' alt="' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '" style="cursor: pointer;" src="' . REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . $ADD_CART_IMAGE . '" /></span>';
                    } else {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span></a>';
                } else {
                    if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_RELPATH . $ADD_CART_IMAGE)) {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '"><img ' . $cartTitle . ' alt="' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '" style="cursor: pointer;" src="' . REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . $ADD_CART_IMAGE . '" /></span></a>';
                    } else {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span></a>';
            if (strstr($cartform, "{addtocart_image}")) {
                $cartTag = "{addtocart_image}";
                if (AJAX_CART_BOX != 1) {
                    if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_RELPATH . $ADD_CART_BACKGROUND)) {
                        $cartIcon = '<span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '"><div ' . $onclick . $cartTitle . ' align="center" style="cursor:pointer;background:url(' . REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . $ADD_CART_BACKGROUND . ');background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</div></span>';
                    } else {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span></a>';
                } else {
                    if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_RELPATH . $ADD_CART_BACKGROUND)) {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '"><div ' . $cartTitle . ' align="center" style="cursor:pointer;background:url(' . REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . $ADD_CART_BACKGROUND . ');background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</div></span></a>';
                    } else {
                        $cartIcon = '<a class="ajaxcartcolorbox' . $product_id . '"  href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . ' ><span ' . $class . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $cartstyle . ' id="pdaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $cartTitle . ' style="cursor: pointer;">' . $ADD_OR_LBL . '</span></a>';
            // pre-Order
            if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_RELPATH . $ADD_OR_PRE_BTN)) {
                $cartIconPreorder = '<span id="preordercart' . $stockId . '" ' . $preorderstyle . '><img ' . $onclick . $cartTitle . ' alt="' . $ADD_OR_PRE_LBL . '" style="cursor: pointer;" src="' . REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . $ADD_OR_PRE_BTN . '" /></span>';
            } else {
                $cartIconPreorder = '<span id="preordercart' . $stockId . '" ' . $preorderstyle . '><a href="javascript:;" ' . $onclick . '>' . JTEXT::_('COM_REDSHOP_PREORDER_BTN') . '</a></span>';
            $cartform = str_replace($cartTag, '<span id="stockaddtocart' . $stockId . '" ' . $stockstyle . ' class="stock_addtocart">' . $display_text . '</span>' . $cartIconPreorder . $cartIcon, $cartform);
            $cartform .= "</form>";
            $data_add = str_replace("{form_addtocart:{$cart_template->template_name}}", $cartform, $data_add);
        return $data_add;
コード例 #3
 public function replacePaymentTemplate($template_desc = "", $payment_method_id = 0, $is_company = 0, $ean_number = 0)
     $ccdata = $this->_session->get('ccdata');
     $rsUserhelper = new rsUserhelper();
     $url = JURI::base();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $user_id = $user->id;
     $cc_list = array();
     $cc_list['VISA'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['VISA']->img = 'visa.jpg';
     $cc_list['MC'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['MC']->img = 'master.jpg';
     $cc_list['amex'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['amex']->img = 'blue.jpg';
     $cc_list['maestro'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['maestro']->img = 'mastero.jpg';
     $cc_list['jcb'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['jcb']->img = 'jcb.jpg';
     $cc_list['diners'] = new stdClass();
     $cc_list['diners']->img = 'dinnersclub.jpg';
     $montharr = array();
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MONTH'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '01', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_JAN'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '02', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_FEB'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '03', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MAR'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '04', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_APR'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '05', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MAY'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '06', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_JUN'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '07', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_JUL'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '08', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_AUG'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '09', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SEP'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '10', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_OCT'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '11', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_NOV'));
     $montharr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '12', JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_DEC'));
     $paymentmethod = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('redshop_payment');
     $template_desc = str_replace("{payment_heading}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PAYMENT_METHOD'), $template_desc);
     if (strstr($template_desc, "{split_payment}")) {
         if (SPLITABLE_PAYMENT == 1) {
             $splitpayment = '<input type="checkbox" name="issplit" value="1">' . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SPLIT_PAYMENT') . '?';
             $template_desc = str_replace("{split_payment}", $splitpayment, $template_desc);
         } else {
             $template_desc = str_replace("{split_payment}", "", $template_desc);
     if (strstr($template_desc, "{payment_loop_start}") && strstr($template_desc, "{payment_loop_end}")) {
         $template1 = explode("{payment_loop_start}", $template_desc);
         $template1 = explode("{payment_loop_end}", $template1[1]);
         $template_middle = $template1[0];
         $shopperGroupId = $rsUserhelper->getShopperGroup($user_id);
         $payment_display = "";
         $flag = false;
         for ($p = 0; $p < count($paymentmethod); $p++) {
             $cardinfo = "";
             $display_payment = "";
             $paymentFilePath = JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/redshop_payment/' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '/' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '.php';
             if (file_exists($paymentFilePath)) {
                 $paymentpath = JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/redshop_payment/' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '/' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '.php';
                 include_once $paymentpath;
                 $paymentparams = new JRegistry($paymentmethod[$p]->params);
                 $private_person = $paymentparams->get('private_person', '');
                 $business = $paymentparams->get('business', '');
                 $is_creditcard = $paymentparams->get('is_creditcard', 0);
                 $shopper_group = $paymentparams->get('shopper_group_id');
                 if (!is_array($shopper_group)) {
                     $shopper_groupArr = array();
                     $shopper_groupArr[0] = $shopper_group;
                     if ($shopper_group == '') {
                         $shopper_groupArr[0] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $shopper_groupArr = $shopper_group;
                 if (in_array($shopperGroupId, $shopper_groupArr) || $shopper_groupArr[0] == 0) {
                     if ($flag == false) {
                         if (count($paymentmethod) > 0) {
                             $payment_method_id = $paymentmethod[$p]->name;
                     $checked = '';
                     if ($payment_method_id === $paymentmethod[$p]->name) {
                         $checked = "checked";
                     $payment_chcked_class = '';
                     if ($payment_method_id == $paymentmethod[$p]->name) {
                         $payment_chcked_class = "paymentgtwchecked";
                     $payment_radio_output = '<div id="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '" class="' . $payment_chcked_class . '"><input  type="radio" name="payment_method_id" id="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . $p . '" value="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '" ' . $checked . ' onclick="javascript:onestepCheckoutProcess(this.name,\'\');" /><label for="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . $p . '">' . JText::_('PLG_' . strtoupper($paymentmethod[$p]->name)) . '</label></div>';
                     $is_subscription = false;
                     if ($paymentmethod[$p]->name == 'rs_payment_eantransfer' || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == 'rs_payment_cashtransfer' || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == 'rs_payment_banktransfer' || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == "rs_payment_banktransfer2" || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == "rs_payment_banktransfer3" || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == "rs_payment_banktransfer4" || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == "rs_payment_banktransfer5") {
                         if ($is_company == 0 && $private_person == 1) {
                             $display_payment = $payment_radio_output;
                             $flag = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($is_company == 1 && $business == 1 && ($paymentmethod[$p]->name != 'rs_payment_eantransfer' || $paymentmethod[$p]->name == 'rs_payment_eantransfer' && $ean_number == 1)) {
                                 $display_payment = $payment_radio_output;
                                 $flag = true;
                     } elseif ($is_subscription) {
                         $display_payment = '<input id="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . $p . '" type="radio" name="payment_method_id" value="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '" ' . $checked . ' onclick="javascript:onestepCheckoutProcess(this.name);" />' . '<label for="' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . $p . '">' . JText::_($paymentmethod[$p]->name) . '</label><br>';
                         $display_payment .= '<table><tr><td>' . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN') . '</td><td>' . $this->getSubscriptionPlans() . '<td></tr><table>';
                     } else {
                         $display_payment = $payment_radio_output;
                         $flag = true;
                     if ($is_creditcard) {
                         $cardinfo = '<div id="divcardinfo_' . $paymentmethod[$p]->name . '">';
                         if ($checked != "" && ONESTEP_CHECKOUT_ENABLE) {
                             $cardinfo .= $this->replaceCreditCardInformation($paymentmethod[$p]->name);
                         $cardinfo .= '</div>';
             $payment_display .= $template_middle;
             $payment_display = str_replace("{payment_method_name}", $display_payment, $payment_display);
             $payment_display = str_replace("{creditcard_information}", $cardinfo, $payment_display);
         $template_desc = str_replace("{payment_loop_start}", "", $template_desc);
         $template_desc = str_replace("{payment_loop_end}", "", $template_desc);
         $template_desc = str_replace($template_middle, $payment_display, $template_desc);
     $extrafield_total = '';
     if (strstr($template_desc, "{payment_extrafields}")) {
         $extraField = new extraField();
         $paymentparams_new = new JRegistry($paymentmethod[0]->params);
         $extrafield_payment = $paymentparams_new->get('extrafield_payment');
         $extrafield_total = '';
         $extrafield_hidden = '';
         if (count($extrafield_payment) > 0) {
             for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($extrafield_payment); $ui++) {
                 $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($extrafield_payment[$ui], 18, '', 0, 0, 0);
                 $extrafield_total .= $product_userfileds[0] . " " . $product_userfileds[1] . "<br>";
                 $extrafield_hidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='extrafields[]' value='" . $extrafield_payment[$ui] . "'>";
             $template_desc = str_replace("{payment_extrafields}", "<div id='extrafield_payment'>" . $extrafield_total . $extrafield_hidden . "</div>", $template_desc);
         } else {
             $template_desc = str_replace("{payment_extrafields}", "<div id='extrafield_payment'></div>", $template_desc);
     if (count($paymentmethod) == 1 && $is_creditcard == "0" && $extrafield_total == "") {
         $template_desc = "<div style='display:none;'>" . $template_desc . "</div>";
     return $template_desc;
コード例 #4
 $count_no_user_field = 0;
 // Counting accessory
 $accessorylist = $producthelper->getProductAccessory(0, $product->product_id);
 $totacc = count($accessorylist);
 $prddata_add .= $template_product;
 // Product User Field Start
 $hidden_userfield = "";
 $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($prddata_add);
 $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
 $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
 if ($template_userfield != "") {
     $ufield = "";
     for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
         $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $product->product_id);
         $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
         if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
         $prddata_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $prddata_add);
         $prddata_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $prddata_add);
     $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form_" . $product->product_id . "' name='user_fields_form_" . $product->product_id . "'>";
     if ($ufield != "") {
         $prddata_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $prddata_add);
         $prddata_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "</form>", $prddata_add);
     } else {
         $prddata_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", "", $prddata_add);
         $prddata_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "", $prddata_add);
コード例 #5
  * Display shipping extra field
  * @return void
 public function displayshippingextrafield()
     $shipping_rate_id = JRequest::getCmd('shipping_rate_id', '');
     $shippingmethod = $this->_order_functions->getShippingMethodInfo($shipping_rate_id);
     $shippingparams = new JRegistry($shippingmethod[0]->params);
     $extrafield_shipping = $shippingparams->get('extrafield_shipping', '');
     $extraField = new extraField();
     $extrafield_total = "";
     if (count($extrafield_shipping) > 0) {
         for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($extrafield_shipping); $ui++) {
             if ($extrafield_shipping[$ui] != "") {
                 $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($extrafield_shipping[$ui], 19, '', 0, 0, 0);
                 $extrafield_total .= $product_userfileds[0] . " " . $product_userfileds[1] . "<br>";
                 $extrafield_hidden .= "<input type='hidden' name='extrafields[]' value='" . $extrafield_shipping[$ui] . "'>";
         echo $extrafield_total . $extrafield_hidden;
コード例 #6
 $cart = $session->get('cart');
 if (isset($cart['idx'])) {
     $idx = (int) $cart['idx'];
 $idx = 0;
 $cart_id = '';
 for ($j = 0; $j < $idx; $j++) {
     if ($cart[$j]['giftcard_id'] == $gid) {
         $cart_id = $j;
 for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
     if (!$idx) {
         $cart_id = "";
     $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 13, '', $cart_id, 0, $gid);
     $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
     if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
     $template = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $template);
     $template = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $template);
 $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form' name='user_fields_form'>";
 if ($ufield != "") {
     $template = str_replace("{if giftcard_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{giftcard_userfield end if}", "</form>", $template);
 } else {
     $template = str_replace("{if giftcard_userfield}", "", $template);
     $template = str_replace("{giftcard_userfield end if}", "", $template);
コード例 #7
 $cart = $this->session->get('cart');
 if (isset($cart['idx'])) {
     $idx = (int) $cart['idx'];
 $idx = 0;
 $cart_id = '';
 for ($j = 0; $j < $idx; $j++) {
     if ($cart[$j]['product_id'] == $this->data->product_id) {
         $cart_id = $j;
 for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
     if (!$idx) {
         $cart_id = "";
     $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', $cart_id, 1, $this->data->product_id);
     $ufield .= $product_userfileds[0];
     if ($product_userfileds[0] != "") {
     if ($nextrafield <= 0) {
         $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', '', $data_add);
         $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', '', $data_add);
     } else {
         if ($extrafieldNames) {
             $extrafieldName = @explode(',', $extrafieldNames);
             if (!in_array($userfieldArr[$ui], $extrafieldName)) {
                 $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', '', $data_add);
                 $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', '', $data_add);
             } else {
                 $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $data_add);
コード例 #8
     $idx = (int) $cart['idx'];
 $idx = 0;
 $cart_id = '';
 for ($j = 0; $j < $idx; $j++) {
     if ($cart[$j]['product_id'] == $row->product_id) {
         $cart_id = $j;
 for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
     if (!$idx) {
         $cart_id = "";
     $product_userfileds_final = $wishlistuserfielddata[$ui]->userfielddata;
     if ($product_userfileds_final != '') {
         $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $row->product_id, $product_userfileds_final, 1);
     } else {
         $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', $cart_id, 0, $row->product_id);
     $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
     if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
     $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $wishlist_data);
     $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $wishlist_data);
 $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form' name='user_fields_form'>";
 if ($ufield != "") {
     $wishlist_data = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $wishlist_data);
     $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "</form>", $wishlist_data);
コード例 #9
function display_products($rows)
    $url = JURI::base();
    $extraField = new extraField();
    $session = JFactory::getSession();
    $producthelper = new producthelper();
    $redhelper = new redhelper();
    $config = new Redconfiguration();
    $redTemplate = new Redtemplate();
    $template = $redTemplate->getTemplate("wishlist_template");
    if (count($template) <= 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
            $row = $rows[$i];
            $Itemid = $redhelper->getItemid($row->product_id);
            $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $row->product_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
            $product_price = $producthelper->getProductPrice($row->product_id);
            $product_price_discount = $producthelper->getProductNetPrice($row->product_id);
            echo "<div id='wishlist_box'>";
            if ($row->product_full_image) {
                echo $thum_image = "<div class='wishlist_left'><div class='mod_wishlist_product_image wishlist_image'>" . ($thum_image = $producthelper->getProductImage($row->product_id, $link, "85", "63") . "</div></div>");
            } else {
                $maindefaultpath = REDSHOP_FRONT_IMAGES_ABSPATH . "product/" . PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE;
                echo $thum_image = "<div class='wishlist_left'><div class='mod_wishlist_product_image wishlist_image'><a href='" . $link . "'><img src='" . $maindefaultpath . "' height='85' width='63' /></a></div></div>";
            echo "<div class='wishlist_center'><div class='wishlist_title'><a href='" . $link . "'>" . $row->product_name . "</a></div><br>";
            if (!$row->not_for_sale) {
                if ($row->product_on_sale && $product_price_discount > 0) {
                    if ($product_price > $product_price_discount) {
                        $s_price = $product_price - $product_price_discount;
                        if ($this->show_discountpricelayout) {
                            echo "<div id='mod_redoldprice' class='mod_redoldprice'><span style='text-decoration:line-through;'>" . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price) . "</span></div>";
                            $product_price = $product_price_discount;
                            echo "<div id='mod_redmainprice' class='mod_redmainprice wishlist_price'>" . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price_discount) . "</div>";
                            echo "<div id='mod_redsavedprice' class='mod_redsavedprice'>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODCUT_PRICE_YOU_SAVED') . ' ' . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($s_price) . "</div>";
                        } else {
                            $product_price = $product_price_discount;
                            echo "<div class='mod_redproducts_price wishlist_price'>" . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price) . "</div>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<div class='mod_redproducts_price wishlist_price'>" . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price) . "</div>";
                } else {
                    echo "<div class='mod_redproducts_price wishlist_price'>" . $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price) . "</div>";
            echo "<br><div class='wishlist_readmore'><a href='" . $link . "'>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_READ_MORE') . "</a></div>&nbsp;</div> ";
            $addtocartdata = $producthelper->replaceCartTemplate($row->product_id, 0, 0, $row->product_id);
            echo "<div class='wishlist_right'>" . $addtocartdata . "</div><br class='clear' /></div><br class='clear' />";
    } else {
        $wishlist_data1 = $template[0]->template_desc;
        $mlink = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_redshop&view=account&layout=mywishlist&mail=1&tmpl=component&wishlist_id=" . $wishlist_id;
        $mail_link = '<a class="redcolorproductimg" href="' . $mlink . '"  ><img src="' . REDSHOP_ADMIN_IMAGES_ABSPATH . 'mailcenter16.png" ></a>';
        $wishlist_data1 = str_replace('{mail_link}', $mail_link, $wishlist_data1);
        $template_d1 = explode("{product_loop_start}", $wishlist_data1);
        $template_d2 = explode("{product_loop_end}", $template_d1[1]);
        $temp_template = '';
        $extraFieldName = $extraField->getSectionFieldNameArray(1, 1, 1);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
            $row = $rows[$i];
            $wishlist_data = $template_d2[0];
            $Itemid = $redhelper->getItemid($rows[$i]->product_id);
            $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $rows[$i]->product_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
            $product_price = $producthelper->getProductPrice($row->product_id);
            $product_price_discount = $producthelper->getProductNetPrice($row->product_id);
            if ($row->product_full_image) {
                $thum_image = $producthelper->getProductImage($row->product_id, $link, $pw_thumb, $ph_thumb);
                $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_thumb_image}', $thum_image, $wishlist_data);
            } else {
                $maindefaultpath = RedShopHelperImages::getImagePath(PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE, '', 'thumb', 'product', $pw_thumb, $ph_thumb, USE_IMAGE_SIZE_SWAPPING);
                $thum_image = "<a href='" . $link . "'><img src='" . $maindefaultpath . "'  /></a>";
                $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_thumb_image}', $thum_image, $wishlist_data);
            $pname = "<a href='" . $link . "'>" . $row->product_name . "</a>";
            $pnumber = $row->product_number;
            $pdesc = $row->product_s_desc;
            // Checking for child products start
            if (strstr($wishlist_data, "{child_products}")) {
                $parentproductid = $row->product_id;
                if ($this->data->product_parent_id != 0) {
                    $parentproductid = $producthelper->getMainParentProduct($row->product_id);
                $frmChild = "";
                if ($parentproductid != 0) {
                    $productInfo = $producthelper->getProductById($parentproductid);
                    // Get child products
                    $childproducts = $model->getAllChildProductArrayList(0, $parentproductid);
                    if (count($childproducts) > 0) {
                        $childproducts = array_merge(array($productInfo), $childproducts);
                        $cld_name = array();
                        if (count($childproducts) > 0) {
                            $parentid = 0;
                            for ($c = 0; $c < count($childproducts); $c++) {
                                if ($childproducts[$c]->product_parent_id == 0) {
                                    $level = "";
                                } else {
                                    if ($parentid != $childproducts[$c]->product_parent_id) {
                                        $level = $level;
                                $parentid = $childproducts[$c]->product_parent_id;
                                $childproducts[$c]->product_name = $level . $childproducts[$c]->product_name;
                            $cld_name = @array_merge($cld_name, $childproducts);
                        $selected = array($row->product_id);
                        $lists['product_child_id'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $cld_name, 'pid', 'class="inputbox" size="1"  onchange="document.frmChild.submit();"', 'product_id', 'product_name', $selected);
                        $frmChild .= "<form name='frmChild' method='get'>";
                        $frmChild .= JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_CHILD_PRODUCTS') . $lists['product_child_id'];
                        $frmChild .= "<input type='hidden' name='Itemid' value='" . $Itemid . "'>";
                        $frmChild .= "<input type='hidden' name='cid' value='" . $row->category_id . "'>";
                        $frmChild .= "<input type='hidden' name='view' value='product'>";
                        $frmChild .= "<input type='hidden' name='option' value='com_redshop'>";
                        $frmChild .= "</form>";
                $wishlist_data = str_replace("{child_products}", $frmChild, $wishlist_data);
            $childproduct = $producthelper->getChildProduct($row->product_id);
            if (count($childproduct) > 0) {
                if (PURCHASE_PARENT_WITH_CHILD == 1) {
                    $isChilds = false;
                    $attributes_set = array();
                    if ($row->attribute_set_id > 0) {
                        $attributes_set = $producthelper->getProductAttribute(0, $row->attribute_set_id, 0, 1);
                    $attributes = $producthelper->getProductAttribute($row->product_id);
                    $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $wishlist_data);
                } else {
                    $isChilds = true;
                    $attributes = array();
            } else {
                $isChilds = false;
                $attributes_set = array();
                if ($row->attribute_set_id > 0) {
                    $attributes_set = $producthelper->getProductAttribute(0, $row->attribute_set_id, 0, 1);
                $attributes = $producthelper->getProductAttribute($row->product_id);
                $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $attributes_set);
            $attribute_template = $producthelper->getAttributeTemplate($wishlist_data);
            // Check product for not for sale
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->getProductNotForSaleComment($row, $wishlist_data, $attributes);
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->replaceProductInStock($row->product_id, $wishlist_data, $attributes, $attribute_template);
            /////////////////////////////////// Product attribute  Start /////////////////////////////////
            $totalatt = count($attributes);
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->replaceAttributeData($row->product_id, 0, 0, $attributes, $wishlist_data, $attribute_template, $isChilds);
            /////////////////////////////////// Product attribute  End  	// Checking for child products end/////////////////////////////////
            if (!$row->not_for_sale) {
                if ($row->product_on_sale && $product_price_discount > 0) {
                    if ($product_price > $product_price_discount) {
                        $s_price = $product_price - $product_price_discount;
                        if ($this->show_discountpricelayout) {
                            $mainproduct_price = $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price);
                            $product_price = $product_price_discount;
                            $mainproduct_price = $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price_discount);
                        } else {
                            $product_price = $product_price_discount;
                            $mainproduct_price = $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price);
                    } else {
                        $mainproduct_price = $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price);
                } else {
                    $mainproduct_price = $producthelper->getProductFormattedPrice($product_price);
                $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_price}', $mainproduct_price, $wishlist_data);
            // Product User Field Start
            $count_no_user_field = 0;
            $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($wishlist_data);
            $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
            $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
            if (strstr($wishlist_data, "{if product_userfield}") && strstr($wishlist_data, "{product_userfield end if}") && $template_userfield != "") {
                $ufield = "";
                $cart = $session->get('cart');
                if (isset($cart['idx'])) {
                    $idx = (int) $cart['idx'];
                $idx = 0;
                $cart_id = '';
                for ($j = 0; $j < $idx; $j++) {
                    if ($cart[$j]['product_id'] == $row->product_id) {
                        $cart_id = $j;
                for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                    if (!$idx) {
                        $cart_id = "";
                    $mysesspro = "productuserfield_" . $ui;
                    for ($check_i = 1; $check_i <= $_SESSION["no_of_prod"]; $check_i++) {
                        if ($_SESSION['wish_' . $check_i]->product_id == $row->product_id) {
                            $product_userfileds_final = $_SESSION['wish_' . $check_i]->{$mysesspro};
                    if ($product_userfileds_final != '') {
                        $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $row->product_id, $product_userfileds_final, 1);
                    } else {
                        $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', $cart_id, 0, $row->product_id);
                    $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
                    if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
                    if ($product_userfileds_final != '') {
                        $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $wishlist_data);
                        $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $wishlist_data);
                    } else {
                        $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $wishlist_data);
                        $wishlist_data = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $wishlist_data);
                $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form' name='user_fields_form'>";
                if ($ufield != "") {
                    $wishlist_data = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $wishlist_data);
                    $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "</form>", $wishlist_data);
                } else {
                    $wishlist_data = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", "", $wishlist_data);
                    $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "", $wishlist_data);
            // Product User Field End
            /////////////////////////////////// Product accessory Start /////////////////////////////////
            $accessory = $producthelper->getProductAccessory(0, $row->product_id);
            $totalAccessory = count($accessory);
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->replaceAccessoryData($row->product_id, 0, $accessory, $wishlist_data, $isChilds);
            /////////////////////////////////// Product accessory End /////////////////////////////////
            $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_name}', $pname, $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_number}', $pnumber, $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace('{product_s_desc}', $pdesc, $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->getExtraSectionTag($extraFieldName, $row->product_id, "1", $wishlist_data, 1);
            $wishlist_data = $producthelper->replaceCartTemplate($row->product_id, $row->category_id, 0, 0, $wishlist_data, $isChilds, $userfieldArr, $totalatt, $totalAccessory, $count_no_user_field);
            $rmore = "<a href='" . $link . "' title='" . $row->product_name . "'>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_READ_MORE') . "</a>";
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{read_more}", $rmore, $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{read_more_link}", $link, $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_loop_start}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_loop_end}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{back_link}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{back_link}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{mail_link}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{if product_on_sale}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_on_sale end if}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("<table></table>", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{all_cart}", '', $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{if product_on_sale}", "", $wishlist_data);
            $wishlist_data = str_replace("{product_on_sale end if}", "", $wishlist_data);
            $regdellink = JRoute::_("index.php?mydel=1&view=wishlist&wishlist_id=" . $row->product_id . "&task=mysessdelwishlist");
            $mainregdellink = "<div><a href=\"" . $regdellink . "\">" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_REMOVE_PRODUCT_FROM_WISHLIST') . "</a></div>";
            $wishlist_data = str_replace('{remove_product_link}', $mainregdellink, $wishlist_data);
            $mainid .= $row->product_id . ",";
            $totattid .= $totalatt . ",";
            $totcount_no_user_field .= $count_no_user_field . ",";
            $temp_template .= $wishlist_data;
        $my = "<form name='frm' method='POST' action=''>";
        $my .= "<input type='hidden' name='product_id' id='product_id' value='" . $mainid . "' >\n\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='totacc_id' id='totacc_id' value='" . $totattid . "' >\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='totcount_no_user_field' id='totcount_no_user_field' value='" . $totcount_no_user_field . "' >\n\t\t\t<input type='button' name='submit' onclick='return productalladdprice();' value='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_ADD_TO_CART') . "'>\n\t\t\t</form>";
        $data = $template_d1[0] . $temp_template . $template_d2[1];
        $data = str_replace('{back_link}', '', $data);
        $data = str_replace('{all_cart}', $my, $data);
        $data = $redTemplate->parseredSHOPplugin($data);
        echo eval("?>" . $data . "<?php ");