function handleFileDownload($contentObject, $contentObjectAttribute, $type, $fileInfo) { $fileName = $fileInfo['filepath']; $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($fileName); if ($fileName != "" and $file->exists()) { $fileSize = $file->size(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && preg_match("/^bytes=(\\d+)-(\\d+)?\$/", trim($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']), $matches)) { $fileOffset = $matches[1]; $contentLength = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] - $matches[1] + 1 : $fileSize - $matches[1]; } else { $fileOffset = 0; $contentLength = $fileSize; } // Figure out the time of last modification of the file right way to get the file mtime ... the $fileModificationTime = $file->mtime(); // stop output buffering, and stop the session so that browsing can be continued while downloading eZSession::stop(); ob_end_clean(); eZFile::downloadHeaders($fileName, self::dispositionType($fileInfo['mime_type']) === 'attachment', false, $fileOffset, $contentLength, $fileSize); try { $file->passthrough($fileOffset, $contentLength); } catch (eZClusterFileHandlerNotFoundException $e) { eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage, __METHOD__); header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 500 Internal Server Error'); } catch (eZClusterFileHandlerGeneralException $e) { eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage, __METHOD__); header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found'); } eZExecution::cleanExit(); } return eZBinaryFileHandler::RESULT_UNAVAILABLE; }
/** * Rate content object attribute id * * @param array $args ( 0 => contentobjectattribute_id, 1 => contentobject_version, 2 => rating ) * @return array */ public static function rate($args) { $ret = array('id' => 0, 'rated' => false, 'already_rated' => false, 'stats' => false); if (isset($args[0])) { $ret['id'] = $args[0]; } if (!isset($args[2]) || !is_numeric($args[0]) || !is_numeric($args[1]) || !is_numeric($args[2]) || $args[2] > 5 || $args[2] < 1) { return $ret; } // Provide extra session protection on 4.1 (not possible on 4.0) by expecting user // to have an existing session (new session = mostlikely a spammer / hacker trying to manipulate rating) if (class_exists('eZSession') && eZSession::userHasSessionCookie() !== true) { return $ret; } // Return if parameters are not valid attribute id + version numbers $contentobjectAttribute = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetch($ret['id'], $args[1]); if (!$contentobjectAttribute instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute) { return $ret; } // Return if attribute is not a rating attribute if ($contentobjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') !== ezsrRatingType::DATA_TYPE_STRING) { return $ret; } // Return if rating has been disabled on current attribute if ($contentobjectAttribute->attribute('data_int')) { return $ret; } // Return if user does not have access to object $contentobject = $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('object'); if (!$contentobject instanceof eZContentObject || !$contentobject->attribute('can_read')) { return $ret; } $rateDataObj = ezsrRatingDataObject::create(array('contentobject_id' => $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('contentobject_id'), 'contentobject_attribute_id' => $ret['id'], 'rating' => $args[2])); $proiorRating = $rateDataObj->userHasRated(true); if ($proiorRating === true) { $ret['already_rated'] = true; } else { if ($proiorRating instanceof ezsrRatingDataObject) { $rateDataObj = $proiorRating; $rateDataObj->setAttribute('rating', $args[2]); $ret['already_rated'] = true; $proiorRating = false; // just to reuse code bellow } } if (!$proiorRating) { $rateDataObj->store(); $avgRateObj = $rateDataObj->getAverageRating(); $avgRateObj->updateFromRatingData(); $avgRateObj->store(); eZContentCacheManager::clearContentCacheIfNeeded($rateDataObj->attribute('contentobject_id')); $ret['rated'] = true; $ret['stats'] = array('rating_count' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rating_count'), 'rating_average' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rating_average'), 'rounded_average' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rounded_average')); } return $ret; }
public function gc($maxLifeTime) { ezpEvent::getInstance()->notify('session/gc', array($maxLifeTime)); $db = eZDB::instance(); eZSession::triggerCallback('gc_pre', array($db, $maxLifeTime)); $sfHandler = $this->storage->getSaveHandler(); if (method_exists($sfHandler, 'gc')) { $sfHandler->gc($maxLifeTime); } eZSession::triggerCallback('gc_post', array($db, $maxLifeTime)); return false; }
/** * Check if user login is required. If so, use login handler to redirect user. * * @deprecated As of 4.4, moved to {@link eZUserLoginHandler::preCheck()} * @param array $siteBasics * @param eZURI $uri * @return array|true|false|null An associative array on redirect with 'module' and 'function' keys, true on successful * and false/null on #fail. */ function eZCheckUser(array &$siteBasics, eZURI $uri) { if (!$siteBasics['user-object-required']) { return null; } $ini = eZINI::instance(); $requireUserLogin = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RequireUserLogin') == 'true'; $forceLogin = false; if (eZSession::hasStarted()) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $forceLogin = $http->hasSessionVariable(eZUserLoginHandler::FORCE_LOGIN); } if (!$requireUserLogin && !$forceLogin) { return null; } return eZUserLoginHandler::checkUser($siteBasics, $uri); }
/** * Check if user login is required. If so, use login handler to redirect user. * * @deprecated As of 4.4, moved to {@link eZUserLoginHandler::preCheck()} * @param array $siteBasics * @param eZURI $uri * @return array|true|false|null An associative array on redirect with 'module' and 'function' keys, true on successful * and false/null on #fail. */ function eZCheckUser(array &$siteBasics, eZURI $uri) { eZDebug::writeStrict('Function eZCheckUser() has been deprecated in 4.4 in favor of eZUserLoginHandler::preCheck()', 'Deprecation'); if (!$siteBasics['user-object-required']) { return null; } $ini = eZINI::instance(); $requireUserLogin = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RequireUserLogin') == 'true'; $forceLogin = false; if (eZSession::hasStarted()) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $forceLogin = $http->hasSessionVariable(eZUserLoginHandler::FORCE_LOGIN); } if (!$requireUserLogin && !$forceLogin) { return null; } return eZUserLoginHandler::checkUser($siteBasics, $uri); }
/** * Rate content object attribute id * * @param array $args ( 0 => contentobjectattribute_id, 1 => contentobject_version, 2 => rating ) * @return array */ public static function rate( $args ) { $ret = array( 'id' => 0, 'rated' => false, 'already_rated' => false, 'stats' => false ); if ( !isset( $args[2] ) ) throw new LengthException( 'Rating expects 3 arguments: attr_id, version, rating' ); else if ( !is_numeric( $args[0] ) ) throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Rating argument[0] attr_id must be a number' ); else if ( !is_numeric( $args[1] ) ) throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Rating argument[1] version must be a number' ); else if ( !is_numeric( $args[2] ) ) throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Rating argument[2] rating must be a number' ); else if ( $args[2] > 5 || $args[2] < 1 ) throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Rating argument[2] rating must be between 1 and 5' ); $ret['id'] = (int) $args[0]; // Provide extra session protection on 4.1 (not possible on 4.0) by expecting user // to have an existing session (new session = mostlikely a spammer / hacker trying to manipulate rating) if ( eZSession::userHasSessionCookie() !== true && eZINI::instance()->variable( 'eZStarRating', 'AllowAnonymousRating' ) === 'disabled' ) return $ret; // Return if parameters are not valid attribute id + version numbers $contentobjectAttribute = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetch( $ret['id'], $args[1] ); if ( !$contentobjectAttribute instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute ) return $ret; // Return if attribute is not a rating attribute if ( $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') !== ezsrRatingType::DATA_TYPE_STRING ) return $ret; // Return if rating has been disabled on current attribute if ( $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('data_int') ) return $ret; // Return if user does not have access to object $contentobject = $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('object'); if ( !$contentobject instanceof eZContentObject || !$contentobject->attribute('can_read') ) return $ret; $rateDataObj = ezsrRatingDataObject::create( array( 'contentobject_id' => $contentobjectAttribute->attribute('contentobject_id'), 'contentobject_attribute_id' => $ret['id'], 'rating' => $args[2] )); $proiorRating = $rateDataObj->userHasRated( true ); if ( $proiorRating === true ) { $ret['already_rated'] = true; } else if ( $proiorRating instanceof ezsrRatingDataObject ) { $rateDataObj = $proiorRating; $rateDataObj->setAttribute( 'rating', $args[2] ); $ret['already_rated'] = true; $proiorRating = false;// just to reuse code bellow } if ( !$proiorRating ) { $rateDataObj->store(); $avgRateObj = $rateDataObj->getAverageRating(); $avgRateObj->updateFromRatingData(); $avgRateObj->store(); eZContentCacheManager::clearContentCacheIfNeeded( $rateDataObj->attribute('contentobject_id') ); $ret['rated'] = true; $ret['stats'] = array( 'rating_count' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rating_count'), 'rating_average' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rating_average'), 'rounded_average' => $avgRateObj->attribute('rounded_average'), ); } return $ret; }
} break; default: // give a warning $actionname = '[ERROR: unknown action] "' . $action . '"'; } // Before calling execute, echo out brief description of action taken + date and time ??? // this gives good user feedback for long-running methods... /// @todo use a template for html layout if ($action != 'inspect' || $debug) { echo '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars($actionname) . ' on server ' . htmlspecialchars($server) . " ...</h2>\n"; flush(); } // avoid locking in case we are using a session for executing the action which // is the sane session as used by the debugger and plain php session storage eZSession::stop(); // execute method(s) $response = null; $responses = array(); $time = microtime(true); foreach ($msg as $message) { $response = $client->send($message); $responses[] = $response; if (!is_object($response) || $response->isFault()) { break; } } $time = microtime(true) - $time; if ($debug) { /// @todo should echo the request+response of all requests, when sending more than 1 echo '<div class="dbginfo"><h2>Debug info:</h2>';
/** * Remove all session data (Truncate table) * * @return bool */ public function cleanup() { $db = eZDB::instance(); eZSession::triggerCallback('cleanup_pre', array($db)); $db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE ezsession'); eZSession::triggerCallback('cleanup_post', array($db)); return true; }
/** * Figures out if current user should be protected or not * based on if (s)he has a session and is logged in. * * @return bool */ protected static function shouldProtectUser() { if (!eZSession::hasStarted()) { return false; } if (!eZUser::currentUser()->isLoggedIn()) { return false; } return true; }
$userID = 0; if ( $user instanceof eZUser ) $userID = $user->id(); if ( $userID > 0 ) { if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'Cookie' ) ) { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $rememberMeTimeout = $ini->hasVariable( 'Session', 'RememberMeTimeout' ) ? $ini->variable( 'Session', 'RememberMeTimeout' ) : false; if ( $rememberMeTimeout ) { eZSession::stop(); eZSession::start( $rememberMeTimeout ); } } $http->removeSessionVariable( 'eZUserLoggedInID' ); $http->setSessionVariable( 'eZUserLoggedInID', $userID ); // Remove all temporary drafts eZContentObject::cleanupAllInternalDrafts( $userID ); return $Module->redirectTo( $redirectionURI ); } } else { // called from outside of a template (?) $requestedURI = $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'];
function checkUser(&$siteBasics, $uri) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $check = array("module" => "user", "function" => "login"); if (eZSession::issetkey('eZUserLoggedInID', false) && $http->sessionVariable("eZUserLoggedInID") != '' && $http->sessionVariable("eZUserLoggedInID") != self::anonymousId()) { $currentUser = eZUser::currentUser(); if (!$currentUser->isEnabled()) { eZUser::logoutCurrent(); $currentUser = eZUser::currentUser(); } else { return null; } } $ini = eZINI::instance(); $moduleName = $uri->element(); $viewName = $uri->element(1); $anonymousAccessList = $ini->variable("SiteAccessSettings", "AnonymousAccessList"); foreach ($anonymousAccessList as $anonymousAccess) { $elements = explode('/', $anonymousAccess); if (!isset($elements[1])) { if ($moduleName == $elements[0]) { return null; } } else { if ($moduleName == $elements[0] and $viewName == $elements[1]) { return null; } } } return $check; }
/** * Get curren session handler * * @since 4.4 * @return ezpSessionHandler */ public static function getHandlerInstance() { if (self::$handlerInstance === null) { $ini = eZINI::instance(); if ($ini->variable('Session', 'Handler') !== '') { $optionArray = array('iniFile' => 'site.ini', 'iniSection' => 'Session', 'iniVariable' => 'Handler', 'handlerParams' => array(self::$hasSessionCookie)); $options = new ezpExtensionOptions($optionArray); self::$handlerInstance = eZExtension::getHandlerClass($options); } if (!self::$handlerInstance instanceof ezpSessionHandler) { self::$handlerInstance = new ezpSessionHandlerPHP(self::$hasSessionCookie); } } return self::$handlerInstance; }
/** * Figures out if current user should be protected or not * based on if (s)he has a session and is logged in. * * @return bool */ protected static function shouldProtectUser() { if (!self::$isEnabled) { return false; } if (!eZSession::hasStarted()) { return false; } if (!eZUser::isCurrentUserRegistered()) { return false; } return true; }
/** * @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2012 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License v2 * @version //autogentag// * @package kernel */ $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $Offset = $Params['Offset']; if (!is_numeric($Offset)) { $Offset = 0; } $parents = array(); // Make sure user has session (if not, then this can't possible be a valid browse request) if (!eZSession::userHasSessionCookie()) { return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'); } // Check that Browse parameters exists if (!$http->hasSessionVariable('BrowseParameters')) { return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_FOUND, 'kernel'); } // Check if node parameters exist $browse = new eZContentBrowse(); if (!isset($Params['NodeID']) && !isset($Params['NodeList']) && !$browse->hasAttribute('start_node')) { return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_FOUND, 'kernel'); } // We get node list when browse is execiuted from search engine ( "search in browse" functionality ) if (isset($Params['NodeList'])) { $nodeList = $Params['NodeList']['SearchResult']; $nodeListCount = $Params['NodeList']['SearchCount'];
// // Definition of Session_GC Cronjob /** * File containing the session_gc.php cronjob * * @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2012 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License v2 * @version //autogentag// * @package kernel */ /** * Cronjob to garbage collect expired sessions as defined by site.ini[Session]SessionTimeout * (the expiry time is calculated when session is created / updated) * These are normally automatically removed by the session gc in php, but on some linux distroes * based on debian this does not work because the custom way session gc is handled. * * Also make sure you run basket_cleanup if you use the shop! * * @package eZCronjob * @see eZsession */ // Functions for session to make sure baskets are cleaned up function eZSessionBasketGarbageCollector($db, $time) { eZBasket::cleanupExpired($time); } // Fill in hooks eZSession::addCallback('gc_pre', 'eZSessionBasketGarbageCollector'); eZSession::garbageCollector();
/** * reimp (not used in this handler) */ public function cleanup() { $db = eZDB::instance(); eZSession::triggerCallback('cleanup_pre', array($db)); eZSession::triggerCallback('cleanup_post', array($db)); return true; }
$tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); if (empty($warningList)) { $warningList = false; } $tpl->setVariable('site', $site); $tpl->setVariable('warning_list', $warningList); $tpl->setVariable('redirect_uri', eZURI::encodeURL($redirectURI)); $templateResult = $tpl->fetch('design:redirect.tpl'); eZDebug::addTimingPoint("Script end"); eZDisplayResult($templateResult); } eZExecution::cleanExit(); } // Store the last URI for access history for login redirection // Only if user has session and only if there was no error or no redirects happen if (eZSession::hasStarted() && $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_OK) { $currentURI = $completeRequestedURI; if (strlen($currentURI) > 0 and $currentURI[0] != '/') { $currentURI = '/' . $currentURI; } $lastAccessedURI = ""; $lastAccessedViewURI = ""; $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); // Fetched stored session variables if ($http->hasSessionVariable("LastAccessesURI")) { $lastAccessedViewURI = $http->sessionVariable("LastAccessesURI"); } if ($http->hasSessionVariable("LastAccessedModifyingURI")) { $lastAccessedURI = $http->sessionVariable("LastAccessedModifyingURI"); } // Update last accessed view page
$tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); if (count($warningList) == 0) { $warningList = false; } $tpl->setVariable('site', $site); $tpl->setVariable('warning_list', $warningList); $tpl->setVariable('redirect_uri', eZURI::encodeURL($redirectURI)); $templateResult = $tpl->fetch('design:redirect.tpl'); eZDebug::addTimingPoint("End"); eZDisplayResult($templateResult); } eZExecution::cleanExit(); } // Store the last URI for access history for login redirection // Only if database is connected, user has session and only if there was no error or no redirects happen if (eZSession::hasStarted() && is_object($db) && $db->isConnected() && $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_OK) { $currentURI = $completeRequestedURI; if (strlen($currentURI) > 0 and $currentURI[0] != '/') { $currentURI = '/' . $currentURI; } $lastAccessedURI = ""; $lastAccessedViewURI = ""; $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); // Fetched stored session variables if ($http->hasSessionVariable("LastAccessesURI")) { $lastAccessedViewURI = $http->sessionVariable("LastAccessesURI"); } if ($http->hasSessionVariable("LastAccessedModifyingURI")) { $lastAccessedURI = $http->sessionVariable("LastAccessedModifyingURI"); } // Update last accessed view page
$tpl->setVariable( 'site', $site ); $tpl->setVariable( 'warning_list', $warningList ); $tpl->setVariable( 'redirect_uri', eZURI::encodeURL( $redirectURI ) ); $templateResult = $tpl->fetch( 'design:redirect.tpl' ); eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "End" ); eZDisplayResult( $templateResult ); } eZExecution::cleanExit(); } // Store the last URI for access history for login redirection // Only if user has session and only if there was no error or no redirects happen if ( eZSession::hasStarted() && $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_OK ) { $currentURI = $completeRequestedURI; if ( strlen( $currentURI ) > 0 and $currentURI[0] != '/' ) $currentURI = '/' . $currentURI; $lastAccessedURI = ""; $lastAccessedViewURI = ""; $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); // Fetched stored session variables if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" ) ) { $lastAccessedViewURI = $http->sessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" );
if (strlen($filterSQL) + strlen($expirationFilterSQL) > 0) { $whereSQL = 'WHERE'; } $db = eZDB::instance(); $query = "SELECT count( DISTINCT ezsession.user_id ) AS count\n FROM ezsession\n {$whereSQL}\n {$filterSQL}\n {$expirationFilterSQL}"; $rows = $db->arrayQuery($query); return $rows[0]['count']; } $param['sortby'] = false; $param['filter_type'] = $filterType; $param['expiration_filter'] = $expirationFilterType; $param['user_id'] = $userID; if (isset($viewParameters['sortby'])) { $param['sortby'] = $viewParameters['sortby']; } $sessionsActive = eZSession::countActive(); $sessionsCount = eZFetchActiveSessionCount($param); $sessionsList = eZFetchActiveSessions($param); if ($param['offset'] >= $sessionsActive and $sessionsActive != 0) { $module->redirectTo('/setup/session'); } $tpl->setVariable("gc_sessions_completed", $gcSessionsCompleted); $tpl->setVariable("sessions_removed", $sessionsRemoved); $tpl->setVariable("sessions_active", $sessionsActive); $tpl->setVariable("sessions_count", $sessionsCount); $tpl->setVariable("sessions_list", $sessionsList); $tpl->setVariable("page_limit", $param['limit']); $tpl->setVariable("view_parameters", $viewParameters); $tpl->setVariable("form_parameter_string", $viewParameters); $tpl->setVariable('filter_type', $filterType); $tpl->setVariable('expiration_filter_type', $expirationFilterType);
/** * Remove all session data (Truncate table) * * @return bool */ public function cleanup() { ezpEvent::getInstance()->notify( 'session/cleanup', array() ); $db = eZDB::instance(); eZSession::triggerCallback( 'cleanup_pre', array( $db ) ); $db->query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ezsession' ); eZSession::triggerCallback( 'cleanup_post', array( $db ) ); return true; }
protected function requestInit() { if ($this->isInitialized) { return; } eZExecution::setCleanExit(false); $scriptStartTime = microtime(true); $GLOBALS['eZRedirection'] = false; $this->access = eZSiteAccess::current(); eZDebug::setScriptStart($scriptStartTime); eZDebug::addTimingPoint("Script start"); $this->uri = eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI()); $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $this->uri; // Be able to do general events early in process ezpEvent::getInstance()->notify('request/preinput', array($this->uri)); // Initialize module loading $this->siteBasics['module-repositories'] = eZModule::activeModuleRepositories(); eZModule::setGlobalPathList($this->siteBasics['module-repositories']); // make sure we get a new $ini instance now that it has been reset $ini = eZINI::instance(); // start: eZCheckValidity // pre check, setup wizard related so needs to be before session/db init // TODO: Move validity check in the constructor? Setup is not meant to be launched at each (sub)request is it? if ($ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'CheckValidity') === 'true') { $this->check = array('module' => 'setup', 'function' => 'init'); // Turn off some features that won't bee needed yet $this->siteBasics['policy-check-omit-list'][] = 'setup'; $this->siteBasics['show-page-layout'] = $ini->variable('SetupSettings', 'PageLayout'); $this->siteBasics['validity-check-required'] = true; $this->siteBasics['session-required'] = $this->siteBasics['user-object-required'] = false; $this->siteBasics['db-required'] = $this->siteBasics['no-cache-adviced'] = $this->siteBasics['url-translator-allowed'] = false; $this->siteBasics['site-design-override'] = $ini->variable('SetupSettings', 'OverrideSiteDesign'); $this->access = eZSiteAccess::change(array('name' => 'setup', 'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI)); eZTranslatorManager::enableDynamicTranslations(); } // stop: eZCheckValidity if ($this->siteBasics['session-required']) { // Check if this should be run in a cronjob if ($ini->variable('Session', 'BasketCleanup') !== 'cronjob') { eZSession::addCallback('destroy_pre', function (eZDBInterface $db, $key, $escapedKey) { $basket = eZBasket::fetch($key); if ($basket instanceof eZBasket) { $basket->remove(); } }); eZSession::addCallback('gc_pre', function (eZDBInterface $db, $time) { eZBasket::cleanupExpired($time); }); eZSession::addCallback('cleanup_pre', function (eZDBInterface $db) { eZBasket::cleanup(); }); } // addCallBack to update session id for shop basket on session regenerate eZSession::addCallback('regenerate_post', function (eZDBInterface $db, $escNewKey, $escOldKey) { $db->query("UPDATE ezbasket SET session_id='{$escNewKey}' WHERE session_id='{$escOldKey}'"); }); // TODO: Session starting should be made only once in the constructor $this->sessionInit(); } // if $this->siteBasics['db-required'], open a db connection and check that db is connected if ($this->siteBasics['db-required'] && !eZDB::instance()->isConnected()) { $this->warningList[] = array('error' => array('type' => 'kernel', 'number' => eZError::KERNEL_NO_DB_CONNECTION), 'text' => 'No database connection could be made, the system might not behave properly.'); } // eZCheckUser: pre check, RequireUserLogin & FORCE_LOGIN related so needs to be after session init if (!isset($this->check)) { $this->check = eZUserLoginHandler::preCheck($this->siteBasics, $this->uri); } ezpEvent::getInstance()->notify('request/input', array($this->uri)); // Initialize with locale settings // TODO: Move to constructor? Is it relevant to init the locale/charset for each (sub)requests? $this->languageCode = eZLocale::instance()->httpLocaleCode(); $phpLocale = trim($ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'SystemLocale')); if ($phpLocale != '') { setlocale(LC_ALL, explode(',', $phpLocale)); } $this->httpCharset = eZTextCodec::httpCharset(); // TODO: are these parameters supposed to vary across potential sub-requests? $this->site = array('title' => $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'SiteName'), 'design' => $ini->variable('DesignSettings', 'SiteDesign'), 'http_equiv' => array('Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $this->httpCharset, 'Content-language' => $this->languageCode)); // Read role settings $this->siteBasics['policy-check-omit-list'] = array_merge($this->siteBasics['policy-check-omit-list'], $ini->variable('RoleSettings', 'PolicyOmitList')); $this->isInitialized = true; }
/** * Prepares a file for Download and terminates the execution. * This method will: * - empty the output buffer * - stop buffering * - stop the active session (in order to allow concurrent browsing while downloading) * * @param string $file Path to the local file * @param bool $isAttachedDownload Determines weather to download the file as an attachment ( download popup box ) or not. * @param string $overrideFilename * @param int $startOffset Offset to start transfer from, in bytes * @param int $length Data size to transfer * * @return bool false if error */ static function download($file, $isAttachedDownload = true, $overrideFilename = false, $startOffset = 0, $length = false) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } ob_end_clean(); eZSession::stop(); self::downloadHeaders($file, $isAttachedDownload, $overrideFilename, $startOffset, $length); self::downloadContent($file, $startOffset, $length); eZExecution::cleanExit(); }
function shutdown($exitCode = false, $exitText = false) { $cli = eZCLI::instance(); if (class_exists('eZDB') and eZDB::hasInstance()) { $db = eZDB::instance(false, array('show_errors' => false)); // Perform transaction check $transactionCounterCheck = eZDB::checkTransactionCounter(); if (isset($transactionCounterCheck['error'])) { $cli->error($transactionCounterCheck['error']); } if ($this->UseSession and $db->isConnected()) { eZUser::logoutCurrent(); eZSession::remove(); } } $webOutput = $cli->isWebOutput(); if ($this->UseDebugOutput or eZDebug::isDebugEnabled()) { if ($this->DebugMessage) { fputs(STDERR, $this->DebugMessage); } fputs(STDERR, eZDebug::printReport(false, $webOutput, true, $this->AllowedDebugLevels, $this->UseDebugAccumulators, $this->UseDebugTimingPoints, $this->UseIncludeFiles)); } eZExecution::cleanup(); eZExecution::setCleanExit(); $this->setIsInitialized(false); if ($exitCode !== false) { $this->ExitCode = $exitCode; } if ($this->ExitCode !== false) { if ($exitText !== false) { $cli->output($exitText); } exit($this->ExitCode); } }
$userClientValidates = true; $doValidationRedirect = false; if (!eZSession::userHasSessionCookie()) { if ($redirectNumber == '2') { $userClientValidates = false; } else { $doValidationRedirect = true; } } if ($doValidationRedirect) { $db->rollback(); return $Module->redirectTo('/user/register/2'); } else { if (!$userClientValidates) { $db->rollback(); $tpl->setVariable('user_has_cookie', eZSession::userHasSessionCookie(), 'User'); $tpl->setVariable('user_session_validates', true, 'User'); $Result = array(); $Result['content'] = $tpl->fetch('design:user/register_user_not_valid.tpl'); $Result['path'] = array(array('url' => false, 'text' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/user', 'User')), array('url' => false, 'text' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/user', 'Register'))); return $Result; } } // else create user object if ($http->hasSessionVariable('StartedRegistration')) { eZDebug::writeWarning('Cancel module run to protect against multiple form submits', 'user/register'); $http->removeSessionVariable("RegisterUserID"); $http->removeSessionVariable('StartedRegistration'); $db->commit(); return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN; } else {
$postData = $lastPostVars; $http->setSessionVariable('LastPostVars', $lastPostVars); } $user = false; if ($userLogin != '') { if ($http->hasSessionVariable("RedirectAfterLogin", false)) { $http->removeSessionVariable('RedirectAfterLogin'); } if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) { $loginHandlers = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler'); } else { $loginHandlers = array('standard'); } $hasAccessToSite = true; if ($http->hasPostVariable('Cookie') && $ini->hasVariable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout') && ($rememberMeTimeout = $ini->variable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout'))) { eZSession::setCookieLifetime($rememberMeTimeout); } foreach (array_keys($loginHandlers) as $key) { $loginHandler = $loginHandlers[$key]; $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($loginHandler); if (!is_object($userClass)) { continue; } $user = $userClass->loginUser($userLogin, $userPassword); if ($user instanceof eZUser) { $hasAccessToSite = $user->canLoginToSiteAccess($GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']); if (!$hasAccessToSite) { $user->logoutCurrent(); $user = null; $siteAccessName = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name']; $siteAccessAllowed = false;
$cli->output( "Removing all sessions" ); eZSession::cleanup(); } } if ( $clean['expired_session'] ) { if ( !eZSession::getHandlerInstance()->hasBackendAccess() ) { $cli->output( "Could not remove expired sessions, current session handler does not support session garbage collection (not backend based)." ); } else { $cli->output( "Removing expired sessions,", false ); eZSession::garbageCollector(); $activeCount = eZSession::countActive(); $cli->output( " " . $cli->stylize( 'emphasize', $activeCount ) . " left" ); } } if ( $clean['preferences'] ) { $cli->output( "Removing all preferences" ); eZPreferences::cleanup(); } if ( $clean['browse'] ) { $cli->output( "Removing all recent items and bookmarks for browse page" ); eZContentBrowseRecent::cleanup(); eZContentBrowseBookmark::cleanup();
/** * Get session variable $name * * @param string $name * @param mixed $fallbackValue Return this if session has not started OR name is undefined * if null(default), then force start session and return null if undefined. * @return mixed ByRef */ function &sessionVariable($name, $fallbackValue = null) { return eZSession::get($name, $fallbackValue); }
// load siteaccess $access = eZSiteAccess::match( $uri, eZSys::hostname(), eZSys::serverPort(), eZSys::indexFile() ); $access = eZSiteAccess::change( $access ); $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'] = $access; // Check for new extension loaded by siteaccess eZExtension::activateExtensions( 'access' ); $db = eZDB::instance(); if ( $db->isConnected() ) { eZSession::start(); } else { exitWithInternalError(); return; } $moduleINI = eZINI::instance( 'module.ini' ); $globalModuleRepositories = $moduleINI->variable( 'ModuleSettings', 'ModuleRepositories' ); eZModule::setGlobalPathList( $globalModuleRepositories ); $module = eZModule::exists( 'content' ); if ( !$module ) { exitWithInternalError();
$postData = $lastPostVars; $http->setSessionVariable('LastPostVars', $lastPostVars); } $user = false; if ($userLogin != '') { if ($http->hasSessionVariable("RedirectAfterLogin", false)) { $http->removeSessionVariable('RedirectAfterLogin'); } if ($ini->hasVariable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler')) { $loginHandlers = $ini->variable('UserSettings', 'LoginHandler'); } else { $loginHandlers = array('standard'); } $hasAccessToSite = true; if ($http->hasPostVariable('Cookie') && $ini->hasVariable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout') && ($rememberMeTimeout = $ini->variable('Session', 'RememberMeTimeout'))) { eZSession::setCookieParams($rememberMeTimeout); } foreach (array_keys($loginHandlers) as $key) { $loginHandler = $loginHandlers[$key]; $userClass = eZUserLoginHandler::instance($loginHandler); if (!is_object($userClass)) { continue; } $user = $userClass->loginUser($userLogin, $userPassword); if ($user instanceof eZUser) { $hasAccessToSite = $user->canLoginToSiteAccess($GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']); if (!$hasAccessToSite) { $user->logoutCurrent(); $user = null; $siteAccessName = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name']; $siteAccessAllowed = false;