コード例 #1
  * Test scenario for LDAP login using GetGroupsTree
  * for issue #15334: LDAP GetGroupsTree should be able to find groups in multiple tree levels
  * Test Outline
  * ------------
  * 1. Set LDAPGroupMappingType = GetGroupsTree
  * 2. Login with username and password
  * 3. Check parent nodes of user object
  * 4. Login with username and password for another user
  * 5. Check parent nodes of user object
  * @result:
  *   The first user is placed in the newly created Empire and Sith groups
  *   (the following assertions are not executed)
  * @expected:
  *   The first user is placed in the existing Empire and Sith groups
  *   The second user has two node assignments
  *   The first assignment is the existing RebelAlliance group
  *   The second assignment is the newly created Jedi group
  * @link http://issues.ez.no/15334
 public function testLoginUserGetGroupsTree()
     $this->ldapINI->setVariable('LDAPSettings', 'LDAPGroupMappingType', 'GetGroupsTree');
     $this->ldapINI->setVariable('LDAPSettings', 'LDAPGroupNameAttribute', 'ou');
     $this->ldapINI->setVariable('LDAPSettings', 'LDAPGroupMemberAttribute', 'seeAlso');
     $this->ldapINI->setVariable('LDAPSettings', 'KeepGroupAssignment', 'disabled');
     // The Empire and Sith groups already exist
     $user = eZLDAPUser::loginUser('darth.vader', 'whosyourdaddy');
     $contentObject = $user->attribute('contentobject');
     $parentNodeIDs = $contentObject->attribute('parent_nodes');
     self::assertEquals(array($this->empireGroupNodeId, $this->sithGroupNodeId), $parentNodeIDs);
     // Change the root node id, in order to create the Jedi group under the StarWars group
     $this->ldapINI->setVariable('LDAPSettings', 'LDAPGroupRootNodeId', $this->starWarsGroupNodeId);
     // Try a user with a group that is not in ezp
     $user = eZLDAPUser::loginUser('obi.wan', 'thesearenotthedroids');
     $contentObject = $user->attribute('contentobject');
     $parentNodeIDs = $contentObject->attribute('parent_nodes');
     // The user should be assigned to 2 groups
     self::assertEquals(2, count($parentNodeIDs));
     // The RebelAlliance group already exists
     $node0 = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($parentNodeIDs[0]);
     self::assertEquals(array($this->rebelGroupNodeId, $this->starWarsGroupNodeId, 'RebelAlliance'), array($parentNodeIDs[0], $node0->attribute('parent_node_id'), $node0->attribute('name')));
     // The Jedi group is created by the login handler
     $node1 = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($parentNodeIDs[1]);
     self::assertEquals(array($this->starWarsGroupNodeId, 'Jedi'), array($node1->attribute('parent_node_id'), $node1->attribute('name')));