コード例 #1
     * Fixes reverse relations
     * @see eZObjectRelationListType::fixRelatedObjectItem()
     * @param int $objectID
     * @param string|bool $mode See eZObjectRelationListType::fixRelatedObjectItem() for valid modes
    static function fixReverseRelations( $objectID, $mode = false )
        $db = eZDB::instance();
        $objectID = (int) $objectID;

        // Finds all the attributes that store relations to the given object.
        $result = $db->arrayQuery( "SELECT attr.*
                                    FROM ezcontentobject_link link,
                                         ezcontentobject_attribute attr
                                    WHERE link.from_contentobject_id=attr.contentobject_id AND
                                          link.from_contentobject_version=attr.version AND
                                          link.contentclassattribute_id=attr.contentclassattribute_id AND
                                          link.to_contentobject_id=$objectID" );
        if ( count( $result ) > 0 )
            $objectIDList = array();
            foreach( $result as $row )
                $attr = new eZContentObjectAttribute( $row );
                $dataType = $attr->dataType();
                $dataType->fixRelatedObjectItem( $attr, $objectID, $mode );
                $objectIDList[] = $attr->attribute( 'contentobject_id' );
            if ( eZINI::instance()->variable( 'ContentSettings', 'ViewCaching' ) === 'enabled' )
                eZContentCacheManager::clearObjectViewCacheArray( $objectIDList );