コード例 #1
ファイル: projectPerson.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_rate($projectID, $personID)
     // Try to get the person's rate from the following sources:
     // project.defaultTimeSheetRate
     // person.defaultTimeSheetRate
     // config.name == defaultTimeSheetRate
     // First check the project for a rate
     $project = new project($projectID);
     $row = array('rate' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRate"), 'unit' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID"));
     if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) {
         return $row;
     // Next check person, which is in global currency rather than project currency - conversion required
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $q = prepare("SELECT defaultTimeSheetRate as rate, defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID as unit FROM person WHERE personID = %d", $personID);
     $row = $db->row();
     if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) {
         if ($project->get_value("currencyTypeID") != config::get_config_item("currency")) {
             $row['rate'] = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $row["rate"], $project->get_value("currencyTypeID"));
         return $row;
     // Lowest priority: global
     $rate = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetRate");
     $unit = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetUnit");
     if (imp($rate) && $unit) {
         if (config::get_config_item("currency") && $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")) {
             $rate = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $rate, $project->get_value("currencyTypeID"));
         return array('rate' => $rate, 'unit' => $unit);
コード例 #2
ファイル: init.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function get_applied_patches()
    $rows = array();
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("SELECT patchName FROM patchLog ORDER BY patchDate DESC,patchName DESC");
    while ($row = $db->row()) {
        $rows[] = $row["patchName"];
    return $rows;
コード例 #3
ファイル: invoiceRepeat.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function set_values($prefix)
     global $TPL;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM invoiceRepeatDate WHERE invoiceRepeatID = %d", $this->get_id());
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $rows[] = $row["invoiceDate"];
     $TPL[$prefix . "frequency"] = implode(" ", (array) $rows);
     return parent::set_values($prefix);
コード例 #4
ファイル: role.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_roles_array($level = "person")
     $rows = array();
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM role WHERE roleLevel = '%s' ORDER BY roleSequence", $level);
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $rows[$row["roleHandle"]] = $row["roleName"];
     return $rows;
コード例 #5
ファイル: exchangeRate.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 public static function get_er($from, $to, $date = "")
     static $cache;
     if (imp($cache[$from][$to][$date])) {
         return $cache[$from][$to][$date];
     $db = new db_alloc();
     if ($date) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT *\n                      FROM exchangeRate \n                     WHERE exchangeRateCreatedDate = '%s'\n                       AND fromCurrency = '%s'\n                       AND toCurrency = '%s'\n                   ", $date, $from, $to);
         $row = $db->row();
     if (!$row) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT *\n                      FROM exchangeRate \n                     WHERE fromCurrency = '%s'\n                       AND toCurrency = '%s'\n                  ORDER BY exchangeRateCreatedTime DESC\n                     LIMIT 1\n                   ", $from, $to);
         $row = $db->row();
     $cache[$from][$to][$date] = $row["exchangeRate"];
     return $row["exchangeRate"];
コード例 #6
ファイル: product.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_buy_cost($id = false)
     $id or $id = $this->get_id();
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $q = prepare("SELECT amount, currencyTypeID, tax\n                    FROM productCost\n                   WHERE isPercentage != 1\n                     AND productID = %d\n                     AND productCostActive = true\n                 ", $id);
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         if ($row["tax"]) {
             list($amount_minus_tax, $amount_of_tax) = tax($row["amount"]);
             $row["amount"] = $amount_minus_tax;
         $amount += exchangeRate::convert($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["amount"]);
     return $amount;
コード例 #7
ファイル: transactionGroup.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function show_transaction_list($template)
    global $TPL;
    global $tflist;
    global $transactionGroupID;
    $q = prepare("SELECT *, amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) as amount\n                  FROM transaction\n             LEFT JOIN currencyType on transaction.currencyTypeID = currencyType.currencyTypeID\n                 WHERE transactionGroupID = %d\n              ORDER BY transactionID\n               ", $transactionGroupID);
    $db = new db_alloc();
    while ($row = $db->row()) {
        $transaction = new transaction();
        $tflist = add_inactive_tf($transaction->get_value("tfID"), $tflist);
        $tflist = add_inactive_tf($transaction->get_value("fromTfID"), $tflist);
        $TPL["display"] = "";
        $TPL["tfList_dropdown"] = page::select_options($tflist, $transaction->get_value("tfID"), 500);
        $TPL["fromTfList_dropdown"] = page::select_options($tflist, $transaction->get_value("fromTfID"), 500);
        $TPL["transactionType_dropdown"] = page::select_options(transaction::get_transactionTypes(), $transaction->get_value("transactionType"));
        $TPL["status_dropdown"] = page::select_options(transaction::get_transactionStatii(), $transaction->get_value("status"));
        $TPL["link"] = $transaction->get_link("transactionID");
コード例 #8
ファイル: patch-00244-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function e($str)
    echo "<br>" . htmlentities($str);
$db = new db_alloc();
$row = $db->qr("SELECT count(*) AS sum FROM sentEmailLog WHERE sentEmailLogCreatedTime >= '2012-05-12 00:00:00'");
//e(sprintf("Found %d emails sent.",$row["sum"]));
$row = $db->qr("SELECT count(*) AS sum FROM comment WHERE commentCreatedTime >= '2012-05-12 00:00:00'");
//e(sprintf("Found %d comments created.",$row["sum"]));
$info["host"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailHost");
$info["port"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPort");
$info["username"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailUsername");
$info["password"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailPassword");
$info["protocol"] = config::get_config_item("allocEmailProtocol");
$qid = $db->query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE commentCreatedTime >= '2012-05-12 00:00:00'");
while ($row = $db->row($qid)) {
    // For each comment, ascertain the taskID
    $entity = $row["commentMaster"];
    $entityID = $row["commentMasterID"];
    // Use the taskID to query the mbox.taskID for all its emails
    $mail = new email_receive($info);
    $created = $mail->create_mailbox("INBOX/" . $entity . $entityID);
    $created or $created = $mail->create_mailbox("INBOX." . $entity . $entityID);
    $opened = $mail->open_mailbox("INBOX/" . $entity . $entityID);
    $uids = $mail->get_all_email_msg_uids();
    //e("Entity: ".$entity.$entityID." comment: ".$row["commentID"]." uids: ".print_r($uids,1));
    $found = false;
    foreach ((array) $uids as $uid) {
        // If there's one that looks like the current one, forgeddaboutit
        list($header, $body) = $mail->get_raw_email_by_msg_uid($uid);
コード例 #9
ファイル: task.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function can_be_deleted()
     if (is_object($this) && $this->get_id()) {
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $q = prepare("SELECT can_delete_task(%d) as rtn", $this->get_id());
         $row = $db->row();
         return $row['rtn'];
コード例 #10
ファイル: patch-00097-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc

$q = prepare("SELECT * FROM person WHERE dailyTaskEmail = 'yes'");
$db = new db_alloc();
while ($r = $db->row()) {
    $person = new person();
    $person->prefs["dailyTaskEmail"] = 'yes';
コード例 #11
ファイル: patch-00160-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc

// Create a search index for Time Sheets. This patch may take a long time to apply.
ini_set('max_execution_time', 180000);
ini_set('memory_limit', "256M");
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . 'search/timeSheet');
$db = new db_alloc();
$q = prepare("SELECT * FROM timeSheet");
while ($db->row()) {
    $timeSheet = new timeSheet();
コード例 #12
 function add_interested_party($data)
     static $people;
     $data["emailAddress"] = str_replace(array("<", ">"), "", $data["emailAddress"]);
     // Add new entry
     $ip = new interestedParty();
     $existing = interestedParty::exists($data["entity"], $data["entityID"], $data["emailAddress"]);
     if ($existing) {
     $ip->set_value("entity", $data["entity"]);
     $ip->set_value("entityID", $data["entityID"]);
     $ip->set_value("fullName", $data["name"]);
     $ip->set_value("emailAddress", $data["emailAddress"]);
     $ip->set_value("interestedPartyActive", 1);
     if ($data["personID"]) {
         $ip->set_value("personID", $data["personID"]);
         $ip->set_value("fullName", person::get_fullname($data["personID"]));
     } else {
         $people or $people =& get_cached_table("person");
         foreach ($people as $personID => $p) {
             if ($data["emailAddress"] && same_email_address($p["emailAddress"], $data["emailAddress"])) {
                 $ip->set_value("personID", $personID);
                 $ip->set_value("fullName", $p["name"]);
     $extra_interested_parties = config::get_config_item("defaultInterestedParties");
     if (!$ip->get_value("personID") && !in_array($data["emailAddress"], (array) $extra_interested_parties)) {
         $ip->set_value("external", 1);
         $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM clientContact WHERE clientContactEmail = '%s'", $data["emailAddress"]);
         $db = new db_alloc();
         if ($row = $db->row()) {
             $ip->set_value("clientContactID", $row["clientContactID"]);
             $ip->set_value("fullName", $row["clientContactName"]);
     return $ip->get_id();
コード例 #13
ファイル: client.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function update_search_index_doc(&$index)
     $person =& get_cached_table("person");
     $clientModifiedUser = $this->get_value("clientModifiedUser");
     $clientModifiedUser_field = $clientModifiedUser . " " . $person[$clientModifiedUser]["username"] . " " . $person[$clientModifiedUser]["name"];
     $this->get_value("clientStreetAddressOne") and $postal[] = $this->get_value("clientStreetAddressOne");
     $this->get_value("clientSuburbOne") and $postal[] = $this->get_value("clientSuburbOne");
     $this->get_value("clientStateOne") and $postal[] = $this->get_value("clientStateOne");
     $this->get_value("clientPostcodeOne") and $postal[] = $this->get_value("clientPostcodeOne");
     $this->get_value("clientCountryOne") and $postal[] = $this->get_value("clientCountryOne");
     $p = implode("\n", (array) $postal);
     $p and $p = "Postal Address:\n" . $p;
     $this->get_value("clientStreetAddressTwo") and $street[] = $this->get_value("clientStreetAddressTwo");
     $this->get_value("clientSuburbTwo") and $street[] = $this->get_value("clientSuburbTwo");
     $this->get_value("clientStateTwo") and $street[] = $this->get_value("clientStateTwo");
     $this->get_value("clientPostcodeTwo") and $street[] = $this->get_value("clientPostcodeTwo");
     $this->get_value("clientCountryTwo") and $street[] = $this->get_value("clientCountryTwo");
     $s = implode("\n", (array) $street);
     $s and $s = "Street Address:\n" . $s;
     $p && $s and $p .= "\n\n";
     $addresses = $p . $s;
     $this->get_value("clientPhoneOne") and $ph = "Ph: " . $this->get_value("clientPhoneOne");
     $this->get_value("clientFaxOne") and $fx = "Fax: " . $this->get_value("clientFaxOne");
     $ph and $ph = " " . $ph;
     $fx and $fx = " " . $fx;
     $name = $this->get_name() . $ph . $fx;
     $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM clientContact WHERE clientID = %d", $this->get_id());
     $db = new db_alloc();
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $c .= $nl . $row["clientContactName"];
         $row["clientContactEmail"] and $c .= " <" . $row["clientContactEmail"] . ">";
         $c .= " | ";
         $row["clientContactStreetAddress"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactStreetAddress"];
         $row["clientContactSuburb"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactSuburb"];
         $row["clientContactState"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactState"];
         $row["clientContactPostcode"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactPostcode"];
         $row["clientContactCountry"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactCountry"];
         $c .= " | ";
         $row["clientContactPhone"] and $c .= " Ph: " . $row["clientContactPhone"];
         $row["clientContactMobile"] and $c .= " Mob: " . $row["clientContactMobile"];
         $row["clientContactFax"] and $c .= " Fax: " . $row["clientContactFax"];
         $row["primaryContact"] and $c .= " Primary contact";
         $c .= " | ";
         $row["clientContactOther"] and $c .= " " . $row["clientContactOther"];
         $nl = "|+|=|";
     $c and $contacts = $c;
     $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword('id', $this->get_id()));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('name', $name, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('desc', $addresses, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('contact', $contacts, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('status', $this->get_value("clientStatus"), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('modifier', $clientModifiedUser_field, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateModified', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("clientModifiedTime")), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('category', $this->get_value("clientCategory"), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateCreated', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("clientCreatedTime")), "utf-8"));
コード例 #14
ファイル: patch-00166-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc

// This patch removes patch 162 from the patchLog table.
// Which should enable patch 162 to be run again.
// patch-00162-alla.php simply rebuilds the search index for clients.
// The rebuild of the client search index may be necessary for users that had the
// functionality deployed before the index was feature-complete.
// If the patch 162 isn't found in the patchLog table then it has yet to be applied.
$q = prepare("SELECT * FROM patchLog WHERE patchName = 'patch-00162-alla.php'");
$db = new db_alloc();
if ($db->row()) {
    $q = prepare("DELETE FROM patchLog WHERE patchName = 'patch-00162-alla.php'");
コード例 #15
ファイル: util.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function get_num_alloc_users()
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM person WHERE personActive = 1");
    $row = $db->row();
    return $row["total"];
コード例 #16
ファイル: clientContact.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function find_by_email($email = false)
     $email = str_replace(array("<", ">"), "", $email);
     if ($email) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT clientContactID\n                      FROM clientContact\n                     WHERE replace(replace(clientContactEmail,'<',''),'>','') = '%s'\n                   ", $email);
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $row = $db->row();
         return $row["clientContactID"];
コード例 #17
ファイル: history.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function save_history()
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     global $TPL;
     // Delete old items if they have too many.
     if (!is_object($current_user) || !$current_user->get_id()) {
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $query = prepare("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM history WHERE personID = %d", $current_user->get_id());
     $row = $db->row();
     if ($row["total"] >= 3 * $this->max_to_display) {
         $query = prepare("DELETE FROM history WHERE personID = %d ORDER BY the_time LIMIT %d", $current_user->get_id(), $this->max_to_display, 2 * $this->max_to_display);
     $ignored_files = $this->get_ignored_files();
     if ($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) {
         $qs = $this->strip_get_session($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
         $qs = preg_replace("[&\$]", "", $qs);
         $qs = preg_replace("[^&]", "", $qs);
         $qs = preg_replace("[^\\?]", "", $qs);
     $file = end(explode("/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])) . "?" . $qs;
     if (is_object($current_user) && !in_array($file, $ignored_files) && !$_GET["historyID"] && !$_POST["historyID"] && ($the_label = $this->get_history_label($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], $qs))) {
         $the_place = basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
         foreach ($TPL as $k => $v) {
             $key = basename($this->strip_get_session($v));
             $key = preg_replace("[&\$]", "", $key);
             $key = preg_replace("[\\?\$]", "", $key);
             $arr[$key] = $k;
         if ($arr[$the_place]) {
             $this->set_value("personID", $current_user->get_id());
             $this->set_value("the_place", $arr[$the_place]);
             $this->set_value("the_args", $qs);
             $this->set_value("the_label", $the_label);
             $this->set_value("the_time", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
コード例 #18
ファイル: page.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 public static function select_options($options, $selected_value = NULL, $max_length = 45, $escape = true)
      * Builds up options for use in a html select widget (works with multiple selected too)
      * @param   $options          mixed   An sql query or an array of options
      * @param   $selected_value   string  The current selected element
      * @param   $max_length       int     The maximum string length of the label
      * @return                    string  The string of options
     // Build options from an SQL query: "SELECT col_a as value, col_b as label FROM"
     if (is_string($options)) {
         $db = new db_alloc();
         while ($row = $db->row()) {
             $rows[$row["value"]] = $row["label"];
         // Build options from an array: array(value1=>label1, value2=>label2)
     } else {
         if (is_array($options)) {
             foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                 $rows[$k] = $v;
     if (is_array($rows)) {
         // Coerce selected options into an array
         if (is_array($selected_value)) {
             $selected_values = $selected_value;
         } else {
             if ($selected_value !== NULL) {
                 $selected_values[] = $selected_value;
         foreach ($rows as $value => $label) {
             $sel = "";
             if ($value && !$label) {
                 $label = $value;
             // If an array of selected values!
             if (is_array($selected_values)) {
                 foreach ($selected_values as $selected_value) {
                     if ($selected_value === "" && $value === 0) {
                         // continue
                     } else {
                         if ($selected_value == $value) {
                             $sel = " selected";
             $label = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $label);
             if (strlen((string) $label) > $max_length) {
                 $label = substr($label, 0, $max_length - 3) . "...";
             $escape and $label = page::htmlentities($label);
             $label = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $label);
             $str .= "\n<option value=\"" . $value . "\"" . $sel . ">" . $label . "</option>";
     return $str;
コード例 #19
ファイル: invoiceItem.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 public static function get_list($_FORM)
     $filter = invoiceItem::get_list_filter($_FORM);
     if (is_array($filter) && count($filter)) {
         $f = " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $filter);
     $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM invoiceItem \n               LEFT JOIN invoice ON invoice.invoiceID = invoiceItem.invoiceID\n               LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = invoice.clientID\n               " . $f);
     $db = new db_alloc();
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $row["iiAmount"] = page::money($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["iiAmount"], "%mo");
         $row["iiUnitPrice"] = page::money($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["iiUnitPrice"], "%mo");
         $rows[$row["invoiceItemID"]] = $row;
     return (array) $rows;
コード例 #20
ファイル: patch-00142-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function fix_fk($c, $p)
    list($child, $child_fk) = explode(".", $c);
    list($parent, $parent_fk) = explode(".", $p);
    $child_pk = $child . "." . $child . "ID";
    $parent_pk = $parent . "." . $parent . "ID";
    $q = "select " . $child_pk . "," . $c . "\n          from " . $child . "\n     left join " . $parent . " on " . $c . " = " . $p . "\n         where " . $c . " is not null and " . $p . " is null;";
    ###echo "<br><hr>".$q;
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db2 = new db_alloc();
    while ($row = $db->row()) {
        $q = prepare("UPDATE " . $child . " SET " . $c . " = NULL WHERE " . $child_pk . " = " . $row[$child . "ID"]);
        debug_echo("<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $q);
コード例 #21
ファイル: expenseForm.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query(prepare("SELECT SUM(amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic)) AS amount, \n                             transaction.currencyTypeID as currency\n                        FROM transaction\n                   LEFT JOIN currencyType on transaction.currencyTypeID = currencyType.currencyTypeID\n                       WHERE expenseFormID = %d\n                    GROUP BY transaction.currencyTypeID\n                  ", $expenseForm->get_id()));
    while ($row = $db->row()) {
        $rows[] = $row;
    $TPL["formTotal"] = page::money_print($rows);
if (is_object($expenseForm) && $current_user->have_role("admin") && !$expenseForm->get_invoice_link() && $expenseForm->get_value("expenseFormFinalised") && $expenseForm->get_value("seekClientReimbursement")) {
    $ops["invoiceStatus"] = "edit";
    $ops["clientID"] = $expenseForm->get_value("clientID");
    $invoice_list = invoice::get_list($ops);
    $invoice_list = array_kv($invoice_list, "invoiceID", array("invoiceNum", "invoiceName"));
    $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM invoiceItem WHERE expenseFormID = %d", $expenseForm->get_id());
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $row = $db->row();
    $sel_invoice = $row["invoiceID"];
    $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] = "<select name=\"attach_to_invoiceID\">";
    $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= "<option value=\"create_new\">Create New Invoice</option>";
    $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= page::select_options($invoice_list, $sel_invoice) . "</select>";
    $TPL["attach_to_invoice_button"] .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"attach_transactions_to_invoice\" value=\"Add to Invoice\"> ";
    $TPL["invoice_label"] = "Invoice:";
if (is_object($expenseForm)) {
    $invoice_link = $expenseForm->get_invoice_link();
    if ($invoice_link) {
        $TPL["invoice_label"] = "Invoice:";
        $TPL["invoice_link"] = $invoice_link;
$TPL["taxName"] = config::get_config_item("taxName");
コード例 #22
ファイル: project.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_prepaid_invoice()
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $q = prepare("SELECT *\n                    FROM invoice \n                   WHERE projectID = %d\n                     AND invoiceStatus != 'finished' \n                ORDER BY invoiceDateFrom ASC \n                   LIMIT 1", $this->get_id());
     if ($row = $db->row()) {
         $invoiceID = $row["invoiceID"];
     } else {
         if ($this->get_value("clientID")) {
             $q = prepare("SELECT *\n                      FROM invoice \n                     WHERE clientID = %d \n                       AND (projectID IS NULL OR projectID = 0 OR projectID = '')\n                       AND invoiceStatus != 'finished' \n                  ORDER BY invoiceDateFrom ASC \n                     LIMIT 1", $this->get_value("clientID"));
             if ($row = $db->row()) {
                 $invoiceID = $row["invoiceID"];
     return $invoiceID;
コード例 #23
ファイル: updateIndex.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
    $nl = "<br>";
    $nl = "\n";
    echo $nl . $str;
foreach (array("client", "comment", "item", "project", "task", "timeSheet", "wiki") as $i) {
    if (!is_dir(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . 'search/' . $i)) {
        $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . 'search/' . $i);
$q = "SELECT * FROM indexQueue ORDER BY entity";
$db = new db_alloc();
$q1 = $db->query($q);
echoo("Beginning ...");
while ($row = $db->row($q1)) {
    if ($z % 1000 == 0 && is_object($index)) {
        echoo($z . " Committing index: " . $current_index);
    if (!$current_index || $current_index != $row["entity"]) {
        // commit previous index
        if (is_object($index)) {
            echoo("Committing index: " . $current_index);
        // start a new index
        echoo("New \$index: " . $row["entity"]);
        $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . 'search/' . $row["entity"]);
コード例 #24
ファイル: invoiceEntity.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function save_invoice_productSaleItems($invoiceID, $productSaleID)
     $productSale = new productSale();
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM productSaleItem WHERE productSaleID = %d", $productSale->get_id());
     $q1 = $db->query($q);
     while ($row = $db->row($q1)) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM invoiceItem WHERE productSaleID = %d AND productSaleItemID = %d", $productSaleID, $row["productSaleItemID"]);
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $q2 = $db->query($q);
         $r2 = $db->row($q2);
         $ii = new invoiceItem();
         if ($r2) {
         $ii->currency = $row["sellPriceCurrencyTypeID"];
         $ii->set_value("invoiceID", $invoiceID);
         $ii->set_value("productSaleID", $productSale->get_id());
         $ii->set_value("productSaleItemID", $row["productSaleItemID"]);
         $ii->set_value("iiMemo", "Sale (" . $productSale->get_id() . ") item for " . person::get_fullname($productSale->get_value("personID")) . ", " . $row["description"]);
         $ii->set_value("iiQuantity", $row["quantity"]);
         $row["sellPrice"] = page::money($ii->currency, $row["sellPrice"] / $row["quantity"], "%mo");
         $ii->set_value("iiUnitPrice", $row["sellPrice"]);
         $ii->set_value("iiAmount", $row["sellPrice"] * $row["quantity"]);
         $d = $productSale->get_value("productSaleDate") or $d = $productSale->get_value("productSaleModifiedTime") or $d = $productSale->get_value("productSaleCreatedTime");
         $ii->set_value("iiDate", $d);
         //$ii->set_value("iiTax",config::get_config_item("taxPercent")); // product sale items are always excl GST
コード例 #25
ファイル: comment.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_list_summary($_FORM = array())
     //$_FORM["fromDate"] = "2010-08-20";
     //$_FORM["projectID"] = "22";
     $_FORM["maxCommentLength"] or $_FORM["maxCommentLength"] = 500;
     list($filter1, $filter2, $filter3) = comment::get_list_summary_filter($_FORM);
     is_array($filter1) && count($filter1) and $filter1 = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filter1);
     is_array($filter2) && count($filter2) and $filter2 = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filter2);
     is_array($filter3) && count($filter3) and $filter3 = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filter3);
     if ($_FORM["clients"]) {
         $client_join = " LEFT JOIN clientContact on comment.commentCreatedUserClientContactID = clientContact.clientContactID";
         $client_fields = " , clientContact.clientContactName";
     $q = prepare("SELECT commentID as id\n                       , commentCreatedUser as personID\n                       , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(commentCreatedTime) as sortDate\n                       , date(commentCreatedTime) as date\n                       , commentCreatedTime as displayDate\n                       , commentMasterID as taskID\n                       , task.taskName\n                       , SUBSTRING(comment.comment,1,%d) AS comment_text\n                       , commentCreatedUserText\n                         " . $client_fields . "\n                    FROM comment\n               LEFT JOIN task on comment.commentMasterID = task.taskID\n                         " . $client_join . "\n                   WHERE commentMaster = 'task'\n                         " . $filter1 . "\n                ORDER BY commentCreatedTime, commentCreatedUser", $_FORM["maxCommentLength"]);
     $q .= " ";
     $people =& get_cached_table("person");
     $db = new db_alloc();
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $row["icon"] = 'icon-comments-alt';
         $row["id"] = "comment_" . $row["id"];
         $row["personID"] and $row["person"] = $people[$row["personID"]]["name"];
         $row["clientContactName"] and $row["person"] = $row["clientContactName"];
         $row["person"] or list($e, $row["person"]) = parse_email_address($row["commentCreatedUserText"]);
         $row["displayDate"] = format_date("Y-m-d g:ia", $row["displayDate"]);
         if (!$tasks[$row["taskID"]]) {
             $t = new task();
             $t->set_value("taskName", $row["taskName"]);
             $tasks[$row["taskID"]] = $t->get_task_link(array("prefixTaskID" => true));
         $rows[$row["taskID"]][$row["sortDate"]][] = $row;
     // Note that timeSheetItemID is selected twice so that the perms checking can work
     // timeSheetID is also used by the perms checking.
     $q2 = prepare("SELECT timeSheetItemID as id\n                         ,timeSheetItemID\n                         ,timeSheetID\n                         ,timeSheetItem.personID\n                         ,dateTimeSheetItem as date\n                         ,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(dateTimeSheetItem, ' 23:59:58')) as sortDate\n                         ,dateTimeSheetItem as displayDate\n                         ,timeSheetItem.taskID\n                         ,task.taskName\n                         ,timeSheetItemDuration as duration\n                         ,SUBSTRING(timeSheetItem.comment,1,%d) AS comment_text\n                     FROM timeSheetItem\n                LEFT JOIN task on timeSheetItem.taskID = task.taskID\n                    WHERE 1\n                          " . $filter2 . "\n                 ORDER BY dateTimeSheetItem", $_FORM["maxCommentLength"]);
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem();
         if (!$timeSheetItem->read_row_record($row)) {
         $row["icon"] = 'icon-time';
         $row["id"] = "timeitem_" . $row["id"];
         $row["person"] = $people[$row["personID"]]["name"];
         if (!$tasks[$row["taskID"]]) {
             $t = new task();
             $t->set_value("taskName", $row["taskName"]);
             $tasks[$row["taskID"]] = $t->get_task_link(array("prefixTaskID" => true));
         $totals[$row["taskID"]] += $row["duration"];
         $rows[$row["taskID"]][$row["sortDate"]][] = $row;
     // get manager's guestimates about time worked from tsiHint table
     $q3 = prepare("SELECT tsiHintID as id\n                         ,tsiHintID\n                         ,tsiHint.personID\n                         ,tsiHint.date\n                         ,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(tsiHint.date,' 23:59:59')) as sortDate\n                         ,tsiHint.date as displayDate\n                         ,tsiHint.taskID\n                         ,tsiHint.duration\n                         ,tsiHint.tsiHintCreatedUser\n                         ,SUBSTRING(tsiHint.comment,1,%d) AS comment_text\n                         ,task.taskName\n                     FROM tsiHint\n                LEFT JOIN task on tsiHint.taskID = task.taskID\n                    WHERE 1\n                          " . $filter3 . "\n                 ORDER BY tsiHint.date", $_FORM["maxCommentLength"]);
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         //$tsiHint = new tsiHint();
         //if (!$tsiHint->read_row_record($row))
         //  continue;
         $row["icon"] = 'icon-bookmark-empty';
         $row["id"] = "tsihint_" . $row["id"];
         $row["person"] = $people[$row["personID"]]["name"];
         $row["comment_text"] .= ' [by ' . $people[$row["tsiHintCreatedUser"]]["name"] . ']';
         if (!$tasks[$row["taskID"]]) {
             $t = new task();
             $t->set_value("taskName", $row["taskName"]);
             $tasks[$row["taskID"]] = $t->get_task_link(array("prefixTaskID" => true));
         $totals_tsiHint[$row["taskID"]] += $row["duration"];
         $rows[$row["taskID"]][$row["sortDate"]][] = $row;
     // If there is a time sheet entry for 2010-10-10 but there is no comment entry
     // for that date, then the time sheet entry will appear out of sequence i.e. at
     // the very end of the whole list. So we need to manually sort them.
     foreach ((array) $rows as $tid => $arr) {
         ksort($arr, SORT_NUMERIC);
         $rows[$tid] = $arr;
     foreach ((array) $rows as $taskID => $dates) {
         $rtn .= comment::get_list_summary_header($tasks[$taskID], $totals[$taskID], $totals_tsiHint[$taskID], $_FORM);
         foreach ($dates as $date => $more_rows) {
             foreach ($more_rows as $row) {
                 $rtn .= comment::get_list_summary_body($row);
         $rtn .= comment::get_list_summary_footer($rows, $tasks);
     return $rtn;
コード例 #26
ファイル: timeSheet.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function update_search_index_doc(&$index)
     $p =& get_cached_table("person");
     $personID = $this->get_value("personID");
     $person_field = $personID . " " . $p[$personID]["username"] . " " . $p[$personID]["name"];
     $managerID = $this->get_value("approvedByManagerPersonID");
     $manager_field = $managerID . " " . $p[$managerID]["username"] . " " . $p[$managerID]["name"];
     $adminID = $this->get_value("approvedByAdminPersonID");
     $admin_field = $adminID . " " . $p[$adminID]["username"] . " " . $p[$adminID]["name"];
     $tf_field = $this->get_value("recipient_tfID") . " " . tf::get_name($this->get_value("recipient_tfID"));
     if ($this->get_value("projectID")) {
         $project = new project();
         $projectName = $project->get_name();
         $projectShortName = $project->get_name(array("showShortProjectLink" => true));
         $projectShortName && $projectShortName != $projectName and $projectName .= " " . $projectShortName;
     $q = prepare("SELECT dateTimeSheetItem, taskID, description, comment, commentPrivate \n                    FROM timeSheetItem \n                   WHERE timeSheetID = %d \n                ORDER BY dateTimeSheetItem ASC", $this->get_id());
     $db = new db_alloc();
     while ($r = $db->row()) {
         $desc .= $br . $r["dateTimeSheetItem"] . " " . $r["taskID"] . " " . $r["description"] . "\n";
         $r["comment"] && $r["commentPrivate"] or $desc .= $r["comment"] . "\n";
         $br = "\n";
     $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword('id', $this->get_id()));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('project', $projectName, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('pid', $this->get_value("projectID"), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('creator', $person_field, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('desc', $desc, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('status', $this->get_value("status"), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('tf', $tf_field, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('manager', $manager_field, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('admin', $admin_field, "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateManager', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateSubmittedToManager")), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateAdmin', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateSubmittedToAdmin")), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateFrom', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateFrom")), "utf-8"));
     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateTo', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateTo")), "utf-8"));
コード例 #27
ファイル: patch-00190-alla.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc

// We're dropping the product.buyCost fields, so we need to transfer them over to productCosts.
$db = new db_alloc();
$db2 = new db_alloc();
$q = "SELECT * FROM product";
while ($row = $db->row()) {
    $q = prepare("INSERT INTO productCost (productID,fromTfID,tfID,amount,currencyTypeID,description) VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%d','%s','%s')", $row["productID"], config::get_config_item("mainTfID"), config::get_config_item("outTfID"), $row["buyCost"], $row["buyCostCurrencyTypeID"], "Product Acquisition");
コード例 #28
ファイル: productSale.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_transactions($productSaleItemID = false)
     $rows = array();
     $query = prepare("SELECT transaction.*\n                            ,productCost.productCostID  as pc_productCostID\n                            ,productCost.amount         as pc_amount\n                            ,productCost.isPercentage   as pc_isPercentage\n                            ,productCost.currencyTypeID as pc_currency\n                        FROM transaction \n                   LEFT JOIN productCost on transaction.productCostID = productCost.productCostID\n                       WHERE productSaleID = %d\n                         AND productSaleItemID = %d\n                    ORDER BY transactionID", $this->get_id(), $productSaleItemID);
     $db = new db_alloc();
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         if ($row["transactionType"] == "tax") {
             $row["saleTransactionType"] = "tax";
         } else {
             if ($row["pc_productCostID"]) {
                 $row["saleTransactionType"] = $row["pc_isPercentage"] ? "aPerc" : "aCost";
             } else {
                 if (!$done && $row["transactionType"] == "sale" && !$row["productCostID"]) {
                     $done = true;
                     $row["saleTransactionType"] = "sellPrice";
         $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;
コード例 #29
ファイル: db_entity.inc.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
 function get_assoc_array($key = false, $value = false, $sel = false, $where = array())
     $key or $key = $this->key_field->get_name();
     $value or $value = "*";
     $value != "*" and $key_sql = $key . ",";
     $q = sprintf('SELECT %s %s FROM %s WHERE 1=1 ', db_esc($key_sql), db_esc($value), db_esc($this->data_table));
     $pkey_sql = " OR " . $this->key_field->get_name() . " = ";
     if (is_array($sel) && count($sel)) {
         foreach ($sel as $s) {
             $extra .= $pkey_sql . sprintf("%d", $s);
     } else {
         if ($sel) {
             $extra = $pkey_sql . db_esc($sel);
     // If they haven't specifically asked for inactive or all
     // records, we default to giving them only active records.
     if (is_object($this->data_fields[$this->data_table . "Active"]) && !isset($where[$this->data_table . "Active"])) {
         $where[$this->data_table . "Active"] = 1;
         // Else get all records
     } else {
         if ($where[$this->data_table . "Active"] == "all") {
             unset($where[$this->data_table . "Active"]);
     if (is_array($where) && count($where)) {
         foreach ($where as $colname => $colvalue) {
             $q .= " AND " . $colname . " = '" . db_esc($colvalue) . "'";
     $q .= $extra;
     if (is_object($this->data_fields[$this->data_table . "Sequence"])) {
         $q .= " ORDER BY " . db_esc($this->data_table) . "Sequence";
     } else {
         if (is_object($this->data_fields[$this->data_table . "Seq"])) {
             $q .= " ORDER BY " . db_esc($this->data_table) . "Seq";
         } else {
             if ($value != "*") {
                 $q .= " ORDER BY " . db_esc($value);
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $rows = array();
     while ($row = $db->row()) {
         if ($this->read_db_record($db)) {
             if ($value && $value != "*") {
                 $v = $row[$value];
             } else {
                 $v = $row;
             $rows[$row[$key]] = $v;
     return $rows;
コード例 #30
ファイル: timeSheet.php プロジェクト: cjbayliss/alloc
function show_transaction_listR($template_name)
    global $timeSheet;
    global $TPL;
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    global $percent_array;
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE timeSheetID = %d", $timeSheet->get_id());
    if ($db->next_record() || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "invoiced" || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "finished") {
        $db->query("SELECT * \n                    FROM tf \n                   WHERE tfActive = 1\n                      OR tfID = %d \n                      OR tfID = %d \n                ORDER BY tfName", $db->f("tfID"), $db->f("fromTfID"));
        while ($db->row()) {
            $tf_array[$db->f("tfID")] = $db->f("tfName");
        $status_options = array("pending" => "Pending", "approved" => "Approved", "rejected" => "Rejected");
        $transactionType_options = transaction::get_transactionTypes();
        if ($timeSheet->have_perm(PERM_TIME_INVOICE_TIMESHEETS) && $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "invoiced") {
            $db->query("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE timeSheetID = %d ORDER BY transactionID", $timeSheet->get_id());
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $transaction = new transaction();
                $TPL["currency"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%S");
                $TPL["currency_code"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%C");
                $TPL["tf_options"] = page::select_options($tf_array, $TPL["transaction_tfID"]);
                $TPL["from_tf_options"] = page::select_options($tf_array, $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"]);
                $TPL["status_options"] = page::select_options($status_options, $transaction->get_value("status"));
                $TPL["transactionType_options"] = page::select_options($transactionType_options, $transaction->get_value("transactionType"));
                $TPL["percent_dropdown"] = page::select_options($percent_array, $empty);
                $TPL["transaction_buttons"] = '
            <button type="submit" name="transaction_delete" value="1" class="delete_button">Delete<i class="icon-trash"></i></button>
            <button type="submit" name="transaction_save" value="1" class="save_button">Save<i class="icon-ok-sign"></i></button>
                if ($transaction->get_value("transactionType") == "invoice") {
                    $TPL["transaction_transactionType"] = $transaction->get_transaction_type_link();
                    $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("fromTfID"));
                    $TPL["transaction_tfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("tfID"));
                    $TPL["currency_amount"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $transaction->get_value("amount"), "%S%mo %c");
                } else {
        } else {
            // If you don't have perm INVOICE TIMESHEETS then only select
            // transactions which you have permissions to see.
            $query = prepare("SELECT * \n                            FROM transaction \n                           WHERE timeSheetID = %d\n                        ORDER BY transactionID", $timeSheet->get_id());
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $transaction = new transaction();
                $TPL["currency_amount"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $transaction->get_value("amount"), "%S%mo %c");
                $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("fromTfID"));
                $TPL["transaction_tfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("tfID"));
                $TPL["transaction_transactionType"] = $transactionType_options[$transaction->get_value("transactionType")];