コード例 #1
ファイル: post-types.php プロジェクト: robbenz/plugs
 * Create our settings page output.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return string HTML output for the page.
function cptui_manage_post_types()
    $post_type_deleted = false;
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if (isset($_POST['cpt_submit'])) {
            check_admin_referer('cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_field');
            $notice = cptui_update_post_type($_POST);
        } elseif (isset($_POST['cpt_delete'])) {
            check_admin_referer('cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_field');
            $notice = cptui_delete_post_type($_POST);
            $post_type_deleted = true;
    $tab = !empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action'] ? 'edit' : 'new';

	<div class="wrap">

    if (isset($notice)) {
        echo $notice;
    if ('edit' == $tab) {
        $post_types = get_option('cptui_post_types');
        $selected_post_type = cptui_get_current_post_type($post_type_deleted);
        if ($selected_post_type) {
            if (array_key_exists($selected_post_type, $post_types)) {
                $current = $post_types[$selected_post_type];
    $ui = new cptui_admin_ui();
    # Will only be set if we're already on the edit screen
    if (!empty($post_types)) {
		<form id="cptui_select_post_type" method="post">
        _e('DO NOT EDIT the post type slug unless necessary. Changing that value registers a new post type entry for your install.', 'custom-post-type-ui');
        _e('Use appropriate checkbox above save/delete buttons if you wish to change slugs and update post types for existing posts.', 'custom-post-type-ui');
			<label for="post_type"><?php 
        _e('Select: ', 'custom-post-type-ui');
         * Filters the text value to use on the select post type button.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
			<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="cptui_select_post_type_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_post_type_submit_select', __('Select', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
         * Fires below the post type select input.
         * @since 1.1.0
         * @param string $value Current post type selected.
        do_action('cptui_below_post_type_select', $current['name']);

	<form method="post">
		<table class="form-table cptui-table">
				<td class="outter">
     * Post Slug
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'name', 'textvalue' => isset($current['name']) ? esc_attr($current['name']) : '', 'maxlength' => '20', 'onblur' => 'this.value=this.value.toLowerCase()', 'labeltext' => __('Post Type Slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('The post type name. Used to retrieve custom post type content. Should be short and unique', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'required' => true));
     * Post Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'label', 'textvalue' => isset($current['label']) ? esc_attr($current['label']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Plural Label', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Movies)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Post Singular Slug
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'singular_label', 'textvalue' => isset($current['singular_label']) ? esc_attr($current['singular_label']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Singular Label', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom Post Type Singular label. Used in WordPress when a singular label is needed.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Post Description
    if (isset($current['description'])) {
        $current['description'] = stripslashes_deep($current['description']);
    echo $ui->get_textarea_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'description', 'rows' => '4', 'cols' => '40', 'textvalue' => isset($current['description']) ? esc_textarea($current['description']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Description', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom Post Type Description. Describe what your custom post type is used for.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Migrate posts
    if ('edit' == $tab) {
        echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'update_post_types', 'checked' => 'false', 'name' => 'update_post_types', 'namearray' => 'update_post_types', 'labeltext' => __('Migrate posts to newly renamed post type?', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Check this to migrate posts if and when renaming your post type.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => false));
				<p class="submit">
    wp_nonce_field('cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_post_type_nonce_field');
    if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action']) {
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when editing.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="cpt_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_post_type_submit_edit', __('Save Post Type', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when deleting.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="cpt_delete" id="cpt_submit_delete" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_post_type_submit_delete', __('Delete Post Type', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
    } else {
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when adding.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="cpt_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_post_type_submit_add', __('Add Post Type', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />

    if (!empty($current)) {
						<input type="hidden" name="cpt_original" id="cpt_original" value="<?php 
        echo $current['name'];
" />

					<input type="hidden" name="cpt_type_status" id="cpt_type_status" value="<?php 
    echo $tab;
" />

    if ('new' == $tab) {
        _e('Starter Notes', 'custom-post-type-ui');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('Post Type names should have %smax 20 characters%s, and only contain alphanumeric, lowercase characters, underscores in place of spaces and letters that do not have accents. Reserved names: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('If you are unfamiliar with the advanced post type settings, just fill in the %sPost Type Name%s and %sLabel%s fields. Remaining settings will use default values. Labels, if left blank, will be automatically created based on the post type name. Hover over the question mark for more details.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>', '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('Deleting custom post types will %sNOT%s delete any content into the database or added to those post types. You can easily recreate your post types and the content will still exist.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
			<td class="outter">
    _e('Labels', 'custom-post-type-ui');
     * Post Admin Menu Name
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Menu Name', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom menu name for your custom post type.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'menu_name', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['menu_name']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['menu_name']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. My Movies)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Post All Items
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('All Items', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'all_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['all_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['all_items']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. All Movies)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Add New Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Add New', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'add_new', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['add_new']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['add_new']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Add New)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Add New Item Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Add New Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'add_new_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['add_new_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['add_new_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Add New Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Edit Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Edit', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'edit', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['edit']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['edit']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Edit)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Edit Item Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Edit Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'edit_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['edit_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['edit_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Edit Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * New Item Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('New Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'new_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['new_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['new_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. New Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * View Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('View', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'view', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['view']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['view']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. View)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * View Item Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('View Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'view_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['view_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['view_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. View Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Search Item Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Search Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'search_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['search_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['search_items']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Search Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Not Found Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Not Found', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'not_found', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['not_found']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['not_found']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. No Movies found)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Not Found In Trash Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Not Found in Trash', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'not_found_in_trash', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['not_found_in_trash']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['not_found_in_trash']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. No Movies found in Trash)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Parent Label
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('Parent', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Post type label. Used in the admin menu for displaying post types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_labels', 'name' => 'parent', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['parent']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['parent']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Parent Movie)', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    _e('Settings', 'custom-post-type-ui');
     * Public Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['public']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['public'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'public', 'labeltext' => __('Public', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(CPTUI default: True.)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('WordPress core defaults to false. CPTUI defaults to true for user sake. Whether posts of this type should be shown in the admin UI and is publicly queryable.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Show UI Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['show_ui']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['show_ui'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'show_ui', 'labeltext' => __('Show UI', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Show in Nav Menus
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) && !empty($current['show_in_nav_menus']) ? disp_boolean($current['show_in_nav_menus']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) && !empty($current['show_in_nav_menus']) ? $current['show_in_nav_menus'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'show_in_nav_menus', 'labeltext' => __('Show in Nav Menus', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(CPTUI default: true)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether post type is available for selection in navigation menus.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * show_in_rest Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'false'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) && !empty($current['show_in_rest']) ? disp_boolean($current['show_in_rest']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) && !empty($current['show_in_rest']) ? $current['show_in_rest'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'show_in_rest', 'labeltext' => __('Show in REST API', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to show this post type data in the WP REST API.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * rest_base slug.
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('REST API base slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Slug to use in REST API URLs.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'rest_base', 'textvalue' => isset($current['rest_base']) ? esc_attr($current['rest_base']) : ''));
     * Has Archive Boolean
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start();
    echo $ui->get_label('has_archive', __('Has Archive', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_help(esc_attr__('Whether the post type will have a post type archive URL.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_p(__('If left blank, the archive slug will default to the post type slug.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start();
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['has_archive']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['has_archive'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'has_archive', 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select, 'wrap' => false));
     * Has Archive Input
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'has_archive_string', 'textvalue' => isset($current['has_archive_string']) ? esc_attr($current['has_archive_string']) : '', 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Slug to be used for archive URL.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext_after' => true, 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
     * Exclude From Search Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['exclude_from_search']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['exclude_from_search'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'exclude_from_search', 'labeltext' => __('Exclude From Search', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search results.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Capability Type Input
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'capability_type', 'textvalue' => isset($current['capability_type']) ? esc_attr($current['capability_type']) : 'post', 'labeltext' => __('Capability Type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('The post type to use for checking read, edit, and delete capabilities', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Hierarchical Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['hierarchical']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['hierarchical'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'hierarchical', 'labeltext' => __('Hierarchical', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether the post type can have parent-child relationships', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Rewrite Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['rewrite']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['rewrite'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'rewrite', 'labeltext' => __('Rewrite', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether or not WordPress should use rewrites for this post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Rewrite Slug Input
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'rewrite_slug', 'textvalue' => isset($current['rewrite_slug']) ? esc_attr($current['rewrite_slug']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: post type slug)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom post type slug to use instead of the default.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Rewrite With Front Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['rewrite_withfront']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['rewrite_withfront'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'rewrite_withfront', 'labeltext' => __('With Front', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Should the permastruct be prepended with the front base.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Query Var Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['query_var']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['query_var'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'query_var', 'labeltext' => __('Query Var', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Sets the query_var key for this post type.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * Query Var Slug Input
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'query_var_slug', 'textvalue' => isset($current['query_var_slug']) ? esc_attr($current['query_var_slug']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Custom Query Var Slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: post type slug) Query var needs to be true to use.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom query var slug to use instead of the default.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Menu Position Boolean
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start();
    echo $ui->get_label('menu_position', __('Menu Position', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_help(esc_attr__('The position in the menu order the post type should appear. show_in_menu must be true.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_p(__('See <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type#Parameters" target="_blank">Available options</a> in the "menu_position" section. Range of 5-100', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start();
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'menu_position', 'textvalue' => isset($current['menu_position']) ? esc_attr($current['menu_position']) : '', 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
     * Show In Menu Boolean
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start();
    echo $ui->get_label('show_in_menu', __('Show in Menu', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_help(esc_attr__('Whether to show the post type in the admin menu and where to show that menu.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_p(__('"Show UI" must be "true". If an existing top level page such as "tools.php" is indicated for second input, post type will be sub menu of that.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start();
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['show_in_menu']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['show_in_menu'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'show_in_menu', 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select, 'wrap' => false));
     * Show In Menu Input
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'show_in_menu_string', 'textvalue' => isset($current['show_in_menu_string']) ? esc_attr($current['show_in_menu_string']) : '', 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Top-level page file name to make post type a sub-menu of.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext_after' => true, 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
     * Menu Icon
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'menu_icon', 'textvalue' => isset($current['menu_icon']) ? esc_attr($current['menu_icon']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Menu Icon', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(Full URL for icon or Dashicon class)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('URL to image to be used as menu icon or Dashicon class to use instead.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start() . __('Supports', 'custom-post-type-ui') . $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start() . $ui->get_fieldset_start();
     * Supports Title Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'title', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('title', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'title', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'title', 'labeltext' => __('Title', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the title meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Editor Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'editor', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('editor', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'editor', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'editor', 'labeltext' => __('Editor', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the content editor meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Excerpt Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'excerpt', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('excerpt', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'excerpt', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'excerpt', 'labeltext' => __('Excerpt', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the excerpt meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Trackbacks Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'trackbacks', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('trackbacks', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'trackbacks', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'trackbacks', 'labeltext' => __('Trackbacks', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the trackbacks meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Custom Fields Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'custom-fields', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('custom-fields', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'custom-fields', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'custom-fields', 'labeltext' => __('Custom Fields', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the custom fields meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Comments Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'comments', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('comments', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'comments', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'comments', 'labeltext' => __('Comments', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the comments meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Revisions Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'revisions', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('revisions', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'revisions', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'revisions', 'labeltext' => __('Revisions', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the revisions meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Post Thumbnail Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'thumbnail', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('thumbnail', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'thumbnail', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'thumbnail', 'labeltext' => __('Featured Image', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the featured image meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Author Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'author', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('author', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'author', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'author', 'labeltext' => __('Author', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the author meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Page Attributes Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'page-attributes', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('page-attributes', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'page-attributes', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'page-attributes', 'labeltext' => __('Page Attributes', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds the page attribute meta box when creating content for this custom post type', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
     * Supports Post Formats Checkbox
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'post-formats', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('post-formats', $current['supports']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'post-formats', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'post-formats', 'labeltext' => __('Post Formats', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Adds post format support', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => true, 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_p(__('Use the option below to explicitly set "supports" to false.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => 'none', 'checked' => !empty($current['supports']) && (is_array($current['supports']) && in_array('none', $current['supports'])) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => 'none', 'namearray' => 'cpt_supports', 'textvalue' => 'none', 'labeltext' => __('None', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Remove all support features', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => false, 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_fieldset_end() . $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start() . __('Custom "Supports"', 'custom-post-type-ui');
    echo $ui->get_p(__('Use this input to register custom "supports" values, separated by commas.', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
    echo $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start();
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_post_type', 'name' => 'custom_supports', 'textvalue' => isset($current['custom_supports']) ? esc_attr($current['custom_supports']) : '', 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Provide custom support slugs here.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext_after' => true, 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start() . __('Built-in Taxonomies', 'custom-post-type-ui') . $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start() . $ui->get_fieldset_start();
     * Filters the arguments for taxonomies to list for post type association.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param array $value Array of default arguments.
    $args = apply_filters('cptui_attach_taxonomies_to_post_type', array('public' => true));
    # If they don't return an array, fall back to the original default. Don't need to check for empty, because empty array is default for $args param in get_post_types anyway.
    if (!is_array($args)) {
        $args = array('public' => true);
    $add_taxes = get_taxonomies($args, 'objects');
    foreach ($add_taxes as $add_tax) {
         * Supports Taxonomies Checkbox
        echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => $add_tax->name, 'checked' => !empty($current['taxonomies']) && is_array($current['taxonomies']) && in_array($add_tax->name, $current['taxonomies']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => $add_tax->name, 'namearray' => 'cpt_addon_taxes', 'textvalue' => $add_tax->name, 'labeltext' => $add_tax->label, 'helptext' => sprintf(esc_attr__('Adds %s support', 'custom-post-type-ui'), $add_tax->label), 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_fieldset_end() . $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
	</div><!-- End .wrap -->
コード例 #2
ファイル: taxonomies.php プロジェクト: Aqro/NewDWM
 * Create our settings page output.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return string HTML output for the page.
function cptui_manage_taxonomies()
    $taxonomy_deleted = false;
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if (isset($_POST['cpt_submit'])) {
            check_admin_referer('cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_field');
            $notice = cptui_update_taxonomy($_POST);
        } elseif (isset($_POST['cpt_delete'])) {
            check_admin_referer('cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_field');
            $notice = cptui_delete_taxonomy($_POST);
            $taxonomy_deleted = true;
    $tab = !empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action'] ? 'edit' : 'new';

	<div class="wrap">

    if (isset($notice)) {
        echo $notice;
    # Create our tabs.
    cptui_settings_tab_menu($page = 'taxonomies');
    if ('edit' == $tab) {
        $taxonomies = get_option('cptui_taxonomies');
        $selected_taxonomy = cptui_get_current_taxonomy($taxonomy_deleted);
        if ($selected_taxonomy) {
            if (array_key_exists($selected_taxonomy, $taxonomies)) {
                $current = $taxonomies[$selected_taxonomy];
    $ui = new cptui_admin_ui();
    # Will only be set if we're already on the edit screen
    if (!empty($taxonomies)) {
		<form id="cptui_select_taxonomy" method="post">
        _e('DO NOT EDIT the taxonomy slug unless necessary. Changing that value registers a new taxonomy entry for your install.', 'custom-post-type-ui');
			<label for="taxonomy"><?php 
        _e('Select: ', 'custom-post-type-ui');
         * Filters the text value to use on the select taxonomy button.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
			<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="cptui_select_taxonomy_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_taxonomy_submit_select', __('Select', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
         * Fires below the taxonomy select input.
         * @since 1.1.0
         * @param string $value Current taxonomy selected.
        do_action('cptui_below_taxonomy_select', $current['name']);

	<form method="post">
		<table class="form-table cptui-table">
				<td class="outter">
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'name', 'textvalue' => isset($current['name']) ? esc_attr($current['name']) : '', 'maxlength' => '32', 'onblur' => 'this.value=this.value.toLowerCase()', 'labeltext' => __('Taxonomy Slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('The taxonomy name. Used to retrieve custom taxonomy content. Should be short and unique', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'required' => true));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'label', 'textvalue' => isset($current['label']) ? esc_attr($current['label']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Plural Label', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying custom taxonomy.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'singular_label', 'textvalue' => isset($current['singular_label']) ? esc_attr($current['singular_label']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Singular Label', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Taxonomy Singular label.  Used in WordPress when a singular label is needed.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
     * Post Description
    if (isset($current['description'])) {
        $current['description'] = stripslashes_deep($current['description']);
    echo $ui->get_textarea_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'description', 'rows' => '4', 'cols' => '40', 'textvalue' => isset($current['description']) ? esc_textarea($current['description']) : '', 'labeltext' => __('Description', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Taxonomy Description. Describe what your taxonomy is used for.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_tr_start() . $ui->get_th_start() . __('Attach to Post Type', 'custom-post-type-ui') . $ui->get_required();
    echo $ui->get_th_end() . $ui->get_td_start() . $ui->get_fieldset_start();
     * Filters the arguments for post types to list for taxonomy association.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param array $value Array of default arguments.
    $args = apply_filters('cptui_attach_post_types_to_taxonomy', array('public' => true));
    # If they don't return an array, fall back to the original default. Don't need to check for empty, because empty array is default for $args param in get_post_types anyway.
    if (!is_array($args)) {
        $args = array('public' => true);
    $output = 'objects';
    # or objects
    $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output);
    foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
         * Supports Taxonomies Checkbox
        echo $ui->get_check_input(array('checkvalue' => $post_type->name, 'checked' => !empty($current['object_types']) && is_array($current['object_types']) && in_array($post_type->name, $current['object_types']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'name' => $post_type->name, 'namearray' => 'cpt_post_types', 'textvalue' => $post_type->name, 'labeltext' => $post_type->label, 'helptext' => sprintf(esc_attr__('Adds %s support', 'custom-post-type-ui'), $post_type->label), 'wrap' => false));
    echo $ui->get_fieldset_end() . $ui->get_td_end() . $ui->get_tr_end();
				<p class="submit">
    wp_nonce_field('cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_action', 'cptui_addedit_taxonomy_nonce_field');
    if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action']) {
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when editing.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="cpt_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_taxonomy_submit_edit', __('Save Taxonomy', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when deleting.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="cpt_delete" id="cpt_submit_delete" value="<?php 
        echo apply_filters('cptui_taxonomy_submit_delete', __('Delete Taxonomy', 'custom-post-type-ui'));
" />
    } else {
         * Filters the text value to use on the button when adding.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param string $value Text to use for the button.
						<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="cpt_submit" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(apply_filters('cptui_taxonomy_submit_add', __('Add Taxonomy', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
" />
					<input type="hidden" name="cpt_tax_status" id="cpt_tax_status" value="<?php 
    echo $tab;
" />

    if ('new' == $tab) {
        _e('Starter Notes', 'custom-post-type-ui');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('Taxonomy names should have %smax 32 characters%s, and only contain alphanumeric, lowercase, characters, underscores in place of spaces, and letters that do not have accents.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('If you are unfamiliar with the advanced taxonomy settings, just fill in the %sTaxonomy Name%s and choose an %sAttach to Post Type%s option. Remaining settings will use default values. Labels, if left blank, will be automatically created based on the taxonomy name. Hover over the question marks for more details.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>', '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
        echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('Deleting custom taxonomies do %sNOT%s delete terms added to those taxonomies. You can recreate your taxonomies and the terms will return. Changing the name, after adding terms to the taxonomy, will not update the terms in the database.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), '<strong class="wp-ui-highlight">', '</strong>');
			<td class="outter">
    _e('Labels', 'custom-post-type-ui');
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'menu_name', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['menu_name']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['menu_name']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Menu Name', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'all_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['all_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['all_items']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. All Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('All Items', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'edit_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['edit_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['edit_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Edit Actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Edit Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'view_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['view_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['view_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. View Actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('View Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'update_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['update_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['update_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Update Actor Name)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Update Item Name', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'add_new_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['add_new_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['add_new_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Add New Actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Add New Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'new_item_name', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['new_item_name']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['new_item_name']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. New Actor Name)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('New Item Name', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'parent_item', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['parent_item']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['parent_item']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Parent Actor)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Parent Item', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'parent_item_colon', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['parent_item_colon']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['parent_item_colon']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Parent Actor:)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Parent Item Colon', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'search_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['search_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['search_items']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Search Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Search Items', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'popular_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['popular_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['popular_items']) : null, 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Popular Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Popular Items', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'separate_items_with_commas', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['separate_items_with_commas']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['separate_items_with_commas']) : null, 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Separate Actors with commas)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Separate Items with Commas', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'add_or_remove_items', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['add_or_remove_items']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['add_or_remove_items']) : null, 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Add or remove Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Add or Remove Items', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'choose_from_most_used', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['choose_from_most_used']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['choose_from_most_used']) : null, 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. Choose from the most used Actors)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Choose From Most Used', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_tax_labels', 'name' => 'not_found', 'textvalue' => isset($current['labels']['not_found']) ? esc_attr($current['labels']['not_found']) : null, 'aftertext' => __('(e.g. No Actors found)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Not found', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy label. Used in the admin menu for displaying taxonomies.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    _e('Settings', 'custom-post-type-ui');
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['hierarchical']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['hierarchical'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'hierarchical', 'labeltext' => __('Hierarchical', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether the taxonomy can have parent-child relationships', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['show_ui']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['show_ui'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'show_ui', 'labeltext' => __('Show UI', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to generate a default UI for managing this custom taxonomy.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['query_var']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['query_var'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'query_var', 'labeltext' => __('Query Var', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Sets the query_var key for this taxonomy.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'query_var_slug', 'textvalue' => isset($current['query_var_slug']) ? esc_attr($current['query_var_slug']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(default: taxonomy slug). Query var needs to be true to use.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Custom Query Var String', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Sets a custom query_var slug for this taxonomy.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['rewrite']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['rewrite'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'rewrite', 'labeltext' => __('Rewrite', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: True)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether or not WordPress should use rewrites for this taxonomy.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'rewrite_slug', 'textvalue' => isset($current['rewrite_slug']) ? esc_attr($current['rewrite_slug']) : '', 'aftertext' => __('(default: taxonomy name)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'labeltext' => __('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Custom taxonomy rewrite slug.', 'custom-post-type-ui')));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui')), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true')));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['rewrite_withfront']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['rewrite_withfront'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'rewrite_withfront', 'labeltext' => __('Rewrite With Front', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: true)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Should the permastruct be prepended with the front base.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'false'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['rewrite_hierarchical']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['rewrite_hierarchical'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'rewrite_hierarchical', 'labeltext' => __('Rewrite Hierarchical', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: false)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Should the permastruct allow hierarchical urls.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'true'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['show_admin_column']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['show_admin_column'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'show_admin_column', 'labeltext' => __('Show Admin Column', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to allow automatic creation of taxonomy columns on associated post-types.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * show_in_rest Boolean
    $select = array('options' => array(array('attr' => '0', 'text' => __('False', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'default' => 'false'), array('attr' => '1', 'text' => __('True', 'custom-post-type-ui'))));
    $selected = isset($current) ? disp_boolean($current['show_in_rest']) : '';
    $select['selected'] = !empty($selected) ? $current['show_in_rest'] : '';
    echo $ui->get_select_input(array('namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'show_in_rest', 'labeltext' => __('Show in REST API', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'aftertext' => __('(default: False)', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Whether to show this taxonomy data in the WP REST API.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'selections' => $select));
     * rest_base slug.
    echo $ui->get_text_input(array('labeltext' => __('REST API base slug', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'helptext' => esc_attr__('Slug to use in REST API URLs.', 'custom-post-type-ui'), 'namearray' => 'cpt_custom_tax', 'name' => 'rest_base', 'textvalue' => isset($current['rest_base']) ? esc_attr($current['rest_base']) : ''));
		</table><!-- End outter table -->
	</div><!-- End .wrap -->