コード例 #1
ファイル: ConfigurationTest.php プロジェクト: oat-sa/generis
 function testPHPExtension()
     // Testing PHPExtension existence and version is quite hard to do. Indeed,
     // it depends what the installed extensions are on the computers running the tests.
     // Thus, I decided to use the DOM extension as a test. I've never seen a PHP installation
     // without the DOM extension. It comes built-in except if you compile PHP with the
     // --disable-dom directive.
     // core tests.
     $ext = new common_configuration_PHPExtension(null, null, 'dom');
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getMin(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getMax(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getName(), 'dom');
     $this->assertEquals($ext->isOptional(), false);
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getMin(), '1.0');
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getMax(), '2.0');
     $this->assertEquals($ext->getName(), 'foobar');
     // test with an extension that has no version information (hash) that
     // contains hash functions such as md5().
     // We consider that if there is no version information but the extension
     // is loaded, the report is always valid even if min and/or max version(s)
     // are specified.
     $ext = new common_configuration_PHPExtension(null, null, 'hash');
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     // test with the dom extension that has version information.
     $ext = new common_configuration_PHPExtension('19851127', '20090601', 'dom');
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::INVALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::INVALID);
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::VALID);
     // Unexisting extension.
     $ext = new common_configuration_PHPExtension('1.0', '1.4', 'foobar');
     $report = $ext->check();
     $this->assertEquals($report->getStatus(), common_configuration_Report::UNKNOWN);