$oRecipients = new RecipientCollection();
if (is_array($cfg['plugins']['recipients'])) {
    foreach ($cfg['plugins']['recipients'] as $plugin) {
        plugin_include("recipients", $plugin . "/" . $plugin . ".php");
// Note, that the object name has to be $recipient for plugins
if ($action == "recipients_create" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
    $recipient = $oRecipients->create("*****@*****.**", " " . i18n("-- new recipient --", $plugin_name));
} elseif ($action == "recipients_delete" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
    $recipient = new Recipient();
} elseif ($action == "recipients_purge" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "recipients_delete")) {
    $oClient = new cApiClient($client);
    $timeframe = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "purgetimeframe");
    if (!$timeframe) {
        $timeframe = 30;
    $purgedrecipients = $oRecipients->purge($timeframe);
    /* backslashdollar: There is a problem translating \$ - it is either not recognized or translated correctly (using poEdit) */
    if ($purgedrecipients > 0) {
        $sNotis = $notification->messageBox("info", sprintf(str_replace("backslashdollar", "\$", i18n("%1backslashdollard recipients, which hasn't been confirmed since more than %2backslashdollard days has been removed.", $plugin_name)), $purgedrecipients, $timeframe), 0);
    } else {
        $sNotis = $notification->messageBox("info", sprintf(str_replace("backslashdollar", "\$", i18n("There are no recipients, which hasn't been confirmed since more than %2backslashdollard days has been removed.", $plugin_name)), 0, $timeframe), 0);
    $recipient = new Recipient();
} else {
    $recipient = new Recipient($idrecipient);
  * If newsletter is HTML newsletter and necessary data available
  * returns final HTML message
  * @return string HTML message
 public function getHTMLMessage()
     global $lang, $client, $cfgClient, $contenido;
     if ($this->get("type") == "html" && $this->get("idart") > 0 && $this->htmlArticleExists()) {
         // Article ID
         $iIDArt = $this->get("idart");
         // Category ID
         $oClientLang = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang);
         $iIDCat = $oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_newsletter_idcat");
         // Get http username and password, if frontend is protected
         $oClient = new cApiClient($client);
         $sHTTPUserName = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "html_username");
         $sHTTPPassword = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "html_password");
         // Get HTML
         if ($iIDArt > 0 && $iIDCat > 0) {
             // Check, if newsletter is online and set temporarely online, otherwise
             $bSetOffline = false;
             $oArticles = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection();
             $oArticles->setWhere("idlang", $this->get("idlang"));
             $oArticles->setWhere("idart", $this->get("idart"));
             if ($oArticle = $oArticles->next()) {
                 if ($oArticle->get("online") == 0) {
                     $bSetOffline = true;
                     $oArticle->set("online", 1);
             $sFile = "front_content.php?client={$client}&lang={$lang}&idcat={$iIDCat}&idart={$iIDArt}&noex=1&send=1";
             $aURL = parse_url($cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath']);
             // TODO: Other schemes than http should be tested before use!
             if ($aURL["scheme"] == "https") {
                 $iPort = 443;
                 $sTarget = "ssl://" . $aURL["host"];
             } else {
                 $iPort = 80;
                 $sTarget = $aURL["host"];
             if ($aURL["port"]) {
                 $iPort = $aURL["port"];
             $iErrorNo = 0;
             $sErrorMsg = "";
             if ($iHandler = fsockopen($sTarget, $iPort, $iErrorNo, $sErrorMsg, 30)) {
                 // If you use HTTP 1.1 you may get chunked data... you could solve
                 // this easily by using HTTP 1.0, but then you get a problem with
                 // virtual servers, as HTTP 1.0 doesn't use the host information...
                 fputs($iHandler, "GET " . $aURL["path"] . $sFile . " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
                 fputs($iHandler, "Host: " . $aURL["host"] . "\r\n");
                 // Maybe the website has been protected using .htaccess, then login
                 if ($sHTTPUserName != "" && $sHTTPPassword != "") {
                     fputs($iHandler, "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("{$sHTTPUserName}:{$sHTTPPassword}") . "\r\n");
                 fputs($iHandler, "Referer: http://" . $aURL["host"] . "\r\n");
                 fputs($iHandler, "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n");
                 fputs($iHandler, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
                 // Get the HTTP header and body separately
                 $sHTML = "";
                 $sHeader = "";
                 $bBody = false;
                 while (!feof($iHandler)) {
                     // $sLine = fgets($iHandler, 4096);
                     $sLine = fgets($iHandler, 1024);
                     if ($bBody) {
                         $sHTML .= $sLine;
                     } else {
                         if ($sLine == "\r\n") {
                             $bBody = true;
                         } else {
                             $sHeader .= $sLine;
                 $sHTML = $this->_deChunkHTTPBody($sHeader, $sHTML);
                 // Remove base tag
                 $sHTML = preg_replace('/<base href=(.*?)>/is', '', $sHTML, 1);
                 // Make URLs absolute
                 $sHTML = preg_replace_callback('/(url)\\((\'|\\")?(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|ftp:\\/\\/)?([A-Za-z0-9#\\.?\\-=_&\\/]*)[\'|\\"]?\\)/', array($this, "_callbackReplaceUrl"), $sHTML);
                 $sHTML = preg_replace_callback('/\\b(src|href|ftp)[ ]*=[ ]*"(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|ftp:\\/\\/)?([A-Za-z0-9#\\.?\\-=_&\\/]*)"/', array($this, "_callbackReplaceUrl"), $sHTML);
                 // Now replace anchor tags to the newsletter article itself just by the anchor
                 $sHTML = preg_replace("/(href|src)\\=(\"|\\')" . str_replace('/', '\\/', $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath']) . "front_content.php?idart=" . $iIDArt . "(.*)#(.*)(\"|\\')/", "\$1=" . "\$2" . "#" . "\$4" . "\$5", $sHTML);
                 // Now correct mailto tags
                 $sHTML = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'] . 'mailto:', 'mailto:', $sHTML);
                 $sReturn = $sHTML;
             } else {
                 if ($contenido) {
                     // Use i18n only in backend
                     $sErrorText = i18n("There was a problem getting the newsletter article using http. Error: %s (%s)", $plugin_name);
                 } else {
                     $sErrorText = "There was a problem getting the newsletter article using http. Error: %s (%s)";
                 $this->_sError = sprintf($sErrorText, $sErrorMsg, $iErrorNo);
                 $sReturn = false;
             // Set previously offline article back to offline
             if ($bSetOffline) {
                 $oArticles = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection();
                 $oArticles->setWhere("idlang", $this->get("idlang"));
                 $oArticles->setWhere("idart", $this->get("idart"));
                 if ($oArticle = $oArticles->next()) {
                     $oArticle->set("online", 0);
             return $sReturn;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
    die('Illegal call');
$plugin_name = 'newsletter';
# Initialization
if (!is_object($oTpl)) {
    $oTpl = new Template();
if (!is_object($oDB)) {
    $oDB = new DB_Contenido();
    // We have really to send a special SQL statement - we need a DB object
$oUser = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]);
$oClient = new cApiClient($client);
$oClientLang = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang);
// Newsletter
$sId = 'img_newsletter';
$oTpl->set('s', 'INEWSLETTER', $sId);
if ($perm->have_perm_area_action('news')) {
    $sButtonRow = '<a style="margin-right:5px;" href="javascript://" onclick="toggleContainer(\'' . $sId . '\');reloadLeftBottomAndTransportFormVars(document.newsletter_listoptionsform);">';
    $sButtonRow .= '<img onmouseover="hoverEffect(\'' . $sId . '\', \'in\')" onmouseout="hoverEffect(\'' . $sId . '\', \'out\')" alt="' . i18n("Newsletter", $plugin_name) . '" title="' . i18n("Newsletter", $plugin_name) . '" name="' . $sId . '" id="' . $sId . '" src="' . $cfg["path"]["images"] . 'newsletter_on.gif"/>';
    $sButtonRow .= '</a>';
// Job dispatch
$sId = 'img_dispatch';
$oTpl->set('s', 'IDISPATCH', $sId);
 *   modified 2008-06-27, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
 *   $Id$:
 * }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
    die('Illegal call');
$plugin_name = 'newsletter';
# Initialization
$oPage = new cPage();
$oMenu = new UI_Menu();
$oClient = new cApiClient($client);
$oUser = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]);
//$sLocation   = $sess->url("main.php?area=$area&frame=$frame");
// Specify fields for search, sort and validation. Design makes enhancements
// using plugins possible (currently not implemented). If you are changing things here,
// remember to update include.newsletter_left_top.php, also.
// field:	Field name in the db
// caption:	Shown field name (-> user)
// base:	Elements from core code (other type may be: "plugin")
// sort: 	Element can be used to be sorted by
// search:	Element can be used to search in
$aFields = array();
$aFields["name"] = array("field" => "name", "caption" => i18n("Name", $plugin_name), "type" => "base,sort,search");
$aFields["email"] = array("field" => "email", "caption" => i18n("E-Mail", $plugin_name), "type" => "base,sort,search");
$aFields["confirmed"] = array("field" => "confirmed", "caption" => i18n("Confirmed", $plugin_name), "type" => "base");
$aFields["deactivated"] = array("field" => "deactivated", "caption" => i18n("Deactivated", $plugin_name), "type" => "base");