コード例 #1
 public function test_create_all_block_instances()
     global $CFG, $PAGE, $DB;
     $regionname = 'side-pre';
     $context = context_system::instance();
     $CFG->theme = 'boost';
     list($page, $blockmanager) = $this->get_a_page_and_block_manager(array($regionname), $context, 'page-type');
     $blocks = $blockmanager->get_blocks_for_region($regionname);
     // Assert that we no auto created blocks in boost by default.
     // There should be no blocks in the DB.
     // Change to a theme with undeletable blocks.
     $CFG->theme = 'clean';
     list($page, $blockmanager) = $this->get_a_page_and_block_manager(array($regionname), $context, 'page-type');
     $blocks = $blockmanager->get_blocks_for_region($regionname);
     // Assert that we no auto created blocks when viewing a fake blocks only page.
     list($page, $blockmanager) = $this->get_a_page_and_block_manager(array($regionname), $context, 'page-type');
     $blocks = $blockmanager->get_blocks_for_region($regionname);
     // Assert that we get the required block for this theme auto-created.
     $this->assertCount(2, $blocks);
     list($page, $blockmanager) = $this->get_a_page_and_block_manager(array($regionname), $context, 'page-type');
     $blocks = $blockmanager->get_blocks_for_region($regionname);
     // Assert that protecting a block does not make it auto-created.
     $this->assertCount(2, $blocks);
     $requiredbytheme = block_manager::get_required_by_theme_block_types();
     foreach ($requiredbytheme as $blockname) {
         $instance = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('blockname' => $blockname));
         $this->assertEquals(1, $instance->requiredbytheme);
     // Switch back and those auto blocks should not be returned.
     $CFG->theme = 'boost';
     list($page, $blockmanager) = $this->get_a_page_and_block_manager(array($regionname), $context, 'page-type');
     $blocks = $blockmanager->get_blocks_for_region($regionname);
     // Assert that we do not return requiredbytheme blocks when they are not required.
     // But they should exist in the DB.
     foreach ($requiredbytheme as $blockname) {
         $count = $DB->count_records('block_instances', array('blockname' => $blockname));
         $this->assertEquals(1, $count);