コード例 #1
 private function getVehicleTypeOverride()
     $agencyShortTitle = $this->agency->getShortTitle();
     $config = $this->appConfig;
     $filePath = $config['sfmuni_vehicle_override'];
     //TODO: Check for exception
     $xmlObjBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($filePath);
     $xml = $xmlObjBuilder->getXmlObj();
     $vehicleOverrides = array();
     //We only support SF-Muni for now
     if ($agencyShortTitle == "sf-muni") {
         foreach ($xml->route as $r) {
             $routeTag = (string) $r['tag'];
             $vehicleType = (string) $r['vehicle'];
             $vehicleOverrides[$routeTag] = $vehicleType;
     return $vehicleOverrides;
コード例 #2
 public function updateStopDirMap()
      * @var DB
     $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance();
     $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     $stopArray = Stop::getStops($this->agency);
     $bartApiKey = $this->appConfig['BART_API_KEY'];
     foreach ($routeArray as $routeTag => $routeObj) {
         $pos = 0;
         $directionArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj);
         foreach ($directionArray as $dirTag => $dirObj) {
             //We're only interested in the directions we're showing
             if (!$dirObj->getShow()) {
             //Fetch the direction details
             $apiURL = str_replace(BartApiEndPoints::DIRECTION, $dirObj->getTag(), BartApiEndPoints::ROUTE_INFO . $bartApiKey);
             $dirInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL);
             $dirInfoXml = $dirInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj();
             foreach ($dirInfoXml->routes->route->config as $c) {
                 foreach ($c as $station) {
                     $stopTag = (string) $station;
                     $tempStopObj = $stopArray[$stopTag];
                     $stopId = $tempStopObj->getId();
                     $tempDirObj = $directionArray[$dirTag];
                     $dirId = $tempDirObj->getId();
                     $dbObj->bindParams(array($stopId, $dirId, $pos, TableUpdate::getVersion()));
                     $dbObj->query("INSERT INTO stop_direction_map\n                            (stop_id, direction_id, position, version, created_date)\n                            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())");
                     if ($dbObj->rows_affected != 1) {
                         //TODO: Log it
コード例 #3
 private function getDirectionOverrides()
     $config = $this->appConfig;
     $filePath = $config['location_override'];
     //TODO: Check for exception
     $xmlObjBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($filePath);
     $xml = $xmlObjBuilder->getXmlObj();
     $routeArray = array();
     foreach ($xml->agency as $a) {
         $shortTitle = $a['shortTitle'];
         //We only want the overrides for the current agency
         if ($this->agency->getShortTitle() == $shortTitle) {
             foreach ($a->route as $r) {
                 $routeTag = (string) $r['tag'];
                 foreach ($r->direction as $d) {
                     $routeArray[$routeTag][] = (string) $d['tag'];
     return $routeArray;
コード例 #4
 public function getStops()
     $apiURL = BartApiEndPoints::STATIONS . $this->getBartApiKey();
     $stationInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL);
     return $stationInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj(true);
コード例 #5
 public function updateStops()
     $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     $stopArray = array();
     //Final list of Stop objects
     $bartApiKey = $this->appConfig['BART_API_KEY'];
     //Platform mapping
     $xmlStr = '<?xml version="1.0"?><agency title="BART" shortTitle="bart"></agency>';
     $platformXml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlStr);
     foreach ($this->xml->stations->station as $s) {
         $stationTag = (string) $s->abbr;
         //Fetch the station details
         $apiURL = str_replace(BartApiEndPoints::ORIG, $stationTag, BartApiEndPoints::STATION_INFO . $bartApiKey);
         $stationInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL);
         $stationInfoXml = $stationInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj();
         $stopObj = new Stop();
         $stopObj->setTitle((string) $stationInfoXml->stations->station->name);
         $stopObj->setLatitude((string) $stationInfoXml->stations->station->gtfs_latitude);
         $stopObj->setLongitude((string) $stationInfoXml->stations->station->gtfs_longitude);
         $stopArray[$stationTag] = $stopObj;
         /************* Add to platform XML object ****************/
         //Add stop node
         $stopNode = $platformXml->addChild("stop");
         $stopNode->addAttribute("tag", $stationTag);
         //Add platform node as a child of the stop node (north)
         $platformNode = $stopNode->addChild("platform");
         $northPlatforms = array();
         foreach ($stationInfoXml->stations->station->north_platforms as $p) {
             foreach ($p as $pNum) {
                 $northPlatforms[] = trim((string) $pNum);
         $platformNode->addAttribute("number", implode(",", $northPlatforms));
         //Add directions as a children of the platform node
         foreach ($stationInfoXml->stations->station->north_routes as $r) {
             foreach ($r->route as $direction) {
                 $dirStr = trim((string) $direction);
                 $dirTagArray = explode(" ", $dirStr);
                 $dirTag = $dirTagArray[1];
                 $platformNode->addChild("direction", $dirTag);
         //Add platform node as a child of the stop node (south)
         $platformNode = $stopNode->addChild("platform");
         $southPlatforms = array();
         foreach ($stationInfoXml->stations->station->south_platforms as $p) {
             foreach ($p as $pNum) {
                 $southPlatforms[] = trim((string) $pNum);
         $platformNode->addAttribute("number", implode(",", $southPlatforms));
         //Add directions as a children of the platform node
         foreach ($stationInfoXml->stations->station->south_routes as $r) {
             foreach ($r as $direction) {
                 $dirStr = trim((string) $direction);
                 $dirTagArray = explode(" ", $dirStr);
                 $dirTag = $dirTagArray[1];
                 $platformNode->addChild("direction", $dirTag);
     //Write platform mapping XML to file
     $fileName = Util::getBaseDirectoryPath(Util::XML_FILE) . "bart-platforms.xml";
     Util::prettyPrintXml($platformXml, $fileName);
     //Write the stops to the database
     try {
         //Pass it to the base RouteUpdate class
         $stopUpdate = new StopUpdate($this->agency, $stopArray);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
コード例 #6
  * Read flip stop overrides from a file and return them as an array.
  * NOTE: This method returns the flip stops only for the agency being processed
  * @return Array - stopTag => flipStopTag
 private function getFlipStopOverrides()
     $agencyShortTitle = $this->agency->getShortTitle();
     $config = $this->appConfig;
     $filePath = $config['flip_stop_override'];
     //TODO: Check for exception
     $xmlObjBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($filePath);
     $xml = $xmlObjBuilder->getXmlObj();
     $flipStopMap = array();
     foreach ($xml->agency as $tempAgency) {
         if ((string) $tempAgency["shortTitle"] != $agencyShortTitle) {
         foreach ($tempAgency->stop as $tempStop) {
             $stopTag = (string) $tempStop["tag"];
             $flipStopTag = (string) $tempStop["reverseStopTag"];
             $flipStopMap[$stopTag] = $flipStopTag;
             if (!empty($flipStopTag)) {
                 $flipStopMap[$flipStopTag] = $stopTag;
     return $flipStopMap;
コード例 #7
 private function getRoutes()
     $apiURL = $this->getRouteListApiUrl() . $this->agency->getShortTitle();
     $routeInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL);
     return $routeInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj(true);