コード例 #1
function search($dbpath, $querystring, $offset = 0, $pagesize = 10)
    // offset - defines starting point within result set
    // pagesize - defines number of records to retrieve
    // Open the database we're going to search.
    $db = new XapianDatabase($dbpath);
    // Set up a QueryParser with a stemmer and suitable prefixes
    $queryparser = new XapianQueryParser();
    $queryparser->set_stemmer(new XapianStem("english"));
    $queryparser->add_prefix("title", "S");
    $queryparser->add_prefix("description", "XD");
    // And parse the query
    $query = $queryparser->parse_query($querystring);
    // Use an Enquire object on the database to run the query
    $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db);
    // Set up a spy to inspect the MAKER value at slot 1
    $spy = new XapianValueCountMatchSpy(1);
    // Retrieve the matches and compute start and end points
    $matches = $enquire->get_mset($offset, $pagesize);
    $start = $matches->begin();
    $end = $matches->end();
    $index = 0;
    // Use an array to record the DocIds of each match
    $docids = array();
    while (!$start->equals($end)) {
        // retrieve the document and its data
        $doc = $start->get_document();
        $fields = json_decode($doc->get_data());
        $position = $offset + $index + 1;
        // record the docid
        $docid = $start->get_docid();
        $docids[] = $docid;
        // display the results
        print sprintf("%d: #%03d %s\n", $position, $docid, $fields->TITLE);
        // increment MSet iterator and our counter
    // Parse and display the spy values
    $spy_start = $spy->values_begin();
    $spy_end = $spy->values_end();
    while (!$spy_start->equals($spy_end)) {
        print sprintf("Facet: %s; count: %d\n", $spy_start->get_term(), $spy_start->get_termfreq());
    // Finally, make sure we log the query and displayed results
    log_info(sprintf("xapian.search:'%s'[%d:%d] = %s", $querystring, $offset, $offset + $pagesize, implode(" ", $docids)));