コード例 #1
ファイル: ml.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public function Prepare($page)
     $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  sub, domain\n                               FROM  register_subs\n                              WHERE  uid = {?} AND type = 'list'\n                           ORDER BY  domain", S::i('uid'));
     $lists = array();
     while (list($sub, $domain) = $res->next()) {
         $mlist = new MailingList($sub, $domain);
         list($details, ) = $mlist->getMembers();
         $lists["{$sub}@{$domain}"] = $details;
     $page->assign_by_ref('lists', $lists);
コード例 #2
function smarty_function_select_domains($params, &$smarty)
    $userdomain = User::getDomainFromCookie();
    $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  f.domain\n                           FROM  formations AS f\n                      LEFT JOIN  studies AS s ON s.formation_id = f.formation_id\n                       GROUP BY  f.domain\n                       ORDER BY  COUNT(f.domain) DESC");
    $sel = ' selected="selected"';
    $html = "";
    while (list($domain) = $res->next()) {
        $isSelected = $userdomain == $domain ? $sel : "";
        $html .= '<option value="' . $domain . '"' . $isSelected . '>' . $domain . '</option>' . "\n";
    return $html;
コード例 #3
ファイル: frankizimage.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 protected function handler_images(Collection $frankizimages, $size)
     $_frankizimages = array();
     foreach ($frankizimages as $frankizimage) {
         $_frankizimages[$frankizimage->id()] = array();
     $iter = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  iid, size, x, y, data\n                                FROM  images_sizes\n                               WHERE  size IN {?} AND iid IN {?}", $fields, $frankizimages->ids());
     while ($datas = $iter->next()) {
         $_frankizimages[$datas['iid']][$datas['size']] = new Image($datas);
     foreach ($frankizimages as $frankizimage) {
         $frankizimage->fillFromArray(array('images' => $_frankizimages[$frankizimage->id()]));
コード例 #4
ファイル: function.select_nat.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
function select_nat($valeur, $pad = false)
    $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  iso_3166_1_a2 AS id, nationality AS text\n                           FROM  geoloc_countries\n                          WHERE  nationality IS NOT NULL\n                       ORDER BY  nationality");
    $sel = ' selected="selected"';
    // on ajoute une entree vide si $pad est vrai
    $html = "";
    if ($pad) {
        $html .= sprintf("<option value=\"\"%s>&nbsp;</option>\n", $valeur ? $sel : "");
    while (list($my_id, $my_text) = $res->next()) {
        $html .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n", $my_id, $valeur == $my_id ? $sel : "", $my_text ? $my_text : "&nbsp;");
    return $html;
コード例 #5
ファイル: groups.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public function value(ProfilePage $page, $field, $value, &$success)
     if (is_null($value)) {
         $value = array();
         $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  g.id, g.text\n                                   FROM  profile_binet_enum AS g\n                             INNER JOIN  profile_binets AS i ON (i.binet_id = g.id)\n                                  WHERE  i.pid = {?}", $page->pid());
         while (list($gid, $text) = $res->next()) {
             $value[intval($gid)] = $text;
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = array();
     $success = true;
     return $value;
コード例 #6
ファイル: validate.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 protected function handler_item(Collection $validates, $fields)
     $items = array();
     foreach ($validates as $validate) {
         $items[$validate->id()] = array();
     $iter = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  id, item\n                                FROM  validate\n                               WHERE  id IN {?}", $validates->ids());
     while (list($id, $item) = $iter->next()) {
         $items[$id] = unserialize($item);
     $selects = array();
     $collections = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         foreach ($item->objects() as $field => $select) {
             $hash = $select->hash();
             $selects[$hash] = $select;
             if (empty($collections[$hash])) {
                 $collections[$hash] = new Collection($select->className());
             if ($item->{$field}() != false) {
         foreach ($item->collections() as $field => $select) {
             $hash = $select->hash();
             $selects[$hash] = $select;
             if (empty($collections[$hash])) {
                 $collections[$hash] = new Collection($select->className());
             if ($item->{$field}() != false) {
                 $temp = new Collection($select->className());
                 foreach ($item->{$field}() as $f) {
     foreach ($collections as $hash => $collection) {
     foreach ($validates as $validate) {
         $validate->fillFromArray(array('item' => $items[$validate->id()]));
コード例 #7
ファイル: education.func.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
/** affiche un Array javascript contenant les diplômes de chaque formation
function education_degree()
    $html = '';
    $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  eduid, degreeid\n                           FROM  profile_education_degree\n                       ORDER BY  eduid");
    $edu_degree = $res->next();
    for ($eduid = 1; $edu_degree; ++$eduid) {
        $html .= '[';
        if ($edu_degree['0'] == $eduid) {
            $html .= $edu_degree['1'];
            $edu_degree = $res->next();
            while ($edu_degree['0'] == $eduid) {
                $html .= ',' . $edu_degree['1'];
                $edu_degree = $res->next();
        $html .= ']';
        if ($edu_degree) {
            $html .= ",\n";
    return $html;
コード例 #8
ファイル: formation.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 protected function handler_promos(Collection $formations, $fields)
     $_formations = array();
     foreach ($formations as $f) {
         $_formations[$f->id()] = array();
     $iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  formation_id AS id,
                                   GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT promo ORDER BY promo SEPARATOR ",") AS p
                             FROM  studies
                            WHERE  formation_id IN {?}
                         GROUP BY  formation_id', $formations->ids());
     while (list($id, $promos) = $iter->next()) {
         $promos = explode(',', $promos);
         foreach ($promos as &$p) {
             $p = (int) $p;
         $_formations[$id] = $promos;
     foreach ($formations as $f) {
         $f->fillFromArray(array('promos' => $_formations[$f->id()]));
コード例 #9
ファイル: checkdb.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
function check($sql, $comment = '')
    $it = XDB::iterRow($sql);
    if ($err = XDB::error()) {
        echo $err;
    if ($it->total() > 0) {
        echo "Erreur pour la vérification : {$comment}\n{$sql}\n\n";
        echo "|";
        while ($col = $it->nextField()) {
            echo "\t" . $col->name . "\t|";
        echo "\n";
        while ($arr = $it->next()) {
            echo "|";
            foreach ($arr as $val) {
                echo "\t{$val}\t|";
            echo "\n";
        echo "\n";
コード例 #10
ファイル: import.pa.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Binet Réseau                                   *
 *  http://br.binets.fr/                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   *
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or      *
 *  (at your option) any later version.                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        *
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         *
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.                           *
 *                                                                         *
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      *
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software            *
 *  Foundation, Inc.,                                                      *
 *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                *
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../connect.db.inc.php';
$iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT uid, pa FROM temp');
while (list($uid, $paname) = $iter->next()) {
    $pa = Group::from($paname);
    $u = new User($uid);
    echo ".";
echo 'Over';
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
コード例 #11
ファイル: group.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 public function selectRights(Collection $users)
     $rights = array();
     if ($users->count() > 0) {
         $iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  cu.uid, c.rights
                                  FROM  castes AS c
                            INNER JOIN  castes_users AS cu ON (cu.cid = c.cid
                                        AND (cu.visibility IN {?} OR cu.uid = {?}))
                            INNER JOIN  groups AS g ON g.gid = c.`group`
                                 WHERE  g.gid = {?} AND cu.uid IN {?}', S::user()->visibleGids(), S::user()->id(), $this->id(), $users->ids());
         while (list($uid, $right) = $iter->next()) {
             if (empty($rights[$uid])) {
                 $rights[$uid] = array();
             $rights[$uid][] = new Rights($right);
     return $rights;
コード例 #12
ファイル: xnetpage.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
function list_all_my_groups($params)
    if (!S::logged()) {
    $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  a.nom, a.diminutif
                           FROM  groups    AS a
                     INNER JOIN  group_members AS m ON m.asso_id = a.id
                          WHERE  m.uid = {?}', S::i('uid'));
    $links = '<a href="exit">déconnexion</a>';
    $html = '<div>Mes groupes (' . $links . ') :</div>';
    while (list($nom, $mini) = $res->next()) {
        $html .= "<span class='gp'>&bull; <a href='login/{$mini}'>{$nom}</a></span>";
    return $html;
コード例 #13
ファイル: cron_validations.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
} elseif ($age > 7) {
    $head = "[Armageddon imminent] ";
} elseif ($age > 5) {
    $head = "[Guerre nucléaire] ";
} elseif ($age > 3) {
    $head = "[ET Téléphone maison] ";
} elseif ($age > 1) {
    $head = "[Réveil !] ";
} elseif (!empty($nbveryold)) {
    $head = "[Urgent] ";
if (empty($nb)) {
$plural = $nb == 1 ? '' : 's';
$mymail = new PlMailer();
$mymail->setFrom('validation@' . $globals->mail->domain);
$mymail->addTo('validation@' . $globals->mail->domain);
$mymail->setSubject($head . "Il y a {$nb} validation{$plural} non effectuée{$plural}");
$message = "Il y a {$nb} validation{$plural} à effectuer\n" . (empty($nbold) ? '' : "dont {$nbold} depuis le dernier mail !!!\n") . (empty($nbveryold) ? '' : "et dont *{$nbveryold}* " . ($nbveryold == 1 ? 'est' : 'sont') . ' en retard de plus de 6h !!!') . "\n" . "https://www.polytechnique.org/admin/validate\n\n" . "Par catégorie :\n";
$res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  type, count(*)
                       FROM  requests
                   GROUP BY  type
                   ORDER BY  type');
while (list($type, $nb) = $res->next()) {
    $message .= "- {$type} : {$nb}\n";
$message = wordwrap($message, 78);
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
コード例 #14
ファイル: broken.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public function commit()
     global $globals;
     $email = $this->m_user->bestEmail();
     XDB::execute('UPDATE  email_redirect_account
                      SET  flags = \'active\', broken_level = 2
                    WHERE  uid = {?} AND redirect = {?}', $this->m_user->id(), $this->m_email);
     if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) {
         $this->m_reactive = true;
         $mailer = new PlMailer();
         $mailer->setFrom('"Association Polytechnique.org" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
         $mailer->setSubject("Mise à jour de ton adresse {$email}");
         $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap("Cher Camarade,\n\n" . "Ton adresse {$email} étant en panne et ayant été informés que ta redirection {$this->m_email}, jusqu'à présent inactive, " . "est fonctionnelle, nous venons de réactiver cette adresse.\n\n" . "N'hésite pas à aller gérer toi-même tes redirections en te rendant à la page :\n" . "https://www.polytechnique.org/emails/redirect\n" . "Si tu as perdu ton mot de passe d'accès au site, tu peux également effectuer la procédure de récupération à l'adresse :\n" . "https://www.polytechnique.org/recovery\n\n" . "-- \nTrès Cordialement,\nL'Équipe de Polytechnique.org\n"));
         return true;
     if ($this->m_user->email) {
         $subject = "Ton adresse {$email} semble ne plus fonctionner";
         $reason = "Nous avons été informés que ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus correctement par un camarade";
     } else {
         $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  redirect
                                FROM  email_redirect_account
                               WHERE  uid = {?} AND flags = \'broken\'', $this->m_user->id());
         $redirect = array();
         while (list($red) = $res->next()) {
             list(, $redirect[]) = explode('@', $red);
         $subject = "Ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus";
         $reason = "Ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus";
         if (!count($redirect)) {
             $reason .= '.';
         } elseif (count($redirect) == 1) {
             $reason .= ' car sa redirection vers ' . $redirect[0] . ' est hors-service depuis plusieurs mois.';
         } else {
             $reason .= ' car ses redirections vers ' . implode(', ', $redirect) . ' sont hors-services depuis plusieurs mois.';
     $body = ($this->m_user->isFemale() ? 'Chère ' : 'Cher ') . $this->m_user->displayName() . ",\n\n" . $reason . "\n\n" . "L'adresse {$this->m_email} nous a été communiquée, veux-tu que cette adresse devienne ta nouvelle " . "adresse de redirection ? Si oui, envoie nous des informations qui " . "nous permettront de nous assurer de ton identité (par exemple ta date de naissance et ta promotion).\n\n" . "-- \nTrès Cordialement,\nL'Équipe de Polytechnique.org\n";
     $body = wordwrap($body, 78);
     $mailer = new PlMailer();
     $mailer->setFrom('"Association Polytechnique.org" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
     return $mailer->send();
コード例 #15
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_duplicated($page, $action = 'list', $email = null)
     $states = array('pending' => 'En attente...', 'safe' => 'Pas d\'inquiétude', 'unsafe' => 'Recherches en cours', 'dangerous' => 'Usurpations par cette adresse');
     $page->assign('states', $states);
     if (Post::has('action')) {
     switch (Post::v('action')) {
         case 'create':
             if (trim(Post::v('emailN')) != '') {
                 Xdb::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO email_watch (email, state, detection, last, uid, description)
                                       VALUES ({?}, {?}, CURDATE(), NOW(), {?}, {?})', trim(Post::v('emailN')), Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN'));
         case 'edit':
             Xdb::execute('UPDATE email_watch
                          SET state = {?}, last = NOW(), uid = {?}, description = {?}
                        WHERE email = {?}', Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN'), Post::v('emailN'));
             if ($action == 'delete' && !is_null($email)) {
                 Xdb::execute('DELETE FROM email_watch WHERE email = {?}', $email);
     if ($action != 'create' && $action != 'edit') {
         $action = 'list';
     $page->assign('action', $action);
     if ($action == 'list') {
         $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  w.email, w.detection, w.state, s.email AS forlife
                               FROM  email_watch            AS w
                         INNER JOIN  email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect)
                         INNER JOIN  email_source_account   AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\')
                           ORDER BY  w.state, w.email, s.email');
         $table = array();
         $props = array();
         while (list($email, $date, $state, $forlife) = $it->next()) {
             if (count($props) == 0 || $props['mail'] != $email) {
                 if (count($props) > 0) {
                     $table[] = $props;
                 $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $date, 'state' => $state, 'users' => array($forlife));
             } else {
                 $props['users'][] = $forlife;
         if (count($props) > 0) {
             $table[] = $props;
         $page->assign('table', $table);
     } elseif ($action == 'edit') {
         $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description,
                                     a.hruid AS edit, s.email AS forlife
                               FROM  email_watch            AS w
                         INNER JOIN  email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect)
                         INNER JOIN  email_source_account   AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\')
                          LEFT JOIN  accounts               AS a ON (w.uid = a.uid)
                              WHERE  w.email = {?}
                           ORDER BY  s.email', $email);
         $props = array();
         while (list($detection, $state, $last, $description, $edit, $forlife) = $it->next()) {
             if (count($props) == 0) {
                 $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $detection, 'state' => $state, 'last' => $last, 'description' => $description, 'edit' => $edit, 'users' => array($forlife));
             } else {
                 $props['users'][] = $forlife;
         $page->assign('doublon', $props);
コード例 #16
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
  * Select a GID which identifies the visibility of a caste-user assocation
 protected function handler_cuvisibility(Collection $users, $fields)
     $_users = array();
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $_users[$u->id()] = array();
     $viscoll = new Collection('Group');
     $iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  uid, cid, visibility
                             FROM  castes_users
                            WHERE  uid IN {?}', $users->ids());
     while (list($uid, $cid, $vis) = $iter->next()) {
         $_users[$uid][$cid] = $vis;
         if ($vis != 0) {
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $cuarray = array_map(function ($gid) use($viscoll) {
             return $gid == 0 ? null : $viscoll->get($gid);
         }, $_users[$u->id()]);
         $u->fillFromArray(array('cuvisibility' => $cuarray));
コード例 #17
ファイル: old_surveys.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public static function retrieveList($type, $tpl = true)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'c':
         case 'current':
             $where = 'end > NOW()';
         case 'o':
         case 'old':
             $where = 'end <= NOW()';
             return null;
     $sql = 'SELECT id, title, end, mode
               FROM surveys
              WHERE ' . $where . '
           ORDER BY end DESC;';
     if ($tpl) {
         return XDB::iterator($sql);
     } else {
         return XDB::iterRow($sql);
コード例 #18
function get_annuaire_infos($method, $params)
    global $error_mat, $error_key, $globals;
    // Password verification.
    if (!isset($params[0]) || $params[0] != $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass) {
        return false;
    // If address == -1, we do not retrieve any address.
    if (isset($params[2]) && $params[2] == -1) {
    // We check we actually have an identification number.
    if (!empty($params[1])) {
        // We only retrieve addresses when required.
        if (!isset($params[2])) {
            $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  pp.display_tel AS cell, p.birthdate AS age\n                                   FROM  profiles       AS p\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user'\n                                                                  AND pp.tel_type = 'mobile')\n                                  WHERE  p.xorg_id = {?} LIMIT 1", $params[1]);
            $array = $res->next();
        } else {
            $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  p.birthdate, pa.text, GROUP_CONCAT(pace3.short_name), GROUP_CONCAT(pace2.short_name),\n                                         GROUP_CONCAT(pace1.short_name), p.pid, pa.id\n                                   FROM  profiles                          AS p\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses                 AS pa    ON (pa.pid = p.pid)\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components      AS pc    ON (pa.pid = pc.pid AND pa.jobid = pc.jobid AND pa.groupid = pc.groupid\n                                                                                        AND pa.type = pc.type AND pa.id = pc.id)\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace1 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\\'country\\', pace1.types) AND pace1.id = pc.component_id)\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace2 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\\'locality\\', pace2.types) AND pace2.id = pc.component_id)\n                              LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace3 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\\'postal_code\\', pace3.types) AND pace3.id = pc.component_id)\n                                  WHERE  p.xorg_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('job', pa.flags)\n                               ORDER BY  NOT FIND_IN_SET('current', pa.flags),\n                                         FIND_IN_SET('secondary', pa.flags),\n                                         NOT FIND_IN_SET('mail', pa.flags)\n                               GROUP BY  pa.pid, pa.jobid, pa.groupid, pa.id, pa.type", $params[1]);
            // Process the addresses we got.
            if (list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'], $adr['pays'], $pid, $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) {
                list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) = explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3));
                $sql = XDB::query("SELECT  display_tel\n                                     FROM  profile_phones\n                                    WHERE  pid = {?} AND link_type = 'user' AND tel_type = 'mobile'\n                                    LIMIT  1", $pid);
                if ($sql->numRows() > 0) {
                    $array['cell'] = $sql->fetchOneCell();
                } else {
                    $array['cell'] = '';
                $array['age'] = $age;
                $array['adresse'][] = $adr;
                // We limit the address number by the number of available addresses.
                $adresse = min((int) $params[2], $res->total());
                if ($adresse != 1) {
                    // We don't want the first address.
                    $i = 2;
                    while (list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'], $adr['pays'], , $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) {
                        list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) = explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3));
                        if ($adresse == $i) {
                            // If we want this particular address.
                            $array['adresse'][0] = $adr;
                        } elseif ($adresse == 0) {
                            // If we want every address.
                            $array['adresse'][] = $adr;
                // We add the phone numbers.
                $adrid_index = array();
                foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $a) {
                    $adrid_index[$a['adrid']] = $i;
                $restel = XDB::iterator("SELECT  pp.display_tel AS tel, pp..tel_type, pp.link_id as adrid\n                                           FROM  profile_phones    AS pp\n                                     INNER JOIN  profile_addresses AS pa ON (pp.link_id = pa.id AND pp.pid = pa.pid)\n                                          WHERE  pp.pid = {?} AND pp.link_type = 'address'\n                                                 AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('pro', pa.statut)", $pid);
                while ($tel = $restel->next()) {
                    $array['adresse'][$adrid_index[$tel['adrid']]]['tels'][] = $tel;
                foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $adr) {
                    foreach ($adr['tels'] as $j => $t) {
                        if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Tél') === 0) {
                            $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $t['tel'];
                        } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax']) && strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Fax') === 0) {
                            $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $t['tel'];
                        } else {
                            $lasttel = $t['tel'];
                        if (isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax'])) {
                    if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($lasttel)) {
                        $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $lasttel;
                    } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax']) && isset($lasttel)) {
                        $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $lasttel;
            } else {
                $array = false;
        if ($array) {
            // We did get a result: the identification number was rigth.
            // We only send the age to manageurs.com; the format is YYYY-MM-DD 0123-56-89.
            $year = (int) substr($array['age'], 0, 4);
            $month = (int) substr($array['age'], 5, 2);
            $day = (int) substr($array['age'], 8, 2);
            $age = (int) date('Y') - $year - 1;
            if ($month < (int) date('m') || $month == (int) date('m') && $day >= (int) date('d')) {
                $age += 1;
            $array['age'] = $age;
            // We start the encryption of the data.
            if (manageurs_encrypt_init($params[1]) == 1) {
                // We did not find the key to encryptthe data.
                $args = array("erreur" => 3, "erreurstring" => $error_key);
                $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args);
            } else {
                $reply = manageurs_encrypt_array($array);
        } else {
            // The identification number was not valid.
            $args = array("erreur" => 2, "erreurstring" => $erreur_mat);
            $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args);
    } else {
        // The identification number was not in argument.
        $args = array("erreur" => 1, "erreurstring" => $error_mat);
        $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args);
    return $reply;
コード例 #19
ファイル: xnetevents.list.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
global $globals;
require_once 'connect.db.inc.php';
// Fetches the list of existing xnetevents aliases.
$events = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  e.eid, e.asso_id, e.short_name, al.vid, pl.vid\n       FROM  groupex.evenements AS e\n  LEFT JOIN  virtual AS al ON (al.type = 'evt' AND al.alias = CONCAT(short_name, {?}))\n  LEFT JOIN  virtual AS pl ON (pl.type = 'evt' AND pl.alias = CONCAT(short_name, {?}))\n      WHERE  al.vid IS NOT NULL AND pl.vid IS NOT NULL\n   ORDER BY  e.eid", '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain, '-participants@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain);
// Fixes the alias recipients for each list.
while (list($eid, $asso_id, $shortname, $absent_vid, $participant_vid) = $events->next()) {
    $recipient_count = array();
    foreach (array($absent_vid, $participant_vid) as $vid) {
        $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  virtual_redirect WHERE vid = {?}", $vid);
        $recipient_count[$vid] = $res->fetchOneCell();
    // Updates the alias for participants.
    XDB::execute("DELETE FROM virtual_redirect WHERE vid = {?}", $participant_vid);
    XDB::execute("INSERT INTO  virtual_redirect (\n              SELECT  {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL, m.email, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect\n                FROM  groupex.evenements_participants AS ep\n           LEFT JOIN  groupex.membres AS m ON (ep.uid = m.uid)\n           LEFT JOIN  auth_user_md5   AS u ON (u.user_id = ep.uid)\n           LEFT JOIN  aliases         AS a ON (a.id = ep.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')\n               WHERE  ep.eid = {?} AND ep.nb > 0\n            GROUP BY  ep.uid)", $participant_vid, '@' . $globals->mail->domain, $eid);
    // Updates the alias for absents.
    XDB::execute("DELETE FROM virtual_redirect WHERE vid = {?}", $absent_vid);
    XDB::execute("INSERT INTO  virtual_redirect (\n              SELECT  {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL, m.email, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect\n                FROM  groupex.membres AS m\n           LEFT JOIN  groupex.evenements_participants AS ep ON (ep.uid = m.uid AND ep.eid = {?})\n           LEFT JOIN  auth_user_md5   AS u ON (u.user_id = m.uid)\n           LEFT JOIN  aliases         AS a ON (a.id = m.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')\n               WHERE  m.asso_id = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL\n            GROUP BY  m.uid)", $absent_vid, "@" . $globals->mail->domain, $eid, $asso_id);
    // Lists alias recipient count changes.
    $new_recipient_count = array();
    foreach (array($absent_vid, $participant_vid) as $vid) {
        $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  virtual_redirect WHERE vid = {?}", $vid);
        $new_recipient_count[$vid] = $res->fetchOneCell();
    if ($new_recipient_count[$absent_vid] != $recipient_count[$absent_vid] || $new_recipient_count[$participant_vid] != $recipient_count[$participant_vid]) {
        printf("  Fixed aliases for event %d (%s): absent list %d -> %d, participant list %d -> %d\n", $eid, $shortname, $recipient_count[$absent_vid], $new_recipient_count[$absent_vid], $recipient_count[$participant_vid], $new_recipient_count[$participant_vid]);
コード例 #20
ファイル: account.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public static function isPending($uid)
     $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  data
                            FROM  requests
                           WHERE  type = \'account\'
                        ORDER BY  stamp');
     while (list($data) = $res->next()) {
         $request = Validate::unserialize($data);
         if ($request->uid == $uid) {
             return true;
     return false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: select.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
  * Select an FlagSet from the database into a field
  * @param Collection $metas The objects to select
  * @param string $field An FlagSet field
 protected function helper_flagset(Collection $metas, $field)
     $_metas = array();
     foreach ($metas as $meta) {
         $_metas[$meta->id()] = new PlFlagSet();
     // Query database according to the schema
     $id = $this->schema->id();
     list($table, $column) = $this->schema->flagsetType($field);
     $iter = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  {$id}, {$column}\n                                FROM  {$table}\n                               WHERE  {$id} IN {?}", $metas->ids());
     // Put database result in a id => array(l_col) fashion
     while (list($id, $value) = $iter->next()) {
     // Fill metas
     foreach ($metas as $meta) {
         $meta->fillFromArray(array($field => $_metas[$meta->id()]));
コード例 #22
ファイル: bestmail.check.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software            *
 *  Foundation, Inc.,                                                      *
 *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                *
 * Check that for every profile, the best postal address which is used to
 * send mail is the right one according to a rule in Address::updateAxMail().
 * To fix something which has been reported by this script, you only need to
 * run "Address::updateBestMail($pid)" with $pid being the Profile ID
require '../connect.db.inc.php';
require_once '../../classes/address.php';
$admin_visibility = Visibility::get(Visibility::VIEW_ADMIN);
// Enumerate every profile
$pids = XDB::iterRow("SELECT pid from profiles");
while ($row = $pids->next()) {
    $pid = $row[0];
    // Find the address which would be selected as "AX mail"
    // But don't update anything
    $best_mail = Address::updateBestMail($pid, true);
    if (is_null($best_mail)) {
    // Just continue if the returned address is already selected
    $flags = new PlFlagSet($best_mail['flags']);
    if ($flags->hasFlag('dn_best_mail')) {
    // The current profile is buggy.
    // Let's fetch more data to print detailed information
コード例 #23
ファイル: validations.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 /** Same as get_typed_request() but return an array of objects.
 public static function get_all_typed_requests($type)
     $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  data
                            FROM  requests
                           WHERE  type = {?}
                        ORDER BY  stamp', $type);
     $array = array();
     while (list($data) = $res->next()) {
         $array[] = Validate::unserialize($data);
     return $array;
コード例 #24
ファイル: compute.ips.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
            XDB::execute('INSERT INTO ips SET ip = {?}, rid = {?}, comment = {?}', $ip, $rid, $comment);
            echo "... Inserted.\n";
    } else {
        if ($ips2room[$ip]['r'] != $rid) {
            echo "IP " . $ip . " is associated with room " . $ips2room[$ip]['r'] . " (" . $ips2room[$ip]['c'] . ") instead of " . $rid . " (" . $comment . ")\n";
            if ($execute_real) {
                XDB::execute('UPDATE ips SET rid = {?}, comment = {?} WHERE ip = {?}', $rid, $comment, $ip);
                echo "... Changed.\n";
// Get all rooms
$iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT rid FROM rooms');
$matches = array();
while (list($rid) = $iter->next()) {
    if (preg_match('/^X(09|10|11|12)([1-4]0)([0-9][0-9])$/', $rid, $matches)) {
        list($moon, $floor, $number) = $matches;
        $ip3 = $halfmoons[$moon] + (intval($floor[0]) - 1);
        $ip4 = intval($number);
        associate_room_ip($rid, '129.104.' . $ip3 . '.' . $ip4, 'principale');
        associate_room_ip($rid, '129.104.' . $ip3 . '.' . (100 + $ip4), 'secondaire');
    } elseif (preg_match('/^X17([12]0)([0-9][0-9])$/', $rid, $matches)) {
        list($floor, $number) = $matches;
        list($ip3, $ip4) = $pem[$floor];
        $ip4 += intval($number);
        associate_room_ip($rid, '129.104.' . $ip3 . '.' . $ip4, 'principale');
コード例 #25
ファイル: admin.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_deaths($page, $promo = 0, $validate = false)
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Deces');
     if (!$promo) {
         $promo = Env::t('promo', 'X1923');
     $page->assign('promo', $promo);
     if (!$promo) {
     if ($validate) {
         $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  p.pid, pd.directory_name, p.deathdate
                                FROM  profiles AS p
                          INNER JOIN  profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid)
                               WHERE  pd.promo = {?}', $promo);
         while (list($pid, $name, $death) = $res->next()) {
             $val = Env::v('death_' . $pid);
             if ($val == $death) {
             if (empty($val)) {
                 $val = null;
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  profiles
                              SET  deathdate = {?}, deathdate_rec = NOW()
                            WHERE  pid = {?}', $val, $pid);
             $page->trigSuccess('Édition du décès de ' . $name . ' (' . ($val ? $val : 'ressuscité') . ').');
             if ($val && ($death == '0000-00-00' || empty($death))) {
                 $profile = Profile::get($pid);
     $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT  p.pid, pd.directory_name, p.deathdate
                             FROM  profiles AS p
                       INNER JOIN  profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid)
                            WHERE  pd.promo = {?}
                         ORDER BY  pd.sort_name', $promo);
     $page->assign('profileList', $res);
コード例 #26
ファイル: newsletter.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 protected function fetchArticles($force = false)
     if (count($this->arts) && !$force) {
     // Load the articles
     $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  a.title, a.body, a.append, a.aid, a.cid, a.pos
            FROM  newsletter_art AS a
      INNER JOIN  newsletter_issues AS ni USING(id)
      LEFT  JOIN  newsletter_cat AS c ON (a.cid = c.cid)
           WHERE  a.id = {?}
        ORDER BY  c.pos, a.pos', $this->id);
     while (list($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos) = $res->next()) {
         $this->arts[$cid][$aid] = new NLArticle($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos);
コード例 #27
ファイル: hruid.update.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
require_once 'connect.db.inc.php';
// Fetches the list of unregistered users.
$users = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  user_id, prenom, nom, promo\n       FROM  auth_user_md5\n      WHERE  hruid IS NULL");
// Creates missing human readable uids.
while (list($user_id, $prenom, $nom, $promo) = $users->next()) {
    $forlife = make_forlife($prenom, $nom, $promo);
    $hruid = XDB::query('SELECT * FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE hruid = {?} AND user_id != {?}', $forlife, $user_id);
    if ($hruid->numRows() > 0) {
        echo "WARNING: Duplicate forlife for user {$user_id} and forlife '{$forlife}'. Please check manually the entry.\n";
    } else {
        XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET hruid = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}', $forlife, $user_id);
コード例 #28
ファイル: save.dev.db.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      *
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software            *
 *  Foundation, Inc.,                                                      *
 *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                *
 * This script saves database information into outputed SQL lines
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/connect.db.inc.php';
// DELETE confidential data
echo XDB::format('UPDATE account SET password={?};', '') . PHP_EOL;
echo 'DELETE FROM remote;' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'DELETE FROM remote_groups;' . PHP_EOL;
// Get this data from bdd
$iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  hruid, password
                        FROM  account
                       WHERE  password != {?}', '');
while (list($hruid, $password) = $iter->next()) {
    echo XDB::format('UPDATE account SET password = {?} WHERE hruid = {?};', $password, $hruid) . PHP_EOL;
// Save dev's remote sites
$remote_cols = array('site', 'privkey', 'label', 'rights');
$remotes = Remote::selectAll(RemoteSelect::groups());
foreach ($remotes as $r) {
    $query = XDB::format('INSERT INTO remote SET remid = {?}', $r->id());
    foreach ($remote_cols as $c) {
        $query .= XDB::format(', ' . $c . ' = {?}', $r->{$c}());
    echo $query . ';' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($r->groups() as $g) {
        echo XDB::format('INSERT INTO remote_groups SET remid = {?}, gid = {?};', $r->id(), $g->id()) . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #29
ファイル: update.studies.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
            $uf_kes = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group(Group::from('kes'), Rights::admin()));
// Update promotions
$iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT promo FROM studies GROUP BY promo ORDER BY promo');
while (list($promo) = $iter->next()) {
    $f = new UserFilter(new UFC_Promo($promo, '='));
    $g = update_group('promo_' . $promo, $promo, Group::NS_PROMO, $f);
    create_promo_image($g, $promo);
// Update promotions by formation
$iter = XDB::iterRow('SELECT  s.promo, s.formation_id, f.abbrev, f.label
                        FROM  studies AS s
                   LEFT JOIN  formations AS f ON (f.formation_id = s.formation_id)
                       WHERE  s.formation_id > 0
                    GROUP BY  s.promo, s.formation_id
                    ORDER BY  s.promo, s.formation_id ASC');
while (list($promo, $formation_id, $abbrev, $label) = $iter->next()) {
    $f = new UserFilter(new UFC_Promo($promo, '=', $formation_id));
    $g = update_group('promo_' . $abbrev . $promo, $promo . ' ' . $label, Group::NS_PROMO, $f);
    create_promo_image($g, $promo);
// Update on_platal, specifying the number of years a school remains on the platal
$onplatal_numyears = array('x' => 2, 'poly' => 0, 'master' => 0, 'doc' => 0, 'pei' => 0, 'iogs' => 0, 'fkz' => 0, 'stcyr' => 0, 'ensta' => 2);
$filters = array();
foreach ($formations as $f) {
    if (!isset($onplatal_numyears[$f->abbrev()])) {
        echo 'Warning: no numyears for ' . $f->label() . "\n";
コード例 #30
ファイル: survey.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 protected function handler_questions(Collection $surveys, array $fields)
     $_surveys = array();
     foreach ($surveys as $s) {
         $_surveys[$s->id()] = new Collection('SurveyQuestion');
         $_surveys[$s->id()]->order('rank', false);
     $iter = XDB::iterRow("SELECT  qid, survey, type\n                                FROM  surveys_questions\n                               WHERE  survey IN {?}", $surveys->ids());
     $questions = new Collection('SurveyQuestion');
     while (list($qid, $sid, $type) = $iter->next()) {
         $className = 'SurveyQuestion' . $type;
         $question = new $className($qid);
     foreach ($surveys as $s) {
         $s->fillFromArray(array('questions' => $_surveys[$s->id()]));
     if (!empty($questions) && !empty($this->subs['questions'])) {