public function view_orderPartion() { $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '出库'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '分区扫描')); $secnev = 3; $toplevel = 2; $secondlevel = 27; global $memc_obj; $userId = $_SESSION['userId']; $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('secnev', $secnev); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); /* $partion = array( '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第一区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第二区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第三区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第四区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第五区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第六区', '中国邮政平邮(福建)第七区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第八区', '中国邮政平邮(泉州)第九区', '中国邮政平邮(深圳)第十区', '中国邮政挂号(深圳)', '中国邮政挂号(深圳)第四区', '中国邮政挂号(福建)第七区', '中国邮政挂号(深圳)第八区', '中国邮政挂号(泉州)第九区', 'EUB', 'UPS美国专线', 'Global Mail', '非德国Global Mail', '德国邮政挂号', '香港小包平邮', '香港小包挂号', '俄速通挂号', '俄速通平邮', '新加坡DHL GM平邮', '新加坡DHL GM挂号', '瑞士小包平邮A区', '瑞士小包平邮B区', '瑞士小包平邮C区', '瑞士小包平邮D区', '瑞士小包平邮S区', '瑞士小包挂号A区', '瑞士小包挂号B区', '瑞士小包挂号C区', '瑞士小包挂号D区', '瑞士小包挂号S区', '比利时小包EU' ); */ $partion = WhTransportPartitionModel::select("is_delete=0 AND status=1"); $this->smarty->assign("partion", $partion); $toptitle = '分区扫描操作'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->display('orderPartion.htm'); }
public function view_delete() { if ($_GET['id']) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $data = array('is_delete' => 1); WhTransportPartitionModel::update($data, $id); } header("location:index.php?mod=whTransportPartition&act=index"); }
/** * 通过渠道ID和国家名获取分区 * @param $channelId * @param @country * @return array() * @author cmf * @modify czq */ public function getPartition($channelId = 0, $country = '') { if (!$channelId) { return array(); } $list = WhTransportPartitionModel::select("channelId='" . $channelId . "' AND status=1 AND is_delete=0"); $result = array(); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $val) { $countrylist = json_decode($val['countryWhiteList'], true); if (!$countrylist || in_array($country, $countrylist)) { unset($val['countryWhiteList']); $val['code'] = 'A' . substr('0' . $val['partition'], -2); $result = $val; break; } } } return $result; }
.barcode{ text-align: center; float: left;} .fontWeight{ font-weight: bold;} .text{padding-bottom: 5px;} .code{text-align:center;border-top:1px dashed #000;padding-top:5px;} </style> </head> <body> <?php $nums = isset($_POST['nums']) ? intval($_POST['nums']) : 0; $partionId = isset($_POST['partions']) ? intval($_POST['partions']) : 0; if (empty($partionId)) { echo "请先选择分区"; exit; } $partion = WhTransportPartitionModel::find($partionId); if (!$partion) { echo "分区不存在"; exit; } $partionName = $partion['title']; for ($j = 0; $j < $nums; $j++) { $data = array('partitionId' => $partion['id'], 'totalWeight' => 0, 'totalNum' => 0, 'partion' => $partion['title'], 'status' => 0, 'printUserId' => $_SESSION['userId'], 'printTime' => time(), 'modifyTime' => 0); $id = WhOrderPartionPrintModel::insert($data); //$userId = $_SESSION['userId']; //echo $userId; //$msg = orderPartionModel::insertPrintRecord($partionName,$userId); if ($id) { //$id = $msg; ?>
/** * 分区操作 * @author czq */ public function act_checkPartion() { if (!$_SESSION['userId']) { $result = array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '请先登录系统'); echo json_encode($result); exit; } $shipOrderId = trim($_REQUEST['shipOrderId']); $shipOrder = WhShippingOrderModel::find($shipOrderId); if (empty($shipOrder)) { $result = array('status' => 'A00', 'msg' => '发货单信息不存在'); echo json_encode($result); exit; } if ($shipOrder['orderStatus'] != PKS_WDISTRICT) { $result = array('status' => 'A00', 'msg' => '发货单非待分区状态,不能分区'); echo json_encode($result); exit; } if (empty($shipOrder['channelId'])) { $result = array('status' => 'A00', 'msg' => '发货单在申请运输方式中,请稍后分区'); echo json_encode($result); exit; } $partition = WhTransportPartitionModel::getPartition($shipOrder['channelId'], $shipOrder['countryName']); if ($partition) { $vo = WhOrderPartionRecordsModel::find("shipOrderId='" . $shipOrderId . "'"); if (!$vo) { $data = array('shipOrderId' => $shipOrderId, 'packageId' => 0, 'partitionId' => $partition['id'], 'weight' => $shipOrder['orderWeight'], 'partion' => $partition['title'], 'scanUserId' => $_SESSION['userId'], 'scanTime' => time(), 'modifyTime' => 0, 'note' => '', 'is_delete' => 0, 'storeId' => 0); WhOrderPartionRecordsModel::insert($data); $result = array('status' => $partition['code'], 'partition' => $partition['partition'], 'msg' => $partition['title']); } else { if ($vo['packageId']) { $result = array('status' => 'A00', 'partition' => $partition['partition'], 'msg' => '已打包,不能再分区'); } else { $result = array('status' => $partition['code'], 'partition' => $partition['partition'], 'msg' => '包裹已分拣,分区为: ' . $partition['title']); } } } else { $result = array('status' => 'A00', 'partition' => '', 'msg' => '当前国家未分区,请联系销售人员'); } echo json_encode($result); exit; }