} else { print "Requires config file to run\n"; } exit; } if (!$config['server']) { print "Requires server option to run\n"; exit; } if (!$config['pending_dir']) { print "Requires pending dir option to run\n"; exit; } if (isset($config['urls']) && isset($config['script'])) { print "Cannot have both URLs and a script, use prepend instead"; exit; } $client = new WebpagetestClient($config); $browser_locations = $client->getLocationsXML(); // Allow use to specify locations, but make sure they're locations that exist on the server if (isset($config['locations'])) { $config_locations = $config['locations']; $browser_locations = array_filter($browser_locations, function ($location) use($config_locations) { return in_array($location['id'], $config_locations); }); } $target = isset($config['urls']) ? count($config['urls']) . " urls" : $config['script']; $client->log("Started test with config: {$config_file}. Testing " . $target . " across " . count($browser_locations) . " locations."); $runs = $client->test($browser_locations); $results_helper = new ResultsHelper($config['pending_dir']); $results_helper->storeRuns($runs);
function testMobileTemplates() { $client = new WebpagetestClient('localhost'); $this->assertRegExp("/setCookie .* kt-/", $client->prependScripts(array("Login", "mobile.txt"))); $this->assertRegExp("/setCookie .* m=1/", $client->prependScripts(array("Login", "mobile.txt"))); }
$options = getopt($shortopts); $config_file = isset($options['c']) ? $options['c'] : 'default.conf'; $config = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../conf/' . $config_file), true); if (!$config) { print "Requires config file to run\n"; exit(-1); } if (!$config['server']) { print "Requires server option to run"; exit(-1); } if (!$config['logging_ns']) { print "Requires logging ns option to run"; exit(-1); } if (!$config['pending_dir']) { print "Requires pending dir option to run\n"; exit; } $results_helper = new ResultsHelper($config['pending_dir']); $runs = $results_helper->getRuns(); $client = new WebpagetestClient($config); $results = $client->getResults($runs); $logging_ns = $config['logging_ns']; $splunkLogger = new SplunkLogger($config['splunkLog'], $logging_ns); foreach ($results as $result) { $splunkLogger->log($result); } $graphite = $config['graphite']; $grapher = new Grapher($graphite, $logging_ns); $grapher->graphResults($results);