コード例 #1
         $checkKuser = kuserPeer::getByLoginDataAndPartner($existing_login_data->getId(), $user->getPartnerId());
         if ($checkKuser && $checkKuser->getIsAdmin()) {
             KalturaLog::notice('!!! NOTICE - Existing ADMIN login data found with id [' . $existing_login_data->getId() . '] partner [' . $existing_login_data->getConfigPartnerId() . '] - skipping user id [' . $lastUser . '] of partner [' . $user->getPartnerId() . '] since this was probably caused by a bug');
             echo '!!! NOTICE - Existing ADMIN login data found with id [' . $existing_login_data->getId() . '] partner [' . $existing_login_data->getConfigPartnerId() . '] - skipping user id [' . $lastUser . '] of partner [' . $user->getPartnerId() . '] since this was probably caused by a bug';
     KalturaLog::alert('!!! ERROR - Existing login data found with id [' . $existing_login_data->getId() . '] partner [' . $existing_login_data->getConfigPartnerId() . '] - skipping user id [' . $lastUser . '] of partner [' . $user->getPartnerId() . '] !!!!');
     echo '!!! ERROR - Existing login data found with id [' . $existing_login_data->getId() . '] partner [' . $existing_login_data->getConfigPartnerId() . '] - skipping user id [' . $lastUser . '] of partner [' . $user->getPartnerId() . '] !!!!';
 // check for existing kusers for this admin_kuser
 $c = new Criteria();
 $c->addAnd(kuserPeer::PUSER_ID, '__ADMIN__' . $user->getId(), Criteria::EQUAL);
 $c->addAnd(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $user->getPartnerId(), Criteria::EQUAL);
 $existing_kuser = kuserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
 if ($existing_kuser) {