コード例 #1
 private function getCurrectJobList($where, $type)
     $size = self::$_size;
     $company = $this->getCompanyInfo();
     $cpid = $company['id'];
     $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
     if ($type == 1) {
         $arJobList = M("job")->where("cpid='{$cpid}' and is_deleted = 0 {$where}")->select();
         $jobidlist = array();
         if ($arJobList) {
             foreach ($arJobList as $jobinfo) {
                 if ($type == 1) {
                     $recordCount = M("record")->where("j_id='{$jobinfo['id']}' and audstart=6")->count();
                     if ($recordCount < $jobinfo['employ']) {
                         array_push($jobidlist, $jobinfo['id']);
     } else {
         $arJobList = M("job")->where("cpid='{$cpid}' and is_deleted = 0")->select();
         $jobidlist = array();
         if ($arJobList) {
             foreach ($arJobList as $jobinfo) {
                 $recordCount = M("record")->where("j_id='{$jobinfo['id']}' and audstart=6")->count();
                 if ($jobinfo['endtime'] < strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) || $recordCount >= $jobinfo['employ']) {
                     array_push($jobidlist, $jobinfo['id']);
     if (!empty($jobidlist)) {
         $idIn = implode(",", $jobidlist);
         $count = M("job")->where("cpid = '{$cpid}' and is_deleted = 0 and id in (" . $idIn . ")")->count();
         $page = new \Think\NewPage($count, $size);
         $jobList = M("job")->where("cpid = '{$cpid}' and is_deleted = 0 and id in (" . $idIn . ")")->order("starttime desc")->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)->select();
         if ($jobList) {
             $i = (($_GET['p'] ? $_GET['p'] : 1) - 1) * $size + 1;
             foreach ($jobList as $key => &$job) {
                 $jobid = $job['id'];
                 $jobList[$key]['endtime'] = date("Y-m-d", $job['endtime']);
                 $jobList[$key]['status'] = $job['checkinfo'] == "true" ? "审核通过" : "正在审核";
                 $total = M("record")->where("j_id = '{$jobid}' and status=2")->count();
                 $noread = M("record")->where("j_id = '{$jobid}' and status=2 and news_status = 0 ")->count();
                 // $audstart                 = M("record")->where("")
                 // $jobList[$key]['total']   = $job['employ'];
                 $jobList[$key]['total'] = $total;
                 $jobList[$key]['noread'] = $noread ? $noread : 0;
                 if (!$job['title']) {
                     $job['title'] = M("casclist")->where("id='{$job['Jobcate']}'")->getField("cascname");
                 } else {
                     $job['title'] = $job['title'];
                 $job['sort_id'] = $i++;
         $show = $page->show();
         return array("jobList" => $jobList, "page" => $show);
     } else {
         $page = new \Think\Page(0, $size);
         $jobList = array(array());
         $show = $page->show();
         return array("jobList" => false, "page" => $show);
コード例 #2
 public function DetailsFunds()
     $username = $_SESSION['username'];
     $count = M("account_blance")->where("username='******'")->count();
     $page = new \Think\NewPage($count, 15);
     $arAccountList = M("account_blance")->where("username='******' ")->order("id desc")->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)->select();
     $show = $page->show();
     $i = (($_GET['p'] ? $_GET['p'] : 1) - 1) * 15 + 1;
     foreach ($arAccountList as &$arAccountInfo) {
         $arAccountInfo['sort_id'] = $i++;
         $arAccountInfo['updated_at'] = date("Y.m.d", $arAccountInfo['updated_at']);
     $accountInfo = M("member")->field("bankname,banknumber,remind_member")->where("username='******'")->find();
     $isFinishBank = 1;
     if (!$accountInfo['bankname'] || ($accountInfo['bankname'] = "" || !$accountInfo['banknumber'] || ($accountInfo['bankname'] = ""))) {
         $isFinishBank = 0;
     $act = trim($_GET['act']);
     $userAccount = M("account")->where("username='******'")->find();
     $this->assign("isFinishBank", $isFinishBank);
     $this->assign("userAccount", $userAccount);
     $this->assign("userAccountInfo", $accountInfo);
     $this->assign("act", $act);
     $this->assign("page", $show);
     $this->assign("arAccountList", $arAccountList);
     $this->assign("first_class", 5);
     $this->assign("second_class", 12);
     //  $this->display("");