コード例 #1
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/tip
  * Append action buttons to the end of this form
  * @param bool|null $valid Whether the form was validated
 private function _addButtons($valid)
     $buttons = $valid === false ? $this->buttons : TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE;
     $group = array();
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_SUBMIT) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('submit');
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_RESET) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('reset');
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_OK) {
         $uri = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('process' => 1));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'ok', array('href' => $uri));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_DELETE && $this->action_id == TIP_FORM_ACTION_DELETE) {
         $uri = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('process' => 1));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'delete', array('href' => $uri));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CANCEL) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'cancel', array('href' => $this->referer));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'close', array('href' => $this->follower));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_DELETE && $this->action_id != TIP_FORM_ACTION_DELETE) {
         $data =& $this->master->getProperty('data');
         $primary_key = $data->getProperty('primary_key');
         $uri = TIP::buildActionUri($this->id, 'delete', $this->_form->getElementValue($primary_key));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'delete', array('href' => $uri));
     // Append the group of buttons to the form
     $this->_form->addElement('group', 'buttons', null, $group, ' ', false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: content.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/tip
  * Perform the browse query throught a pager
  * $params is a string in the form "quanto,query_adds".
  * The quanto is the number of rows per page: leave it undefined to disable
  * the pager. In query_adds you can specify additional SQL commands to
  * append to the query, such as ORDER clauses.
  * This function checks if there is a row more than what specified in the
  * quanto: this provides a simple way to know whether the 'NEXT' button
  * must be rendered or not.
 protected function tagPager($params)
     if (is_null($this->_pager_conditions)) {
         TIP::error('no active browse action');
         return null;
     @(list($quanto, $query_template) = explode(',', $params, 2));
     $quanto = (int) $quanto;
     $pager = $quanto > 0;
     if (empty($this->_pager_conditions)) {
     } elseif (is_array($this->_pager_conditions)) {
         $conditions = array();
         foreach ($this->_pager_conditions as $id => $value) {
             $conditions[] = $this->getData()->addFilter('', $id, $value);
         $filter = 'WHERE (' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ')';
     } elseif (empty($this->search_field)) {
         $filter = $this->_pager_conditions;
     } else {
         is_string($this->search_field) && ($this->search_field = explode(',', $this->search_field));
         $this->_search_tokens = explode(' ', $this->_pager_conditions);
         $pattern = '%' . implode('%', $this->_search_tokens) . '%';
         $conditions = array();
         foreach ($this->search_field as $id) {
             $conditions[] = $this->getData()->addFilter('', $id, $pattern, 'LIKE');
         $filter = 'WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $conditions) . ')';
     if (isset($filter)) {
         $filter .= ' ' . $query_template;
     } else {
         $filter = $query_template;
     $filter .= $this->getData()->order($this->default_order);
     if ($pager) {
         $offset = TIP::getGet('pg_offset', 'int');
         $offset > 0 || ($offset = 0);
         $filter .= $this->getData()->limit($quanto + 1, $offset);
     } else {
         $offset = 0;
     if (is_null($view = $this->startDataView($filter))) {
         $this->_search_tokens = null;
         return null;
     if (!$view->isValid()) {
         $this->tryRun(array($main_id, $this->pager_empty_template));
     } else {
         $main_id = TIP_Application::getGlobal('id');
         $partial = $pager && $view->nRows() == $quanto + 1;
         if ($partial) {
             // Remove the trailing row from the view
             $rows =& $view->getProperty('rows');
             array_splice($rows, $quanto);
         if ($pager) {
             if ($offset > 0) {
                 $this->keys['PREV'] = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('pg_offset' => $offset - $quanto > 0 ? $offset - $quanto : 0));
             if ($partial) {
                 $this->keys['NEXT'] = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('pg_offset' => $offset + $quanto));
             $pager = $partial || $offset > 0;
         // Pager rendering BEFORE the rows
         $pager && $this->tryRun(array($main_id, $this->pager_pre_template));
         // Rows rendering
         $empty = true;
         $path = array($this->id, $this->pager_template);
         foreach ($view as $row) {
             $empty = false;
         // Empty result set
         $empty && $this->tryRun(array($main_id, $this->pager_empty_template));
         // Pager rendering AFTER the rows
         $pager && $this->tryRun(array($main_id, $this->pager_post_template));
     $this->_search_tokens = null;
     return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #3
ファイル: chronology.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/tip
 private function _render()
     if (!empty($this->_tree)) {
         return true;
     $filter = $this->master->getProperty('data')->order($this->date_field);
     if (is_null($view =& $this->master->startDataView($filter))) {
         return false;
     $rows =& $view->getProperty('rows');
     if (empty($rows)) {
         $this->_tree = array();
         return true;
     $tree =& $this->_tree;
     foreach ($rows as $id => &$row) {
         $action = str_replace('-id-', $id, $this->action);
         $row['url'] = TIP::buildActionUriFromTag($action, (string) $this->master);
         $row['title'] = $this->_renderField($this->title_field, $row);
         // Suppose the date is in SQL format
         $date = $row[$this->date_field];
         list($y, $m, $day) = sscanf($date, "%d-%d-%d");
         // Compute the year
         $year = sprintf('%04d', $y);
         if (!array_key_exists($year, $tree)) {
             $tree[$year] = array('title' => $year, 'url' => TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array($this->id => $year)), 'sub' => array(), 'ITEMS' => 0);
             isset($this->count_field) && ($tree[$year]['COUNT'] = 0);
         isset($this->count_field) && ($tree[$year]['COUNT'] += $row[$this->count_field]);
         // Compute the month
         $months =& $tree[$year]['sub'];
         $month = strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $day, $year));
         $month_id = $year . sprintf('%02d', $m);
         if (!array_key_exists($month_id, $months)) {
             $months[$month_id] = array('title' => $month, 'url' => TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array($this->id => $month_id)), 'sub' => array(), 'ITEMS' => 0);
             isset($this->count_field) && ($months[$month_id]['COUNT'] = 0);
         isset($this->count_field) && ($months[$month_id]['COUNT'] += $row[$this->count_field]);
         $months[$month_id]['sub'][$id] =& $row;
         isset($this->count_field) && ($row['COUNT'] = $row[$this->count_field]);
     return true;