コード例 #1
  * Warning - this method is incomplete
  * @param SimpleGraph $graph an RDF graph that should be augmented
  * @return HttpResponse
 function augment_graph($graph)
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $request = $this->request_factory->make('POST', $this->uri, $this->credentials);
     return $request->execute();
コード例 #2
 function test_get_access_status()
     $accessStatusUri = 'http://example.org/store/config/access-status';
     $dummyGraph = new SimpleGraph();
     $dummyGraph->add_resource_triple($accessStatusUri, 'http://schemas.talis.com/2006/bigfoot/configuration#accessMode', 'http://expected');
     $response = new HttpResponse(200);
     $response->body = $dummyGraph->to_rdfxml();
     $mockRequest = $this->getMock('HttpRequest', array('set_accept', 'execute'), array('GET', $accessStatusUri));
     $mockRequestFactory = $this->getMock('HttpRequestFactory', array('make'));
     $config = new Config("http://example.org/store/config", null, $mockRequestFactory);
     $actual = $config->get_access_status();
     $this->assertEquals('http://expected', $actual, 'Access status should be correct');
コード例 #3
  * Create a new store on the platform. This is currently restricted to Talis administrators.
  * @param string name the name of the store
  * @param string template_uri the URI of the store template to use
  * @return HttpRequest
 function create_store($name, $template_uri)
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $uri = $this->uri;
     $mimetype = MIME_RDFXML;
     $request = $this->request_factory->make('POST', $uri, $this->credentials);
     $sr = new SimpleGraph();
     $sr->add_resource_triple('_:req', BF_STORETEMPLATE, $template_uri);
     $sr->add_literal_triple('_:req', BF_STOREREF, $name);
     return $request->execute();
コード例 #4
 $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, RDF_TYPE, FOAF_DOCUMENT);
 $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, RDF_TYPE, 'http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text');
 $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, FOAF_PRIMARYTOPIC, $resource_uri);
 $g->add_literal_triple($doc_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/title', 'Linked Data for ' . $g->get_label($resource_uri, TRUE));
 foreach ($media_types as $extension => $type_info) {
     $alt_uri = $resource_uri . '.' . $extension;
     $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasFormat', $alt_uri);
     $g->add_resource_triple($alt_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/isFormatOf', $doc_uri);
     $g->add_resource_triple($alt_uri, RDF_TYPE, 'http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text');
     $g->add_resource_triple($alt_uri, RDF_TYPE, FOAF_DOCUMENT);
     $g->add_resource_triple($alt_uri, FOAF_PRIMARYTOPIC, $resource_uri);
     $g->add_literal_triple($alt_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/format', $type_info['type']);
     $g->add_literal_triple($alt_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/title', 'Linked Data in ' . $type_info['label'] . ' format for ' . $g->get_label($resource_uri, TRUE));
 if ($doc_type == 'rdf') {
     send_rdfxml('200 OK', $g->to_rdfxml(), $content_location, $etag);
 } else {
     if ($doc_type == 'ttl') {
         send_turtle('200 OK', $g->to_turtle(), $content_location, $etag);
     } else {
         if ($doc_type == 'json') {
             send_json('200 OK', $g->to_json(), $content_location, $etag);
         } else {
             header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
             $title = $g->get_label($resource_uri, TRUE);
             $page_title = 'Linked Data for ' . $g->get_label($resource_uri, TRUE) . ' | ' . htmlspecialchars($this_host);
             $body .= '<p>A description of the resource identified by <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($resource_uri) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($resource_uri) . '</a></p>' . "\n";
             $body .= '          <table class="linkeddata" summary="RDF description of the resource identified by ' . htmlspecialchars($resource_uri) . '. Property names are in the first column, values are in the second.">' . "\n";
             $body .= '            <tbody>' . "\n";
             $properties = $g->get_subject_properties($resource_uri, TRUE);
             $priority_properties = array_intersect($ordered_properties, $properties);