コード例 #1
  protected function _fetchData() {

    // first try to connect, if we don't already have a token

    // get the http client
    $hClient = & Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getHttpClient();

    // fetch account list from supplier

    // and find about which one to use (use first one is none selected from a previous request
    if (empty( $this->_options['accountId'])) {
      $this->_options['accountId'] = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::getDefaultAccountId( $this->_accounts);

    // check in case we don' have valid account ID
    if (empty( $this->_options['accountId'])) {
      throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault( 'Empty account ID to query analytics API. Contact admin.');

    // create a report object
    $className = 'Sh404sefAdapterAnalytics' . strtolower( $this->_config->analyticsType). 'report' . strtolower( $this->_options['report']);
    $report = new $className();

    // ask it to perform API requests as needed,
    $dataResponse = $report->fetchData( $this->_config, $this->_options, $this->_Auth, $this->_endPoint);

    // return data response for further processing
    return $dataResponse;
