function addStudent($student) { $this->Students[] = $student; //adding a student to the end of Students array } function listStudents() { foreach ($this->Students as $s) { echo $s->name."<br>"; } } function getStudent($name){ foreach ($this->Students as $s) { if ($s->name == $name) { return $s; //getting the info from $name's array } return FALSE; } } } $school = new School(); // add the Students from last time $school->addStudent(new Student("Alice", 3.5, 15)); $school->addStudent(new Student("Bob", 3.0, 10)); // echoes 'Alice' and 'Bob' $school->listStudents(); // returns the student we added earlier $alice = $school->getStudent("Alice"); echo $alice->enrollment_status(); // from last time ?>