function salesforce_default_settings() { $options = array(); $options['version'] = '2.0'; $options['successmsg'] = __('Success!', 'salesforce'); $options['errormsg'] = __('This field is required.', 'salesforce'); $options['emailerrormsg'] = __('The email address you entered is not valid.', 'salesforce'); $options['captchaerrormsg'] = __('The text you entered did not match the image.', 'salesforce'); $options['requiredfieldstext'] = __('These fields are required.', 'salesforce'); $options['sferrormsg'] = __('Failed to connect to', 'salesforce'); $options['submitbutton'] = __('Submit', 'salesforce'); $options['subject'] = __('Thank you for contacting %BLOG_NAME%', 'salesforce'); $options['showccuser'] = true; $options['ccusermsg'] = __('Send me a copy', 'salesforce'); $options['email_sender'] = ''; $options['ccadmin'] = false; $options['captcha'] = false; $options['da_token'] = ''; $options['da_url'] = ''; $options['da_site'] = ''; $options['commentstoleads'] = false; $options['commentsnamefields'] = false; $options['usecss'] = true; $options['wpcf7css'] = false; //$options['hide_salesforce_link']= true; $options['forms'][1] = Salesforce_Admin::default_form(); update_option('salesforce2', $options); return $options; }
function sfwtli_save_form($field_data) { // data format // array( 'first_name' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'First name', 'show' => true, 'required' => true), ) $Salesforce_Admin = new Salesforce_Admin(); // get form option data $options = get_option($Salesforce_Admin->optionname); // get last id and increment end($options['forms']); $form_id = key($options['forms']) + 1; // get default form data $options['forms'][$form_id] = $Salesforce_Admin->default_form(); $options['forms'][$form_id]['form_name'] = 'My Imported Lead Form ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); // overwrite defaults with import data $options['forms'][$form_id]['inputs'] = $field_data; update_option($Salesforce_Admin->optionname, $options); return $form_id; }