コード例 #1
include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Setup_Files/ScriptSettings.php";
new ScriptSettings();
//Read in CLI Vars
//Add new parameters to print out in the help screen that are exclusive to this custom Script. Can use the simpler format here or the format api classes use.
// $cli_params = ["example" => "What example should be used to do"];
// $api_object->createCliParameters($cli_params);
$template_get->setDescription("Return a how compatible a given template is, or an Account's templates are, with regards to Pinning.");
$input_vars = $script->readCliArguments($argv, $template_get);
$template_get->ingestInput($input_vars["config_vars"] + $input_vars["wildcard_vars"], CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isOverride"]);
//Validates and Assigns Vars
////////////////////   START MAIN PROGRAM
////Create Client
if (CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isDefaults"]) {
$client = new Sailthru_Implementation_Client($account_credentials->getKey(), $account_credentials->getSecret(), $account_credentials->getEnvironment);
////Designate Call Parameters
$call_data = $template_get->getCallData();
$bad_includes = [];
$horizon_includes = [];
////Status Output
CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isSilent"] ?: (print "Starting\n");
if ((CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isVerbose"] || CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isInteractive"]) && (!CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isQuiet"] && !CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isSilent"])) {
    if ($account_credentials->getNumber() && $account_credentials->getKey() == $account_credentials->getKey($account_credentials->getNumber())) {
        print "Account " . $account_credentials->getNumber() . ": " . $account_credentials->getName() . "\n";
    print "Key: " . $account_credentials->getKey() . "\n";
    print "Secret: " . $account_credentials->getSecret() . "\nValues:";
    print json_encode($call_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
    if (CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isInteractive"]) {
        //Confirm + screen output if user decides to kills the script.
コード例 #2
     $retry += 1;
 } while ($id == "" && $retry < $user_retries_entry);
 $retry = 0;
 do {
     print "Enter " . $account_ref . " Account's Name:\n";
     if (isset($name)) {
         print "Hit enter to reuse " . $name . "\n";
         $old_name = $name;
     $name = trim(readline());
     if ($name == "" && isset($old_name)) {
         $name = $old_name;
     $retry += 1;
 } while ($name == "" && $retry < $user_retries_entry);
 $client = new Sailthru_Implementation_Client($key, $secret, $environment);
 try {
     print "Confirming Acct #\n";
     $return_id = $client->getAccountId();
 } catch (Exception $e) {
 if (is_numeric($return_id)) {
     if ($return_id != $id) {
         print "\nThe Id doesn't match up: Supplied {$id} vs Retrieved {$return_id}.\n";
         print "Would you like to enter the information again, proceed anyway or abort?\n (retry/proceed/abort)\n";
         $answer = readline();
         if ($answer == "proceed") {
             $is_repeat = false;
         } else {
             if ($answer == "abort") {