コード例 #1

require_once '../src/Sage.php';
// NOTE: you will have a different endpoint depending on your country
$apiEndpoint = 'https://accounting.sageone.com.au/api/1.1.1';
$apiKey = '{api key goes here}';
$authCode = base64_encode('username:password');
$companyId = 1;
$debug = true;
$sage = new Sage($apiEndpoint, $apiKey, $authCode, $companyId, $debug);
$customer_details = ['Name' => 'Test Customer', 'Mobile' => '555-555', 'CommunicationMethod' => 0, 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'PostalAddress01' => '1 test street', 'PostalAddress02' => 'testville', 'PostalAddress03' => 'QLD', 'PostalAddress04' => 4000, 'PostalAddress05' => 'Australia', 'TaxReference' => 'Customer 1'];
$result = $sage->saveItem('Customer', $customer_details);
echo '<pre>';
コード例 #2

require_once '../src/Sage.php';
// NOTE: you will have a different endpoint depending on your country
$apiEndpoint = 'https://accounting.sageone.com.au/api/1.1.1';
$apiKey = '{api key goes here}';
$authCode = base64_encode('username:password');
$companyId = 1;
$debug = true;
$sage = new Sage($apiEndpoint, $apiKey, $authCode, $companyId, $debug);
echo '<pre>';
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$statusId = 4;
// void
$statusId = 3;
// paid
$statusId = 2;
// partially paid
$statusId = 1;
// unpaid
$customerId = 1;
// must be valid ID of Customer
$invoice_details = ['Date' => $date, 'DueDate' => $date, "CustomerId" => $customerId, 'StatusId' => $statusId, 'Inclusive' => 1, 'Total' => 3.5, 'AmountDue' => 3.5, 'Lines' => [['SelectionId' => 1, "Description" => "Item Price", "Quantity" => "1.0", "UnitPriceInclusive" => 3.5, "TaxPercentage" => 0.1]], 'DocumentNumber' => "INVOICE-1", 'Reference' => 'Test Ref 1'];
$result = $sage->saveItem('TaxInvoice', $invoice_details);