コード例 #1
 public function preProcess()
     $method = 'fullsized';
     if ($_REQUEST['rpid']) {
         $rp_images = RoomFile::getRoomFileListByRoomPlanId($_REQUEST['rpid']);
         if (!rp_images) {
         $file_id = $rp_images[0]['RoomFileId'];
         $method = 'thumbs';
     } else {
         $file_id = $_REQUEST['fid'];
     $res = RoomFile::getRoomFile($file_id);
     if (!$res) {
         echo 'error';
     $file = $res[0]['RoomFilePath'];
     if ($method == 'thumbs') {
         $file = str_replace('/fullsized/', '/thumbs/', $file);
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
         header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($file));
         header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
         header('Expires: 0');
         header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
         header('Pragma: public');
         header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
     // $type = 'image/jpeg';
     // header('Content-Type:'.$type);
     // header('Content-Length: '.filesize($file));
     // $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
     // fpassthru($fp);
     header('Location: /asset/' . $method . '/' . basename($file));
     // echo filesize($file);
コード例 #2
ファイル: RoomPlan.php プロジェクト: khuyennd/dev-tasagent
    public static function searchHotelRoomPlan($criteria, $p, $n)
        global $cookie;
        $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->LanguageID);
        $where_cond = RoomPlan::getCriteriaWhereClause($criteria);
        $having_cond = RoomPlan::getCriteriaHavingClause($criteria);
        $price_field = RoomPlan::getCriteriaPriceField($criteria);
        $having_cond2 = RoomPlan::getCriteriaHavingClause2($criteria);
        $role = RoomPlan::getCriteriaRole($criteria);
        $usecond_cond = ' ';
        if (array_key_exists('CheckIn', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['CheckIn'] && array_key_exists('CheckOut', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['CheckOut']) {
            // $usecond_cond .= " , if(C.UseCon = 1, (DATE_ADD(\"{$criteria['CheckIn']}\", INTERVAL C.Nights-1 DAY) <= C.`ConToTime`)  AND (DATE_SUB(\"{$criteria['CheckOut']}\",INTERVAL 1 DAY) >= C.`ConFromTime`) , 0) as UseCon ";
            $usecond_cond .= " , if(C.UseCon = 1, DATEDIFF(LEAST(C.`ConToTime`, DATE_SUB(\"{$criteria['CheckOut']}\",INTERVAL 1 DAY)) , GREATEST(\"{$criteria['CheckIn']}\", C.`ConFromTime`)) >= (C.Nights - 1), 0) as UseCon ";
        $order_by = '';
        if (array_key_exists('SortBy', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['SortBy'] && array_key_exists('SortOrder', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['SortOrder']) {
            if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'price' && array_key_exists('ContinentCode', $criteria)) {
                $order_by = " MinPrice " . $criteria['SortOrder'];
            } else {
                if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'class') {
                    $order_by = ' HotelClassName ' . $criteria['SortOrder'];
                } else {
                    if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'name') {
                        $order_by = ' A.HotelName ' . $criteria['SortOrder'];
        $sql = '
			select A.HotelId,A.HotelName_' . $iso . ' as HotelName, A.HotelClass, A.HotelAddress_' . $iso . ' as HotelAddress, F.HotelClassName, A.HotelCity, G.CityName_' . $iso . ' as CityName, A.HotelArea, H.AreaName_' . $iso . ' as AreaName
					,A.HotelDescription_' . $iso . ' as HotelDescription, C.RoomPlanId, C.RoomTypeId, J.`RoomTypeName`, C.RoomPlanName_' . $iso . ' as RoomPlanName, C.RoomMaxPersons,C.zaiku
					, C.Breakfast, C.Dinner, E.HotelOrder, C.`StartTime` , F.HotelClassName
					, C.`EndTime` ' . $usecond_cond . $price_field;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ', min(I.`Amount`) as MinAmount';
        $sql .= '	FROM HT_Hotel as A, HT_HotelRoomPlanLink as B,  HT_RoomPlan as C';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ', `HT_RoomStockAndPrice` as I';
        $sql .= ',(
					SELECT HotelId,  @curRow := @curRow + 1 AS HotelOrder
					FROM (
								(A.HotelId), A.HotelName, F.HotelClassName, C.RoomTypeId ' . $price_field . '
								HT_Hotel as A, HT_HotelRoomPlanLink as B,  HT_RoomPlan as C,';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= '`HT_RoomStockAndPrice` as I,';
        $sql .= 'HT_HotelClass as F
								A.HotelId = B.HotelId and B.RoomPlanId = C.RoomPlanId and F.HotelClassId = A.HotelClass ';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' AND C.`RoomPlanId` = I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $where_cond;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $having_cond;
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= '       ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
        $sql .= '		)
						AS A GROUP BY HotelId ' . $having_cond2;
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
        $sql .= '	LIMIT ' . ($p - 1) * $n . ',' . $n;
        $sql .= ') AS A join (SELECT @curRow := 0) r
				) AS E,
				HT_HotelClass as F,
				HT_City as G,
				HT_Area as H,
				HT_RoomType as J
				A.HotelId = E.HotelId and
				A.HotelId = B.HotelId and B.RoomPlanId = C.RoomPlanId
				AND A.HotelClass = F.HotelClassId
				AND A.HotelCity = G.CityId
				AND A.HotelArea = H.AreaId
				AND C.`RoomTypeId` = J.`RoomTypeId`';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' AND C.`RoomPlanId` = I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $where_cond;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $having_cond . ' ORDER BY E.HotelOrder ASC';
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= ', ' . $order_by;
        } else {
            $sql .= ', C.`RoomPlanId` ASC';
        //echo $sql;
        $res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
        if (!$res) {
            return null;
        // indexed by hotel id
        $search_result = array();
        $pre_buy_plans = array();
        foreach ($res as $hotel_roomplan) {
            if ($hotel_roomplan['zaiku'] == '1' && $hotel_roomplan['MinAmount'] == '0') {
            // key
            $hotel_id = $hotel_roomplan['HotelId'];
            $search_record = array();
            $new_roomplan = Tools::element_copy($hotel_roomplan, 'RoomPlanId', 'RoomTypeId', 'RoomTypeName', 'RoomPlanName', 'RoomMaxPersons', 'UseCon', 'Breakfast', 'Dinner', 'RoomPriceId', 'ApplyDate', 'MinPrice', 'MinAmount');
            if (array_key_exists($hotel_id, $search_result)) {
                // get hotel record
                $search_record = $search_result[$hotel_id];
            } else {
                // It's new a hotel key
                // create new hotel info
                $search_record = Tools::element_copy($hotel_roomplan, 'HotelId', 'HotelName', 'HotelClass', 'HotelClassName', 'HotelAddress', 'HotelCity', 'CityName', 'HotelArea', 'AreaName', 'HotelDescription');
                // pre-calculation price for display
                // but user can reselect room type and count
                $search_record['BookingPrice'] = 0;
                // get hotel first image
                $image = HotelDetail::getFirstFileOfHotel($search_record['HotelId']);
                $search_record['HotelFilePath'] = $image['HotelFilePath'];
                $search_record['w5_path'] = $image['w5_path'];
                $search_record['w5'] = $image['w5'];
                $search_record['h5'] = $image['h5'];
                $search_record['RoomPlanList'] = array();
            $new_roomplan['PreSelect'] = 0;
            if ($criteria['RoomTypeVals'][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']] > 0) {
                if (!array_key_exists($hotel_id, $pre_buy_plans)) {
                    $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id] = array();
                // check already selected same room type
                if (!array_key_exists($new_roomplan['RoomTypeId'], $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id])) {
                    $new_roomplan['PreSelect'] = 1;
                    $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']] = 1;
                    // pre-select
                    $search_record['BookingPrice'] += $new_roomplan['MinPrice'] * $criteria['RoomTypeVals'][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']];
            // insert image information
            $rp_images = RoomFile::getRoomFileListByRoomPlanId($hotel_roomplan['RoomPlanId']);
            $file_id = $rp_images[0]['RoomFileId'];
            $res = RoomFile::getRoomFile($file_id);
            if (!$res) {
                $w2 = 0;
                $h2 = 0;
            } else {
                $filepath = $res[0]['RoomFilePath'];
                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filepath);
                if ($width < 100 && $height < 75) {
                    $w2 = width;
                    $h2 = $height;
                } else {
                    $ratio1 = $width / 100;
                    $ratio2 = $height / 75;
                    if ($ratio1 < $ratio2) {
                        $w2 = 100;
                        $h2 = intval($height / $ratio1);
                    } else {
                        $h2 = 75;
                        $w2 = intval($width / $ratio2);
                $pos = strpos($filepath, "asset");
                $new_roomplan['img_path'] = substr($filepath, $pos);
            $new_roomplan['img_width'] = $w2;
            $new_roomplan['img_height'] = $h2;
            // insert new roomplan-stock info
            $search_record['RoomPlanList'][] = $new_roomplan;
            // add or reset search result record
            $search_result[$hotel_id] = $search_record;
        return $search_result;