public function member__forgot_password()
     $globals = Statamic::loadAllConfigs();
     $username = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'username', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $token = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'token', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $return = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'return', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $reset_return = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'reset_return', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $referrer = Request::getReferrer();
     // validate form token
     if (!$this->tokens->validate($token)) {
         $this->flash->set('forgot_password_error', 'Invalid token.');
     // bail if member doesn't exist
     if (!($member = Member::load($username))) {
         $this->flash->set('forgot_password_error', Localization::fetch('member_doesnt_exist'));
     // cache reset data
     $token = $this->tokens->create();
     $reset_data = array('username' => $username);
     if (isset($reset_return)) {
         $reset_data['return'] = $reset_return;
     $this->cache->putYAML($token, $reset_data);
     // generate reset url
     $reset_url = URL::makeFull($this->fetchConfig('reset_password_url', str_replace(Config::getSiteURL(), '', $referrer)));
     $reset_url .= '?H=' . $token;
     // send email
     $attributes = array('from' => $this->fetchConfig('email_sender', Config::get('email_sender'), null, false, false), 'to' => $member->get('email'), 'subject' => $this->fetchConfig('reset_password_subject', 'Password Reset', null, false, false));
     if ($html_template = $this->fetchConfig('reset_password_html_email', false, null, false, false)) {
         $attributes['html'] = Theme::getTemplate($html_template);
     if ($text_template = $this->fetchConfig('reset_password_text_email', false, null, false, false)) {
         $attributes['text'] = Theme::getTemplate($text_template);
     foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
         $attributes[$key] = Parse::template($value, array('reset_url' => $reset_url), array('statamic_view', 'callback'), $globals);
     $this->flash->set('forgot_password_sent', true);
     // redirect
コード例 #2
    | Pages go back to the tree, entries to their respective Entry Listing
    | Or, if a custom return was specified, we'll go there.
    if ($form_data['type'] == 'none') {
        $app->flash('success', Localization::fetch('page_saved'));
    } else {
        $app->flash('success', Localization::fetch('entry_saved'));
    $return = Request::post('return');
    if (Request::post('continue')) {
        $path = Path::trimSlashes(str_replace(Config::getContentRoot(), '', Path::tidy($file)));
        $path = preg_replace('/\\.' . Config::getContentType() . '$/', '', $path);
        $redirect_url = $admin_app->urlFor('publish') . '?path=' . $path;
        if (strpos(Request::getReferrer(), 'return=')) {
            // maintain the 'return' in the URL
            $return_uri = substr($return, strlen($app->request()->getRootUri()));
            $redirect_url .= '&return=' . $return_uri;
    } else {
$admin_app->map('/delete/entry', function () use($admin_app) {
    $content_root = Config::getContentRoot();
    $content_type = Config::getContentType();
コード例 #3
ファイル: hooks.raven.php プロジェクト: jeffreyDcreative/gkp
  * Process a form submission
  * @return void
 private function process()
     | Prep form and handler variables
     | We're going to assume success = true here to simplify code readability.
     | Checks already exist for require and validation so we simply flip the
     | switch there.
     $success = true;
     $errors = array();
     | Hidden fields and $_POST hand off
     | We slide the hidden key out of the POST data and assign the rest to a
     | cleaner $submission variable.
     $hidden = $_POST['hidden'];
     $submission = $_POST;
     | Grab formset and collapse settings
     | Formset settings are merged on top of the default raven.yaml config file
     | to allow per-form overrides.
     $formset_name = array_get($hidden, 'formset');
     $formset = $formset_name . '.yaml';
     if (File::exists('_config/add-ons/raven/formsets/' . $formset)) {
         $formset = Yaml::parse('_config/add-ons/raven/formsets/' . $formset);
     } elseif (File::exists('_config/formsets/' . $formset)) {
         $formset = Yaml::parse('_config/formsets/' . $formset);
     } else {
         $formset = array();
     if (!is_array($this->config)) {
         $this->log->warn('Could not find the config file.');
         $this->config = array();
     $config = array_merge($this->config, $formset, array('formset' => $hidden['formset']));
     | Prep filters
     | We jump through some PHP hoops here to filter, sanitize and validate
     | our form inputs.
     $allowed_fields = array_flip(array_get($formset, 'allowed', array()));
     $required_fields = array_flip(array_get($formset, 'required', array()));
     $validation_rules = isset($formset['validate']) ? $formset['validate'] : array();
     $messages = isset($formset['messages']) ? $formset['messages'] : array();
     $referrer = Request::getReferrer();
     $return = array_get($hidden, 'return', $referrer);
     $error_return = array_get($hidden, 'error_return', $referrer);
     | Allowed fields
     | It's best to only allow a set of predetermined fields to cut down on
     | spam and misuse.
     if (count($allowed_fields) > 0) {
         $submission = array_intersect_key($submission, $allowed_fields);
     | Required fields
     | Requiring fields isn't required (ironic-five!), but if any are specified
     | and missing from the POST, we'll be squashing this submission right here
     | and sending back an array of missing fields.
     if (count($required_fields) > 0) {
         $missing = array_flip(array_diff_key($required_fields, array_filter($submission)));
         if (count($missing) > 0) {
             foreach ($missing as $key => $field) {
                 $errors['missing'][] = array('field' => $field);
             $success = false;
     | Validation
     | Run optional per-field validation. Any data failing the specified
     | validation rule will squash the submission and send back error messages
     | as specified in the formset.
     $invalid = $this->validate($submission, $validation_rules);
     // Prepare a data array of fields and error messages use for template display
     if (count($invalid) > 0) {
         $errors['invalid'] = array();
         foreach ($invalid as $field) {
             $errors['invalid'][] = array('field' => $field, 'message' => isset($messages[$field]) ? $messages[$field] : null);
         $success = false;
     | Upload Files
     | Upload any files to their specified destination.
     if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
         $files = array_intersect_key($_FILES, $allowed_fields);
         $upload_destination = array_get($config, 'upload_destination');
         foreach ($files as $name => $file) {
             $submission[$name] = File::upload($file, $upload_destination);
     | Hook: Pre Process
     | Allow pre-processing by other add-ons with the ability to kill the
     | success of the submission. Has access to the submission and config.
     $success = Hook::run('raven', 'pre_process', 'replace', $success, compact('submission', 'config', 'success'));
     | Form Identifier
     | In the event of multiple forms on a page, we'll be able to determine
     | which one was the one that had been triggered.
     $this->flash->set('form_id', $hidden['raven']);
     | Finalize & determine action
     | Send back the errors if validation or require fields are missing.
     | If successful, save to file (if enabled) and send notification
     | emails (if enabled).
     if ($success) {
         // Akismet?
         $is_spam = false;
         if ($akismet = array_get($config, 'akismet') && array_get($config, 'akismet_api_key')) {
             $is_spam = $this->tasks->akismetCheck(array('permalink' => URL::makeFull(URL::getCurrent()), 'comment_type' => $formset_name, 'comment_author' => array_get($submission, array_get($akismet, 'author')), 'comment_author_email' => array_get($submission, array_get($akismet, 'email')), 'comment_author_url' => array_get($submission, array_get($akismet, 'url')), 'comment_content' => array_get($submission, array_get($akismet, 'content'))));
         // Shall we save?
         if (array_get($config, 'submission_save_to_file', false) === true) {
             $file_prefix = Parse::template(array_get($config, 'file_prefix', ''), $submission);
             $file_suffix = Parse::template(array_get($config, 'file_suffix', ''), $submission);
             $file_prefix = $is_spam ? '_' . $file_prefix : $file_prefix;
             $this->save($submission, $config, $config['submission_save_path'], $is_spam);
         // Shall we send?
         if (!$is_spam && array_get($config, 'send_notification_email', false) === true) {
             $this->send($submission, $config);
         | Hook: On Success
         | Allow events after the form as been processed. Has access to the
         | submission and config.
         Hook::run('raven', 'on_success', null, null, array('submission' => $submission, 'config' => $config));
         $this->flash->set('success', true);
     } else {
         $this->flash->set('success', false);
         $this->flash->set('errors', $errors);
         $this->flash->set('old_values', $_POST);
コード例 #4
  * Target for the member:profile_form form
  * @return void
 public function member__update_profile()
     $site_root = Config::getSiteRoot();
     $referrer = Request::getReferrer();
     $return = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'return', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     // is user logged in?
     if (!Auth::isLoggedIn()) {
         URL::redirect($this->fetchConfig('login_url', $site_root, null, false, false));
     // get current user
     $member = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     // get configurations
     $allowed_fields = array_get($this->loadConfigFile('fields'), 'fields', array());
     $role_definitions = $this->fetchConfig('role_definitions');
     // who are we editing?
     $username = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'username', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $username = !$username ? $member->get('username') : $username;
     // if the user isn't the current user, ensure that's allowed
     if ($username !== $member->get('username')) {
         // username is different from current user
         if (!array_get($role_definitions, 'edit_other_users', null) || !$member->hasRole($role_definitions['edit_other_users'])) {
             // this user does not have permission to do this
             $this->flash->set('update_profile_error', 'You are not allowed to edit another member’s profile.');
         } else {
             // all set, update member
             $member = Member::load($username);
     // get old values
     $old_values = $member->export();
     // set up iterators and flags
     $submission = array();
     // loop through allowed fields, validating and updating
     foreach ($allowed_fields as $field => $options) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$field])) {
             // was this username? that can be included separately
             if ($field === 'username') {
                 $value = $username;
             } else {
                 // field wasn't set, skip it
         } else {
             // set value
             $value = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $field, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
         // set value
         $old_values[$field] = $value;
         // don't store this value if `save_value` is set to `false`
         if (array_get($options, 'save_value', true)) {
             $member->set($field, $value);
         // add to submissions, including non-save_value fields because this
         // is the list that will be validated
         $submission[$field] = $value;
     // validate
     $errors = $this->tasks->validate($submission);
     if (count($errors)) {
         // errors were found, set a flash message and redirect
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_error', 'Member profile not updated.');
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_field_errors', $errors);
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_old_values', $old_values);
     } else {
         // save member
         // trigger a hook
         $this->runHook('profile_update', 'call', null, $member);
         // user saved
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_success', 'Member profile updated.');
         if ($return) {
         } else {