protected function getPresentationFields() { $categorySource = Summit::ActiveSummit()->Categories()->map('ID', 'FormattedTitleAndDescription')->toArray(); $categorySource['other'] = '<h4 class="category-label">Other topic...</h4>'; $fields = FieldList::create()->text('Title', 'Proposed Presentation Title')->configure()->setAttribute('autofocus', 'TRUE')->end()->dropdown('Level', 'Please select the level of your presentation content')->configure()->setEmptyString('-- Select one --')->setSource(Presentation::create()->dbObject('Level')->enumValues())->end()->literal('AbstractHelp', '<hr/><p>YouTube and other services limit the length of your presentation\'s description. We will take the first 100 characters of your abstract to display in the YouTube description.</p>')->tinyMCEEditor('ShortDescription', 'Abstract (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->setMaxCharLimit(1000)->setRequired(true)->end()->tinyMCEEditor('ProblemAddressed', 'What is the problem or use case you’re addressing in this session? (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->setMaxCharLimit(1000)->setRequired(true)->end()->tinyMCEEditor('AttendeesExpectedLearnt', 'What should attendees expect to learn? (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->setMaxCharLimit(1000)->setRequired(true)->end()->tinyMCEEditor('SelectionMotive', 'Why should this session be selected? (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->setMaxCharLimit(1000)->setRequired(true)->end()->literal('PresentationMaterialsTitle', '<h3>Please provide any relevant links to additional information, such as code repositories, case studies, papers, blog posts etc. (Up to 5 links)</h3>')->text('PresentationLink[1]', '#1')->text('PresentationLink[2]', '#2')->text('PresentationLink[3]', '#3')->text('PresentationLink[4]', '#4')->text('PresentationLink[5]', '#5')->literal('HR', '<hr/>')->optionset('CategoryID', 'What is the general topic of the presentation?')->configure()->setSource($categorySource)->end()->text('OtherTopic', 'Other topic (if one above does not match)')->configure()->displayIf('CategoryID')->isEqualTo('other')->end()->end()->hidden('ID', 'ID'); return $fields; }
public function equivalencias($id) { $presentation = Presentation::find($id); $equiv = $presentation->equiv->load(['detAtr' => function ($query) { $query->orderBy('atribute_id', 'asc'); }, 'product']); }
/** * Run the task * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request */ public function index() { $list = Presentation::get()->filter(array('Progress' => 0)); $count = $list->count(); $list->removeAll(); $this->writeOut("Deleted {$count} presentations"); }
public function scopePresentation($query, $id) { $presentation = Presentation::lists('name', 'id'); if ($id != "" && isset($presentation[$id])) { $query->where('presentation_id', $id); } }
public function handleManagePresentation(SS_HTTPRequest $r) { if ($presentation = Presentation::get()->byID($r->param('ID'))) { $request = PresentationAPI_PresentationRequest::create($presentation, $this); return $request->handleRequest($r, DataModel::inst()); } return $this->httpError(404, "Presentation " . $r->param('ID') . " not found"); }
protected function getPresentationFields() { $categorySource = Summit::get_active()->Categories()->map('ID', 'FormattedTitleAndDescription')->toArray(); $categorySource['other'] = '<h4 class="category-label">Other topic...</h4>'; $fields = FieldList::create()->text('Title', 'Proposed Presentation Title')->configure()->setAttribute('autofocus', 'TRUE')->end()->dropdown('Level', 'Please select the level of your presentation content')->configure()->setEmptyString('-- Select one --')->setSource(Presentation::create()->dbObject('Level')->enumValues())->end()->tinyMCEEditor('Description', 'Abstract')->configure()->setRows(20)->end()->literal('ShortDescriptionHelp', '<hr/><p>YouTube and other services limit the length of your presentation\'s description. Please provide a shorter, YouTube-friendly summary below.</p>')->literal('ShortDescriptionWordCount', '<p id="word-count"></p>')->tinyMCEEditor('ShortDescription', 'Short Description (450 Word Max)')->configure()->setRows(7)->setWordCount(450)->end()->literal('HR', '<hr/>')->optionset('CategoryID', 'What is the general topic of the presentation?')->configure()->setSource($categorySource)->end()->text('OtherTopic', 'Other topic (if one above does not match)')->configure()->displayIf('CategoryID')->isEqualTo('other')->end()->end()->literal('TagHelp', '<p>You can optionally add tags help attendees find presentations that interest them. Examples: <i>nova, ubuntu, ldap.</i></p>')->bootstrapTag('Tags', 'Presentation Tags (Optional)')->configure()->setLabelField('Tag')->setSource(Tag::get())->setPrefetch(Tag::get()->leftJoin('Presentation_Tags', 'TagID = Tag.ID')->sort('COUNT(Tag.ID)', 'DESC')->limit(10)->alterDataQuery(function ($query) { $query->groupby('Tag.ID'); }))->setFreeInput(true)->end(); return $fields; }
function launchPresentation($paramstring, $params = array()) { global $wgTitle, $wgParser; $wgParser->disableCache(); $title = $wgTitle->getText(); //only returns the title, not the namespace $slideNumber = 0; $notoc = ""; $delimiter = ","; if (trim($paramstring) == "") { return "<br><font color=red><b>Please define at least one page to use this extention.</b></font>\n<hr>"; } // set default then check for user supplied name... $name = "Wiki Presentation"; if (isset($params['name'])) { $name = $params['name']; } //disable toc per tag params if (isset($params['notoc'])) { $notoc = "__NOTOC__"; } if (isset($params['delimiter'])) { $delimiter = $params['delimiter']; //$delimiter = str_replace("\n",chr(13),$delimiter); } // clean up the string; replace whitespace with a single space $paramstring = preg_replace('@\\s+@', " ", $paramstring); $slides = split($delimiter, trim($paramstring)); // remove any blank array values foreach ($slides as $slide) { if (trim($slide) != "") { $arr[] = trim($slide); } } // cookie is set via back or forward arrows $cookie_name = str_replace(" ", "_", "wiki_presentation_{$title}"); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { $slideNumber = $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]; } // generate the Presentation class $cPresentation = new Presentation($arr, $slideNumber, $name, $notoc); // dislay the presentation return $cPresentation->getHTML(); }
/** * Returns true if the user is a speaker in a given presentation * @param boolean */ public function IsSpeaker($presentation = null) { if ($presentation === null) { return Presentation::get()->relation('Speakers')->find('MemberID', $this->owner->ID); } if (is_numeric($presentation)) { $p = Presentation::get()->byID($presentation); } else { if ($presentation instanceof Presentation) { $p = $presentation; } } if ($p) { return $p->Speakers()->find('MemberID', $this->owner->ID); } }
/** * @param int $summit_id * @param int $page * @param int $page_size * @param array $order * @return array */ public function getUnpublishedBySummitAndTrackList($summit_id, $track_list = null, $search_term = null, $page = 1, $page_size = 10, $order = null) { if (is_null($order)) { $order = array('SummitEvent.Created' => 'ASC'); } $filter = array('SummitID' => $summit_id, 'Published' => 0); $track_filter = ''; if (!empty($track_list)) { $track_filter = " AND SummitSelectedPresentationList.ID = {$track_list} "; } $where_clause = " SummitEvent.Title IS NOT NULL AND SummitEvent.Title <>'' "; if ($search_term) { $where_clause .= "AND (SummitEvent.Title LIKE '%{$search_term}%' OR SummitEvent.Description LIKE '%{$search_term}%'"; $where_clause .= " OR PresentationSpeaker.FirstName LIKE '%{$search_term}%' OR PresentationSpeaker.LastName LIKE '%{$search_term}%'"; $where_clause .= " OR CONCAT(PresentationSpeaker.FirstName,' ',PresentationSpeaker.LastName) LIKE '%{$search_term}%' ) "; } $list = Presentation::get()->filter($filter)->where($where_clause)->leftJoin('Presentation_Speakers', 'Presentation_Speakers.PresentationID = Presentation.ID')->leftJoin('PresentationSpeaker', 'Presentation_Speakers.PresentationSpeakerID = PresentationSpeaker.ID')->innerJoin('SummitSelectedPresentation', 'SummitSelectedPresentation.PresentationID = Presentation.ID')->innerJoin('SummitSelectedPresentationList', "SummitSelectedPresentation.SummitSelectedPresentationListID = SummitSelectedPresentationList.ID AND (ListType = 'Group') {$track_filter}")->sort("TRIM({$order})"); $count = intval($list->count()); $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; $data = $list->limit($page_size, $offset); return array($page, $page_size, $count, $data); }
protected function getPresentationFields() { $private_groups = $this->presentation_manager->getPrivateCategoryGroupsFor(Member::currentUser(), $this->summit); if ($this->summit->isCallForSpeakersOpen()) { $public_groups = $this->summit->CategoryGroups()->filter('ClassName', 'PresentationCategoryGroup')->toArray(); $category_groups = array_merge($public_groups, $private_groups); } else { $category_groups = $private_groups; } $category_groups_map = array(); foreach ($category_groups as $group) { $group_type = $group->ClassName == 'PrivatePresentationCategoryGroup' ? 'private' : 'public'; $category_groups_map[] = array('id' => $group->ID, 'title' => $group->Name, 'group_type' => $group_type); } usort($category_groups_map, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["title"], $b["title"]); }); $fields = FieldList::create()->text('Title', 'Proposed Presentation Title')->configure()->setAttribute('autofocus', 'TRUE')->end()->dropdown('TypeID', 'Select the format (Presentation: Max 3 speakers; Panel: Max 4 speakers, 1 moderator)')->configure()->setEmptyString('-- Select one --')->setSource(PresentationType::get()->filter('SummitID', $this->summit->ID)->exclude('Type', 'Keynotes')->map('ID', 'Type'))->end()->literal('CategoryContainer', '<div id="category_options"></div>')->dropdown('Level', 'Select the technical level of your presentation content')->configure()->setEmptyString('-- Select one --')->setSource(Presentation::create()->dbObject('Level')->enumValues())->end()->literal('AbstractHelp', '<hr/><p>YouTube and other services limit the length of your presentation\'s description. We will take the first 100 characters of your abstract to display in the YouTube description.</p>')->tinyMCEEditor('ShortDescription', 'Abstract (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->end()->tinyMCEEditor('ProblemAddressed', 'What is the problem or use case you’re addressing in this session? (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->end()->tinyMCEEditor('AttendeesExpectedLearnt', 'What should attendees expect to learn? (1000 chars)')->configure()->setRows(20)->setColumns(8)->end()->literal('PresentationMaterialsTitle', '<h3>Please provide any relevant links to additional information, such as code repositories, case studies, papers, blog posts etc. (Up to 5 links)</h3>')->text('PresentationLink[1]', '#1')->text('PresentationLink[2]', '#2')->text('PresentationLink[3]', '#3')->text('PresentationLink[4]', '#4')->text('PresentationLink[5]', '#5')->hidden('ID', 'ID')->hidden('SummitID', '', $this->summit->ID)->hidden('CategoryIDbis', ''); $CategoryGroupField = new CategoryGroupField('GroupID', 'Select the <a href="' . $this->summit->Link . 'categories" target="_blank">Summit Category</a> of your presentation'); $CategoryGroupField->setSource($category_groups_map); $fields->insertAfter($CategoryGroupField, 'TypeID'); return $fields; }
public function run($request) { $summit_id = intval($request->requestVar('SummitID')); if ($summit_id <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid summit id"); } $summit = Summit::get()->byID($summit_id); if (is_null($summit)) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid summit"); } $count = 0; $presentations = Presentation::get()->filter(array('SummitID' => $summit_id, 'TypeID' => 0))->where(" Title IS NOT NULL AND Title <>'' "); Summit::seedBasicEventTypes($summit_id); $type = SummitEventType::get()->filter(array('Type' => 'Presentation', 'SummitID' => $summit_id))->first(); if (is_null($type)) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid event type"); } foreach ($presentations as $p) { $p->TypeID = $type->ID; $p->write(); ++$count; } echo "Fixed {$count} presentations."; }
/** * Reverses the migration */ public function doDown() { foreach (Presentation::get()->filter('Legacy', true) as $p) { $p->Speakers()->setByIdList(array()); foreach ($p->Materials()->filter('ClassName', 'PresentationVideo') as $material) { echo "Deleted video # " . $material->ID . $this->br(); $material->delete(); } echo "Deleted presentation # " . $p->ID . $this->br(); $p->delete(); } if (!Presentation::get()->filter('Legacy', true)->exists()) { echo "Deleted all legacy presentations" . $this->br(); } else { echo "*** FAIL: Did not delete all legacy presentations" . $this->br(); } foreach (PresentationSpeaker::get()->filter('Notes', '[LEGACY]') as $speaker) { $speaker->delete(); } if (!PresentationSpeaker::get()->filter('Notes', '[LEGACY]')->exists()) { echo "Deleted all legacy speakers" . $this->br(); } else { echo "*** FAIL: Did not delete all legacy speakers" . $this->br(); } Summit::get()->filter('Title', ['San Diego', 'Portland', 'Atlanta'])->removeAll(); if (!Summit::get()->filter('Title', ['San Diego', 'Portland', 'Atlanta'])->exists()) { echo "Deleted legacy summits" . $this->br(); } else { echo "*** FAIL: Did not delete legacy summits" . $this->br(); } }
$current_date = time(); $action = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'action'); $id = 0; $register_id = 0; $is_changing = $is_enrolled; if ($action == "register") { if (!($current_date < $start_date || $current_date > $end_date) || isset($_SESSION['prev_usr_id'])) { $presentations = get_presentation_list($currentSession, $sort_by, $sort_order); include "view.php"; } else { display_user_message("It's not time to enroll yet", "/" . $app_url_path . "/itinerary"); } } else { if ($action == "commit") { $pres_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'pres_id'); $presentation = Presentation::getPresentation($pres_id); // Error -- not time to sign up. if (!isset($_SESSION['prev_usr_id'])) { if ($current_date < $start_date || $current_date > $end_date) { display_user_message("It is not currently time to enroll. Please check the enrollment dates.", "/" . $app_url_path . "/itinerary"); exit; } else { if (!$presentation->has_space()) { display_user_message("The presentation you selected is already full. Please select another.", "/" . $app_url_path . "/itinerary"); exit; } } } // All good -- add the presentation! // echo "add"; $presentation->addPresForUser($user->usr_id);
return; } $company_id = $item->ID; $event = new SummitEntityEvent(); $event->EntityClassName = 'SponsorFromEvent'; $event->EntityID = $company_id; $event->Type = 'DELETE'; $event->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID(); $event->SummitID = $summit_event->SummitID; $event->Metadata = json_encode(array('event_id' => $event_id)); $event->write(); } if ($item instanceof PresentationSpeaker && $list->getJoinTable() === 'Presentation_Speakers') { // removed speaker from presentation $presentation_id = intval($list->getForeignID()); $presentation = Presentation::get()->byID($presentation_id); if (is_null($presentation)) { return; } $speaker_id = $item->ID; $event = new SummitEntityEvent(); $event->EntityClassName = 'SpeakerFromPresentation'; $event->EntityID = $speaker_id; $event->Type = 'DELETE'; $event->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID(); $event->SummitID = $presentation->SummitID; $event->Metadata = json_encode(array('event_id' => $presentation_id)); $event->write(); } if ($item instanceof SummitType && $list->getJoinTable() === 'SummitEvent_AllowedSummitTypes') { // removed summit type from event
function gener(&$view) { $view->setEmpty($isEmpty = parent::gener($view)); return $isEmpty; }
public function hasEventsPublished() { return Presentation::get()->filter(["SummitID" => $this->SummitID, "Published" => 1, "CategoryID" => $this->ID])->count() > 0; }
} </style> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="page-header" style="height:100px;"> <?php Presentation::outputHeader(); ?> <div id="moneyTreeImage" style="position:relative;padding-left:63%;padding-right:0%;top:-100px;width:200px;z-index:10;"> <img src="/Style/Images/MoneyTreeSmall.png"> </div> </div> <div style="vertical-align=center;"> <img height=150 width=150 src="/Style/Images/construction.jpg" alt="Construction" style="padding-top:5%;padding-left:6%;float:left;margin:0 5px 0 0 0;"/> <p style="padding-left:19%; padding-right:0%;padding-top:10%; font-family:Calibri; font-size:20px;">Apologies...our site is currently undergoing renovations.</p> <p style="padding-left:19%; padding-right:0%;padding-top:3%; font-family:Calibri; font-size:20px;">For institutional investors interested in our library of financial functions (analytics, trading, customizations etc.), please contact us at <a href=''></a></p> </div> </div> <?php Presentation::outputFooterConstruction(); ?> </div> <!-- /container --> </body> </html>
/** * @param null $summit_id * @param string $role * @return ArrayList|bool */ public function AlternatePresentations($summit_id = null, $role = IPresentationSpeaker::RoleSpeaker) { $alternatePresentations = new ArrayList(); $summit = is_null($summit_id) ? Summit::get_active() : Summit::get()->byID($summit_id); if (is_null($summit)) { return false; } $presentations = $role == IPresentationSpeaker::RoleSpeaker ? $this->Presentations()->filter('SummitEvent.SummitID', $summit->ID) : Presentation::get()->filter(['SummitEvent.SummitID' => $summit->ID, 'ModeratorID' => $this->ID]); foreach ($presentations as $p) { if ($p->SelectionStatus() == IPresentation::SelectionStatus_Alternate && !$p->isPublished()) { $alternatePresentations->push($p); } } return $alternatePresentations; }
<body> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="page-header" style="height:100px;"> <?php Presentation::outputHeader(); ?> <div id="moneyTreeImage" style="position:relative;left:400px;top:-70px;width:200px;"> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span11"> <h3>Account Confirmed</h3><br/> <p>Your account has been confirmed!</p> <p>Click the button below to go to the home page, and log in.</p> <button class="btn primary" id="homePage">Go to home page</button> </div> </div> </div> <?php Presentation::outputFooter(); ?> </div> <!-- /container --> </body> </html>
public function getPresentationById($event_id) { return Presentation::get_by_id('Presentation', $event_id); }
/** * A helper method that sniffs the request for a number of parameters * that could contain the presentation ID * * @return Presentation */ protected function getPresentationFromRequest() { $presentation = false; if ($this->request->param('ID')) { $presentation = Presentation::get()->byID($this->request->param('ID')); } if (!$presentation && $this->request->requestVar('PresentationID')) { $presentation = Presentation::get()->byID($this->request->requestVar('PresentationID')); } return $presentation; }
function SaveRating() { if (!Member::currentUserID()) { return Security::permissionFailure($this); } $rating = ''; $TalkID = ''; if (isset($_GET['rating']) && is_numeric($_GET['rating'])) { $rating = $_GET['rating']; } if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $presentationID = $_GET['id']; } $Member = member::currentUser(); $validRatings = array(-1, 0, 1, 2, 3); if ($Member && isset($rating) && in_array((int) $rating, $validRatings, true) && $presentationID) { $previousVote = PresentationVote::get()->filter(array('PresentationID' => $presentationID, 'MemberID' => $Member->ID))->first(); $presentation = Presentation::get()->byID($presentationID); $CategoryID = Session::get('CategoryID'); if (!$previousVote) { $vote = new PresentationVote(); $vote->PresentationID = $presentationID; $vote->Vote = $rating; $vote->IP = $this->ClientIP(); $vote->MemberID = $Member->ID; $vote->write(); $this->redirectBack(); } else { $previousVote->Vote = $rating; $previousVote->IP = $this->ClientIP(); $previousVote->write(); $this->redirectBack(); } } else { return 'no rating saved.'; } }
<?php namespace Pages; require __DIR__ . '../../../core/initialize.php'; class Presentation extends \PageHelper { public $arrayTemplate = []; public $strTemplate = "Presentation.html5.twig"; public function run() { $view = $this->template->render($this->arrayTemplate); $this->response->setContent($view); $this->response->send(); } } $class = new Presentation(); $class->run();
public function MyPresentations($summit_id = null) { $summit = is_null($summit_id) ? Summit::get_active() : Summit::get()->byID($summit_id); if (is_null($summit)) { return false; } return Presentation::get()->filter(array('CreatorID' => $this->MemberID, 'SummitID' => $summit->ID)); }
<div style="margin-top:20px;"> <div style="float:left;clear:none;margin-right:10px;"><small ><strong>Password Strength: </strong></small></div> <span class="strengthSpan empty" style="float:left;clear:right"></span> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px;"> </div> <br/><br/> I accept Aarth's <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="termsOfServiceLink">Terms of Service</a>. <input type="checkbox" id="acceptTOS"/><br/><br/> <button class="btn success span4" id="registerButton">Register</button> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <p><center><?php Presentation::outputFooterNoMenu(); ?> </center></p> </footer> </div> <div class="rightFade"></div> </div> <!-- /container --> </body> </html>
public function handleReorderList(SS_HTTPRequest $r) { $sortOrder = $r->postVar('sort_order'); $listID = $r->postVar('list_id'); $list = SummitSelectedPresentationList::get()->byId($listID); if (!$list->memberCanEdit()) { return new SS_HTTPResponse(null, 403); } if (is_array($sortOrder)) { foreach ($sortOrder as $key => $id) { $selection = SummitSelectedPresentation::get()->filter(array('PresentationID' => $id, 'SummitSelectedPresentationListID' => $listID)); // Add the selection if it's new if (!$selection->exists()) { $presentation = Presentation::get()->byId($id); if ($presentation->exists() && $presentation->CategoryID == $list->CategoryID) { $s = new SummitSelectedPresentation(); $s->SummitSelectedPresentationListID = $listID; $s->PresentationID = $presentation->ID; $s->MemberID = Member::currentUserID(); $s->Order = $key + 1; $s->write(); } } // Adjust the order if not if ($selection->exists()) { $s = $selection->first(); $s->Order = $key + 1; $s->write(); } } } return new SS_HTTPResponse(null, 200); }
/** * @param $event_id * @return SummitEvent * @throws Exception */ public function getEventFromSchedule($event_id) { $event = $this->Events()->filter(array('Published' => 1, 'ID' => $event_id))->first(); if ($event->ClassName == 'Presentation') { $event = Presentation::get()->byID($event_id); } return $event; }
<p> Would you like to proceed? </p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a href="#" class="btn primary" id="proceedWithInconsistency">Proceed</a> <a href="#" class="btn" id="cancelInconsistency">Cancel</a> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="page-header" style="height:100px;"> <?php Presentation::outputHeader(); ?> <div id="moneyTreeImage" style="position:relative;left:420px;top:-100px;width:200px;z-index:10;"> <img src="/Style/Images/MoneyTreeSmall.png"> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span11"> <input type="search" id="searchTextBox" value="Enter Symbol" data-default-value="Enter Symbol"> <button id="finishButton" class="btn success">Save Portfolio</button> <button class="btn primary" id="refreshPage">Get Last Portfolio</button> <button id="resetPortfolioButton" class="btn error" style="z-index:99999">Empty Portfolio</button> <div id="dateTrackerDiv" class="span11"> <table class="span11" id="preferencesTable"> <thead> <tr><th>Date</th><th>Preferred Email Address</th><th>Email Frequency</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr>
public function addPresForUser($usr_id) { // begin transaction global $db; $db->beginTransaction(); try { // Check if the user currently has a presentation for this session. // If so, remove it. // The loop is a bit of overkill, but in case of an erroneous situation of the user having multiple // presentations for the same session, this will remove those extra cases. // // Include a check to make sure that presenters don't overwrite their presentations through this method. $presentations = get_presentations_by_user_by_session($usr_id, $this->ses_id); foreach ($presentations as $presentation) { Presentation::deletePresentationsByUser($usr_id, $presentation['pres_id']); } // Inserts the new session for the user. $this->insert_presentation_for_user($usr_id); // commit transaction $db->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // roll back transaction $db->rollback(); // log any errors to file log_pdo_exception($e, $usr_id, "Adding Presentation:" . $this, "addPresForUser"); display_db_exception($e); // display_error("Error saving data."); exit; } }
public function getPresentationLevels() { return Presentation::getLevels(); }