コード例 #1
ファイル: API.php プロジェクト: nnnnathann/piwik
  * Gets a DataTable displaying number of visits by device type (mobile vs. desktop).
 public function getMobileVsDesktop($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     $dataTable = $this->getOS($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $addShortLabel = false);
     $dataTable->filter('GroupBy', array('label', 'Piwik_UserSettings_getDeviceTypeFromOS'));
     // make sure the datatable has a row for mobile & desktop (if it has rows)
     $empty = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $empty->addRowsFromSimpleArray(array(array('label' => 'General_Desktop', Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS => 0), array('label' => 'General_Mobile', Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS => 0)));
     if ($dataTable->getRowsCount() > 0) {
     // set the logo metadata
     $dataTable->queueFilter('MetadataCallbackReplace', array('logo', 'Piwik_UserSettings_getDeviceTypeImg', null, array('label')));
     // translate the labels
     $dataTable->queueFilter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', 'Piwik_Translate'));
     return $dataTable;
コード例 #2
	protected function handleArray($array)
		if($this->outputFormat == 'original')
			// we handle the serialization. Because some php array have a very special structure that 
			// couldn't be converted with the automatic DataTable->addRowsFromSimpleArray
			// the user may want to request the original PHP data structure serialized by the API
			// in case he has to setup serialize=1 in the URL
			if($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize( $defaultSerialize = 0))
				return serialize($array);
			return $array;
		$multiDimensional = $this->handleMultiDimensionalArray($array);
		if($multiDimensional !== false)
			return $multiDimensional;
		$dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
		return $this->getRenderedDataTable($dataTable);
コード例 #3
ファイル: API.php プロジェクト: nnnnathann/piwik
  * Returns datatable describing the number of visits for each day of the week.
  * @param string $idSite The site ID. Cannot refer to multiple sites.
  * @param string $period The period type: day, week, year, range...
  * @param string $date The start date of the period. Cannot refer to multiple dates.
  * @param string $segment The segment.
  * @return Piwik_DataTable
 public function getByDayOfWeek($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     // disabled for multiple sites/dates
     if (Piwik_Archive::isMultipleSites($idSite)) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple sites.");
     if (Piwik_Archive::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period)) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple dates.");
     // metrics to query
     $metrics = Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::getCoreMetrics();
     // get metric data for every day within the supplied period
     $oSite = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
     $oPeriod = Piwik_Archive::makePeriodFromQueryParams($oSite, $period, $date);
     $dateRange = $oPeriod->getDateStart()->toString() . ',' . $oPeriod->getDateEnd()->toString();
     $archive = Piwik_Archive::build($idSite, 'day', $dateRange, $segment);
     $dataTable = $archive->getDataTableFromNumeric($metrics)->mergeChildren();
     // if there's no data for this report, don't bother w/ anything else
     if ($dataTable->getRowsCount() == 0) {
         return $dataTable;
     // group by the day of the week (see below for dayOfWeekFromDate function)
     $dataTable->filter('GroupBy', array('label', 'Piwik_VisitTime_dayOfWeekFromDate'));
     // create new datatable w/ empty rows, then add calculated datatable
     $rows = array();
     foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as $day) {
         $rows[] = array('label' => $day, 'nb_visits' => 0);
     $result = new Piwik_DataTable();
     // set day of week integer as metadata
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackAddMetadata', array('label', 'day_of_week'));
     // translate labels
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', 'Piwik_VisitTime_translateDayOfWeek'));
     // set datatable metadata for period start & finish
     $result->setMetadata('date_start', $oPeriod->getDateStart());
     $result->setMetadata('date_end', $oPeriod->getDateEnd());
     return $result;
コード例 #4
  * Utility function. Gets row count of a set of tables grouped by the 'name' column.
  * This is the implementation of the getRowCountsAndSizeBy... functions.
 private function getRowCountsByArchiveName($statuses, $getRowSizeMethod, $forceCache = false, $otherSelects = array(), $otherDataTableColumns = array())
     $extraCols = '';
     if (!empty($otherSelects)) {
         $extraCols = ', ' . implode(', ', $otherSelects);
     $cols = array_merge(array('row_count'), $otherDataTableColumns);
     $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
     foreach ($statuses as $status) {
         $dataTableOptionName = $this->getCachedOptionName($status['Name'], 'byArchiveName');
         // if option exists && !$forceCache, use the cached data, otherwise create the
         $cachedData = Piwik_GetOption($dataTableOptionName);
         if ($cachedData !== false && !$forceCache) {
             $table = new Piwik_DataTable();
         } else {
             // otherwise, create data table & cache it
             $sql = "SELECT name as 'label', COUNT(*) as 'row_count'{$extraCols} FROM {$status['Name']} GROUP BY name";
             $table = new Piwik_DataTable();
             $reduceArchiveRowName = array($this, 'reduceArchiveRowName');
             $table->filter('GroupBy', array('label', $reduceArchiveRowName));
             $serializedTables = $table->getSerialized();
             $serializedTable = reset($serializedTables);
             Piwik_SetOption($dataTableOptionName, $serializedTable);
         // add estimated_size column
         $getEstimatedSize = array($this, $getRowSizeMethod);
         $table->filter('ColumnCallbackAddColumn', array($cols, 'estimated_size', $getEstimatedSize, array($status)));
     return $dataTable;