コード例 #1
  * Verify that the "origin" remote exists, and points at the correct URI.
  * This catches or corrects some types of misconfiguration, and also repairs
  * an issue where Git 1.7.1 does not create an "origin" for `--bare` clones.
  * See T4041.
  * @param   PhabricatorRepository Repository to verify.
  * @return  void
 private function verifyGitOrigin(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     list($remotes) = $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote show -n origin');
     $matches = null;
     if (!preg_match('/^\\s*Fetch URL:\\s*(.*?)\\s*$/m', $remotes, $matches)) {
         throw new Exception("Expected 'Fetch URL' in 'git remote show -n origin'.");
     $remote_uri = $matches[1];
     $expect_remote = $repository->getRemoteURI();
     if ($remote_uri == 'origin') {
         // If a remote does not exist, git pretends it does and prints out a
         // made up remote where the URI is the same as the remote name. This is
         // definitely not correct.
         // Possibly, we should use `git remote --verbose` instead, which does not
         // suffer from this problem (but is a little more complicated to parse).
         $valid = false;
         $exists = false;
     } else {
         $normal_type_git = PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer::TYPE_GIT;
         $remote_normal = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer($normal_type_git, $remote_uri))->getNormalizedPath();
         $expect_normal = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer($normal_type_git, $expect_remote))->getNormalizedPath();
         $valid = $remote_normal == $expect_normal;
         $exists = true;
     if (!$valid) {
         if (!$exists) {
             // If there's no "origin" remote, just create it regardless of how
             // strongly we own the working copy. There is almost no conceivable
             // scenario in which this could do damage.
             $this->log(pht('Remote "origin" does not exist. Creating "origin", with ' . 'URI "%s".', $expect_remote));
             $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote add origin %P', $repository->getRemoteURIEnvelope());
             // NOTE: This doesn't fetch the origin (it just creates it), so we won't
             // know about origin branches until the next "pull" happens. That's fine
             // for our purposes, but might impact things in the future.
         } else {
             if ($repository->canDestroyWorkingCopy()) {
                 // Bad remote, but we can try to repair it.
                 $this->log(pht('Remote "origin" exists, but is pointed at the wrong URI, "%s". ' . 'Resetting origin URI to "%s.', $remote_uri, $expect_remote));
                 $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote set-url origin %P', $repository->getRemoteURIEnvelope());
             } else {
                 // Bad remote and we aren't comfortable repairing it.
                 $message = pht('Working copy at "%s" has a mismatched origin URI, "%s". ' . 'The expected origin URI is "%s". Fix your configuration, or ' . 'set the remote URI correctly. To avoid breaking anything, ' . 'Phabricator will not automatically fix this.', $repository->getLocalPath(), $remote_uri, $expect_remote);
                 throw new Exception($message);