コード例 #1

$Form = $API->get('Form');
$Paging = $API->get('Paging');
$Lists = new PerchMailChimp_Lists($API);
$lists = $Lists->all();
$Subscribers = new PerchMailChimp_Subscribers($API);
// Run an import if there is one
$Imports = new PerchMailChimp_Imports($API);
$Import = $Imports->get_next_import('subscribers');
if (is_object($Import)) {
    $message = $HTML->warning_message('Subscribers are still updating.');
} else {
    if ($Form->submitted()) {
        foreach ($lists as $List) {
$subscribers = $Subscribers->all_subscribed($Paging);
if (!PerchUtil::count($subscribers)) {
    foreach ($lists as $List) {
    $subscribers = $Subscribers->all_subscribed($Paging);
コード例 #2
ファイル: lists.pre.php プロジェクト: jimcurran/bdmusichub

$Form = $API->get('Form');
$Paging = $API->get('Paging');
$Lists = new PerchMailChimp_Lists($API);
$lists = $Lists->all($Paging);
if (!PerchUtil::count($lists)) {
    // No lists! gasp!
    // Do we have a license key?
    $Settings = PerchSettings::fetch();
    $api_key = $Settings->get('perch_mailchimp_api_key')->val();
    if ($api_key) {
        $lists = $Lists->all();
    } else {
        $message = $HTML->warning_message('Please add your MailChimp API key on the Settings page.');
} else {
    if ($Form->submitted()) {
        $lists = $Lists->all();
        $message = $HTML->success_message('Lists updated.');