コード例 #1
 function run(Contact $user, $qreq, $ssel)
     global $Conf;
     $result = Dbl::qe_raw($Conf->paperQuery($user, ["paperId" => $ssel->selection()]));
     $downloads = [];
     $opt = PaperOption::find_document($this->dt);
     while ($row = PaperInfo::fetch($result, $user)) {
         if ($whyNot = $user->perm_view_paper_option($row, $opt, true)) {
             Conf::msg_error(whyNotText($whyNot, "view"));
         } else {
             $downloads[] = $row->paperId;
     if (count($downloads)) {
         // it can take a while to generate the download
         if ($Conf->downloadPaper($downloads, true, $this->dt)) {
     // XXX how to return errors?
コード例 #2
 function save_paper_json($pj)
     global $Conf, $Now;
     $paperid = null;
     if (isset($pj->pid) && is_int($pj->pid) && $pj->pid > 0) {
         $paperid = $pj->pid;
     } else {
         if (!isset($pj->pid) && isset($pj->id) && is_int($pj->id) && $pj->id > 0) {
             $paperid = $pj->id;
         } else {
             if (isset($pj->pid) || isset($pj->id)) {
                 $key = isset($pj->pid) ? "pid" : "id";
                 $this->set_error_html($key, "Format error [{$key}]");
                 return false;
     if (get($pj, "error") || get($pj, "error_html")) {
         $this->set_error_html("error", "Refusing to save paper with error");
         return false;
     $this->prow = $old_pj = null;
     $this->paperid = $paperid ?: -1;
     if ($paperid) {
         $this->prow = $Conf->paperRow(["paperId" => $paperid, "topics" => true, "options" => true], $this->contact);
     if ($this->prow) {
         $old_pj = $this->paper_json($this->prow, ["forceShow" => true]);
     if ($pj && $old_pj && $paperid != $old_pj->pid) {
         $this->set_error_html("pid", "Saving paper with different ID");
         return false;
     $this->normalize($pj, $old_pj);
     if ($old_pj) {
         $this->normalize($old_pj, null);
     if ($this->nerrors) {
         return false;
     $this->check_invariants($pj, $old_pj);
     // store documents (options already stored)
     if (isset($pj->submission) && $pj->submission) {
         $this->upload_document($pj->submission, PaperOption::find_document(DTYPE_SUBMISSION));
     if (isset($pj->final) && $pj->final) {
         $this->upload_document($pj->final, PaperOption::find_document(DTYPE_FINAL));
     // create contacts
     foreach (self::contacts_array($pj) as $c) {
         $c->only_if_contactdb = !get($c, "contact");
         $c->disabled = !!$this->disable_users;
         if (!Contact::create($c, !$this->no_email) && get($c, "contact")) {
             $this->set_error_html("contacts", "Could not create an account for contact " . Text::user_html($c) . ".");
     // catch errors
     if ($this->nerrors) {
         return false;
     // update Paper table
     $q = array();
     foreach (array("title", "abstract", "collaborators") as $k) {
         $v = convert_to_utf8((string) get($pj, $k));
         if (!$old_pj || get($pj, $k) !== null && $v !== (string) get($old_pj, $k)) {
             $q[] = "{$k}='" . sqlq($v) . "'";
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "authors") !== null) {
         $autext = convert_to_utf8(self::author_information($pj));
         $old_autext = self::author_information($old_pj);
         if ($autext !== $old_autext || !$old_pj) {
             $q[] = "authorInformation='" . sqlq($autext) . "'";
     if ($Conf->submission_blindness() == Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL && (!$old_pj || get($pj, "nonblind") !== null && !$pj->nonblind != !$old_pj->nonblind)) {
         $q[] = "blind=" . (get($pj, "nonblind") ? 0 : 1);
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "submission") !== null) {
         $new_id = get($pj, "submission") ? $pj->submission->docid : 1;
         $old_id = $old_pj && get($old_pj, "submission") ? $old_pj->submission->docid : 1;
         if (!$old_pj || $new_id != $old_id) {
             $q[] = "paperStorageId={$new_id}";
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "final") !== null) {
         $new_id = get($pj, "final") ? $pj->final->docid : 0;
         $old_id = $old_pj && get($old_pj, "final") ? $old_pj->final->docid : 0;
         if (!$old_pj || $new_id != $old_id) {
             $q[] = "finalPaperStorageId={$new_id}";
     if (get($pj, "withdrawn") !== null || get($pj, "submitted") !== null || get($pj, "draft") !== null) {
         if (get($pj, "submitted") !== null) {
             $submitted = $pj->submitted;
         } else {
             if (get($pj, "draft") !== null) {
                 $submitted = !$pj->draft;
             } else {
                 if ($old_pj) {
                     $submitted = get($old_pj, "submitted_at") > 0;
                 } else {
                     $submitted = false;
         if (get($pj, "withdrawn")) {
             if (!$old_pj || !get($old_pj, "withdrawn")) {
                 $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=" . (get($pj, "withdrawn_at") ?: $Now);
                 $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . ($submitted ? -100 : 0);
             } else {
                 if (get($old_pj, "submitted_at") > 0 !== $submitted) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . ($submitted ? -100 : 0);
         } else {
             if ($submitted) {
                 if (!$old_pj || !get($old_pj, "submitted")) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . (get($pj, "submitted_at") ?: $Now);
                 if ($old_pj && get($old_pj, "withdrawn")) {
                     $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=0";
             } else {
                 if ($old_pj && (get($old_pj, "withdrawn") || get($old_pj, "submitted"))) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=0";
                     $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=0";
     if (get($pj, "final_submitted") !== null) {
         if ($pj->final_submitted) {
             $time = get($pj, "final_submitted_at") ?: $Now;
         } else {
             $time = 0;
         if (!$old_pj || get($old_pj, "final_submitted_at") != $time) {
             $q[] = "timeFinalSubmitted={$time}";
     if (!empty($q)) {
         if ($Conf->submission_blindness() == Conf::BLIND_NEVER) {
             $q[] = "blind=0";
         } else {
             if ($Conf->submission_blindness() != Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL) {
                 $q[] = "blind=1";
         $joindoc = $old_joindoc = null;
         if (get($pj, "final")) {
             $joindoc = $pj->final;
             $old_joindoc = $old_pj ? get($old_pj, "final") : null;
         } else {
             if (get($pj, "submission")) {
                 $joindoc = $pj->submission;
                 $old_joindoc = $old_pj ? get($old_pj, "submission") : null;
         if ($joindoc && (!$old_joindoc || $old_joindoc->docid != $joindoc->docid) && get($joindoc, "size") && get($joindoc, "timestamp")) {
             $q[] = "size=" . $joindoc->size;
             $q[] = "mimetype='" . sqlq($joindoc->mimetype) . "'";
             $q[] = "sha1='" . sqlq($joindoc->sha1) . "'";
             $q[] = "timestamp=" . $joindoc->timestamp;
         } else {
             if (!$joindoc) {
                 $q[] = "size=0,mimetype='',sha1='',timestamp=0";
         if ($paperid) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("update Paper set " . join(",", $q) . " where paperId={$paperid}");
             if ($result && $result->affected_rows === 0 && edb_nrows(Dbl::qe_raw("select paperId from Paper where paperId={$paperid}")) === 0) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into Paper set paperId={$paperid}, " . join(",", $q));
         } else {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into Paper set " . join(",", $q));
             if (!$result || !($paperid = $pj->pid = $result->insert_id)) {
                 return $this->set_error_html(false, "Could not create paper.");
             if (!empty($this->uploaded_documents)) {
                 Dbl::qe_raw("update PaperStorage set paperId={$paperid} where paperStorageId in (" . join(",", $this->uploaded_documents) . ")");
         // maybe update `papersub` settings
         $is_submitted = !get($pj, "withdrawn") && get($pj, "submitted");
         $was_submitted = $old_pj && !get($old_pj, "withdrawn") && get($old_pj, "submitted");
         if ($is_submitted != $was_submitted) {
     // update PaperTopics
     if (get($pj, "topics")) {
         $topics = self::topics_sql($pj, $paperid);
         $old_topics = self::topics_sql($old_pj, $paperid);
         if ($topics !== $old_topics) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("delete from PaperTopic where paperId={$paperid}");
             if ($topics) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperTopic (topicId,paperId) values {$topics}");
     // update PaperOption
     if (get($pj, "options")) {
         $options = convert_to_utf8(self::options_sql($pj, $paperid));
         $old_options = self::options_sql($old_pj, $paperid);
         if ($options !== $old_options) {
             $result = Dbl::qe("delete from PaperOption where paperId={$paperid} and optionId?a", array_keys($pj->parsed_options));
             if ($options) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperOption (paperId,optionId,value,data) values {$options}");
     // update PaperConflict
     $conflict = $this->conflicts_array($pj, $old_pj);
     $old_conflict = $this->conflicts_array($old_pj, null);
     if (join(",", array_keys($conflict)) !== join(",", array_keys($old_conflict)) || join(",", array_values($conflict)) !== join(",", array_values($old_conflict))) {
         $q = array();
         foreach ($conflict as $email => $type) {
             $q[] = "'" . sqlq($email) . "'";
         $ins = array();
         if (!empty($q)) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select contactId, email from ContactInfo where email in (" . join(",", $q) . ")");
             while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
                 $ins[] = "({$paperid},{$row['0']}," . $conflict[strtolower($row[1])] . ")";
         $result = Dbl::qe_raw("delete from PaperConflict where paperId={$paperid}");
         if (!empty($ins)) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperConflict (paperId,contactId,conflictType) values " . join(",", $ins));
     return $paperid;