コード例 #1
  * Returns the selected endpoint URL of this compute Service
  * @param string $resource - an optional child resource. For example,
  *      passing 'details' would return .../servers/details. Should *not* be
  *    prefixed with a slash (/).
  * @param array $args (optional) an array of key-value pairs for query
  *      strings to append to the URL
  * @returns string - the requested URL
 public function Url($resource = 'servers', $args = array())
     return parent::Url($resource, $args);
コード例 #2
  * Returns the URL of this database service, or optionally that of
  * an instance
  * @param string $resource the resource required
  * @param array $args extra arguments to pass to the URL as query strings
 public function Url($resource = 'instances', $args = array())
     return parent::Url($resource, $args);
コード例 #3
  * Returns the URL of this service, or optionally that of
  * an instance
  * @param string $resource the resource required
  * @param array $args extra arguments to pass to the URL as query strings
 public function Url($resource = self::URL_RESOURCE, $args = array())
     return parent::Url($resource, $args);