コード例 #1
    * Add file
    * @access public
    * @param void
    * @return null
    function add_file() {
      if (!ProjectFile::canAdd(logged_user(), active_project())) {
        flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
      } // if

      $file = new ProjectFile();
      $file_data = array_var($_POST, 'file');
      if (!is_array($file_data)) {
        $file_data = array(
          'folder_id' => get_id('folder_id'),
          'is_private' => config_option('default_private', false)
        ); // array
      } // if
      tpl_assign('file', $file);
      tpl_assign('file_data', $file_data);
      if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'file'))) {
        try {

          $uploaded_file = array_var($_FILES, 'file_file');
          // move uploaded file to folder where I can read and write
          move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], ROOT . '/tmp/' . $uploaded_file['name']);
          $uploaded_file['tmp_name'] = ROOT . '/tmp/' . $uploaded_file['name'];
          if (!logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) {
          } // if
          $file->setFilename(array_var($uploaded_file, 'name'));
          if (plugin_active('tags')) {
            $file->setTagsFromCSV(array_var($file_data, 'tags'));
          $revision = $file->handleUploadedFile($uploaded_file, true); // handle uploaded file
          ApplicationLogs::createLog($file, active_project(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);

          // Try to send notifications but don't break submission in case of an error
          // define all the users to be notified - here all project users, from all companies.
          // Restrictions if comment is private is taken into account in newOtherComment()
          try {
            $notify_people = array();
            $project_companies = active_project()->getCompanies();
            foreach ($project_companies as $project_company) {
              $company_users = $project_company->getUsersOnProject(active_project());
              if (is_array($company_users)) {
                foreach ($company_users as $company_user) {
                  if ((array_var($file_data, 'notify_company_' . $project_company->getId()) == 'checked') || (array_var($file_data, 'notify_user_' . $company_user->getId()))) {
                    $notify_people[] = $company_user;
                  } // if
                } // if
              } // if
            } // if

            Notifier::newFile($file, $notify_people); // send notification email...
          } catch(Exception $e) {                  
            Logger::log("Error: Notification failed, " . $e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR);
          } // try
          flash_success(lang('success add file', $file->getFilename()));
        } catch(Exception $e) {

          tpl_assign('error', $e);
          tpl_assign('file', new ProjectFile()); // reset file
          // If we uploaded the file remove it from repository
          if (isset($revision) && ($revision instanceof ProjectFileRevision) && FileRepository::isInRepository($revision->getRepositoryId())) {
          } // if
        } // try
      } // if
    } // add_file