コード例 #1
ファイル: detail.php プロジェクト: pasichnichenko/nconf
    # close template inheritance
    $output .= '</table>';
    $output .= '</div>';
    # template cache debug
    NConf_DEBUG::set($template_cache, 'DEBUG', "template cache");
    #print the template inheritace box
    echo NConf_HTML::ui_box_header('Template inheritance');
    if (count($template_cache) == 0) {
        $output = 'no templates inherited';
    echo NConf_HTML::ui_box_content($output);
echo '</div>';
commented out because we do not want to group the different link types
we want all linked items in one group
if we want to change that, we have to get all normal types, and then group the child or bidirectionals as follows:
# get entries linked as child
$result = db_templates("linked_as_child", $_GET["id"], "link_as_child");
table_output($result, $item_class, "Child items linked");
# get bidirectional entries
$result = db_templates("linked_as_child", $_GET["id"], "link_bidirectional");
table_output($result, $item_class, "Bidirectional items");
function table_output($result, $item_class = '', $title = '', $level = 0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: pasichnichenko/nconf



echo NConf_HTML::ui_box_header("Configuration Deployment");
echo NConf_HTML::ui_box_content();
echo '<div style="height: 20px;">
            <div id="loading">
                <img src="img/working_small.gif"> in progress...
// Load deployment class and create object
require_once "class.deployment.php";
require_once "class.deployment.modules.php";
// Load the NConf Deployment class
// It loads all the modules and handles the deployment basic stuff
$deployment = new NConf_Deployment();
// Loads the configuration of the user
// nconf/conf/deployment.ini
if (NConf_DEBUG::status('ERROR')) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: show_class.php プロジェクト: pasichnichenko/nconf
            // set list color
            if ($row_warn == 1) {
                $box_content .= '<tr class="color_warning highlight">';
            } elseif ((1 & $count) == 1) {
                $box_content .= '<tr class="odd highlight ' . $additional_class . '">';
            } else {
                $box_content .= '<tr class="even highlight ' . $additional_class . '">';
            $detail_link = '<a href="detail_admin_items.php?type=class&id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '">' . $entry["config_class"] . '</a>';
            $detail_link_friendly_name = '<a href="detail_admin_items.php?type=class&id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '">' . $entry["friendly_name"] . '</a>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="">';
            $box_content .= $detail_link;
            $box_content .= '</td>';
            $box_content .= '<td>' . $detail_link_friendly_name . '</td>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="center">' . $ICON_mandatory . '</td>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="center">' . '<a href="show_class.php?id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '&do=up">' . ICON_UP_BOX_BLUE . '</a></td>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="center">' . '<a href="show_class.php?id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '&do=down">' . ICON_DOWN_BOX_BLUE . '</a>' . '</td>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="center"><a href="modify_class.php?id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '">' . ICON_EDIT . '</a></td>';
            $box_content .= '<td class="center"><a href="delete_class.php?id=' . $entry["id_class"] . '">' . ICON_DELETE . '</a></td>';
            $box_content .= "</tr>\n";
        // show content box
        echo NConf_HTML::ui_box_content(NConf_HTML::ui_table($box_content));
    echo '<br>';
// End of nav_tree
echo '</div>';
require_once 'include/foot.php';