コード例 #1
 public function testuserCanAccessMethod_unknownMethodName_Exception()
     $userId = $this->environ->createUser('user', 'user', '*****@*****.**', SystemRoles::USER);
     $rh = new RightsHelper($userId, null, $this->environ->website);
     $result = $rh->userCanAccessMethod($userId, 'bogusMethodName', array());
     // nothing runs in the current test function after an exception. IJH 2014-11
コード例 #2
 public function testEncode_ArchivedText_ManagerCanViewContributorCannot()
     $project = $this->environ->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $managerId = $this->environ->createUser("manager", "manager", "*****@*****.**");
     $contributorId = $this->environ->createUser("contributor1", "contributor1", "*****@*****.**");
     $project->addUser($managerId, ProjectRoles::MANAGER);
     $project->addUser($contributorId, ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     // Question not archived but Text is archived
     $text = new TextModel($project);
     $text->title = "Text 1";
     $text->isArchived = true;
     $textId = $text->write();
     $question = new QuestionModel($project);
     $question->title = "the question";
     $question->description = "question description";
     $question->textRef->id = $textId;
     $questionId = $question->write();
     $dto = QuestionCommentDto::encode($project->id->asString(), $questionId, $managerId);
     // Manager can view Question of archived Text
     $this->assertEqual($dto['question']['title'], 'the question');
     // Contributor cannot view Question of archived Text, throw Exception
     $dto = QuestionCommentDto::encode($project->id->asString(), $questionId, $contributorId);
     // nothing runs in the current test function after an exception. IJH 2014-11
コード例 #3
 public function testRemoveUsers_ProjectOwner_NotRemovedFromProject()
     // setup project and users.  user1 is the project owner
     $project = $this->environ->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $projectId = $project->id->asString();
     $user1Id = $this->environ->createUser("user1name", "User1 Name", "*****@*****.**");
     $user2Id = $this->environ->createUser("user2name", "User2 Name", "*****@*****.**");
     $user1 = new UserModel($user1Id);
     $user2 = new UserModel($user2Id);
     $project->addUser($user1->id->asString(), ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     $project->addUser($user2->id->asString(), ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     $project->ownerRef = $user2Id;
     // save data for rest of this test
     $this->save['projectId'] = $projectId;
     $this->save['user1Id'] = $user1Id;
     $this->save['user2Id'] = $user2Id;
     // remove users from project.  user1 still remains as project owner
     $userIds = array($user1->id->asString(), $user2->id->asString());
     ProjectCommands::removeUsers($projectId, $userIds);
     // nothing runs in the current test function after an exception. IJH 2014-11
コード例 #4
 public function testUpdateFromRegistration_ExpiredKey_UserNotUpdatedAndKeyConsumed()
     $user = new UserModel();
     $user->emailPending = '*****@*****.**';
     $key = $user->setValidation(1);
     $date = $user->validationExpirationDate;
     $date->sub(new DateInterval('P2D'));
     $user->validationExpirationDate = $date;
     $userId = $user->write();
     // save data for rest of this test
     $this->save['userId'] = $userId;
     $userArray = array('id' => '', 'username' => 'joe', 'name' => 'joe user', 'password' => 'password');
     UserCommands::updateFromRegistration($key, $userArray, $this->environ->website);
     // nothing runs in the current test function after an exception. IJH 2014-11
コード例 #5
 public function testEncode_ArchivedText_ManagerCanViewContributorCannot()
     $project = $this->environ->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $projectId = $project->id->asString();
     // archived Text
     $text = new TextModel($project);
     $text->title = "Chapter 3";
     $text->isArchived = true;
     $textId = $text->write();
     // Answers are tied to specific users, so let's create some sample users
     $managerId = $this->environ->createUser("jcarter", "John Carter", "*****@*****.**");
     $contributorId = $this->environ->createUser("dthoris", "Dejah Thoris", "*****@*****.**");
     $project->addUser($managerId, ProjectRoles::MANAGER);
     $project->addUser($contributorId, ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     $dto = QuestionListDto::encode($projectId, $textId, $managerId);
     // Manager can view archived Text
     $this->assertEqual($dto['text']['title'], "Chapter 3");
     // Contributor cannot view archived Text, throw Exception
     $dto = QuestionListDto::encode($projectId, $textId, $contributorId);
     // nothing runs in the current test function after an exception. IJH 2014-11