コード例 #1
  * Parse a PDF dictionary object
  * Returns an array of dictionary contents, classified by object type: boolean, numeric, string, hex (string),
  * indirect (object), name, array, dictionary, stream, and null.
  * The array also has a '/length' element containing the number of bytes occupied by the
  * dictionary in the source string, excluding the enclosing delimiters.
  * @since 2.10
  * @param	string	data within which the string occurs
  * @param	integer	offset within the source string of the opening '<<' characters or the first content character.
  * @return	array	( '/length' => length, key => array( 'type' => type, 'value' => value ) ) for each dictionary field
 private static function _parse_pdf_dictionary(&$source_string, $offset)
      * Find the end of the dictionary
     if ('<<' == substr($source_string, $offset, 2)) {
         $nest = $offset + 2;
     } else {
         $nest = $offset;
     $level = 1;
     do {
         $dictionary_end = strpos($source_string, '>>', $nest);
         if (false === $dictionary_end) {
             /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: source offset 3: nest level */
             error_log(sprintf(_x('%1$s: _parse_pdf_dictionary offset = %2$d, nest = %3$d.', 'error_log', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $offset, $nest), 0);
             /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: dictionary excerpt */
             error_log(sprintf(_x('%1$s: _parse_pdf_dictionary no end delimiter dump = %2$s.', 'error_log', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), MLAData::mla_hex_dump(substr($source_string, $offset, 128), 128, 16)), 0);
             return array('/length' => 0);
         $nest = strpos($source_string, '<<', $nest);
         if (false === $nest) {
             $nest = $dictionary_end + 2;
         } elseif ($nest < $dictionary_end) {
             $nest += 2;
         } else {
             $nest = $dictionary_end + 2;
     } while ($level);
     $dictionary_length = $dictionary_end + 2 - $offset;
     $dictionary = array();
     // \x00-\x20 for whitespace
     // \(|\)|\<|\>|\[|\]|\{|\}|\/|\% for delimiters
     $match_count = preg_match_all('!/([^\\x00-\\x20|\\(|\\)|\\<|\\>|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\/|\\%]*)([\\x00-\\x20]*)!', substr($source_string, $offset, $dictionary_length), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     $end_data = -1;
     for ($match_index = 0; $match_index < $match_count; $match_index++) {
         $name = $matches[1][$match_index][0];
         $value_start = $offset + $matches[2][$match_index][1] + strlen($matches[2][$match_index][0]);
          * Skip over false matches within a string or nested dictionary
         if ($value_start < $end_data) {
         $end_data = -1;
         $value_count = preg_match('!(\\/?[^\\/\\x0D\\x0A]*)!', substr($source_string, $value_start, $dictionary_end - $value_start), $value_matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         if (1 == $value_count) {
             $value = trim($value_matches[0][0]);
             $length = strlen($value);
             $dictionary[$name]['value'] = $value;
             if (!isset($value[0])) {
                 /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: entry name 3: value excerpt */
                 error_log(sprintf(_x('%1$s: _parse_pdf_dictionary bad value [ %2$s ] dump = %3$s', 'error_log', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $name, MLAData::mla_hex_dump($value, 32, 16)), 0);
             if (in_array($value, array('true', 'false'))) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'boolean';
             } elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'numeric';
             } elseif ('(' == $value[0]) {
                 $dictionary[$name] = self::_parse_pdf_string($source_string, $value_start);
                 $end_data = $value_start + $dictionary[$name]['/length'];
             } elseif ('<' == $value[0]) {
                 if ('<' == $value[1]) {
                     $dictionary[$name]['value'] = self::_parse_pdf_dictionary($source_string, $value_start);
                     $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'dictionary';
                     $end_data = $value_start + 4 + $dictionary[$name]['value']['/length'];
                 } else {
                     $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'hex';
             } elseif ('/' == $value[0]) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['value'] = substr($value, 1);
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'name';
                 // Skip to the next key
             } elseif ('[' == $value[0]) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'array';
                 $array_length = strpos($source_string, ']', $value_start) - ($value_start + 1);
                 $dictionary[$name]['value'] = substr($source_string, $value_start + 1, $array_length);
                 $end_data = 2 + $value_start + $array_length;
             } elseif ('null' == $value) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'null';
             } elseif ('stream' == substr($value, 0, 6)) {
                 $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'stream';
             } else {
                 $object_count = preg_match('!(\\d+)\\h+(\\d+)\\h+R!', $value, $object_matches);
                 if (1 == $object_count) {
                     $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'indirect';
                     $dictionary[$name]['object'] = $object_matches[1];
                     $dictionary[$name]['generation'] = $object_matches[2];
                 } else {
                     $dictionary[$name]['type'] = 'unknown';
         } else {
             $dictionary[$matches[1][$match_index][0]] = array('value' => '');
             $dictionary[$matches[1][$match_index][0]]['type'] = 'nomatch';
     // foreach match
     $dictionary['/length'] = $dictionary_length;
     return $dictionary;