コード例 #1

This Example shows how to iterate through the AIM stats for every email address
associated with a campaign and do some basic error checking.
// Include the MailChimp API code.  Do Not Edit This!
require_once 'inc/MCAPI.class.php';
require_once 'inc/config.inc.php';
//contains apikey
$api = new MCAPI($apikey);
$limit = 5;
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    echo "====== Page {$i} : START ======\n";
    $allstats = $api->campaignEmailStatsAIMAll($campaignId, $i * $limit, $limit);
    if ($api->errorCode) {
        echo "Unable to run campaignEmailStatsAIMAll()";
        echo "\n\tCode=" . $api->errorCode;
        echo "\n\tMsg=" . $api->errorMessage . "\n";
    if ($allstats['total'] == 0) {
        echo "No more stats available!\n";
    foreach ($allstats['data'] as $email => $stats) {
        echo "[" . $email . "]\n";
        foreach ($stats as $stat) {
            echo "\t" . $stat['action'] . " @ " . $stat['timestamp'];
            if ($stat['action'] == 'click') {
                echo "\n\tURL =  " . $stat['url'] . "\n";