コード例 #1
 function add()
     if ($this->request->isAsyncCall() || $this->request->isMobileDevice() || $this->request->isApiCall() && $this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         if (Milestones::canAdd($this->logged_user, $this->active_project)) {
             $milestone_data = $this->request->post('milestone');
             $this->smarty->assign('milestone_data', $milestone_data);
             if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
                 try {
                     DB::beginWork('Creating milestone @ ' . __CLASS__);
                     $this->active_milestone = new RemediaMilestone();
                     $start_on = $this->active_milestone->getStartOn();
                     if ($start_on instanceof DateValue) {
                         if (Globalization::isWeekend($start_on) || Globalization::isDayOff($start_on)) {
                             throw new Error(lang('Start date needs to be set on working day'));
                     $due_on = $this->active_milestone->getDueOn();
                     if ($due_on instanceof DateValue) {
                         if (Globalization::isWeekend($due_on) || Globalization::isDayOff($due_on)) {
                             throw new Error(lang('Due date needs to be set on working day'));
                     /* INIZIO frosso hack */
                     if (AngieApplication::isModuleLoaded('tracking') && TrackingObjects::canAdd($this->logged_user, $this->active_project)) {
                         $estimate_value = isset($milestone_data['estimate_value']) && $milestone_data['estimate_value'] ? (double) $milestone_data['estimate_value'] : null;
                         $estimate_job_type = isset($milestone_data['estimate_job_type_id']) && $milestone_data['estimate_job_type_id'] ? JobTypes::findById($milestone_data['estimate_job_type_id']) : null;
                         $estimate_comment = isset($milestone_data['estimate_comment']) ? $milestone_data['estimate_comment'] : null;
                         if ($estimate_value > 0 && $estimate_job_type instanceof JobType) {
                             $this->active_milestone->tracking()->setEstimate($estimate_value, $estimate_job_type, $estimate_comment, $this->logged_user);
                         } else {
                             if ($this->active_milestone->tracking()->getEstimate() instanceof Estimate) {
                                 $this->active_milestone->tracking()->setEstimate($estimate_value, $estimate_job_type, $estimate_comment, $this->logged_user);
                             // if
                         // if
                     // if
                     /* FINE frosso hack */
                     $this->active_milestone->subscriptions()->set(array_unique(array_merge((array) $this->logged_user->getId(), (array) $this->active_project->getLeaderId(), (array) array_var($milestone_data, 'subscribers', array()))), false);
                     DB::commit('Milestone created @ ' . __CLASS__);
                     $this->logged_user->notifier()->notifySubscribers($this->active_milestone, 'system/new_milestone');
                     if ($this->request->isPageCall()) {
                         $this->flash->success('Milestone ":name" has been created', array('name' => $this->active_milestone->getName()));
                     } else {
                         $this->response->respondWithData($this->active_milestone, array('as' => 'milestone', 'detailed' => true));
                     // if
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     DB::rollback('Failed to create milestone @ ' . __CLASS__);
                     if ($this->request->isPageCall()) {
                         $this->smarty->assign('errors', $e);
                     } else {
                     // if
                 // try
             // if
         } else {
         // if
     } else {
     // if
コード例 #2
  * Prende le stime dei figli, le somma e ne genera una singola
 function getEstimateFromChilds()
     // Prendo tutti i figli della milestone corrente
     $tasks = Tasks::findByMilestone($this->object, STATE_VISIBLE);
     // Scorro tutti i figli e ne salvo le stime
     $estimates = array();
     $estimates_sum = 0;
     if (is_foreachable($tasks)) {
         foreach ($tasks as $task) {
             $estimate = Estimates::findLatestByParent($task);
             // Se non è stata impostata la stima ritorna nullo, quindi bisogna controllare che effettivamente l'oggetto esista
             if ($estimate && $estimate instanceof Estimate) {
                 $estimates[] = $estimate;
                 $estimates_sum += $estimate->getValue();
     // FIXME: seconda parte dell'if inutile
     if ($this->object instanceof Milestone || $this->object instanceof RemediaMilestone) {
         $estimate = new Estimate();
         // TODO: ho preso un job a caso, chissene
         $estimate->setComment('Stima generata automaticamente');
         // Assegno come creatore un tizio tra gli assegnatari
     return $estimate;