コード例 #1
ファイル: recipe_plugin.php プロジェクト: yakar/yioop
  * Implements post processing of recipes. recipes are extracted
  * ingredients are scrubbed and recipes are clustered. The clustered
  * recipes are added back to the index.
  * @param string $index_name  index name of the current crawl.
 function postProcessing($index_name)
     global $INDEXING_PLUGINS;
     if (!class_exists("SplHeap")) {
         crawlLog("...Recipe Plugin Requires SPLHeap for clustering!");
         crawlLog("...Aborting plugin");
     $locale_tag = guessLocale();
     $search_controller = new SearchController($INDEXING_PLUGINS);
     $query = "recipe:all i:{$index_name}";
     crawlLog("...Running Recipe Plugin!");
     crawlLog("...Finding docs tagged as recipes.");
     $more_docs = true;
     $raw_recipes = array();
     $limit = 0;
     $num = 100;
     while ($more_docs) {
         $results = @$search_controller->queryRequest($query, $num, $limit, 1, $index_name);
         if (isset($results["PAGES"]) && ($num_results = count($results["PAGES"])) > 0) {
             $raw_recipes = array_merge($raw_recipes, $results["PAGES"]);
         crawlLog("Scanning recipes {$limit} through " . ($limit + $num_results) . ".");
         $limit += $num_results;
         if (isset($results["SAVE_POINT"])) {
             $end = true;
             foreach ($results["SAVE_POINT"] as $save_point) {
                 if ($save_point != -1) {
                     $end = false;
             if ($end) {
                 $more_docs = false;
         } else {
             $more_docs = false;
     // only cluster if would make more than one cluster
     if (count($raw_recipes) * CLUSTER_RATIO > 1) {
         $recipes = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($raw_recipes as $raw_recipe) {
             $description = $raw_recipe[self::DESCRIPTION];
             $ingredients = explode("||", $description);
             if (is_array($ingredients) && count($ingredients) > 1) {
                 $recipes[$i][0] = $raw_recipe[self::TITLE];
                 $recipes[$i][1] = $ingredients;
                 $recipes[$i][2] = crawlHash($raw_recipe[self::URL]);
                 $recipes[$i][3] = $raw_recipe;
         $recipes_ingredients = array();
         $count = count($recipes);
         foreach ($recipes as $key => $recipe) {
             foreach ($recipe[1] as $index => $ingredient) {
                 if (strlen($ingredient) != 0 && substr($ingredient, strlen($ingredient) - 1) != ":") {
                     $mainIngredient = $this->getIngredientName((string) $ingredient);
                     if (strlen($mainIngredient) != 0) {
                         $recipe[1][$index] = $mainIngredient;
                     } else {
                 } else {
             $recipes[$key] = $recipe;
         $count = count($recipes);
         $k = 0;
         $basic_ingredients = array('onion', 'oil', 'cheese', 'pepper', 'sauce', 'salt', 'milk', 'butter', 'flour', 'cake', 'garlic', 'cream', 'soda', 'honey', 'powder', 'sauce', 'water', 'vanilla', 'pepper', 'bread', 'sugar', 'vanillaextract', 'celery', 'seasoning', 'syrup', 'skewers', 'egg', 'muffin', 'ginger', 'basil', 'oregano', 'cinammon', 'cumin', 'mayonnaise', 'mayo', 'chillipowder', 'lemon', 'greens', 'yogurt', 'margarine', 'asparagus', 'halfhalf', 'pancakemix', 'coffee', 'cookies', 'lime', 'chillies', 'cilantro', 'rosemary', 'vanillaextract', 'vinegar', 'shallots', 'wine', 'cornmeal', 'nonstickspray');
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $recipe1_main_ingredient = "";
             $recipe1 = $recipes[$i][1];
             $recipe_name = $recipes[$i][0];
             $recipe1_title = strtolower($recipes[$i][0]);
             $distinct_ingredients[$recipe_name] = $recipes[$i][1];
             $doc_keys[$recipe_name] = $recipes[$i][2];
             $recipes_summary[$recipe_name] = $recipes[$i][3];
             for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $count; $j++) {
                 $recipe2_main_ingredient = "";
                 $recipe2 = $recipes[$j][1];
                 $recipe2_title = strtolower($recipes[$j][0]);
                 $weights[$k][0] = $recipes[$i][0];
                 $weights[$k][1] = $recipes[$j][0];
                 $merge_array = array_merge($recipe1, $recipe2);
                 $vector_array = array_unique($merge_array);
                 $recipe1_vector = array_fill_keys($vector_array, 0);
                 $recipe2_vector = array_fill_keys($vector_array, 0);
                 foreach ($recipe1 as $ingredient) {
                     if ($ingredient != "" && !in_array($ingredient, $basic_ingredients)) {
                         if (strstr($recipe1_title, $ingredient)) {
                             $recipe1_main_ingredient = $ingredient;
                     $recipe1_vector[$ingredient] = 1;
                 foreach ($recipe2 as $ingredient) {
                     if ($ingredient != "" && !in_array($ingredient, $basic_ingredients)) {
                         if (strstr($recipe2_title, $ingredient)) {
                             $recipe2_main_ingredient = $ingredient;
                     $recipe2_vector[$ingredient] = 1;
                 $edge_weight = 0;
                 $matches = 1;
                 foreach ($vector_array as $vector) {
                     $diff = $recipe1_vector[$vector] - $recipe2_vector[$vector];
                     $vector_diff[$vector] = pow($diff, 2);
                     if (abs($diff) == 1) {
                         $matches += 1;
                     $edge_weight += $vector_diff[$vector];
                 $main_ingredient_match = 1;
                 if ($recipe1_main_ingredient != $recipe2_main_ingredient) {
                     $main_ingredient_match = 1000;
                 $edge_weight = sqrt($edge_weight) * $matches * $main_ingredient_match;
                 $weights[$k][2] = $edge_weight;
         crawlLog("...Making new shard with clustered recipes as docs.");
         $clusters = kruskalClustering($weights, $count, $distinct_ingredients);
         $index_shard = new IndexShard("cluster_shard");
         $word_lists = array();
         $recipe_sites = array();
         foreach ($clusters as $cluster) {
             $count = count($cluster);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) {
                 $meta_ids = array();
                 $summary = array();
                 $recipe = $cluster[$i];
                 $summary[self::URL] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::URL];
                 $summary[self::TITLE] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::TITLE];
                 $summary[self::DESCRIPTION] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::DESCRIPTION];
                 $summary[self::TIMESTAMP] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::TIMESTAMP];
                 $summary[self::ENCODING] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::ENCODING];
                 $summary[self::HASH] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::HASH];
                 $doc_keys[$recipe] = crawlHash($summary[self::URL], true);
                 $hash_rhost = "r" . substr(crawlHash(UrlParser::getHost($summary[self::URL]) . "/", true), 1);
                 $doc_keys[$recipe] .= $summary[self::HASH] . $hash_rhost;
                 $summary[self::TYPE] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::TYPE];
                 $summary[self::HTTP_CODE] = $recipes_summary[$recipe][self::HTTP_CODE];
                 $recipe_sites[] = $summary;
                 $meta_ids[] = "ingredient:" . trim($cluster["ingredient"]);
                 crawlLog("ingredient:" . $cluster["ingredient"]);
                 if (!$index_shard->addDocumentWords($doc_keys[$recipe], self::NEEDS_OFFSET_FLAG, $word_lists, $meta_ids, true, false)) {
                     crawlLog("Problem inserting recipe: " . $summary[self::TITLE]);
         $shard_string = $index_shard->save(true);
         $index_shard = IndexShard::load("cluster_shard", $shard_string);
         crawlLog("...Adding recipe shard to index archive bundle");
         $dir = CRAWL_DIR . "/cache/" . self::index_data_base_name . $index_name;
         $index_archive = new IndexArchiveBundle($dir, false);
         if ($index_shard->word_docs_packed) {
         $generation = $index_archive->initGenerationToAdd($index_shard);
         if (isset($recipe_sites)) {
             crawlLog("... Adding " . count($recipe_sites) . " recipe docs.");
             $index_archive->addPages($generation, self::SUMMARY_OFFSET, $recipe_sites, 0);
         $k = 0;
         foreach ($recipe_sites as $site) {
             $recipe = $site[self::TITLE];
             $hash = crawlHash($site[self::URL], true) . $site[self::HASH] . "r" . substr(crawlHash(UrlParser::getHost($site[self::URL]) . "/", true), 1);
             $summary_offsets[$hash] = $site[self::SUMMARY_OFFSET];
         $this->db->setWorldPermissionsRecursive(CRAWL_DIR . '/cache/' . self::index_data_base_name . $index_name);
         crawlLog("...Recipe plugin finished.");