コード例 #1
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host->log_flags = "log_flags.xml";
$host->add_user($user, $project);
echo "adding work\n";
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
$work->redundancy = 2;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
//delete the download_dir immediately
$pid = $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle");
echo "sleeping 100 secs\n";
$status = 0;
//wait until the host has stopped running
pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status, 0);
$result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER;
$result->stderr_out = "APP: upper_case: starting, argc 1";
$result->exit_status = 0;
$project->check_results(2, $result);
$project->compare_file("uc_wu_0_0", "uc_correct_output");
$project->compare_file("uc_wu_1_0", "uc_correct_output");
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_pers.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
echo "adding work\n";
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
$work->redundancy = 2;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
//get the path for checking download
$source_dir = SRC_DIR;
$enc_url = strtr($project->master_url, "/", "_");
$enc_url = substr($enc_url, 7, strlen($enc_url));
$path = "{$host->host_dir}/projects/{$enc_url}/upper_case";
print "\n the path for checking download is :" . $path;
$pid = $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle -limit_transfer_rate 2048");
$client_pid = $host->get_new_client_pid(null);
assert($pid != -1);
$first = 0;
$file_size = 0;
//Check download
while (1) {
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        $temp = filesize($path);
        if ($temp < $file_size) {
            echo "\nfilesize dropped, problem downloading\n";
            echo "temp is {$temp}, file_size is  {$file_size}\n";
        } else {
            if ($temp > $file_size) {
                print "\n filesize increased, it is : " . $temp;