コード例 #1
ファイル: TagsController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function indexAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $tag = $request->getParam('tags');
     /* CRUMBS */
     $this->view->crumbs = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('Home'), 'href' => $request->getBaseUrl()), array('name' => $this->translate('Search')));
     if ($tag) {
         $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page', 1);
         if ($page < 1) {
             $page = 1;
         $limit = JO_Registry::get('front_limit');
         $order = $request->getRequest('order');
         if (is_null($order)) {
             $order = 'desc';
         $sort = $request->getRequest('sort');
         if (is_null($sort)) {
             $sort = 'datetime';
         if ($sort == 'username') {
             $prefix = 'users.';
         } else {
             $prefix = 'items.';
         $tag = trim(urldecode($tag));
         $this->view->searchText = $this->translate('Tag') . ': ' . $tag;
         $this->getLayout()->meta_title = $this->translate('Items by tag') . ' ' . $tag;
         $this->getLayout()->meta_description = $this->translate('Items by tag') . ' ' . $tag;
         $all_cats_link = $link = $request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=tags&tag=' . urlencode($tag);
         $category = $request->getRequest('category');
         if ($category) {
             $link .= '&category=' . $category;
         $this->view->sort_by = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('date'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=datetime'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'datetime' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('title'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=name'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'name' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('rating'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=rating'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'rating' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('sales'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=sales'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'sales' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('price'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=price'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'price' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('author name'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=username'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'username' ? true : false));
         /* ORDER */
         $link .= '&sort=' . $sort;
         $this->view->orders = array(array('name' => '&raquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=desc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'desc' ? true : false), array('name' => '&laquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=asc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'asc' ? true : false));
         $link .= '&order=' . $order;
         $total_records = Model_Tags::getAllSearchItems($tag, ($sort == 'price' ? 'rprice' : $sort) . ' ' . $order, $category);
         if ($total_records) {
             $this->view->total_result = $cnt_total_records = count($total_records);
             $this->view->categories = array();
             $categories = Model_Tags::getCategories($tag, $category);
             if ($categories) {
                 if ($category) {
                     $this->view->all_cats_link = WM_Router::create($all_cats_link);
                     $exists = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                         if (substr_count($cat['categories'], '|||') > 1) {
                         $cat_parts = explode('|||', $cat['categories']);
                         foreach ($cat_parts as $part) {
                             $sub_parts = explode('@@@', $part);
                             if (in_array($sub_parts[0], $exists)) {
                             $exists[] = $sub_parts[0];
                             $this->view->categories[] = array('name' => $sub_parts[1], 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&category=' . $sub_parts[0]));
                     $this->view->categories[0] = array('name' => $this->view->categories[0]['name']);
                     $this->view->cnt_categories = count($this->view->categories) - 1;
                     $this->view->subcategories = $this->view->cnt_categories == 1 ? $this->translate('Subcategory') : $this->translate('Subcategories');
                 } else {
                     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                         if (strpos($cat['categories'], '|||')) {
                         $cat_parts = explode('@@@', $cat['categories']);
                         $this->view->categories[] = array('name' => $cat_parts[1], 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&category=' . $cat_parts[0]));
                     $this->view->cnt_categories = count($this->view->categories);
                     $this->view->subcategories = $this->view->cnt_categories == 1 ? $this->translate('Category') : $this->translate('Categories');
             $start = $page * $limit - $limit;
             if ($start > $cnt_total_records) {
                 $page = max(ceil($cnt_total_records / $limit), 1);
                 $start = $page * $limit - $limit;
             } elseif ($start < 0) {
                 $start = 0;
             $items = array_slice($total_records, $start, $limit);
             $this->view->items = array();
             foreach ($items as $n => $item) {
                 $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
                 $item['categories'] = trim($item['categories'], ',');
                 $item['categories'] = explode(',', $item['categories']);
                 $item['categories'] = JO_Array::multi_array_to_single_uniq($item['categories']);
                 $item['categories'] = array_filter($item['categories'], create_function('$a', 'return $a!="";'));
                 $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
             $pagination = new Model_Pagination();
             $pagination->setText(array('text_prev' => $this->view->translate('Prev'), 'text_next' => $this->view->translate('Next')));
             $pagination->setUrl(WM_Router::create($link . '&page={page}'));
             $this->view->pagination = $pagination->render();
             if (!empty($this->view->pagination)) {
                 $this->view->pagination = str_replace('{of}', $this->view->translate('OF'), $this->view->pagination);
         $this->view->children = array();
         $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
         $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
     } else {
         $this->redirect($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&action=recent');
コード例 #2
ファイル: CollectionsController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function viewAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $collectionID = $request->getRequest('view');
     $collection = Model_Collections::get($collectionID);
     $this->view->my_profil = $collection['username'] == JO_Session::get('username');
     if (!$collection || $collection['public'] == 'false' && !$this->view->my_profil) {
         return $this->forward('error', 'error404');
     $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page', 1);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = JO_Registry::get('front_limit');
     $order = $request->getRequest('order');
     if (is_null($order)) {
         $order = 'desc';
     $sort = $request->getRequest('sort');
     if (is_null($sort)) {
         $sort = 'datetime';
     if ($sort == 'username') {
         $prefix = 'users.';
     } else {
         $prefix = 'items.';
     $this->getLayout()->meta_title = $collection['name'];
     $this->getLayout()->meta_description = isset($collection['description']) ? substr(strip_tags($collection['description']), 0, 255) : $this->translate('Collection');
     $collection['without_bt'] = true;
     $this->view->collection_name = $collection['name'];
     $this->view->collection = Helper_Collection::returnViewIndex($collection, true);
     $this->view->rate_link = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=rate_collection&collection_id=' . $collection['id']);
     /* CRUMBS */
     $this->view->crumbs = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('Home'), 'href' => $request->getBaseUrl()), array('name' => $this->view->translate('Public Collections'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections')));
     $total_records = Model_Items::CountByCollection($collectionID);
     $start = $page * $limit - $limit;
     if ($start > $total_records) {
         $last_page = max(ceil($total_records / $limit), 1);
         $start = $last_page * $limit - $limit;
     } elseif ($start < 0) {
         $start = 0;
     $items = Model_Items::getAllByCollection($collectionID, $start, $limit, $prefix . $sort . ' ' . $order);
     if ($items) {
         $link = $request->getBaseUrl() . '?&controller=collections&action=view&collection_id=' . $collectionID . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($collection['name']);
         $this->view->sort_by = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('date'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=datetime'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'datetime' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('title'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=name'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'name' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('rating'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=rating'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'rating' ? true : false));
         /* ORDER */
         $link .= '&sort=' . $sort;
         $this->view->orders = array(array('name' => '&raquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=desc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'desc' ? true : false), array('name' => '&laquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=asc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'asc' ? true : false));
         $this->view->items = array();
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?module=' . $item['module'] . '&controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
             $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
         $pagination = new Model_Pagination();
         $pagination->setText(array('text_prev' => $this->view->translate('Prev'), 'text_next' => $this->view->translate('Next')));
         $pagination->setUrl(WM_Router::create($link . '&page={page}'));
         $this->view->pagination = $pagination->render();
         if (!empty($this->view->pagination)) {
             $this->view->pagination = str_replace('{of}', $this->view->translate('OF'), $this->view->pagination);
     $this->view->children = array();
     $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
     $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
コード例 #3
ファイル: IndexController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function indexAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $model_images = new Model_Images();
     $this->view->usersCount = Model_Users::countUsers();
     $this->view->itemsCount = Model_Items::countItems();
     /* LAST ITEM */
     $lastItem = Model_Items::getLastItem();
     if ($lastItem) {
         $thumb = $model_images->resizeWidth($lastItem['theme_preview_thumbnail'], 200);
         $thumb_size = getimagesize($thumb);
         if ($thumb_size[1] > 161) {
             $image = new JO_GDThumb($thumb);
             $image->crop(0, 0, $thumb_size[0], 161);
         $this->view->lastItem = array('name' => $lastItem['name'], 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?module=' . $lastItem['module'] . '&controller=items&item_id=' . $lastItem['id'] . '&name=' . $lastItem['name']), 'thumb' => $thumb);
     /* FREE ITEM */
     $this->view->freeItems = '';
     $freeItems = Model_Items::getFreeFiles();
     if ($freeItems) {
         foreach ($freeItems as $fi) {
             $cats = explode(',', $fi['categories']);
             $cat_name = Helper_Items::getCategory($cats[1]);
             $thumb = $model_images->resizeWidth($fi['theme_preview_thumbnail'], JO_Registry::forceGet($fi['module'] . '_items_thumb_width'));
             $thumb_size = getimagesize($thumb);
             if ($thumb_size[1] > JO_Registry::forceGet($fi['module'] . '_items_thumb_height')) {
                 $image = new JO_GDThumb($thumb);
                 $image->crop(0, 0, $thumb_size[0], JO_Registry::forceGet($fi['module'] . '_items_thumb_height'));
             $this->view->freeItems[] = array('href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=items&item_id=' . $fi['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($fi['name'])), 'thumb' => $thumb, 'cat_name' => $cat_name['name'], 'name' => $fi['name']);
     /* ITEMS */
     $this->view->items = array();
     $listType = $request->getParam('list_type');
     if (is_null($listType)) {
         $listType = 'recent';
     $this->view->all_items = array('name' => $this->view->translate('View all items'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&action=' . $listType));
     switch ($listType) {
         case 'featured':
             JO_Session::set('redirect', $request->getBaseUrl() . $request->getUri());
             $this->view->title_items = $this->view->translate('Featured Items');
             $featuredItems = Model_Items::getWeekly($request->getParam('category_filter'));
             if ($featuredItems) {
                 foreach ($featuredItems as $n => $item) {
                     if (!empty($item['demo_url'])) {
                         $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?module=' . $item['module'] . '&controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
                     $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item);
         case 'author':
             JO_Session::set('redirect', $request->getBaseUrl() . $request->getUri());
             $this->view->title_items = $this->view->translate('Featured Author');
             $this->view->author = Model_Users::getFeatUser();
             if ($this->view->author) {
                 $this->view->author['userhref'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&username='******'username']);
                 $this->view->author['userhref_pf'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&username='******'username']);
                 if ($this->view->author['avatar']) {
                     $this->view->author['avatar'] = $model_images->resize($this->view->author['avatar'], JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_width'), JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_height'), true);
                 } else {
                     $this->view->author['avatar'] = 'data/themes/images/avatar-author.png';
                 $this->view->items = array();
                 $items = Model_Items::getByUser($this->view->author['user_id'], 0, 11, false);
                 if (empty($items)) {
                     $items = array(0 => array('no_items' => true, 'thumbnail' => 'data/themes/images/missing-item.png', 'module' => 'themes'));
                 if ($items) {
                     foreach ($items as $n => $item) {
                         if (!empty($item['demo_url'])) {
                             $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?module=' . $item['module'] . '&controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
                         $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item);
             $this->view->all_items = array('name' => $this->view->translate('View portfolio'), 'href' => $this->view->author['userhref_pf']);
             /* RECENT ITEMS */
             JO_Session::set('redirect', $request->getBaseUrl());
             $this->view->title_items = $this->view->translate('Recent Items');
             $recentItems = Model_Items::getRecent($request->getParam('category_filter'));
             if ($recentItems) {
                 foreach ($recentItems as $n => $item) {
                     if (!empty($item['demo_url'])) {
                         $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?module=' . $item['module'] . '&controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
                     $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item);
     $this->view->listType = $listType;
     $this->view->recent_items = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=recent');
     $this->view->featured = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=featured');
     $this->view->featuredAuthor = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=author');
     /* CATEGORIES */
     $this->view->categories = Model_Categories::getMain();
     $this->view->top_categories = $this->view->categories;
     if ($this->view->categories) {
         if ($this->view->categories) {
             foreach ($this->view->categories as $k => $v) {
                 $this->view->categories[$k]['href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=' . $listType . '&category_filter=' . $v['id']);
     if ($this->view->top_categories) {
         foreach ($this->view->top_categories as $k => $v) {
             $this->view->top_categories[$k]['href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&category_id=' . $v['id'] . '&name=' . $v['name']);
         $this->view->top_categories = array_slice($this->view->top_categories, 0, 4);
     $this->view->all_categories = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&category_id=' . $listType);
     $this->view->children = array();
     $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
     $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
コード例 #4
ファイル: UsersController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function view_collectionAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $collection_id = $request->getRequest('view_collection');
     if (!$collection_id) {
         return $this->forward('error', 'error404');
     $collection = Model_Collections::get($collection_id);
     $this->view->my_profil = $collection['username'] == JO_Session::get('username');
     if (!$collection || $collection['public'] == 'false' && !$this->view->my_profil) {
         return $this->forward('error', 'error404');
     if (JO_Session::get('msg_success')) {
         $this->view->msg_success = JO_Session::get('msg_success');
     } else {
         if (JO_Session::get('msg_error')) {
             $this->view->msg_error = JO_Session::get('msg_error');
     $this->getLayout()->meta_title = $collection['firstname'] . ' ' . $collection['lastname'] . ' - ' . $collection['username'] . ' - ' . $collection['name'];
     $this->getLayout()->meta_description = $collection['firstname'] . ' ' . $collection['lastname'] . ' - ' . $collection['username'] . ' - ' . $collection['name'];
     $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page', 1);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = JO_Registry::get('front_limit');
     $order = $request->getRequest('order');
     if (is_null($order)) {
         $order = 'desc';
     $sort = $request->getRequest('sort');
     if (is_null($sort)) {
         $sort = 'datetime';
     if ($sort == 'username') {
         $prefix = 'users.';
     } else {
         $prefix = 'items.';
     $user = $this->view->users = Model_Users::getByUsername($collection['username']);
     $this->view->author_header = Helper_Author::authorHeader($user);
     $this->view->form_name = $this->translate('Edit Collection');
     $this->view->form_data = $collection;
     $this->view->upload_link = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=change&collection_id=' . $collection['id']);
     $collection['without_bt'] = true;
     $this->view->collection_name = $collection['name'];
     if ($this->view->my_profile) {
         $collection['delete_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=delete&collection_id=' . $collection['id']);
         $collection['delete_txt'] = $this->translate('Are you sure you want to delete the collection? Once deleted it can not ne restored again!');
         $collection['edit_public_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=change&collection_id=' . $collection['id']);
     $this->view->rate_link = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=rate_collection&collection_id=' . $collection['id']);
     $this->view->collection = Helper_Collection::returnViewIndex($collection, true);
     /* CRUMBS */
     $this->view->crumbs = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('Home'), 'href' => $request->getBaseUrl()), array('name' => $collection['username'], 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&username='******'username'])), array('name' => $this->view->translate('Collections'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&action=collections&username='******'username'])));
     $total_records = Model_Items::CountByCollection($collection_id);
     $start = $page * $limit - $limit;
     if ($start > $total_records) {
         $last_page = max(ceil($total_records / $limit), 1);
         $start = $last_page * $limit - $limit;
     } elseif ($start < 0) {
         $start = 0;
     $items = Model_Items::getAllByCollection($collection_id, $start, $limit, $prefix . $sort . ' ' . $order);
     if ($items) {
         $link = $request->getBaseUrl() . '?&controller=users&action=view_collection&collection_id=' . $collection_id . '&name=' . $collection['name'];
         $this->view->sort_by = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('date'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=datetime'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'datetime' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('title'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=name'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'name' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('rating'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=rating'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'rating' ? true : false));
         /* ORDER */
         $link .= '&sort=' . $sort;
         $this->view->orders = array(array('name' => '&raquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=desc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'desc' ? true : false), array('name' => '&laquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=asc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'asc' ? true : false));
         $this->view->items = array();
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $item['delete_txt'] = $this->translate('Are you sure you want to delete the item?');
             $item['delete_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=collections&action=delete&collection_id=' . $collection['id'] . '&item=' . $item['id']);
             $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
         $pagination = new Model_Pagination();
         $pagination->setText(array('text_prev' => $this->view->translate('Prev'), 'text_next' => $this->view->translate('Next')));
         $pagination->setUrl(WM_Router::create($link . '&page={page}'));
         $this->view->pagination = $pagination->render();
         if (!empty($this->view->pagination)) {
             $this->view->pagination = str_replace('{of}', $this->view->translate('OF'), $this->view->pagination);
     $this->view->children = array();
     $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
     $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
コード例 #5
ファイル: CategoriesController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function popularAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $category_id = $request->getParam('category_id');
     $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page', 1);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = JO_Registry::get('front_limit');
     $order = $request->getRequest('order');
     if (is_null($order)) {
         $order = 'desc';
     $sort = $request->getRequest('sort');
     if (is_null($sort)) {
         $sort = 'sales';
     if ($sort == 'username') {
         $prefix = 'users.';
     } else {
         $prefix = 'items.';
     $date = $request->getRequest('date');
     if (empty($date)) {
         $date = date("m-Y", strtotime("-1 month"));
     $date_parts = explode('-', $date);
     $where = 'MONTH(`paid_datetime`) = \'' . $date_parts[0] . '\' AND YEAR(`paid_datetime`) = \'' . $date_parts[1] . '\'';
     $this->view->category['name'] = $this->view->translate('Popular Items');
     $this->getLayout()->meta_title = $this->view->category['name'];
     $this->getLayout()->meta_description = $this->view->category['name'];
     $link = $request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&action=popular&page_id=date/' . $date;
     $this->view->sort_by = array(array('name' => $this->view->translate('title'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=name'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'name' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('rating'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=rating'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'rating' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('sales'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=sales'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'sales' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('price'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=price'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'price' ? true : false), array('name' => $this->view->translate('author name'), 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&sort=username'), 'is_selected' => $sort == 'username' ? true : false));
     /* ORDER */
     $link .= '&sort=' . $sort;
     $this->view->orders = array(array('name' => '&raquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=desc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'desc' ? true : false), array('name' => '&laquo;', 'href' => WM_Router::create($link . '&order=asc'), 'is_selected' => $order == 'asc' ? true : false));
     /* CRUMBS */
     $this->view->crumbs = array();
     $this->view->crumbs[] = array('name' => $this->view->translate('Home'), 'href' => $request->getBaseUrl());
     $total_records = Model_Items::getTopSellersCount($where);
     $start = $page * $limit - $limit;
     if ($start > $total_records) {
         $last_page = max(ceil($total_records / $limit), 1);
         $start = $last_page * $limit - $limit;
     } elseif ($start < 0) {
         $start = 0;
     $items = Model_Items::getTopSellers($start, $limit, $where, $prefix . $sort . ' ' . $order);
     $categories = Model_Items::getPopularFilesDates();
     if ($categories) {
         $this->view->all_categories_name = $this->translate('Period');
         $this->view->categories = array();
         foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
             $this->view->categories[$k] = array('name' => $v['paid_date'], 'href' => WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=categories&category_id=popular&page_id=date/' . str_replace(' ', '', $v['paid_date'])));
     /* PAGENATION */
     $link .= '&order=' . $order;
     $pagination = new Model_Pagination();
     $pagination->setText(array('text_prev' => $this->view->translate('Prev'), 'text_next' => $this->view->translate('Next')));
     $pagination->setUrl(WM_Router::create($link . '&page={page}'));
     $this->view->pagination = $pagination->render();
     if (!empty($this->view->pagination)) {
         $this->view->pagination = str_replace('{of}', $this->view->translate('OF'), $this->view->pagination);
     /* ITEMS */
     if ($items) {
         $this->view->items = array();
         foreach ($items as $n => $item) {
             if (!empty($item['demo_url'])) {
                 $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=items&action=preview&item_id=' . $item['id'] . '&name=' . WM_Router::clearName($item['name']));
             $this->view->items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
     $this->view->children = array();
     $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
     $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
コード例 #6
ファイル: ItemsController.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public function top_sellersAction()
     $this->getLayout()->meta_title = $this->translate('Top sellers');
     $this->getLayout()->meta_description = $this->translate('Top sellers');
     $this->getLayout()->placeholder('checkItemsType', true);
     $model_images = new Model_Images();
     $year = $this->getRequest()->getRequest('top_sellers');
     $month = $this->getRequest()->getRequest($year);
     $day = $this->getRequest()->getRequest($month);
     if (!checkdate(intval($month), intval($day), intval($year))) {
         $year = date('Y');
         $month = date('m');
         $day = date('d');
     $dayOfWeek = date('N', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
     $dayOfWeek = 7 - $dayOfWeek;
     if ($dayOfWeek > 0) {
         $endDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + $dayOfWeek, $year));
     } else {
         if (strlen($month) == 1) {
             $month = '0' . $month;
         if (strlen($day) == 1) {
             $day = '0' . $day;
         $endDate = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
     $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($endDate) - 604800);
     $this->view->endDate = $endDate;
     if (strtotime($endDate) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
         $this->view->nextDate = WM_Router::create($this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=items&action=top_sellers/' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime($endDate) + 604800));
     $this->view->prevDate = WM_Router::create($this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=items&action=top_sellers/' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime($startDate)));
     $month = date('m', strtotime($endDate)) - 1;
     $endMonthlyDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, date('Y'))), date('Y')));
     $startMonthlyDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 3, 1, date('Y')));
     $this->view->endMonthlyDate = $endMonthlyDate;
     $endMonthlyDate2 = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, date('Y'))), date('Y')));
     $startMonthlyDate2 = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, date('Y')));
     $this->view->month = $month;
     $topSellItems = Model_Items::getTopSellers(0, 50, "`paid_datetime` > '{$startDate} 23:59:59' AND `paid_datetime` < '{$endDate} 23:59:59' ");
     $this->view->topSellItems = array();
     if ($topSellItems) {
         $position = 1;
         foreach ($topSellItems as $n => $item) {
             $item['position'] = $position++;
             $this->view->topSellItems[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
     $topMonthlyItems = Model_Items::getTopSellers(0, 50, "`paid_datetime` > '{$startMonthlyDate} 00:00:00' AND `paid_datetime` < '{$endMonthlyDate} 23:59:59' ");
     $this->view->topMonthlyItems = array();
     if ($topMonthlyItems) {
         $position = 1;
         foreach ($topMonthlyItems as $n => $item) {
             $item['position'] = $position++;
             $this->view->topMonthlyItems[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item, 'category');
     $authors = Model_Users::getTopAuthors("AND `paid_datetime` > '{$startMonthlyDate2} 00:00:00' AND `paid_datetime` < '{$endMonthlyDate2} 23:59:59'");
     if ($authors) {
         foreach ($authors as $v => $aut) {
             $authors[$v]['avatar'] = $model_images->resize($aut['avatar'], JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_width'), JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_height'), true);
             $authors[$v]['href'] = WM_Router::create($this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&username='******'username']));
     $this->view->monthList = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
         $this->view->monthList[] = JO_Date::getInstance(date('Y') . '-' . sprintf('%02d', $i) . '-01', 'MM', true)->toString();
     $this->view->featuredAuthors = $authors;
     $this->view->children['header_part'] = 'layout/header_part';
     $this->view->children['footer_part'] = 'layout/footer_part';
コード例 #7
ファイル: Author.php プロジェクト: noikiy/PD
 public static function returnFollowing($follower, $owner, $followers = false)
     $view = JO_View::getInstance();
     $model_images = new Helper_Images();
     $request = JO_Request::getInstance();
     $list_type = $request->getParam('list_type');
     $user = Model_Users::getByUsername($follower['username']);
     $view->badges = self::userBadges($user);
     if ($user['avatar']) {
         $user['avatar'] = $model_images->resize($user['avatar'], JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_width'), JO_Registry::forceGet('user_avatar_height'), true);
     } else {
         $user['avatar'] = 'data/themes/images/noavatar.png';
     $user['portfolio_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&username='******'&', '-', $user['username']));
     $log_user = JO_Session::get('user_id');
     if ($log_user) {
         $following = JO_Array::multi_array_search(JO_Session::get('following'), 'follow_id', $user['user_id']);
         if ($following) {
             $user['follow_href_name'] = $view->translate('Unfollow');
             $user['follow_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&action=unfollow&username='******'&', '-', $user['username']));
         } elseif ($log_user != $user['user_id']) {
             $user['follow_href_name'] = $view->translate('Follow');
             $user['follow_href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&action=follow&username='******'&', '-', $user['username']));
     $view->user = $user;
     $user_items = Model_Items::getByUser($user['user_id'], 0, 3, 'rand()');
     if (empty($user_items)) {
         $user_items = array(array('no_items' => true, 'thumbnail' => 'data/themes/images/missing-item.png', 'module' => 'themes'));
     $view->user_items = array();
     if ($user_items) {
         foreach ($user_items as $item) {
             if (isset($item['demo_url'])) {
                 $item['demo_url'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=demo&href=' . $item['demo_url']);
             $view->user_items[] = Helper_Items::returnViewIndex($item);
     return $view->renderByModule('single_user/following', 'users', 'themes');